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Throw a couple of padook outside your door and take your pick, shoot the rest

Actually this is technically a pretty good idea. :D I found my cat wandering up and down the road. I gave her something to eat, and she kept coming back every day for food. One day she never left, and our family was fortunate that first year of five she was with us that she had a litter of 4 kittens - 3 that were white splotched with black like herself, and one tortoiseshell whose colouring gave away as to who the father was :o

One of my cousins had the opposite problem... he had thirty cats by the time he felt it was all too much... so he picked out 28 and drove them to the kitchen of a 5-star hotel in the middle of the night and turned them loose.

Hi you friends i look for a few young kittens, anybody know some.

Your welcome to some of ours. They tend to get a little larger as they grow older though. Here`s one we got a year ago. Wish we hadn`t taken six of the buggers

chang35baht, can we assume that is you stroking the little kitty?

:o Homealone

There are quite a few of us looking for a few young kittens! Let us know where you find them.

:D Mymechew

I heard a lot of miauw miauw on the way to the new (!) airport.

Make a u-turn at the airport and then first place at the left :o



Thks guys, so Limbo you maaen the road near the orange club? :D

And chang 35B at least i know that your an ausie, thanks.

homealone i will try orns book shop, ps. do you drink sangsom with some herbal?

because i am on a mission i will find out who you guys are. :o

Thks guys, so Limbo you maaen the road near the orange club? :D

And chang 35B at least i know that your an ausie, thanks.

homealone i will try orns book shop, ps. do you drink sangsom with some herbal?

because i am on a mission i will find out who you guys are. :D

Erg, I thought you were looking for young kittens? Or is this a new mission your onto now?!

:o Mymechew

Throw a couple of padook outside your door and take your pick, shoot the rest

Actually this is technically a pretty good idea. :D I found my cat wandering up and down the road. I gave her something to eat, and she kept coming back every day for food. One day she never left, and our family was fortunate that first year of five she was with us that she had a litter of 4 kittens - 3 that were white splotched with black like herself, and one tortoiseshell whose colouring gave away as to who the father was :o

One of my cousins had the opposite problem... he had thirty cats by the time he felt it was all too much... so he picked out 28 and drove them to the kitchen of a 5-star hotel in the middle of the night and turned them loose.

Erg, pick up kittens anywhere but do the rest of the world a favor and fix the dammm things so they're aren't any more running around that you're not going to take care of.


Your cousin sounds like a right twit to drop off 30 cats anywhere. Just stupid people that don't know how to take care of THEIR pets. I'm tired of seeing the frickin things and hearing all the howls when they're in heat and getting the urine spray around my house. Just like the dammm dogs, people get these things when they're small and when they get big they throw them out to society to take care of.

STUPID people.

Thks guys, so Limbo you maaen the road near the orange club? :D

And chang 35B at least i know that your an ausie, thanks.

homealone i will try orns book shop, ps. do you drink sangsom with some herbal?

because i am on a mission i will find out who you guys are. :D

sounds like you`re well on the way to finding out just who I am Erqwin. I must be slipping.

I think not!!! :o:D:D:D:D


So i guess thats it for this topic, thanks Joel, i found one at orns bookshop.

chiang 45bath i know who you are.


Ok tell me and whoever wants to know right now who I am. Nobody wants to know me!! :D

Peter Falk? Wasn't that his name?

About Homealone: People say he prefers to wear clothes of the same colour as his hair.

Probably to underline his innocence :o .


Purple is the colour of frustration.

Mr. Skylar, Mr. Skylar, Mr. Skylar!

Shame on you!

Purple is not only the favourite colour of Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand (as reflected in it being choosen as the 'house-colour' of the national carrier of Thailand, Thai Airways International), but:

Purple is the 'see muang', the colour of town, of Chiang Rai.

Did you never notice, that teachers, civil servants and staff of bigger companies are wearing purple clothes on Tuesdays, as Thai airways staff always does?

Did you never ever notice the purple flags?

It would be appropriate if you would compensate your ignorance by wearing purple on Tuesdays from now on.

And the blue 'mohom' on Fridays. Considered a referrence to 'Lanna'. Phrae seems to be the best place to get a nice one. Bring one for me too :o


My avatar shows two elder ladies enjoying the consumption of betelnut.

Probably on a Tuesday.

How did this kitten thread turn into a color thread???? :D

That's a real good question.

Please, permit me to take it home.


PS. The staff of Big C ( :o ) was also wearing purple to-day (TUESDAY!).

Mr. Skylar, Mr. Skylar, Mr. Skylar!

I'm female :D

It would be appropriate if you would compensate your ignorance by wearing purple on Tuesdays from now on.
I was referring to Western purple... Western and Thai colours do not mesh! Pink may be Chula Uni's colour and the royal colour, but in Western society it is a girly colour :D By the way, pink is Thai Tuesday's colour I believe. You may be colourblind... please check out the Health threads for more information :o and if you don't believe me, the link is here http://search.it.chula.ac.th/curel/chula_e...ry/pink_en.html
My avatar shows two elder ladies enjoying the consumption of betelnut.

Good thing they're not Western then or we'd be seeing some girl on girl action in your avatar.


Dear Mrs. Skylar,

Of course I believe you, my name isn't Thomas.

Being a Catholic in my younger years (before I learnt about the noble charm of the billiardgame), I will always associate purple with the Vatican in Rome.

I took up the subject yesterday at Jos' place in Bandu. My car was taken care of by the boys opposite so I had ample time.

Purple, violet, mauve, pink! The expats present were pointing at ice-cream signs, bicycles, clothes of passers-by or even at their own nose!

A Babel-like confusion!

The Cambridge Dictionary calls 'pink' a pale red colour and 'purple' a dark reddish blue.

Why did the football coaches of Chulalongkorn University call dark reddish blue pink in 1935? Was an American whispering it in their ear?

Consider me colourblind by choice from now on! :o


This still has nothing to do with kittens.  If you want a color thread, start your own :o

The innocent white cat was romantically seduced by the naughty blue cat while the royal purple cat looked on in frustration as the Irish green cat purred with envy.

:D Homealone and feeling blue :D

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