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Yingluck's CEO Style Keeps Ministers On Their Toes


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The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience.

Nothing "real world" about being installed at the top of the tree of an organisation because your brother owns it. Nothing "real world" about knowing that no matter how you perform, how little you achieve, how few hours you bother putting in, however many long lunches down at the spa or Gaysorn Plaza you allow yourself, your job, your enormous salary, your tidy bonuses, your company limousine, your team of staff at beckon call to blow your nose and wipe your bum, they are all safe and secure.... and all because the lady loves milk tray nepotism.

Edited by rixalex
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i really hope she do her homework. see her brother did his homework on the southern insurgency since the first policy he apply to the last day in his power and i am sad to see its result.

You can never control Moslems,homework or not.

Want examples?laugh.gif

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Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

I'm sorry, i thought this was a discussion forum... somewhere to discuss opinions etc... should i only post pro-red shirt propaganda?

Exactly a discussion forum. Not a forum to bash the Thai people who also obviously have an opinion and a vote.

Woah dude, hold on I've seen all people bashed on this forum so why should there be special treatment for Thais - because they vote ??

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Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

I'm sorry, i thought this was a discussion forum... somewhere to discuss opinions etc... should i only post pro-red shirt propaganda?

Exactly a discussion forum. Not a forum to bash the Thai people who also obviously have an opinion and a vote.

Woah dude, hold on I've seen all people bashed on this forum so why should there be special treatment for Thais - because they vote ??

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference."

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Good post. The surprising thing is WHY the totally negative hateful posters would choose to stay in such a terrible country. Why DON'T they go back home?

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Good post. The surprising thing is WHY the totally negative hateful posters would choose to stay in such a terrible country. Why DON'T they go back home?

Probably because in spite of everything, this is still a better country for them to live in than their own countries of origin.

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Good post. The surprising thing is WHY the totally negative hateful posters would choose to stay in such a terrible country. Why DON'T they go back home?

Is this the best you can do when you don't have anything constructive to add to the discussion?

I seem to remember you posting a lot of "totally negative hateful" posts in the last 12 months. And you didn't go back home??

Or does that only apply when you don't agree with the "totally negative hateful" posts?

Thailand isn't a terrible country. There's certainly some terrible leadership though.

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

thanks u are so right. The Farang comunity are guest here. if u stay a day or 20 years.like to see your reaction if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

look at the history of Thais. they always solved their problems themselves,you dont like their way and style go home. you give us Falangs a bad reputation like the guys in Pathaya. Lungpeter a longtime expat.

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

GK is wrong as usual

Before entering politics, Abhisit served as a lecturer at Oxford University, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, and Thammasat University.

No, you are wrong. How are your math skills? He was born in 1964 and spent almost all of his time as a student. Look at the time line.

He graduated from Eton at age 19. He then went to St. John's for his undergrad PPE diploma, or hot air pontification as it is euphemistically referred to.

He then returned home where he was given a nice cushy class to read to at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He didn't last long and returned to school in England.

Then, when he completed that diploma, he returned to Thailand and gave a class at Thammasat University. Obviously, teaching the class didn't fulfill him, as he went back to school again, graduating from Ramkamhaeng in 1990 at the age of 26. He can hardly be termed a "lecturer" as he didn't spend much time at the job. His primary occupation was as student.

He was given a safe seat option and was elected in 1991 at the age of 27.

Please tell me how the short term jobs that hardly spnned a year qualified the man as having real life work experience. I can't wait for you to make another exagerated claim and offer it as the truth. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Abhisit never EVER held a real job in the real world. Please, tell me how you can accuse me of being "wrong as usual" when you cannot substantiate your statement with nothing more than the regurgitation of a fluffed up resume.

The fact of the matter is that the lack of work experience plagued his administration. Unlike the current PM, he had no real life work experience to apply to the job as he had never held a real job in his life. Teaching a bunch of undergrads a canned economics course isn't quite the same thing as actually working on a construction project, or putting together a major transaction or even delivering a project bid.You and the others can ridicule the current PM all you want, but I can guarantee that she knows the costs of operating a business, whereas the former PM probably wouldn't have had a clue because he never had a job that would give such experience.

you say '' The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government ''

he got paid for doing something prior to entering politics

that is classed as employment

in short he had a ''job''

duration matters not, if it only lasted a day or even an hour, it still proves your sweeping generalisation ' never had a job' to be wrong

so the truth is that you might want to wrap it up in boring rhetoric and insult lecturers everywhere by saying its not a real job to try to make your point but by definition you are wrong and simply too arrogant to admit it.........

