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The Circles


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-Kerryk :

Firstly, thank you for your compliments, your're a gentlemen & a scholar :)

Though I must disagree with some of your view points. Namely that it's easy to find a whore who has had sex with less men than your average Uni student. Either you underestimate whores, or have a problem with girls in University. I know whores, enjoyed tons of em for years in Pattaya, Dubai, US, and so many other places. One thing they have in common is that they work...allot, I mean a whole lot. Even though you could certainly point out the class slut at uni and the new hoe, straight off the

pineapple truck from Whadaphukaburi somewhere, to prove your point, in general Uni students are just that, students, and not banging every guy that will give them a lil money like a common whore. Especially in a country that values face as much as they do. I think it's wrong and shows contempt for higher classes of Thais to compare a common hoe to a University student just because some Uni girls are sluts.

And on mileage for virtue, well if that's what you expect then you are already setting your self up for failure in that regard. But then honestly, virtue and self respect arn't always big priorities in women for some men. Especially men looking for hookers. But I think you sell yourself short, as a competent man with his wits about him, by accepting the same whore standards for any kind of relationship.

Because after all, this is not the feminist version of western social thinking. Men having multiple partners before marriage is accepted and expected, but the opposite is true for women. So it's not (as you said) what's fair is fair. What's fair is relative...relative to what both partner's will accept. And men here have the ability to accept allot less in the was of whorish behaviour then we may in the west.

Jeddah Jo- On virtue, that's just flatly racist to say that as a nation the Thai people have no Virtue. And insulting, and it speaks volumes about you and others like you that enjoy a place that they think lacks virtues or any kind of morality. The fact is there are Virtuous and deviant people in Thailand in equal amounts to any other country in the world. Your narrow minded bigotry aside, I think it just goes to show what circles you find yourself in.

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I have no circle of friends, I may go to a restaurant once and a while for a meal and some conversation with another expat, but for me that is enough...I'm a bit of a loner and to busy doing things I want to do with my hooker wife and kids...

respect.... :jap:

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Jeddah Jo- On virtue, that's just flatly racist to say that as a nation the Thai people have no Virtue. And insulting, and it speaks volumes about you and others like you that enjoy a place that they think lacks virtues or any kind of morality. The fact is there are Virtuous and deviant people in Thailand in equal amounts to any other country in the world. Your narrow minded bigotry aside, I think it just goes to show what circles you find yourself in.

Unfortunately it appears you are not intelligent enough to divine my meaning so I will try and be a bit clearer so the slow coaches in the class can catch up.

I in no way implied Thai people have no virtue so it seems you willfully misunderstood me there, a common ploy among trolls. In any case it was a highly insulting remark as you know nothing about me, and your leap to judgement is typical of farangs who fail to accept life in Thailand is about shades of grey and not black and white.

In simple terms I was trying to imply that virtue is relative. What appears virtuous may in fact not be, and what appears a lady of no virtue may in fact be scrupulously honest, moral and an admirable human being. There that wasn't so difficult was it?

Surely you have heard of Bangkok university students that at weekends turn in to Coyote dancers in high end clubs on the prowl for a wealthy aa-Sia to help buy them their latest i-Phones, cars etc. Also the university students who sign up with an aa-Sia to put them through college on the understanding that they will be his mia-noi on graduation?

It appears you don't know as much about Thai society as you claim.

As for the circles I mix in, I have friends who are wealthy enough to buy you a thousand times over, but can also rub shoulders with people who do not have 2 x 25 satang coins to rub together. That is not a boast but just a claim I take people as I find them and am not quick to judge, certainly not as quick as you appear to be regarding me anyway.


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Jeddah Jo- On virtue, that's just flatly racist to say that as a nation the Thai people have no Virtue. And insulting, and it speaks volumes about you and others like you that enjoy a place that they think lacks virtues or any kind of morality. The fact is there are Virtuous and deviant people in Thailand in equal amounts to any other country in the world. Your narrow minded bigotry aside, I think it just goes to show what circles you find yourself in.

Unfortunately it appears you are not intelligent enough to divine my meaning so I will try and be a bit clearer so the slow coaches in the class can catch up.

I in no way implied Thai people have no virtue so it seems you willfully misunderstood me there, a common ploy among trolls. In any case it was a highly insulting remark as you know nothing about me, and your leap to judgement is typical of farangs who fail to accept life in Thailand is about shades of grey and not black and white.

