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Hi all

Well the two years since my wife finally arrived in the UK on her Spouse Visa is up and we now have a same day appointment booked

for next month at Croydon and the butterflies have already started in both mine and my wife's bellies.

I have all the pay slips, bank statements,mortgage forms etc ready and am slowly making my way through the application form, when

I booked the appointment the lady told me that it takes around 4 hours and I was wondering if this will be the same process as the 4 hours

waiting time when applying for a same day passport as in:

turn up at appointment time, hand over forms, pay money come back in 4 hours and pick up passport.


If the 4 hours consisted of interviews, questions etc

although I know all our details are ok and the paperwork should be ok my wife is dreading being "interogated" and I wondered if anyone

on here had applied for the same day service and could let me know what happened in their case, I am sure that not everyone application

is the same but if anyone who has been through this and could shed some light on what the procedure is I would be very gratefull.

Thanking you in advance



Don't know about ILR but my wife applied for FLR at Croydon in May just after we got married in the UK.

I'm guessing it's pretty similar? Although I would be interested to hear if ILR is any different?

Basically, book an early appointment (they always seem to run late - might be problems at the end of the day) and go through security, queue, get your paperwork checked for 2 mins.

Go upstairs, queue, pay. Upstairs again. Wait, another paperwork check. Wait, biometrics and then "interview" which lasted literally 3 minutes.

We were in and out in 2 and half hours and probably 1 and half of that was waiting for the biometrics (their £100 Canon digital cameras were up the spout).



Thanks for replying I hope that is the case, my wife's english is great and she can answer any questions that they may or may not ask and as I said before all of our paperwork should be fine its just the whole importance of this day that make us nervous.

Just like the waiting for the spouse visa to come through 2 years ago I remember being on here everyday reading who had been accepted and feeling happy and relieved for them and then reading others that had not and feeling sad and upset thinking that could be us, luckily it wasn't but until we get the stamp in the visa this time I know I will be feeling like this for the next 4 weeks.

If anyone else has actually been through the same day process and wouldn't mind sharing their experience I really would appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks again Thaivisa Forum for the reassurance and information you give it really does make me feel better.



We went through this process in Birmingham last year.

I don't remember exactly what the procedure was but it was very straight forward no questions at all. Although I do remember having to wait around quite a lot.

I wouldn't stress to much about this.

My wife is currently waiting on a reply from her. Citizenship application

Thanks for replying I hope that is the case, my wife's english is great and she can answer any questions that they may or may not ask and as I said before all of our paperwork should be fine its just the whole importance of this day that make us nervous.

Just like the waiting for the spouse visa to come through 2 years ago I remember being on here everyday reading who had been accepted and feeling happy and relieved for them and then reading others that had not and feeling sad and upset thinking that could be us, luckily it wasn't but until we get the stamp in the visa this time I know I will be feeling like this for the next 4 weeks.

If anyone else has actually been through the same day process and wouldn't mind sharing their experience I really would appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks again Thaivisa Forum for the reassurance and information you give it really does make me feel better.


  • 5 weeks later...


Just to update you on my wife's ILR same day application yesterday.

I spent the last few days compiling all of our paperwork then photocopying everything and putting them into identical folders (Originals/Copies), in sections as per Robs Guide to UK Settlement (but not as detailed)

Introduction Letter

Marriage & Birth Certificates

Estate Agent & Landlord Letters

Passport & Visa Documents

Employers Letter & Wage Slips

Bank Statements

Utility Bills

Other Documents

I then downloaded the ILR Form SET(0) and went about filling in all the relevant questions, I couldn't believe how many pages there were and how many categories it seemed to cover:

Tier 1 (General) migrant

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant

Tier 1 (Investor) migrant

and many many more and I found myself confused and a little embarrassed that i did not know what category my wife came under, so I came on here and still feeling embarrassed

I PM'd 7by7 to ask him rather than posting on the main forum.

The reason I am now posting it on here is as embarrassed and silly as I felt not knowing what to put on the form I would have felt even sillier if I had not asked,

as the reply from 7by7 was:

"If she came to the UK as your spouse or partner and is now applying for ILR as your spouse or partner then the form you need is form SET(M) (it can be completed online here).

