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Tot Dsl Connection Down Frequently


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I'm having trouble with my TOT connection lately. And i just went and bought a new DSL modem from them (i was previously using a 5 year old modem + separate wireless router). So they would always blame any problem on the router.

Now have a new combo wireless router/modem. However the DSL line still keeps doing down all the time, although the phone continues working.

I've called TOT numerous times and they keep blaming the problem on the phone lines in the condo building (though i had a new phone line run in the building when i moved in 5 years ago).

My DSL has just reconnected and below are the DSL stats that the modem is giving, is anyone able to tell from this if there is actually a line problem (note that download speed should be: 5mbps, currently only showing as 500kbps but it does show 5mbps sometimes)

Statistics -- xDSL

Mode: 	ADSL_G.dmt
Type: 	Interleave
Line Coding: 	Trellis On
Status: 	Up
Link Power State: 	L0

 	Downstream 	Upstream
SNR Margin (0.1 dB): 	330 	140
Attenuation (0.1 dB): 	280 	105
Output Power (0.1 dBm): 	174 	123
Attainable Rate (Kbps): 	672 	288
Rate (Kbps): 	544 	192
K (number of bytes in DMT frame): 	 18 	 7
R (number of check bytes in RS code word): 	 16 	 16
S (RS code word size in DMT frame): 	 8.00 	 16.00
D (interleaver depth): 	 8 	 4
Delay (msec): 	 16.00 	 16.00
INP (DMT symbol): 	 0.40 	 0.09

Super Frames 	 16518 	 16329
Super Frame Errors: 	 0 	 0
RS Words: 	 140406 	 69398
RS Correctable Errors:: 	 0 	 0
RS Uncorrectable Errors: 	 0 	 0

HEC Errors: 	 0 	 0
OCD Errors: 	 0 	 0
LCD Errors: 	 0 	 0
Total Cells: 	 359883 	 0
Data Cells: 	 23680 	 0
Bit Errors: 	 0 	 0

Total ES: 	 0 	 0
Total SES: 	 0 	 0
Total UAS: 	 70 	 70

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My DSL has just reconnected and below are the DSL stats that the modem is giving, is anyone able to tell from this if there is actually a line problem (note that download speed should be: 5mbps, currently only showing as 500kbps but it does show 5mbps sometimes)

Attainable Rate (Kbps):         672     288
Rate (Kbps):    544     192

This reminds me of my old TOT line. Unlike yours however, I had loads of Super Frame and HEC errors. Your line stats (SNR, Attenuation) also look good. Mine on the other hand, were absolutely horrendous. I tried to get TOT to fix it, but to no avail, so I switched to True.

A problem at the central office or DSLAM possibly?

Edited by Supernova
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Figures look ok to me if i am reading them correctly S/N is 33db is good and attenuation is good as well but I am no expert.

Is this the only phone on the circuit in your Condo, if there are any otherextensions unplug them? Just plug the modem into the phone socket no phonehandset. Try this is it any better? It still could be in building wiring asthere is a MDF (the termination point) in the building which can get noisy oraccidently another wire connected to it. Then there is circuit back to theexchange, and then there is the DSLAM equipment. Unfortunatelythe ADSL technology has a few points of failure which the carriers here are notthe best at tracing down the faults. The age of the cables between you and theDSLAM in the exchange can be the problem as cables deteriorate over time andbecome noisy. Some time you can get the carrier to put you on a new cablepair. Just keep trying don't give up.

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Is this the only phone on the circuit in your Condo, if there are any otherextensions unplug them? Just plug the modem into the phone socket no phonehandset. Try this is it any better?

It's a single phone line that goes only to my room (and only goes to 1 wall jack in the room). The phone line goes to a big box downstairs which then goes to a big box in the street.

The phone line sound fine on the telephone (zero static or noise). So i don't understand how i can be on the phone with them using this line and they are telling me "it's a problem with your phone line"...but your phone is fine...?

The thing that pisses me off is they seem to blame it on any other possible variable that not within their control (ie your router, the line in your building, the rain, etc..).

And if you do ever manage to get a guy to come and look they just plug in a laptop (the internet always seems to be working at that exact moment) and says "Look everything's fine"... 5 minutes after they leave it's broken again.

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Several times when I have had to call TOT for service they always ask the same questions. One of those questions is always, "is you're telephone plugged in to the same line?" Then they ask me to take the phone off the line. They are trying to get me to clear the line of any problem devices and just have the modem on the line.

If you are using the phone on the same cable/jack as the modem you need to install a special ADSL filter which has jacks on it for the incoming signal and output jacks one for the phone and one for the ADSL line to modem. These filters allow the signals to pass without causing issues for either device.

If you are using one of these filters it may be a cheap one or defective one so removing it and plugging the modem directing in to the line will validate if this is an issue or not. Of course when you do this you cannot use the telephone but it will prove the point if the filter is at fault. If you have a phone plugged in somewhere else in the house it must also have a filter as this will cause problems.

And for sure there may be cable/wiring issues in the building at any termination/junction points.

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Your stats look good...a SNR of 33.0 is excellent. But as you know, your attainable rate (a.k.a., modem sync speed) ain't even close to 5Mb. I didn't know TOT sold a 5Mb plan. I know they sold a 4Mb plan (I was on it for a while) and then they went/upgraded to 6Mb plan (I was also on that plan for a while). Or are you really trying to say you pay for a 6Mb plan but happen to know it really provides around 5Mb actual in-Thailand speed (i.e., raw speed compared to data speed). If on a 6Mb plan your attainable/modem sync download speed should be right around 6144Kb

Anyway, whenever the TOT guys came over and hooked up to your modem to do the test, did they look at the modem stats or just do a speedtest to some speedtest website? You should have had them pull up the modem stats with the good speedtest numbers they got (modem stats would probably be reporting a good sync speed/attainable rate) and then you would have showed them your modem stats results on day/hour/minute XYZ along with some speedtest results....probably several XYZ printouts over several days would be better. Then tell them there must be an "intermittent" problem which they need to work....try to find that intermittent problem. Since you said it does show 5Mb sometimes that's the classic indicator of an intermittent problem. But I fully expect they will say if its a condo building wiring problem then it ain't their problem...the condo management will have to fix that wiring....but many times the phone company tech will work the issue if paid a couple hundred baht

And I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir when I say an intermittent problem can be hard to find many times. For me, I will take a "it stopped working completely" problem over an "intermittent" problem most any" time....but I'll take an intermittent problem "over it completely stopped working" problem when it's a heart pacemaker problem, flying in an airplane problem, etc. ;) Hope you get your internet problem fixed soon as I know it can be very frustrating. Cheers.

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Thanks for the feedback.

I am using a DSL filter (the one that came in the box with the new modem) however i have two other filters that i've tried so i know that's not the problem.

TOT techs just came this morning and said they think the problem is the phone cable that run between the street and the building. Which is a fat cable that contains all the little phone lines for the building. They are going to run a new separate single cable for my room from the street to the building, hopefully that will fix it.

RE: The 5mbps plan, it was some kind of promo plan a while ago where you get 5mbps + 500?THB off your phone calling.

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