Edited by timekeeper
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if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

If i was living in my home country with a Thai, who spoke the local language and who was an active member of the local community, and someone came along telling her/him that she had no right to an opinion on local politics, and that if she did and if it happened to be a negative opinion, she should go back home, i might tell that person to piss right off

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

thanks u are so right. The Farang comunity are guest here. if u stay a day or 20 years.like to see your reaction if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

look at the history of Thais. they always solved their problems themselves,you dont like their way and style go home. you give us Falangs a bad reputation like the guys in Pathaya. Lungpeter a longtime expat.

That's your opinion. An alternative view is that people who turn a blind eye to corruption because it suits their own convenience are spineless and immoral. Maybe that's the sort of expat that Thailand is better off without.

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

GK is wrong as usual

Before entering politics, Abhisit served as a lecturer at Oxford University, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, and Thammasat University.

No, you are wrong. How are your math skills? He was born in 1964 and spent almost all of his time as a student. Look at the time line.

He graduated from Eton at age 19. He then went to St. John's for his undergrad PPE diploma, or hot air pontification as it is euphemistically referred to.

He then returned home where he was given a nice cushy class to read to at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He didn't last long and returned to school in England.

Then, when he completed that diploma, he returned to Thailand and gave a class at Thammasat University. Obviously, teaching the class didn't fulfill him, as he went back to school again, graduating from Ramkamhaeng in 1990 at the age of 26. He can hardly be termed a "lecturer" as he didn't spend much time at the job. His primary occupation was as student.

He was given a safe seat option and was elected in 1991 at the age of 27.

Please tell me how the short term jobs that hardly spnned a year qualified the man as having real life work experience. I can't wait for you to make another exagerated claim and offer it as the truth. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Abhisit never EVER held a real job in the real world. Please, tell me how you can accuse me of being "wrong as usual" when you cannot substantiate your statement with nothing more than the regurgitation of a fluffed up resume.

The fact of the matter is that the lack of work experience plagued his administration. Unlike the current PM, he had no real life work experience to apply to the job as he had never held a real job in his life. Teaching a bunch of undergrads a canned economics course isn't quite the same thing as actually working on a construction project, or putting together a major transaction or even delivering a project bid.You and the others can ridicule the current PM all you want, but I can guarantee that she knows the costs of operating a business, whereas the former PM probably wouldn't have had a clue because he never had a job that would give such experience.

you say '' The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government ''

he got paid for doing something prior to entering politics

that is classed as employment

in short he had a ''job''

duration matters not, if it only lasted a day or even an hour, it still proves your sweeping generalisation ' never had a job' to be wrong

so the truth is that you might want to wrap it up in boring rhetoric and insult lecturers everywhere by saying its not a real job to try to make your point but by definition you are wrong and simply too arrogant to admit it.........

That's the downfall of using such absolutes like "never" and "always".

However, usually, once people that erroneously use them are proven wrong, they'll back down and use the proper verbiage.

usually, anyway.


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if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

If i was living in my home country with a Thai, who spoke the local language and who was an active member of the local community, and someone came along telling her/him that she had no right to an opinion on local politics, and that if she did and if it happened to be a negative opinion, she should go back home, i might tell that person to piss right off

And exactly how many of the Thai visa political experts do you suppose "speak the local language"....other than bar girl talk and maybe a few dozen words I would guess a VERY small number. Perhaps you are the exception and can indeed speak and read and write enough Thai to be able to understand what is being written and said. If so, congratulations but I will venture to guess that you will be one of the very very few.

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if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

If i was living in my home country with a Thai, who spoke the local language and who was an active member of the local community, and someone came along telling her/him that she had no right to an opinion on local politics, and that if she did and if it happened to be a negative opinion, she should go back home, i might tell that person to piss right off

And exactly how many of the Thai visa political experts do you suppose "speak the local language"....other than bar girl talk and maybe a few dozen words I would guess a VERY small number. Perhaps you are the exception and can indeed speak and read and write enough Thai to be able to understand what is being written and said. If so, congratulations but I will venture to guess that you will be one of the very very few.

I have no idea how many here can speak/write the local language and to what level, but i wouldn't say that being unable to forfeits/prohibits one from expressing an opinion. There is enough media information in English from a wide variety of sources in which to form an opinion - perhaps not to the same understanding as one fluent in Thai, but sufficient, particularly if one lives and works here, and is not simply commenting from afar.

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

GK is wrong as usual

Before entering politics, Abhisit served as a lecturer at Oxford University, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, and Thammasat University.

No, you are wrong. How are your math skills? He was born in 1964 and spent almost all of his time as a student. Look at the time line.

He graduated from Eton at age 19. He then went to St. John's for his undergrad PPE diploma, or hot air pontification as it is euphemistically referred to.

He then returned home where he was given a nice cushy class to read to at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He didn't last long and returned to school in England.

