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Are Cia Prisoner Being Kept In Los?


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Adolf Hitler had lots of self-serving justifications for slaughtering innocents and for genocide too.

I'm sure that if you types were around you would have been trotting those out back then as well.

So clever. :o

Yes thats exactly the point, watch old "Wochenschau" or read old German newspaper, most people really thought they defense Germany against an enemy. But in fact they attacked other countries.

Compare that: USA defended itself against Iraq, which was not a hub of terrorism, which had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and was no danger at all.

But it respected the rights for other religion and women.

No question Saddam was not a lovely guy, one of the most critisized points was that he put people in jail without seeing a court and torture them.

Just think about that....

So far we have found mass graves that have a boudy count 500,000 and rising. Respected woman's rights? Go onling and inquire abou the rape rooms where the rapes were taped and sent back to the famalies for viewing. Every time a suicide bomber blew himself up in Israel, Saddam gave the familiy money equal to $20,000 U.S. I have personally been to the camps where the Fedayeen Saddam (his special forces thugs) help trained terrorists and gave the financing. He gassed around 15,000 Kurds. I have seen the stockpiles of missles that were especially designed to deliver chemical and biological weapons-they number in the thousands. All his scientiests were still here and almost all admit they were waiting for the U.N. sanctions so they could start up again. I have worked in the south of Iraq and saw the slow starvation of the people because your hero drained the swamps and too all the water. If you want to see homeless and destitute then you should have seen this. Go to some of those mass graves where woman were made to hold their children close to their body so all they would have to use was one bullet to kill both. I wish you could comprehend the smell of that. No danger at all, tell that to the 1 million Iraqis who are still missing from his jails. They seemed to have "dissapeared".
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Only an independend court can decide if someone is a terrorist or not, not a gouverment. These guys did not see any court. So what about I say you are a terrorist and torture you? that is what they do.

How do you explain to an innocent Iraq guy, why half of his family died by US bombs and his brother (who isn't a terrorist) get tortured? This guy may think the USA are the terrorists and Al Kaida is fighting for freedom.

If you use the same methodes as terrorists, what makes you any better than them?

As far as I'm concerned, proven terrorists and those that control them should be tortured for information that will save innocent lives.

They are making a tough world even worse.

Fight fire with fire!   :o

It is people like you that the terrorist hope keep talking for them. Those 'innocent' famalies are not so innocent when you see weapons stacked in their house or explosives hidden in their clothing. This is a war, if you don't believe it, then stay in your fantasy world.

So what is your conclusion? Kill them all because they might have some weapons/explosives, and if they didn't have it, you just call them collateral damage, which happens on the way to make the world more free?? You think that's the way to go?

a family who lets thier house be used for weapons cache or safe houses? Destroy the houses. our boys are dying over here to limit collateral dammage-taking fire from buildings and giveing them every chance to give up-would your country do that? would you do that? do you know what it is like to be shot at and you have wait for a legal team to give you permission to fire and and an AG team first try to talk them to come out just in case there are innocent citizens? this is a war because they believe it is a war. what is happening in the south of Thailand is just a start because they will come North. To them, there is no collateral damage-just targets. Have you ever seen innocents ripped apart by somebody detonating themselves in the name of their God? I have and it is not pretty. I can't count the times I locked and loaded on suspects only to give them every benifit of the doubt. Somebody has to search them and only takes a quick push to set off a bomb-jacket. Are you to be the one to search them, somehow I doubt it. It will be left up to soldiers to do the dirty work so you can sit safely in your living room and complain about it. I hope that you are never a victim. To many of my comrades have the scars to make sure you are safe now.

Well said, I worry all the time. My 18 year old son has to go out to Afganisthan in January.
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a family who lets thier house be used for weapons cache or safe houses?  Destroy the houses.  our boys are dying over here to limit collateral dammage-taking fire from buildings and giveing them every chance to give up-would your country do that?  would you do that?  do you know what it is like to be shot at and you have wait for a legal team to give you permission to fire and and an AG team first try to talk them to come out just in case there are innocent citizens?  this is a war because they believe it is a war.  what is happening in the south of Thailand is just a start because they will come North.  To them, there is no collateral damage-just targets.  Have you ever seen innocents ripped apart by somebody detonating themselves in the name of their God?  I have and it is not pretty.  I can't count the times I locked and loaded on suspects only to give them every benifit of the doubt.  Somebody has to search them and only takes a quick push to set off a bomb-jacket.  Are you to be the one to search them, somehow I doubt it.  It will be left up to soldiers to do the dirty work so you can sit safely in your living room and complain about it.  I hope that you are never a victim.  To many of my comrades have the scars to make sure you are safe now.

