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Yesterday, I was looking at msn co.uk and followed a lead for a free downloand o aro 2011 which was free trial to clean up the computer, afterwards I got a pop up from Google? It said "end user agreement" which I took to be that I was going to be using "Google" instead of my current one which isAVG. I declined the offer,but, the pop up did not go away. I tried switching off and switching on and accepting, still will not go away and there is no red cross in the top right to get ride of the thing. I am no technical wizard so please can someone ge gentle with me and tell me how I can get rid of this and return to normal service, so I can use my computer, thanks.


Yup ^^^ that should work, or uninstall Aro 2011 which is probably what's popping up the EULA.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


In my opinion, Registry Cleaner or Optimizers are just the modern version of Snake Oil.

Don't bother with that. They are, at best, misleading, at worst they will containe spamware or even malware.


Thanks for the advice, I was having a problem getting to the restore position because the agreement document was always in front of other things, with help I have manged to unintsall the ARO 2011, restore the system ok, but the agreement thing just kept coming back, it has been banished now by someone who knows more than me and in future I will disregard all those "helpful tips" that appear from time to time, thanks again.


It sounds like Aro 2011 is the problem.

There are lots of references to it being malware or goad-ware, ie reporting false errors and then asking for money to fix these non-existent errors.



As a rule of thumb, any pop-up that appears without you initiating it, offering to install some free registry or malware scanner, is more trouble than it's worth and likely a scam.

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