Tier 1 is a work category and is not one of the options given on SET(M). I think that you may be filling in the wrong form!"

after getting over the shock and again the feeling of total stupidity I downloaded the Set(M) form with the category:

Spouse or civil partner of a person present and settled in the UK

the realisation that I could have messed things up was followed by relief that I asked the question and like every other time got the correct answer sometimes its not the one we want to hear but it is always the right one and I am so pleased that I am member of this Forum.

After filling in the form and going to bed around 2am me and my wife woke up at 5 am and made our way to Croydon for out 8.30 am appointment

we arrived at Lunar House around 8.15 am, was let in a went and paid the money before being given a number and told to wait for it to be called out at

that point my stomach was in knots, I felt ill, my wife who has had the flu all week was not feeling much better.

We were called at 9.05 am and went to the window where we handed over our passports and application form (the correct one) and then handed over

our folder with all our paperwork he asked if we had photocopied them and when I showed him the identical folder seem pleased, he told us that it would take about 30 minutes for him to process our application and that our number would be called when he had finished. By now I was feeling

so nervous, hot & sweaty and my stomach was doing back flips that we went outside to get some fresh air and try not to worry but every minute

seemed to take an hour and after what seemed forever we went back in and sat down and waited for our number to be called this time it did

not take too long and we went back to the same window we had been called and sat down, the guy looked up and smiled and said

"Congratulations your application has been accepted, please come back in 45 minute and you can pick up your passport"

My wife cried, and if Im honest so did I, we both went outside to phone family and friends both here and in Thailand before heading in back in one

last time to pick up her passport with all important new page added with the words "Settlement" and "Indefinite" in.

The whole process on the day took around 3 hours from start to finish, there were no interview type questions which surprised and pleased us,

the decision was based solely on the application form and supporting documents and although the whole experience for me on the day was not

good that had more to do with my nerves and how I was feeling than the actual process which looking back was actually very straight forward and simple.

I have been using this site and reading everyones experiences on here for years and the great advice that is given out and shared by everyone on here is fantastic especially by 7by7 whose advice not only to me the other day but to everyone is invaluable and is always in the same clear and detailed way with links and quotes from source websites that always amazes me and I know that without it that a lot of people on here would have found it a lot harder than they already have.

So as I could not celebrate properly last night with it being a "School Night" I am now going to go out and have few glasses of something strong with my wife.

Just wanted to say


Mr & Mrs Dowman73 (UK Residents)



Just to update you on my wife's ILR same day application yesterday.

I spent the last few days compiling all of our paperwork then photocopying everything and putting them into identical folders (Originals/Copies), in sections as per Robs Guide to UK Settlement (but not as detailed)

Introduction Letter

Marriage & Birth Certificates

Estate Agent & Landlord Letters

Passport & Visa Documents

Employers Letter & Wage Slips

Bank Statements

Utility Bills

Other Documents

I then downloaded the ILR Form SET(0) and went about filling in all the relevant questions, I couldn't believe how many pages there were and how many categories it seemed to cover:

Tier 1 (General) migrant

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant

Tier 1 (Investor) migrant

and many many more and I found myself confused and a little embarrassed that i did not know what category my wife came under, so I came on here and still feeling embarrassed

I PM'd 7by7 to ask him rather than posting on the main forum.

The reason I am now posting it on here is as embarrassed and silly as I felt not knowing what to put on the form I would have felt even sillier if I had not asked,

as the reply from 7by7 was:

"If she came to the UK as your spouse or partner and is now applying for ILR as your spouse or partner then the form you need is form SET(M) (it can be completed online here).

Tier 1 is a work category and is not one of the options given on SET(M). I think that you may be filling in the wrong form!"

after getting over the shock and again the feeling of total stupidity I downloaded the Set(M) form with the category:

Spouse or civil partner of a person present and settled in the UK

the realisation that I could have messed things up was followed by relief that I asked the question and like every other time got the correct answer sometimes its not the one we want to hear but it is always the right one and I am so pleased that I am member of this Forum.

After filling in the form and going to bed around 2am me and my wife woke up at 5 am and made our way to Croydon for out 8.30 am appointment

we arrived at Lunar House around 8.15 am, was let in a went and paid the money before being given a number and told to wait for it to be called out at

that point my stomach was in knots, I felt ill, my wife who has had the flu all week was not feeling much better.

