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8 Billion Baht Sought For TAT's 'Miracle Thailand' Campaign


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And to kick it off lets make it harder for the tourist by insisting on pre booked accomadation with their tourist visas.

Over a million hits on this topic!!!!! When the heck are the lovely Immigration folks and the TAT gonna work hand in hand????? :whistling::rolleyes::blink:

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"The number of international tourists at Suvarnabhumi Airport grew by 30 per cent from August 1 to 20. This is a very good sign for high season this year,"

How do you base ANY figures, let alone tourism trends, on what happened over 19 days, exactly??? :ph34r::giggle:


Easy you hire a Thai from The TAT as a consultant. Anything is possible in Thailand. "MIRACLE THAILAND"

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<br>Miracle Thailand: the place where nobody is too fat, old, ugly or smelly to have sex. Truly a miracle.<br>

AyG - I think you have captured the essence of it, but equally you may have captured the very traits that prevent Thailand being a miricle. A wonderful country spoilt by the greed of probably a minority.

Edited by AlanTayor
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Wow they could at least have picked a word Thai people can pronounce. Amazing worked as it is phonetically easy for Thaii people. "miracle" lol "miracan Thailand" lol

"miwacle" they cant say there r's

I think it will come out like.... Mil-i-cun (L spoken for R, and "Central" becoming "Centrun" when spoken with Thai tongue...

And here's Milicun.... on Youtube... http://www.youtube.com/user/milicun

Actually... a pretty hot boyband...!!! 555 Maybe TAT can incorporate (steal) this video for use in their brilliant new "marketing Thailand" scheme... What better, than a Korean boy band...

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When the Thais finally stop dreaming ? Tourists will not for ever accept to be swindled by all in the tourist business, get service below the level of other tropical destinations, atnd at price levels too hiigh.

Thais behave alwauys the same: sit and wait till orders fall in their in box. And as long as that quuantity grows, they are happy. They forget the toltal spending went up with 50 % and theirs only with 5 %. So others perform 45% better.

They forget Cambodia and Vietnam are NOT asleep, and when Birma / Myanmar is accepted, with its far richer culture, Thai tourist business will drop with 50 %

And what to think of other desinatins in Asia, in Africa and Latin America ?

Continuie dreaming ands you will end up in the temple.. begging. Just like already happened in the cannery industry, where so many business already switched to southern China.

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..hopes to boost total visitors to 30 million per year

the way the western economies are going with currency devaluations & increasing austerity crippling most of the populations, it will be a "Miracle" if there is any growth in tourism to what is for most a 'long haul' destination.

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I swear that there's a belief in Thailand that it's better to say something stupid than to say nothing at all, especially if you are a Thai politician. Here's a good example from the article:

"All TAT offices in the US and Europe were told to keep an eye on the situation, but continue selling Thailand because it is still a value-for-money destination compared to other countries in the region," Suraphon said.

TAT stands for Tourism Authority of THAILAND, and the sole purpose of it and its people is to promote tourism in Thailand, so Khun Suraphon's statement would imply that the TAT sometimes just stops doing its job or forgets what the product is. If you know anything about Thai work ethics in general, you can understand the part of the statement asking the TAT employees too do their job, but do they really need to be reminded what their product is?

BTW, at least "amazing" was an adjective (which works with the proper noun 'Thailand') but 'Miracle Thailand' makes the motto they want to focus their campaign around just plain grammatically bad and awkward. They should at least consider something that doesn't sound so unintelligent and say 'Miraculous Thailand'.

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Miracle Thailand: the place where nobody is too fat, old, ugly or smelly to have sex. Truly a miracle.

What are you talking about me like that for. Against forum rules :lol::cheesy:

Who the dickens runs this rip off ?? and the dosh is for administration expenses-to promote ????

Disband the Authority, for wanting first class tickets for V.I.P. destinations, and big dinners with a few TAT business cards given out. Do not these Thai persons see through this charade, many countries would kick these leeches out.

Suggest this organisation be self supporting as a poster has suggested, getting revenues from their own businesses, cause surely the big wigs there are in on the promote your own hotel - transport scam.

Better the slogan to say-Thailand same - same.

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Definition of MIRACLE from the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1 : an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2 : an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

3 Christian Science : a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law


I guess TAT is using the 2nd definition. But I think most people when hearing the word Miracle think the 1st or 3rd definition.

Personally I think Miracle Thailand is not a good slogan unless TAT is going to boast miracles happening like ugly guys getting easily laid and made to feel like Brad Pitt.

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It's always good to start the day with a laugh. it is "miraculous" the way TAT continues to entertain us, money well spent. How long before they realise that "miracle" is a noun not an adjective.

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It's a Miracle people would believe that 8 billion baht would actually be spent on a tourism campaign.

Is it not obvious to run this campaign successfully certain ministers will need a new mercedes and a house by the beach, so they can peruse maps to find out where the earth quake in the USA was in peace.:bah:

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Just as Amazing Thailand is replaced with Miracle Thailand so Land of Smiles has been replaced with Land of Scams. Miracle Thailand is almost Edsel-esque in it's naffness but the Land of Scams epithet is the one TAT should really be worried about.