Not our boys, maybe your boys are dying and they are not there for limit collateral damage, they are there to kill people. There is no reason why they are in Iraq. What would you say if arab troops would conquer USA, because they don't like your President, using napalm bombs. And they are very disappointed that you don't want to understand that your dead family is just collateral damage to safe their boys.

Just to remember, there were NO terrorists in Iraq before USA attackt it.

You can call them also freedom fighter.

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I guess the propaganda worked very well on you.

The amount of killed people in Iraq by US troops is already higher than the amount of people killed from Saddam.

For the 20.000 US$ story, I never heared about that, do you have any link for this information (independend source?).

Strange that you could find the rockets and all the material which could not found from the UN and still can not be found. I recommend to write them an email and tell them were these things are. Because your president still has problems explaining that.

A short time ago, they asked iraq people and 80!!! % told the aggree that it is right to kill american troops to kick them out of the country. Do you think people there are telling that because their life is now so much better than before?

Adolf Hitler had lots of self-serving justifications for slaughtering innocents and for genocide too.

I'm sure that if you types were around you would have been trotting those out back then as well.

So clever. :o

Yes thats exactly the point, watch old "Wochenschau" or read old German newspaper, most people really thought they defense Germany against an enemy. But in fact they attacked other countries.

Compare that: USA defended itself against Iraq, which was not a hub of terrorism, which had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and was no danger at all.

But it respected the rights for other religion and women.

No question Saddam was not a lovely guy, one of the most critisized points was that he put people in jail without seeing a court and torture them.

Just think about that....

So far we have found mass graves that have a boudy count 500,000 and rising. Respected woman's rights? Go onling and inquire abou the rape rooms where the rapes were taped and sent back to the famalies for viewing. Every time a suicide bomber blew himself up in Israel, Saddam gave the familiy money equal to $20,000 U.S. I have personally been to the camps where the Fedayeen Saddam (his special forces thugs) help trained terrorists and gave the financing. He gassed around 15,000 Kurds. I have seen the stockpiles of missles that were especially designed to deliver chemical and biological weapons-they number in the thousands. All his scientiests were still here and almost all admit they were waiting for the U.N. sanctions so they could start up again. I have worked in the south of Iraq and saw the slow starvation of the people because your hero drained the swamps and too all the water. If you want to see homeless and destitute then you should have seen this. Go to some of those mass graves where woman were made to hold their children close to their body so all they would have to use was one bullet to kill both. I wish you could comprehend the smell of that. No danger at all, tell that to the 1 million Iraqis who are still missing from his jails. They seemed to have "dissapeared".

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Some people say this is "old" news. Was it reported anywhere previously? In Thailand?


Thaksin denies Thailand had 'CIA secret prison'

(dpa) - Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today flatly denied a news report that the government had allowed the United States' Central Intelligence Agency to hold terrorist suspects in secret prisons in the kingdom.

"Speaking of Thailand we have had only one (terrorist) arrest, that was Hambali, and we sent him to the US long ago, and we don't have any secret jails or whatever, so we totally deny it," said Mr Thaksin of the Washington Post report that was published Wednesday.

In 2003 Thai authorities arrested Riduan Isamuddin, also known as Hambali, in Ayutthaya.

Hambali, believed to be al-Qaeda's operations chief in Asia and one of the masterminds behind the Bali bombing of October 2002 that killed 202 people, was immediately handed over to US authorities after his capture and his whereabouts remain unknown.

The Washington Post story claimed that the CIA has run a covert prison system for nearly four years as part of the US war on terror after the September 11 attacks. At times the system included sites in eight countries, including Afghanistan and Thailand, the Post said, citing unnamed U.S. and foreign officials.

According to the Post story, the facility it alleged was in Thailand was closed in 2003 after press reports mentioned it.

The existence and locations of the facilities are known only to a handful of officials in the United States and typically only to the president and a few top intelligence officials in each host country, the report said.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan refused to confirm or deny the report, saying he could not talk about intelligence matters.

"We're going to continue to go after terrorist leaders that seek to do us harm, and do all in our power to prevent attacks from happening in the first place," McClellan told reporters, adding, "As we do so, we will do so consistent with our legal obligation."