In simple terms I was trying to imply that virtue is relative. What appears virtuous may in fact not be, and what appears a lady of no virtue may in fact be scrupulously honest, moral and an admirable human being. There that wasn't so difficult was it?

Surely you have heard of Bangkok university students that at weekends turn in to Coyote dancers in high end clubs on the prowl for a wealthy aa-Sia to help buy them their latest i-Phones, cars etc. Also the university students who sign up with an aa-Sia to put them through college on the understanding that they will be his mia-noi on graduation?

It appears you don't know as much about Thai society as you claim.

As for the circles I mix in, I have friends who are wealthy enough to buy you a thousand times over, but can also rub shoulders with people who do not have 2 x 25 satang coins to rub together. That is not a boast but just a claim I take people as I find them and am not quick to judge, certainly not as quick as you appear to be regarding me anyway.


You make some excellent points.

I think we now have to accept that the world has changed.

More so today, that everything has become commercial and business like.

Whether these females are women of ill repute or so-called nice respectable girls such as University students or social climbers, yes, there are many that will make themselves available to the highest bidders. So trying to make distinctions between these women at both ends of the spectrum becomes difficult. In many cases these women deserve the reputations they have acquired. They have in fact transformed marriage or partnerships into business relationships and that’s the direction where everything is going and I think especially in Thailand. This is not being racist, but just the way I see things going on around me.

Back to the original topic, Circles. When I was a youngster, if I wanted to make contact with my friends, then I had to go out and find them or call at their homes. These days most of people’s social activities revolve around a computer, social networking sites and a mobile phone. It`s as if people have become addicted to them.

Technology is putting an end to social interaction between people and my personal view is; that I don’t believe this is healthy or a good thing.

At my age now, I am glad that I will not be around in the next 20 odd years to be witness to our so-called progress.

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I used to know a guy who claimed to have been in Panama and would introduce himself to people "27 confirmed kills, including women and children", at networking events, pubs, the office....

There are more freaks in Thailand than the rest of SEA put together

You need to meet some people outside of ThaiVisa! :rolleyes:

He was an employee. Needless to say he did not last long

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Jeddah Jo- On virtue, that's just flatly racist to say that as a nation the Thai people have no Virtue. And insulting, and it speaks volumes about you and others like you that enjoy a place that they think lacks virtues or any kind of morality. The fact is there are Virtuous and deviant people in Thailand in equal amounts to any other country in the world. Your narrow minded bigotry aside, I think it just goes to show what circles you find yourself in.

Unfortunately it appears you are not intelligent enough to divine my meaning so I will try and be a bit clearer so the slow coaches in the class can catch up.

I in no way implied Thai people have no virtue so it seems you willfully misunderstood me there, a common ploy among trolls. In any case it was a highly insulting remark as you know nothing about me, and your leap to judgement is typical of farangs who fail to accept life in Thailand is about shades of grey and not black and white.

In simple terms I was trying to imply that virtue is relative. What appears virtuous may in fact not be, and what appears a lady of no virtue may in fact be scrupulously honest, moral and an admirable human being. There that wasn't so difficult was it?

Surely you have heard of Bangkok university students that at weekends turn in to Coyote dancers in high end clubs on the prowl for a wealthy aa-Sia to help buy them their latest i-Phones, cars etc. Also the university students who sign up with an aa-Sia to put them through college on the understanding that they will be his mia-noi on graduation?

It appears you don't know as much about Thai society as you claim.

As for the circles I mix in, I have friends who are wealthy enough to buy you a thousand times over, but can also rub shoulders with people who do not have 2 x 25 satang coins to rub together. That is not a boast but just a claim I take people as I find them and am not quick to judge, certainly not as quick as you appear to be regarding me anyway.


You make some excellent points.

I think we now have to accept that the world has changed.

More so today, that everything has become commercial and business like.

Whether these females are women of ill repute or so-called nice respectable girls such as University students or social climbers, yes, there are many that will make themselves available to the highest bidders. So trying to make distinctions between these women at both ends of the spectrum becomes difficult. In many cases these women deserve the reputations they have acquired. They have in fact transformed marriage or partnerships into business relationships and that’s the direction where everything is going and I think especially in Thailand. This is not being racist, but just the way I see things going on around me.

Back to the original topic, Circles. When I was a youngster, if I wanted to make contact with my friends, then I had to go out and find them or call at their homes. These days most of people’s social activities revolve around a computer, social networking sites and a mobile phone. It`s as if people have become addicted to them.

Technology is putting an end to social interaction between people and my personal view is; that I don’t believe this is healthy or a good thing.

