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Can anyone tell me the process that the UKBA go through from when a applicant submits a application for a settlement Visa and the true time to Process the application.

Does the Application sit in a Box for weeks before someone sits down and starts to read through the application or does the process start from the Day that the embassy gets the Application.

Also , Intended date of travel, Do they priorities applications on the intended date of travel?

I can understand that one case will be different to another case and i have read that some people have had a settlement visa with in a couple of weeks , But their is a process that the application must to go through which begs the question, From opening the file to picking up the letter from Regents House.

Also the people who are checking through the Settlement visa, Are these the same people that will look through normal Visitors Visa's and if thats the Case , Do they only look at the Settlement visa's once they catch up with the visitors visa's.

I am off back to Thailand on Friday for my Honeymoon, So i do have everything crossed that everything will work out fine for us and get a reply while i am in thailand



The only answer anyone can give is that it takes as long as it takes!

There are a fixed number of ECOs working in the visa section, and whilst I don't know how they divide the work up, it is obvious that applying at a time when they have received lots of applications of all types means that any particular application will take longer than applying at a quite time.

The shortest period for a settlement application I personally know about is 5 working days; the shortest I have read about (on here) is one working day.

Unless there are compelling, exceptional reasons for an applicant jumping the queue, all applications are dealt with in the order in which they are received. Although some applications may take longer to process than others; checking information with a third party, for example.

Applications requesting an early travel date do not get prioritised; they take their turn in the queue with everyone else.

Although at times the process can be very quick, the sensible course is to heed the advice from the UKVAC and allow up to 12 weeks for the process. I can't recall very many, if any at all, taking longer than this.


Thank you 7by7

You will have guessed that i started this thread prior to finding out that my wifes application is ready for picking up, Do i now have mixed thoughts 2 weeks is to short for everything to be sorted out, so looking on the negitive side now with a little hope


Generally it takes just as long to process a refusal as it does an acceptance. As I said, I know of an application processed in 5 working days and another in just one day; both successful.

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