The CIA and the White House have used national security concerns to convince key members of Congress from raising the issue publicly, and nearly nothing is known about who is being held in the facilities and what interrogation methods are being used, the Post said.

The CIA does not acknowledge the existence of the "black sites", the terminology used to describe the arrangement in classified documents, the paper said.

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Hi all,

Where to find the real info on those wars?

I spoke with one of my American workers and he was just brainwashed.

The only thing he could tell about Moslims was: They cut of hands, rape women and behead innocent people.

He just kept repeating that no matter what you asked him about Islam/Moslims.

Just respect eachother and do not bother anyone with what you think or believe, and then the world could be so much better....



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Rendition is the practice of clandestine capture and extradition of individual suspects outside the country in which they were caught. It is a legal term, used euphemistically, by the United States by the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government to publicly discuss these activities. Suspects are moved to third countries for the purposes of detention and interrogation.  :D

Do you think the CIA is the only organization or government agency doing this?

Most of the people on this forum wouldn't understand the need for this practice, but when you see the real need it would probably be highly appreciated. :o

They aren't just plucking just anybody off the streets and taking them away to string them up. I am very sure Thailand is clear and had temp holding centres at most.


Correct me if I am wrong but it took until post 19 for someone to address the OP.

Replying to Are Cia Prisoner Being Kept In Los?

The little bit of information that we the everyday person actually knows about this is not worth arguing about - debate yes but argue no. :D

So what if "Suspected " terrorists are held in Los !! or in any other country for that matter, all of the major powers pull the same sort of tricks, joe public only finds out after the fact, over the ages an eye for an eye has been changed to, do unto others as they would do to you, Only Do it First!! Sadly the US has had a taste of terrorism on its own soil, after activelly supporting terrorism and sedition in many other countries, now because they have felt the blast and buried their dead , they feel it neccessary to stamp out terrorism, for so many years the US has played fast and loose with weaker countries .Now sadly they are paying as simple people with fanatical leaders rise up against them and show them the meaning of fear.lest we forget .Nignoy

Wow, you need to think for yourself and stop reading liberal factoids. The U.S. has had to save the world, Europe, Asia too many times. WW I, WW II-how many times have had to interven on other countries behalf-the slaughter in the Balkans. Dictators and mass murderers are allowed to thrive because people with your attitude let them fester and grow strong with your apathy. What terrorism have we supported? We have made mistakes but we have made the difference in many a peaceful settlements as well. Europe sits in its own apathetic morass with only England proving her mettle time and time again. If it wasn't for the U.S., England, the Aussies the Japanese would have raped Thailand of everything. Where would the world be if it wasn't for the 'evil, bad' U.S. You may wave your flag of indifference and hate the U.S. because it isn't afraid to use its power. How many times has the U.S. been attacked since 9/11...ZERO, while stopping around 25 major plots to do more damage. I hope you and your never country are never targeted. Thailand is starting to realize the dangers and maybe, one day, you will to.

Let us get the facts straight US only stepped in to WW2 after pearl harbour, before that england had to purchase the armaments that it needed from US,as a disabled british war veteran, think I have right to speak my piece, after seeing firsthand the damage US support in Northern Ireland caused, and in Laos and Cambodia in the 60,s, the use of US power is ever present in Thailand, one only has to look at Pattaya and the mess it is in, It has taken the northeast 20 years to recover from the mess left in towns such Ubon, Korat, and Udon,at least the US left some decent airfields the one we english built is being used as a buffalo market, but thats another story,Nignoy
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Rendition is the practice of clandestine capture and extradition of individual suspects outside the country in which they were caught. It is a legal term, used euphemistically, by the United States by the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government to publicly discuss these activities. Suspects are moved to third countries for the purposes of detention and interrogation.  :D

Do you think the CIA is the only organization or government agency doing this?

Most of the people on this forum wouldn't understand the need for this practice, but when you see the real need it would probably be highly appreciated. :o

They aren't just plucking just anybody off the streets and taking them away to string them up. I am very sure Thailand is clear and had temp holding centres at most.


Correct me if I am wrong but it took until post 19 for someone to address the OP.

Replying to Are Cia Prisoner Being Kept In Los?