At my age now, I am glad that I will not be around in the next 20 odd years to be witness to our so-called progress.

You make an interesting point about contact outside of the computer in the good old days.

Growing up in a big city made social contact easy when big cities were not dangerous. Coffee shops and bakery shops for breakfast and street vendors and parks for lunch and bars and clubs for dinner and after dinner. People did drink more in the good old days before AA.

Paris provided a lot of the same entertainment and social interaction that Thailand does today. It was in fact Paris in the 1920's that educated the first Thai politicos like Phibun.

When I lived in Pattaya and watched the city function I often wondered where were the Hemingway's and Toulouse-Lautrec's.

In my little city in Thailand I have found 15 baht coffee and 7 baht pastries for breakfast and streets where friendship and conversation is cheap and easy. 60 baht gets me a shave and hair trim every morning. You know men didn't used to shave at home or shine their own shoes.

Walking for a while in the hot sun yesterday, I stopped in a bar for a bottle of water and the lady bartender told me I looked hot (I was very hot I had walked two miles). She inquired if I wanted to take a shower which I did and she loaned me a kimono while she washed and dried my shirt. It is nice that they know my name. I don't dwell much on what they may really think about me because they are consistently kind and hospitable. Once you find that place that offers a happy ending with a foot massage you become a regular customer.

To me Thailand is like Paris somewhere between 1860 and 1920 with rice wine and pad Thai taking the place of Bordeaux and crepes. The women I can only compare from impressionist paintings but I imagine they are the same.

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...To me Thailand is like Paris somewhere between 1860 and 1920 with rice wine and pad Thai taking the place of Bordeaux and crepes...

Absinth and Baguette,

It was Absinth and Baguette, and for HIV/Aids they had Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis, now that's a name for an illness, just typing it makes me shudder.

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And there are those who still wonder [even curious] as to why some don't yearn to keep this circle of Farang company. One just needs to absorb this forum daily to conclude any such justifications.

did you mean to justify any such conclusions?

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It amazes me why so many people feel the need to put down women who enjoy having sex with words like slut, etc. As if it was somehow immoral to enjoy a good romp on a regular basis? Why this obsession with controlling or defining the allowed boundaries of women's sexuality? Be happy there are women out there who want to have sex with you, or maybe the problem is you need to put them down because they have sex with others, and not with you?

Whatever the reasons, this whole business is very Talibanesque of you, you know.

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It amazes me why so many people feel the need to put down women who enjoy having sex with words like slut, etc. As if it was somehow immoral to enjoy a good romp on a regular basis? Why this obsession with controlling or defining the allowed boundaries of women's sexuality? Be happy there are women out there who want to have sex with you, or maybe the problem is you need to put them down because they have sex with others, and not with you?

Whatever the reasons, this whole business is very Talibanesque of you, you know.

My thoughts run to the envy side for men. After men marry a Thai woman they feel envy of their brothers who are still single in Thailand. One of the ways to justify the seemingly unjustifiable action of marriage is to denigrate both Thai women who like sex and men who facilitate that enjoyment. They attack the men as low life whore mongers and the women as sluts. This gives them the moral high ground to salve their jailed libidos.

There is also the Christian guilt trip basically designed to fill the church coffers.

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It amazes me why so many people feel the need to put down women who enjoy having sex with words like slut, etc. As if it was somehow immoral to enjoy a good romp on a regular basis? Why this obsession with controlling or defining the allowed boundaries of women's sexuality? Be happy there are women out there who want to have sex with you, or maybe the problem is you need to put them down because they have sex with others, and not with you?

Whatever the reasons, this whole business is very Talibanesque of you, you know.

My thoughts run to the envy side for men. After men marry a Thai woman they feel envy of their brothers who are still single in Thailand. One of the ways to justify the seemingly unjustifiable action of marriage is to denigrate both Thai women who like sex and men who facilitate that enjoyment. They attack the men as low life whore mongers and the women as sluts. This gives them the moral high ground to salve their jailed libidos.

There is also the Christian guilt trip basically designed to fill the church coffers.

I don't know why people denigrate those who want to play in the industry. I simply pity those playing around, but I also recognize that I might be projecting my own biases onto them, so in the end I just hope they are happy with their lives.

I enjoyed the scene for about the first year while I was here. Then I just became despondent with the incredible emptiness in it all. Buried myself in work for the next year, and was lucky enough to meet my wife in the 3rd. After 12 years I have a loving wife and 2 amazing children. Even the parental inlaws are really good people. The brothers and sisters not quite so much. About half of them I wish would simply go away, but then even my wife concurs with my assessment of them.