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Just as Amazing Thailand is replaced with Miracle Thailand so Land of Smiles has been replaced with Land of Scams. Miracle Thailand is almost Edsel-esque in it's naffness but the Land of Scams epithet is the one TAT should really be worried about.

I agree but who would be worried if they were in on the scams, when the monies coming in who cares.

If the TAT can get 8 billion from their elected officials, fine ===sod the visitors and Thai 90%.

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And to kick it off lets make it harder for the tourist by insisting on pre booked accommodation with their tourist visas.

Exactly!... why to spend all that money to attract tourism, if whenever someone is interested in visiting, the first to come up is going to be a series of warnings and NEW requirements?

Wouldn't be cheaper and more effective to become more "tourism friendly"? <_<

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What kind of miracles should we expect ?

the end of jet ski scams ?

the end of corruption ?

the end of dirty beaches or polluted water ?

the end of certain people's arrogance ?

For me Thailand will always be Amazing ....

and let's not forget the many deaths of tourists...it's a miracle if you leave with your life and your money!

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it will be a miracle if anyone comes here based on the advertising produced by them

the last campaign featured some brit chav looking tosser, covered in tattoos, in a Singha wife beater, wearing his battered baseball hat back to front

when asked what he thought of Thiland you would not have been surprised if he had said, ''its great you can get cheap drugs here''

the mere image of him would be enough to turn away any good business

TAT should look at the Malaysia-Truly Asia campaign

now theres quality tourist advertising that actually makes you want to go there................

The Malaysians quietly go about their promotions and actually deliver once you arrive.Thailand is slowly trashing every island and natural places of beauty. Promoting Pattaya as a family destination is the biggest laugh of all.They havent got a clue and still believe the majority of people come here to trapse around temples.

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to be honest the whole of TAT needs a shack up, no one there seems to know anything about the visiting tourists

my suggestion would be for the TAT to have a panel of Forigners made up of each major country that visits thailand to assist with these dumb campaigns and to advise ' hey this is a load of &lt;deleted&gt; and that is what peope will think ' before speding 8 billion THB .... also to be able to address the real problems Tourist face when coming here

I think the ' Panel of Foreigners ' idea is a good one but there's no need to depreciate your views with unsavoury language. That spoilt your presentation for me. I liked it otherwise.

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They should have gone with "TIT, the Land of Miracles".

Miracle - whatever the size your member, go pick up any bargirl and miraculously "......woooowwwww, so vely bigggggggg"

Miracle - every social reject in their home country have only to go to Pattaya, is miraculously transformed into the next Tom Cruise.

Miracle - every wonder how everything sold in Thailand is handmade.

Miracle - a taxi driver that follows the traffic law.

Miracle - majority of foreigner deaths in Thailand due to suicide.

Miracle - To go a day as a tourist and not get ripped off in one way or a another.

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Miraculous to [/i]me[/i] is that the TAT still claims ever-rising tourist numbers even though the most imminent problem tourists have to face in Thailand, the omnipresent SCAMS in this country, are still unresolved in pretty much every way one can think of. And yes, I read about all the plans and declarations of intent … since years.

The scams have already pissed off a number of people I know and of with some I'm befriended with from EVER coming back to Thailand again. Also, I see a remarkable increase of reports about scams on the Internet, even whole websites dedicated to them! Other websites are dealing with the ugly double-pricing system that is extremely unfair for tourists and a slap in their face if they were just behind a Thai in the queue who only paid 20% of the amount they were asked for.

So either the numbers are wrong or tourists are really that stupid. :jap:

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Are you all ( who post replies here ) live in Thailand ? I is amazing to see how much hatered most of you have to this place or yuo just like to troll . Don't you want this campain to be a success ?

I think you are misunderstanding the intent of the people posting. They're not expressing hatred of Thailand--probably, in fact, the exact opposite. I, for one, love Thailand. What I hate to see is a big waste of a scarce resource (money) on a project that won't succeed, and may actually do damage. All this will happen because of poor research and planning, major corruption, and this idea the Thai government has that seeking outside help (eg, a native English speaker) is somehow losing face. I (dare I say we?) want to see Thailand succeed--I (we) have a vision of what it could be like--but I (we) are also realistic about the challenges it faces, and the self imposed obstacles that too often make Thailand its own worst enemy.

total agreement with you ,.....it seems thais dont like outside help or advise, must be the "loosing face" thing ,.....i dont think im the only "farang" that laughs at 95% of any "english "menu in thailand , but would be the first to offer my help , at no cost BTW , i would be only too happy to help, but NO , ....Thais think they are" loosing face "by asking for help with it , not seeing how stupid they look with all the spelling mistakes as a result , ......can keep the kids occupied for 5 mins playing "spot the spelling mistakes" though , i think this is a good example of how ALL thais think from the top to the bottom.........its sytemic and cultural , better to spend this 8 billion on education , i cant see it helping the tourist industry , you need to understand the meaning of 'miracle' before using it would be my advise but TIT, .......amazing ,amusing ,... absolutely !

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'Miracle Thailand' haha sounds great, pity they can't sort all this visa nonsense out, its as if they don't want tourists!!

Whereas most bordering countries are virtually giving away visa's.

I love Thailand and own properties there but now an O visa is impossible to get maybe its time to look somewhere else :-(

ps anybody got any updated news on O visa for under 50, not married, UK based ...............

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