The little bit of information that we the everyday person actually knows about this is not worth arguing about - debate yes but argue no. :D

So what if "Suspected " terrorists are held in Los !! or in any other country for that matter, all of the major powers pull the same sort of tricks, joe public only finds out after the fact, over the ages an eye for an eye has been changed to, do unto others as they would do to you, Only Do it First!! Sadly the US has had a taste of terrorism on its own soil, after activelly supporting terrorism and sedition in many other countries, now because they have felt the blast and buried their dead , they feel it neccessary to stamp out terrorism, for so many years the US has played fast and loose with weaker countries .Now sadly they are paying as simple people with fanatical leaders rise up against them and show them the meaning of fear.lest we forget .Nignoy

Wow, you need to think for yourself and stop reading liberal factoids. The U.S. has had to save the world, Europe, Asia too many times. WW I, WW II-how many times have had to interven on other countries behalf-the slaughter in the Balkans. Dictators and mass murderers are allowed to thrive because people with your attitude let them fester and grow strong with your apathy. What terrorism have we supported? We have made mistakes but we have made the difference in many a peaceful settlements as well. Europe sits in its own apathetic morass with only England proving her mettle time and time again. If it wasn't for the U.S., England, the Aussies the Japanese would have raped Thailand of everything. Where would the world be if it wasn't for the 'evil, bad' U.S. You may wave your flag of indifference and hate the U.S. because it isn't afraid to use its power. How many times has the U.S. been attacked since 9/11...ZERO, while stopping around 25 major plots to do more damage. I hope you and your never country are never targeted. Thailand is starting to realize the dangers and maybe, one day, you will to.

Let us get the facts straight US only stepped in to WW2 after pearl harbour, before that england had to purchase the armaments that it needed from US,as a disabled british war veteran, think I have right to speak my piece, after seeing firsthand the damage US support in Northern Ireland caused, and in Laos and Cambodia in the 60,s, the use of US power is ever present in Thailand, one only has to look at Pattaya and the mess it is in, It has taken the northeast 20 years to recover from the mess left in towns such Ubon, Korat, and Udon,at least the US left some decent airfields the one we english built is being used as a buffalo market, but thats another story,Nignoy

that wasn't u.s. support sir, but private citizens who we stopped once our politicians got their heard out of their arse. We gave you armament at pretty much no cost sir, durring WW2, at a cost of many of our merchan seamen and ships. go to those grave stones in France and ask the several thousand americans who died about thier lack of giving. I doubt you are a veteran, because every British military veteran I have ever talked to would laugh at your comments if not be ashamed of them. I've been to Pattaya, wow, it seems most of the farang bars are...british. What war were you in, again?

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I guess the propaganda worked very well on you.

The amount of killed people in Iraq by US troops is already higher than the amount of people killed from Saddam.

For the 20.000 US$ story, I never heared about that, do you have any link for this information (independend source?).

Strange that you could find the rockets and all the material which could not found from the UN and still can not be found. I recommend to write them an email and tell them were these things are. Because your president still has problems explaining that.

A short time ago, they asked iraq people and 80!!! % told the aggree that it is right to kill american troops to kick them out of the country. Do you think people there are telling that because their life is now so much better than before?

Adolf Hitler had lots of self-serving justifications for slaughtering innocents and for genocide too.

I'm sure that if you types were around you would have been trotting those out back then as well.

So clever. :o

Yes thats exactly the point, watch old "Wochenschau" or read old German newspaper, most people really thought they defense Germany against an enemy. But in fact they attacked other countries.

Compare that: USA defended itself against Iraq, which was not a hub of terrorism, which had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and was no danger at all.

But it respected the rights for other religion and women.

No question Saddam was not a lovely guy, one of the most critisized points was that he put people in jail without seeing a court and torture them.

Just think about that....

So far we have found mass graves that have a boudy count 500,000 and rising. Respected woman's rights? Go onling and inquire abou the rape rooms where the rapes were taped and sent back to the famalies for viewing. Every time a suicide bomber blew himself up in Israel, Saddam gave the familiy money equal to $20,000 U.S. I have personally been to the camps where the Fedayeen Saddam (his special forces thugs) help trained terrorists and gave the financing. He gassed around 15,000 Kurds. I have seen the stockpiles of missles that were especially designed to deliver chemical and biological weapons-they number in the thousands. All his scientiests were still here and almost all admit they were waiting for the U.N. sanctions so they could start up again. I have worked in the south of Iraq and saw the slow starvation of the people because your hero drained the swamps and too all the water. If you want to see homeless and destitute then you should have seen this. Go to some of those mass graves where woman were made to hold their children close to their body so all they would have to use was one bullet to kill both. I wish you could comprehend the smell of that. No danger at all, tell that to the 1 million Iraqis who are still missing from his jails. They seemed to have "dissapeared".