Then, when he completed that diploma, he returned to Thailand and gave a class at Thammasat University. Obviously, teaching the class didn't fulfill him, as he went back to school again, graduating from Ramkamhaeng in 1990 at the age of 26. He can hardly be termed a "lecturer" as he didn't spend much time at the job. His primary occupation was as student.

He was given a safe seat option and was elected in 1991 at the age of 27.

Please tell me how the short term jobs that hardly spnned a year qualified the man as having real life work experience. I can't wait for you to make another exagerated claim and offer it as the truth. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Abhisit never EVER held a real job in the real world. Please, tell me how you can accuse me of being "wrong as usual" when you cannot substantiate your statement with nothing more than the regurgitation of a fluffed up resume.

The fact of the matter is that the lack of work experience plagued his administration. Unlike the current PM, he had no real life work experience to apply to the job as he had never held a real job in his life. Teaching a bunch of undergrads a canned economics course isn't quite the same thing as actually working on a construction project, or putting together a major transaction or even delivering a project bid.You and the others can ridicule the current PM all you want, but I can guarantee that she knows the costs of operating a business, whereas the former PM probably wouldn't have had a clue because he never had a job that would give such experience.

Whilst the current PM, amazingly, had NO political experience, at all. And the first job was down to Thaksin.

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The fact of the matter is that the lack of work experience plagued his administration.

The fact of the matter here is that the current PM has no political experience... no experience in government and no experience in civil service.

to put it in another way - she has no bloody idea who to run a government.

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The fact of the matter is that the lack of work experience plagued his administration.

The fact of the matter here is that the current PM has no political experience... no experience in government and no experience in civil service.

to put it in another way - she has no bloody idea who to run a government.

And no bloody idea how to run a company, or even a house..... (Yes GK, I know what you gonna say, and I pretty much don't care!!)

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Expecting Ministers to know what their departments are doing, rather than having them rely on subordinates, is a good thing. Being organized, staying on track and getting though one's agenda is also the sign of a good manager - though it can also be the sign of a manager who is not interested in hearing other ideas.

Hopefully, Yingluck is as good an administrator as this article implies. Hopefully, she will be using those administrative skills for the benefit of the country as a whole.

The real issue is, where do her loyalties lie? Is she putting the interests of Thailand first or is she going to use her position to (further) enrich her family, cabinet and cronies. Is she going to serve the people of Thailand or her brother? The Yingluck administration has not been in power long and only time will tell, but the initial actions of her cousin (the Foreign Minister) are not promising.

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The real issue is, where do her loyalties lie? Is she putting the interests of Thailand first or is she going to use her position to (further) enrich her family, cabinet and cronies. Is she going to serve the people of Thailand or her brother? The Yingluck administration has not been in power long and only time will tell, but the initial actions of her cousin (the Foreign Minister) are not promising.

Guess who's relative was installed as police chief today?

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Successful business operations expect the senior executives to be prepared and to know the subject at hand. Anyone that has attended "management" meetings knows how tedious they can be when a couple of the entrenched execs just talk in circles or defer to an underling. The PM is making the ministers work and that's a good thing.

The former PM Abhisit never had a job outside of government so he never had real world experience. Government meetings can drag on for hours where nothing gets done. In the successful segments of the private sector, time is treated as a valuable resource and is not wasted on "meetings". This PM doesn't have time to waste on activities that accomplish nothing. This is a good change to see.

And how would you know what happened at her meetings.... more hot air..!

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if ( Thai) guests at your home start to act like most of u at thaivisa.

If i was living in my home country with a Thai, who spoke the local language and who was an active member of the local community, and someone came along telling her/him that she had no right to an opinion on local politics, and that if she did and if it happened to be a negative opinion, she should go back home, i might tell that person to piss right off

And exactly how many of the Thai visa political experts do you suppose "speak the local language"....other than bar girl talk and maybe a few dozen words I would guess a VERY small number. Perhaps you are the exception and can indeed speak and read and write enough Thai to be able to understand what is being written and said. If so, congratulations but I will venture to guess that you will be one of the very very few.

I have no idea how many here can speak/write the local language and to what level, but i wouldn't say that being unable to forfeits/prohibits one from expressing an opinion. There is enough media information in English from a wide variety of sources in which to form an opinion - perhaps not to the same understanding as one fluent in Thai, but sufficient, particularly if one lives and works here, and is not simply commenting from afar.

As I said in my original post having and stating an opinion is fine. What I take issue with is when the opinion includes denegrading the Thai people who may not share said farang opinion. I for one will yield to the opinion of 73% of the Thai people who approve of the new PM. Thai people who have lived year after year with all kinds of politicians , heard all the promises, lived through all the coups, have seen the success and failures, and have access to a much greater amount of reading, writing, TV, culture, than any farang who is getting his information from English language sources.

