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Thai Govt Pledges No Extrajudicial Killings In Drug Crackdown


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Govt Pledges No Extrajudicial Killings in Drug Crackdown

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung will invite police officers with doctorate degrees to help out with the crackdown on lese majeste websites.

He has also reaffirmed that there will not be any extrajudicial killing in this government's war on drugs.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung plans to ask police officers with doctorate degrees to help out with the investigation and suppression of lese majeste websites.

These officers will be officially appointed to a task force in 90 days.

He plans to seek funding for the task force via acting police chief Police General Priewpan Damapong.

In addition, a new unit will be formed to oversee the narcotics eradication effort.

Chalerm has insisted that there will not be any extrajudicial killing of drug suspects as seen during the Thaksin administration.

He will discuss the matter with the Narcotics Control Board on September 16 and travel to Chiang Rai Province to meet with law enforcement authorities in the northern part of the country.

Meanwhile, Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has expressed concern over the government's war on drug, especially its pledge to reduce narcotics by 80 percent, saying that it could bring about a new round of extrajudicial killings.

Abhisit urged the government to review the study released by the commission on drug policy to formulate more appropriate ways in addressing the problem.


-- Tan Network 2011-09-13


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Nightmare Must Not Return

On February 1, 2003, then-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced a war on drug, pledging to rid the country of narcotics within three months, marking the start of alleged extrajudicial killing spree of drug dealers. Thaksin later stated that “it is normal for some dealers to be killed in the process.” Under Thaksin's drug policy, the were a total of 2,838 deaths from about 2,400 drug-related cases. This is a nightmare which has not been forgotten by the Thai people.

That is why many could not help but cringe at the words of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra when she announced the launch of the current administration's crackdown on narcotics. Despite the differences between Yingluck's drug policy and Thaksin's, they are still pretty much the same in the following aspects:

1) Area-based allocation of anti-drug operations

2) Role designation in the national's anti-drug efforts

3) Information sharing among the district, provincial and national law enforcement authorities

4) Rehabilitation of 300,000 drug addicts

5) Clear line of command from the national to the regional operation centers

6) Strong and accountable leadership

Yingluck has outlined that narcotics must be wiped out within one year with 80 percent reduction of drug violence. Yet, some are concerned that the history could repeat itself in which this new round of war on drug will fall into another period of state-sanctioned killings.

The government has reaffirmed that its anti-drug efforts will include all involved officials in order to ensure the efficiency of the six main points mentioned above. However, the premier and the Cabinet must ensure that all drug-related cases are treated with impartiality and transparency.

Certainly, the policy must have a clearly defined time-frame and goal. This will also make it easier to implement. However, the country's drug problem is a complex social issue, involving networks of powerful groups who will certain safeguard their interests. Time and carefully laid plan are required to combat this problem. Most importantly, the government must strictly aim to rehabilitate addicts and punish the dealers and manufacturers in accordance to laws while avoiding possible collateral damage at any cost.

Taken from Editorial Section, Kom Chad Leuk Newspaper, Page 4, September 12, 2011

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2011-09-13


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A doctorate in what, Literature, Physics ...? Don't see the relevance unless it is in political science or similar.

Police Lieutenant-Colonel Thaksin has a doctorate in criminal justice.

He would be a good one to "to help out with the investigation and suppression of lese majeste websites."

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Any bets as to which committees his sons will be appointed to?

Well, he does have experience... :rolleyes:

Interior Minister appoints his son as Anti-Drug Committee Member

The Interior Minister appointed one of his sons as a member of the special committee to tackle drug problems.

Major Duang Yoobamrung, the son of Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, was appointed to work with the Interior Ministry's Drug Suppression Committee, which is a special unit that supports operations to reduce drug problems.

The official letter of his appointment was signed by his farther, the Interior Minister himself, on July 4th, 2008.

TAN Network - July 5, 2008

Edited by Buchholz
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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung plans to ask police officers with doctorate degrees to help out with the investigation and suppression of lese majeste websites.

That'll help :)

I think the difference would be a doctorate degree from where! One from LOS would mean you have the equivalent of someone with half of a brain looking at it. He should check their credentials too, make sure it wasn't a purchased degree!