you can always tell who has never picked up a rifle to defend their country or what is right. If you like, I can send you the pictures...or go on the web... and see the pictures of mass graves. It is people like you who complain about the wars, belittle the military but only sit there to bitch and piss but never do nothing. If you have never seen death, cruel deaht of starvation and torture then you need not comment. Are you telling me the u.s. has killed more than 1million in Iraq? I feel pity for you-you hate us that much because we are not afraid to punish the evil in the worl-which people like you have allowed to thrive. How man died in the Balkans before the u.s. had to step in. Where were you, and your country? More than %62 percent of registered voters voted in the referendum and that makes everything I did and every other soldier, marine, sailor and airmen do worth while. While your country fought its wars for boarders and lands we fight for ideal. Iraq will be a strong country with a free people despite people like you. Don't worry, you will ignore another despot another madman to rise up somewhere in the world and once again we will have to step in...for your sake, I hope that it is not to save your arse.

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Hi all,

Where to find the real info on those wars?

I spoke with one of my American workers and he was just brainwashed.

The only thing he could tell about Moslims was: They cut of hands, rape women and behead innocent people.

He just kept repeating that no matter what you asked him about Islam/Moslims.

Just respect eachother and do not bother anyone with what you think or believe, and then the world could be so much better....



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Hi all,

Where to find the real info on those wars?

I spoke with one of my American workers and he was just brainwashed.

The only thing he could tell about Moslims was: They cut of hands, rape women and behead innocent people.

He just kept repeating that no matter what you asked him about Islam/Moslims.

Just respect eachother and do not bother anyone with what you think or believe, and then the world could be so much better....



ask 50 those women and children in that Indian market if they were respected when they were blown apart. ask that girl who I got see strapped with explosives and forced to march towards a checkpoint because they threatened her family or the young boy towards that isralie checkpoint. keep turning your blind eye, and hopefuly they won't blind your good eye.

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gbt71fa,....I suppose you think we, the USA, were justified in our actions in Vietnam and Laos. Maybe you think the Indians in North America were not Christian enough to own the land. Perhaps you think black people are not intelligent enough to be responsible for their own freedom.

Yes, the United States is a great country. Look at all the innocent people we had to murder, kill, main, and enslave, to get us to where we are today.

That is definitly something to be proud of.

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gbt71fa,....I suppose you think we, the USA, were justified in our actions in Vietnam and Laos. Maybe you think the Indians in North America were not Christian enough to own the land. Perhaps you think black people are not intelligent enough to be responsible for their own freedom.

Yes, the United States is a great country. Look at all the innocent people we had to murder, kill, main, and enslave, to get us to where we are today.

That is definitly something to be proud of.

As most civilized countries have done, not just the yanks I might point out!!! :o

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a family who lets thier house be used for weapons cache or safe houses?  Destroy the houses.  our boys are dying over here to limit collateral dammage-taking fire from buildings and giveing them every chance to give up-would your country do that?  would you do that?  do you know what it is like to be shot at and you have wait for a legal team to give you permission to fire and and an AG team first try to talk them to come out just in case there are innocent citizens?  this is a war because they believe it is a war.  what is happening in the south of Thailand is just a start because they will come North.  To them, there is no collateral damage-just targets.  Have you ever seen innocents ripped apart by somebody detonating themselves in the name of their God?  I have and it is not pretty.  I can't count the times I locked and loaded on suspects only to give them every benifit of the doubt.  Somebody has to search them and only takes a quick push to set off a bomb-jacket.  Are you to be the one to search them, somehow I doubt it.  It will be left up to soldiers to do the dirty work so you can sit safely in your living room and complain about it.  I hope that you are never a victim.  To many of my comrades have the scars to make sure you are safe now.

so true... :D

Not our boys, maybe your boys are dying and they are not there for limit collateral damage, they are there to kill people. There is no reason why they are in Iraq. What would you say if arab troops would conquer USA, because they don't like your President, using napalm bombs. And they are very disappointed that you don't want to understand that your dead family is just collateral damage to safe their boys.

Just to remember, there were NO terrorists in Iraq before USA attackt it.

You can call them also freedom fighter.

so ignorant... :o

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As far as I'm concerned, proven terrorists and those that control them should be tortured for information that will save innocent lives.

They are making a tough world even worse.

Fight fire with fire!  :o

Right on Judge, too many terrorist enablers these days... :D

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