Truthfully I can't imagine why anyone would want to voluntarily stay in the bar scene and want to remain single when you can have a family and a real life. I just don't accept that anyone is jealous of those who are single. I would say it is the other way around, and those who denigrate Thai women and the bar scene are actually people who are single and angry because they are stuck in it.

I think most of the singles in Thailand want out. They just don't know how to find the exit.

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My thoughts run to the envy side for men. After men marry a Thai woman they feel envy of their brothers who are still single in Thailand. One of the ways to justify the seemingly unjustifiable action of marriage is to denigrate both Thai women who like sex and men who facilitate that enjoyment. They attack the men as low life whore mongers and the women as sluts. This gives them the moral high ground to salve their jailed libidos.

There is also the Christian guilt trip basically designed to fill the church coffers.

Not at all, maybe some but don't judge all by ye self.

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It amazes me why so many people feel the need to put down women who enjoy having sex with words like slut, etc. As if it was somehow immoral to enjoy a good romp on a regular basis? Why this obsession with controlling or defining the allowed boundaries of women's sexuality? Be happy there are women out there who want to have sex with you, or maybe the problem is you need to put them down because they have sex with others, and not with you?

Whatever the reasons, this whole business is very Talibanesque of you, you know.

My thoughts run to the envy side for men. After men marry a Thai woman they feel envy of their brothers who are still single in Thailand. One of the ways to justify the seemingly unjustifiable action of marriage is to denigrate both Thai women who like sex and men who facilitate that enjoyment. They attack the men as low life whore mongers and the women as sluts. This gives them the moral high ground to salve their jailed libidos.

There is also the Christian guilt trip basically designed to fill the church coffers.

I don't know why people denigrate those who want to play in the industry. I simply pity those playing around, but I also recognize that I might be projecting my own biases onto them, so in the end I just hope they are happy with their lives.

I enjoyed the scene for about the first year while I was here. Then I just became despondent with the incredible emptiness in it all. Buried myself in work for the next year, and was lucky enough to meet my wife in the 3rd. After 12 years I have a loving wife and 2 amazing children. Even the parental inlaws are really good people. The brothers and sisters not quite so much. About half of them I wish would simply go away, but then even my wife concurs with my assessment of them.

Truthfully I can't imagine why anyone would want to voluntarily stay in the bar scene and want to remain single when you can have a family and a real life. I just don't accept that anyone is jealous of those who are single. I would say it is the other way around, and those who denigrate Thai women and the bar scene are actually people who are single and angry because they are stuck in it.

I think most of the singles in Thailand want out. They just don't know how to find the exit.

You know at first I thought that. I looked at guys in the West who walk alone and they are to be pitied. Couldn't get a woman so they are alone. I think that is the prevailing attitude. Married with family is seen as part of a successful life. Those single guys come to Thailand and hook up with a beautiful, moral good looking woman and have a family and they are immensely happy and fulfilled.

For a while in Thailand I felt that too. Then gradually I began to look closer, read and talk to Thai people as well as Farangs. Personally I am into serial monogamy with a little on the side. But I am not even my role model. If I was a better person I would live alone. My heroes in Thailand are the loners. For me, I don't like sleeping alone. But if I was a stronger more moral person I would live by myself. But I am weak. There is just too many available good women here. I try and be honorable. I don't go to bars much. I never get drunk but the cashier at the grocery store lets her hand linger too long when giving me change and locks onto my eyes. Or the lady sitting across from me in the bus asks me if I have eaten lunch yet.

When you mention “real life” you are talking about a construct of the West and not real life in Thailand.

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My thoughts run to the envy side for men. After men marry a Thai woman they feel envy of their brothers who are still single in Thailand. One of the ways to justify the seemingly unjustifiable action of marriage is to denigrate both Thai women who like sex and men who facilitate that enjoyment. They attack the men as low life whore mongers and the women as sluts. This gives them the moral high ground to salve their jailed libidos.

There is also the Christian guilt trip basically designed to fill the church coffers.

Not at all, maybe some but don't judge all by ye self.

That is an odd thing to say. I am not judging anyone by myself. I am not married nor envious of anyone.

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I don't know why people denigrate those who want to play in the industry. I simply pity those playing around, but I also recognize that I might be projecting my own biases onto them, so in the end I just hope they are happy with their lives.