I am just simply tired of non Thais who in their arrogance think they know more about Thai politics than Thai people and feel they need to bash the Thai people's intelligence and their choice of elected officials to "prove" whatever opinion they may have.

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The knee-jerk negatives were sadly predictable.dry.gif

It seems to me that TV is just full of seemingly angry farang Thai political "experts" who are hell bent on criticising anything and everything the newly formed Thai government does or does not do.

Why are so many farangs so angry all the time over something that you have zero control over? It's one thing to post your opinion on the wisdom or lack thereof on a govt program or policy but more and more of the posts go well beyond that and get down right nasty, vile and childish.

Recent polls show that 73% of the Thai people are satisfied with Yingluck as THEIR prime minister? I don't know about your home country but i don't think you could get 73% of Americans to agree the sky is blue.

Perhaps a Thai citizen, born and raised in Thailand, who reads and writes fluent Thai and who has seen governments come and go for years just might know a bit more about what THEY want for THEIR country than a farang keyboard warrior?

Yet many post day after day about how dumb, stupid, immoral, uninformed, dishonest, and downright awful the Thai people are for picking the party that they want to run THEIR country? Perhaps some farangs should return to their home country and straighten out all of your voters and politicians and programs and policies before you try and tell the Thais how to run Thailand?

In other words, how about a little respect for the Thai people?

Not only is it polite and may reduce your blood pressure it also happens to be one of the forum rules:

Forum rules :

In using Thai Visa I agree:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Not very many Issan Thai peoples who read and write fluently in Thai..... which Thai people are you talking about..? which banana boat did you come off...

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Wow! Even though I don't really like her, I must admit I'm starting to halfway admire her.

I don't have much use for ANY Thai politicians, irregardless of party... but anyone who insists that there ministers actually KNOW something about their job BEFORE they speak publically about an issue is big forward step in the usual Thai political process.

Knowing the details about an issue, before you speak about it to the Thai voters... that's a real departure from the usual Thai political practice!

I wonder if Big Brother isn't beginning to get just a little worried that Little Sister isn't just the empty headed female he thought she would be?

We shall have to wait and see, won't we.


Have you met Yinluck.... I have... three times , and take it from me, she is completely empty headed.. in fact.. her head contains something that reminds me of a referees whistle... clone is the right word. She bought her Masters degree from Kentucky University in USA...

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The meetings do not take that long because there is only one thing on the agenda, What are you doing to bring my Big Brother back. Agenda for next meeting, what progress have we made on last meeting agenda. Agends for next meeting my Big Brother needs a visa for where ever, what are you doing about it.

Please don't bash the government or Thai people... some of the forum members don't like it and need you to discuss things in a more positive manner

Some of the forum members do not like it...haha...Democracy at last...!

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Wow! Even though I don't really like her, I must admit I'm starting to halfway admire her.

I don't have much use for ANY Thai politicians, irregardless of party... but anyone who insists that there ministers actually KNOW something about their job BEFORE they speak publically about an issue is big forward step in the usual Thai political process.

Knowing the details about an issue, before you speak about it to the Thai voters... that's a real departure from the usual Thai political practice!

I wonder if Big Brother isn't beginning to get just a little worried that Little Sister isn't just the empty headed female he thought she would be?

We shall have to wait and see, won't we.


Have you met Yinluck.... I have... three times , and take it from me, she is completely empty headed.. in fact.. her head contains something that reminds me of a referees whistle... clone is the right word. She bought her Masters degree from Kentucky University in USA...

University of Kentucky isn't such a bad school, especially if you're a basketball fan, That said it is light years ahead of Kentucky State University ( which places well behind many 2 year community colleges in ranking), which is where Yingluck and her brother attended. Coincidentally, the big shakeup at the Finance Ministry last week, put another Kentucky State alum in charge of ALL government revenues. Yes, it's down to just one man now, who is said to be a long time friend of the Shinawatra family.

Edited by lannarebirth
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What I take issue with is when the opinion includes denegrading the Thai people who may not share said farang opinion.

I would also take issue with that. Just as i would take issue with denigrating foreign people who may not share your opinion, my opinion, or the opinion of another Thai. Bottom line is, we all have a right to an opinion, even people who can't vote have that right, don't they?

Telling people who express a negative opinion of the government, whether it be the current one or the past one, that they should go home, is denigrating. Going "home" is their choice, just like expressing their opinion.

I for one will yield to the opinion of 73% of the Thai people who approve of the new PM.

Yielding to an opinion poll? Well, for a start, i don't take much notice of those things, and for seconds, i don't think that the opinion of others, no matter what the number of those others is, should be reason to change the way i think.

If you hear a song and think it's crap, but then it shoots to number one, do you then "yield" to popular opinion and force yourself to like the song, because others do and they must be right?

Edited by rixalex
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