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It Didn't Take Long For The Deep Divide To Show Its Head

Lite Beer

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The key element was that two instigators were caught as they attempted to mislead the public. The kneekerk reaction to defend two deceitful troublemakers speaks for itself. Had these people been legitimate protestors that were actually students and represented a bonafide group, I too would be condemning the Thais that had stopped them. The fact of the matter was that these two were really no different than the folks that work in the boiler rooms scamming unsuspecting consumers. These men were caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

What a an idiot you show youself to be by spinning all this irrelevant bullshit. I think I speak for many people here when I say that your posts used to contain, interesting and often factual material that helped clarify some topics that you had more knowledge of than others. If they weren't absolutely true, they were at least intriguing. Now you're just a spammer for a would be fascist dictator. You and Goebbels would seem to have a lot in common. NTTAWRT!

Geriatrickid, you leave yourself open again and again.

- What difference does it make whether they were students, ex-students, members of a movie star fan club, or whatever?

- You, in a round about way suggest they were not legitimate protestors - how can you possible know this?

- Represent a bonafide group - so you seem to be saying that citizens are not allowed to protest unless they do so under the name of a recognized group. So who decides what/who is a recognized group? So where does universal freedom of speech for every citizen fit into this scenario?

- The Thais that stopped them - so vigilante actions based on no details is OK with you?

- Your comparison to folks who work in boiler rooms is simply not relevant.

- You really want to take up a discussion about legitimate protesters then be ready for a lot of posts suggesting that the red shirt protests were not legitimate: paid to attend, the vast majority of attendees have no real understanding of what they supposedly protesting about, incited to riot rather than encouraged to take up logical and insightful discussion, etc.


Students or not students , it matters not, What does matter however is the brave Royal Thai Policeman within 2 metres of the incident complete with issue pistol doe's absolutely nothing not even a charge of common assault comes from this incident I feel it would be better if the Royal ThaI police were issued new Red uniforms at least the public at large would not expect any help or protection.


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Get in line as far as wanting proof is concerned. I'm still waiting for it from ages ago when the claim was made that these two men were seen talking to a Dem MP shortly before the incident, i'm still waiting for proof that these two men were hired, i'm still waiting for proof that they were intentionally disguising themselves.

Right now about all we have proof of is two men being assaulted by red shirts. The rest is conjecture.

Oh my. So are you saying that the non existant Democratic Student Group actually exists? It does not, nor were these instigators representatives of a student group. Why do you ignore the fact that the incident was an attempt to provoke a confrontation? When people start a fight in the schoolyard they shouldn't go running to the principal to complain when they lose the fight they started.

Had these two men done anything like approach the reds and start arguing, or anything like shouting abusive words at them, or anything like throwing stuff at them, eggs perhaps, then yes, i would say getting roughed up, though uncondonable, was partly of their own making. They didn't do any of those things. They laid a wreath. Now, that action may have pissed the reds off, but tough, i see things on the street that piss me off everyday too, like people throwing litter, but i have never felt that i would be within my rights to walk up and start physically assaulting the person/people concerned.

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