I enjoyed the scene for about the first year while I was here. Then I just became despondent with the incredible emptiness in it all. Buried myself in work for the next year, and was lucky enough to meet my wife in the 3rd. After 12 years I have a loving wife and 2 amazing children. Even the parental inlaws are really good people. The brothers and sisters not quite so much. About half of them I wish would simply go away, but then even my wife concurs with my assessment of them.

Truthfully I can't imagine why anyone would want to voluntarily stay in the bar scene and want to remain single when you can have a family and a real life. I just don't accept that anyone is jealous of those who are single. I would say it is the other way around, and those who denigrate Thai women and the bar scene are actually people who are single and angry because they are stuck in it.

I think most of the singles in Thailand want out. They just don't know how to find the exit.

You should have left it right at this quote of yours...

I might be projecting my own biases onto them, so in the end I just hope they are happy with their lives.

When you've ALREADY done the marriage thing and raised children to adulthood then you don't have to start it all over again. I believe there are a lot of happy single men in Thailand... myself included.

I agree that if you do have a great partner in bed and out of bed, then it is better than spending time with a bunch of strangers. But, considering that over 50% of all first marriages fail, and over 60% fail the second time, and the remaining couples still married are not all happy, then it is hard to believe your claim that single men over the age of 50 in Thailand want to get married.

Frankly, I don't find old women physically attractive, and if a woman is not attractive then I have no interest in having sex with her. But, I still enjoy having sex on a regular basis. Call me shallow if you want, but that is the truth for me, and I suspect many other men as well. I also accept that most young women don't find old men physically attractive either. But, there are "rentals" that will take their place. And, surprisingly enough, some of those "rentals" enjoy their time with their regular customers. I know mine do.

in Thailand, westerners have little if anything in common with most Thai women. So why would an older man get married again? That is not a knock on anyone. It's just the truth.

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Helicopter pilot circles. There are a lot of Farang chopper pilots in Thailand especially from Canada.

Oil and gas executive circles. There a lot of

Farang oil and gas executives here.

Automotive circles. There are a lot of Farang auto executives from here.

Consultant engineer circles. There are a lot of Farang engineers here that inspect things because they have certain certifications.

From what I see about 80% have hookers for wives and GF's; albeit absolutely strikingly beautiful ladies. Because the above guys make big bucks.

Military circles. A number of Americans live here who were based here during the war. Very few of them were Rambo types. Most being involved in construction, although they have Thai ties going back 40 years (interesting stories). There are some real hero's here though such as the guys who pulled the Thais out of Laos when the sh** hit the fan. And guys who flew the last prop fighters, and guys who flew all kinds of odd missions in strange aircraft, the variety of aircraft used is mind boggling.

If you didn't know it the mission decisions were made in Washington and then relayed to the air bases in Thailand. This meant that the data was usually old and dangerous. The pilots stationed here had brass balls. I saw B-52's go on the same mission three days in a row using the same flight path. On the third day you knew they weren't coming back (Even the North Vietnamese AA gets the range after three tries). All because some clerk at the pentagon was too lazy to plan a new mission.

The dog handlers are interesting too and a couple are still here. These guys worked with incredibly large German Shepherds in guarding air bases, U-Tapao for example. The VC attacked U-Tapao on a couple of occasions trying to get at the B-52's.

Off shore mercenaries. Most of them are truck drivers from Iraq, they make $120,000 a year.

For every ten loudmouths telling their war stories here in SE Asia there are a few discreetly quiet guys around who are the real deal. We just lost a great example a few days ago in Chiang Mai. Ken Chapman aka Dustoff who was shot down seven times in Viet Nam is a perfect example of the quiet, real deal. I have several other friends both here in Thailand and the Philippines who remain the real deal. The dog handlers you mention used "sentry dogs". Google them. I was lucky enough to have handled two sentry dogs.

Claiming military service or honors is not isolated to expats in Thailand. Stolenvalor.com is just one organization which tracks down people claiming bogus service. They have caught politicians, actors (like Brian Denehey), and people just trying to gain financial or ego-inflating recognition.

I am always amazed at the number of SEALS I have met around the world. Yet these same SEALS have never heard of the SEAL Medal of Honor winners, nor the simple terminology used at BUD/S, (the SEAL training school). I love to call these bozos out.

On the other hand, some of these people are real. I know an expat here who landed at Tarawa as a Marine, for example. And on another forum, some guy made a comment about an aircraft, an A-4, I believe. Some people took issue with him, and he stated he had some amazing qualifications and experiences to include getting shot down over Libya back in the 1960's and somehow making his way out through the desert to the sea and catching a ride with fishermen back to US forces. Of course, he got pummeled in the forum. The only thing is, he was right. He provided links to news clippings, had pdf's of documents, and provided names of people which whom he had served. He was actually shot down as a Navy lieutentant on a secret mission, and he did have to don robes and exfiltrate on his own to safety.