Plus, all those fancy Thai doctors can help think of a way to make these future killings look like someone else's fault.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

jim, we’re talking about police killing people that don’t get a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law. I presume you come from a developed country. If so, it is classed as ’developed ’ because extrajudicial killings are one of the things not allowed. Try and educate the local natives rather than be one.

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A week or so ago Chalerm also said that there's nothing wrong with extrajudicial measures to fight drugs.

By stating that there would be no extra-judicial killings in this round of drug -user suppression - I am assuming that they are admitting that there WERE extra extra-judicial killings in the last round! Well! Well!

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

jim, we’re talking about police killing people that don’t get a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law. I presume you come from a developed country. If so, it is classed as ’developed ’ because extrajudicial killings are one of the things not allowed. Try and educate the local natives rather than be one.

Many of the people murdered in the last round w ere not drug dealers. NGOs running drop in centres will confirm that users on programes were randomly selected and shot. My ex-wife's uncle was also shot - he wasn't a dealer. He was a Thaksin political opponent and he was not the only one wiped out in that way!

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

Well let's see if I understand your logic. NOPEhit-the-fan.gif The war on drugs has never nor will ever be effective for one main reason. People like to self medicate end of story. So if by chance you like to pickle your brain and liver with drinkingdrunk.gif and you drink everyday and the powers to be decide that you are a menace and threat to society because you like to self medicate with booze and someone like me who hates people that drink. Do I have the right to say find a trained policeman and end this nut job life before more innocent lives are lost from drinking and driving, spousal abuse, or just being a drunken moron. Your logic simple as you try to make it out to be is moroniccrazy.gif at best. Cheers

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Bars in Chiang Mai are on a midnight curfew from the government officials not the police at the moment. The police are now missing out on cash only ticket sales to the annual ball from the bars and are trying to bully the local shops that are privately owned and sell booze to help with the funding. Mrs Changers is now shutting the shop early after 2 visits requesting payment.

A large amount of bar girls have gone home for a "Holiday" while this purge is ongoing. They are scared that they may be framed et al or worse. There is a lot of tension for the locals adding to the fact that there are a lot fewer Farang due to the economic crisis.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

I believe you are a drug dealer so it's OK if I have my policeman friend shoot you in the head?

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Any bets as to which committees his sons will be appointed to?

Well, he does have experience... :rolleyes:

Interior Minister appoints his son as Anti-Drug Committee Member

The Interior Minister appointed one of his sons as a member of the special committee to tackle drug problems.

Major Duang Yoobamrung, the son of Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, was appointed to work with the Interior Ministry's Drug Suppression Committee, which is a special unit that supports operations to reduce drug problems.

The official letter of his appointment was signed by his farther, the Interior Minister himself, on July 4th, 2008.

TAN Network - July 5, 2008

Is Duang the youngest son who ran away, and then got off with a wrist slap for shooting a policeman to death at point blank range? Allegedly, the policeman clumsily stepped on the son's shoe in a crowded nightclub, so perhaps we can forgive the murder (for offending an important Thai person), particularly as he's the son of such an important man. Or is Duang one of the other sons (?) who have been known to violently threaten others in night clubs, yet never suffer the consequences that ordinary people like you and me would get if we did the same.

Sobering thought to think that a man like Chalerm, who harbors criminals (his sons) and is such an soppy example of fatherhood, is put in charge of such an important program. Nothing surprises me re; Thai politics. If they took the fattest person in the land and appointed that person head of Thailand's fitness initiative, it would fit in like whiskey drinking Chalerm put in charge of eradicating drugs.

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The past and the characters involved in the killings need a professional plaster to cover the blood. It is even funny that the Govt pledges no extrajudicial killings..... Pledge???? Wrong word - justice would be the more appropriate word. The "Govt pledges No Extrajudicial Killing" sound like a gunman promising not to shoot again alluding that they were involved in those killings in the past.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung plans to ask police officers with doctorate degrees to help out with the investigation and suppression of lese majeste websites.

That'll help :)

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