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Scared Of Lightning?

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I remember a few years ago a lady in Michigan was quietly sitting on a toilet in her upstairs home when lightning struck and the porcelain commode disintegrated while she was taking a dump. She had to be hospitalized for scrapes and bruises from the fall to the floor, and needed therapy afterwards for the mental trauma she claimed to have suffered. The incident was in the newspaper because she was trying to sue the homebuilder for not having adequate lightning protection.

I suppose the moral of this story is don't relieve yourself in a lightning story unless your home has functional lightning rods attached.


yep thais will also remove gold (hubby instructed me to do so) and all folks will high tail it out of a field when in a storm... i laughed until i saw the lightening... rather not like lightening in jerusalem but lightening int he desert, hunker down and get rid of phones etc...

while i was in thailand a few years ago got a call from my son to say that our computer had got fried after a storm since i was too stingy to buy this plug thing that u put in the wall and then plug the electric stuff in to, to protect in times of storm. a/c went at same time. and we are supposedly grounded... so we unplug stuff, but dotn speak quiet on the phone. i suspect a different form of lightning may be in the area.




My husband always insists on turning all the electrics off, maybe your gf speaks quietly because she should have turned her phone off but didn't, hope it all works out for the best, like Nomad97 said try ringing in the morning

Ok, laughter and ridicule is expected and deserved but please offer some facts as well:

I have a fiancee in Isaan and have been calling for 18 months now.

We are close to an interview for a US immigrant visa.

I call on random days and at varying times and recently she started not answering the phone and often turns it off when she sees my number. When she does answer she speaks in quiet tones and says she cannot talk to me.

This is now about 80% of the times I call.

She insists it's because people in Isaan are scared of using the phone during rainstorms for fear of lightning strike. Lately there have been a lot of thunderstorms in Isaan... :(

I have been around long enough to know when someone is lying and I am 95% sure she can't talk to me because she is with her "brother" or "cousin." Maybe even at the beach with another falang...

I am just as close to giving her the heave-ho.

There are millions of girls out there and I don't need to take a risk on a liar and worse.

But, ridicule aside, I thought I'd ask for some honest opinions from people who may disagree with me.

Thanks in advance.

:cheesy: You've got to be kidding!

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