So while the bulk of bar-patron Navy SEALS/SAS/CIA/Marine sniper/etc are undoubtedly fantasy, every once in awhile, the guys are telling the truth.

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I also accept that most young women don't find old men physically attractive either. But, there are "rentals" that will take their place. And, surprisingly enough, some of those "rentals" enjoy their time with their regular customers. I know mine do.

Are you an old man paying young Asian women for sex ?

Answer yes and I can guarantee you that they may enjoy a meal with you or you spending money on them or you giving them money, but, if you think they enjoy having sex with a man older than their Father or even Grandfather ( In the case of many old men who come to SE Asian countries to take advantage of poor people) you have to be joking.

If she had money she wouldn't look twice at you, just the same as young women in your own country won't look twice at you, unless you pay them, no difference, it's just that old men flock to SE Asia to take advantage of cheap prices.

I don't see many young girls putting posters on their bedroom walls of grey haired old men, do you ?

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I also accept that most young women don't find old men physically attractive either. But, there are "rentals" that will take their place. And, surprisingly enough, some of those "rentals" enjoy their time with their regular customers. I know mine do.

Are you an old man paying young Asian women for sex ?

Answer yes and I can guarantee you that they may enjoy a meal with you or you spending money on them or you giving them money, but, if you think they enjoy having sex with a man older than their Father or even Grandfather ( In the case of many old men who come to SE Asian countries to take advantage of poor people) you have to be joking.

If she had money she wouldn't look twice at you, just the same as young women in your own country won't look twice at you, unless you pay them, no difference, it's just that old men flock to SE Asia to take advantage of cheap prices.

I don't see many young girls putting posters on their bedroom walls of grey haired old men, do you ?

Let me guess. You have spent two weeks in Thailand and found a "good girl" in Pattaya. You gave her money at the airport and are now sending her money monthly. I guess you know all about Thai women right? :lol:

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Let me guess. You have spent two weeks in Thailand and found a "good girl" in Pattaya. You gave her money at the airport and are now sending her money monthly. I guess you know all about Thai women right? :lol:

Yes, all these young women with posters of old washed out Pattaya Farangs on their bedroom walls, I don't think so.

Kerry, you were an old guy years ago in TQ1, you're 20 years older now, you know nothing about Thai women other than those you pay. smile.gif

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Let me guess. You have spent two weeks in Thailand and found a "good girl" in Pattaya. You gave her money at the airport and are now sending her money monthly. I guess you know all about Thai women right? :lol:

Yes, all these young women with posters of old washed out Pattaya Farangs on their bedroom walls, I don't think so.

Kerry, you were an old guy years ago in TQ1, you're 20 years older now, you know nothing about Thai women other than those you pay. smile.gif

Not only posters my young man who has logged two weeks in Thailand but shrines with a photo, daily fresh flowers and incense burned by all members of the family. When your hot your hot.

I would never date a woman who has ever worked in Pattaya or even has an intimate knowledge of the street system.

My significant other is my equal and we share expenses. I pay my mia noi and my giks. Oh and I do live in Thailand and have for long enough to have dry ears. I got here before the TQ1 if you are really wondering.

Good luck kid.

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I'm always worried that someone I know in real life reads my posts and says "Cowboy, I never realised you were such a twunt"; though I suppose, better they say it out loud.

Anyway, for that reason, sometimes I moderate my posting based on how it might be perceived. I can't imagine anyone saying "Cowboy, you;re a twunt, but kerry or beezer or zzzzz is worse"; our reputation is our own, and, sadly in this context, it is not comparative.

Maybe I am just unfortunate to mix in circles who share my perception of common sense and decency

Luckily, we still have our anonymity


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[sic]...common sense and decency

Which is what?

To be fair, you added the [sic] within the quote, and omitted the "perception of"

My perception of what is common sense and decency is those things that I consider to be common sense and decent. Most of my friends agree and concur, and I am not too worried about the opinions of strangers. I do not really consider myself a proselyte, so I do not want to go off on an exposition or enumeration of all those things that I consider common sense or decent, If you really want to know what my opinions are, you may be obliged to form a friendship, which, based on statistical evidence may require you to become a project engineer or a bar girl. Or you could try to interpret, from my postings on TV.


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