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Visa Exchange Rate,Better,Then Any Other Credit Card,And Cash Exchange?

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can someone give a overview,about the diffrence,in the exchange rate,of diffrent credit card companys,i recogneized that i have the better exchange rate,aproxmently 1 bath more,on my visa card,and lower fees,then on the maestro card ,that have higher fees and the exchange rate is lower!

i would say,the visa exchange rate is the best,on my bank i not have any fees for using the creditcard worldwide,when i go to aeon bank,i can take money absolutly free of any fees!

comparing to other creditcards when i take 500€,then i have around 500-600 bath more!

a friend told me,when he go with american express card,to the bangkok bank atm the 150 thb fees will not be charge!

since i recogneized that the visa exchange rate,is so good,i never will change cash money again!

i dont know the exchange rate ,of master card,and diners club,is it nearly same then visa?

the bank told me here,only the daily course of your homeland,where the credit card coming from ,will be used,for atm transfer outside europe,means the thai exchange rate,that normaly higher for cash exchange then in europe,will not be affected for non thailand creditcards!

but the problem,when you call visa,its very difficult to find out,what exchange rate ,the realy have, a see this a couple of days later in the online billing!

in thailand,the exchange rate change 2 time,in the morning and in the evening,but i stil not find out ,what the the exactly change,why 2 .times a day i dont know,i think european bank have only one exchange rate a day!

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but the problem,when you call visa,its very difficult to find out,what exchange rate ,the realy have, a see this a couple of days later in the online billing!

You can find the daily Visa Exchange rate at their currency exchange web page. Link. Be sure to enter any Bank Fee the card's issuing bank charges to get the rate to hit your bank account assuming your bank don't alter the Visa rate a little. Also, kept in mind while an issuing bank may provide you a zero percent foreign transaction fee Debit Card and a separate zero percent foreign transaction action fee Credit Card, the Credit card may actually end up providing a slightly lower exchange rate than the posted Visa rate...or at least that has been my experience even when the transaction "clears/posts" within hours of the "initial/Pending" charge.

Also, the exchange rate on the day the transaction "clears/posts" to your account is the exchange rate you receive; not the date the exchange rate on the actual transaction date....it's not uncommon for credit card transaction not to "post/finalize" on your until days or even weeks later with some transactions. Now, you might have got an immediate "Pending" transaction charge on your account but until the transaction finalizes/posts to your account the exchange rate can change...change in your favor or not in your favor.

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