We were called at 9.05 am and went to the window where we handed over our passports and application form (the correct one) and then handed over

our folder with all our paperwork he asked if we had photocopied them and when I showed him the identical folder seem pleased, he told us that it would take about 30 minutes for him to process our application and that our number would be called when he had finished. By now I was feeling

so nervous, hot & sweaty and my stomach was doing back flips that we went outside to get some fresh air and try not to worry but every minute

seemed to take an hour and after what seemed forever we went back in and sat down and waited for our number to be called this time it did

not take too long and we went back to the same window we had been called and sat down, the guy looked up and smiled and said

"Congratulations your application has been accepted, please come back in 45 minute and you can pick up your passport"

My wife cried, and if Im honest so did I, we both went outside to phone family and friends both here and in Thailand before heading in back in one

last time to pick up her passport with all important new page added with the words "Settlement" and "Indefinite" in.

The whole process on the day took around 3 hours from start to finish, there were no interview type questions which surprised and pleased us,

the decision was based solely on the application form and supporting documents and although the whole experience for me on the day was not

good that had more to do with my nerves and how I was feeling than the actual process which looking back was actually very straight forward and simple.

I have been using this site and reading everyones experiences on here for years and the great advice that is given out and shared by everyone on here is fantastic especially by 7by7 whose advice not only to me the other day but to everyone is invaluable and is always in the same clear and detailed way with links and quotes from source websites that always amazes me and I know that without it that a lot of people on here would have found it a lot harder than they already have.

So as I could not celebrate properly last night with it being a "School Night" I am now going to go out and have few glasses of something strong with my wife.

Just wanted to say


Mr & Mrs Dowman73 (UK Residents)

congratulations we did same last year its a great feeling isnt it takes all the pressure off now time to relax and enjoy your future good luck


Thanks a lot, I have been swallowing paracetamol for breakfast for the last couple of days!!

We will now start saving for the last step of the process....Citizenship!!!


Thanks a lot, I have been swallowing paracetamol for breakfast for the last couple of days!!

We will now start saving for the last step of the process....Citizenship!!!

Well done rolleyes.gif


Thanks a lot, I have been swallowing paracetamol for breakfast for the last couple of days!!

We will now start saving for the last step of the process....Citizenship!!!

Well done rolleyes.gif

Thanks Paul, appreciate all your help in getting the wife here on her spouse visa amazing how quickly the 2 1/2 years has gone.


Thanks a lot, I have been swallowing paracetamol for breakfast for the last couple of days!!

We will now start saving for the last step of the process....Citizenship!!!

Well done rolleyes.gif

Thanks Paul, appreciate all your help in getting the wife here on her spouse visa amazing how quickly the 2 1/2 years has gone.

Yes a long time ago that seems.


We have just sent off the application form for ILR for my wife and daughter. The on-line application software was a bit of a faff and slow/cranky! The questions asked are fairly straight forward and seem to be directed at checking you are still living together, have sufficient resources/income and have not committed any criminal acts since arriving in the UK.

Nothing was overly difficult and getting the information was very straight-forward. In fact I am a bit concerned that the process of applying took such a short time and was perhaps too easy!

I just hope nothing was missed! It seems that as long as you provide basic information this is a money generating exercise and little more. I will post later (particularly if I am proved wrong!) with the results. I don't know the waiting time but I will let everyone know when we get the result.

Documents sent:

On-line application form

ESOL certificates and letter from college

Results of medical tests (addressed to wife)

Two council tax bills from 2010 and 2011 (joint names)

GP registration letter

Credit card bill (mine)

Self assessment statement (HMRC) - Mine

Letter from DVLA to my wife

3 months bank statements for each of us (same address)

Copy of last years business accounts

Marriage Certificate

Payslips (wife)

Oddly enough it seems they need my decree absolute again (coffee stains and all!)!

All of our passports (including cancelled Thai one for my wife)

Two passport photos of my wife and daughter

One photo of me.

Hopefully this is all we need!

Nearly £1500 paid on-line


Bob. My wife and Stepdaughter got ILR after 9 weeks (postal application) that was 1 month ago so you should possibly be looking at that sort of time scale.


Bob. My wife and Stepdaughter got ILR after 9 weeks (postal application) that was 1 month ago so you should possibly be looking at that sort of time scale.

Thanks for the info!


We have just sent off the application form for ILR for my wife and daughter. The on-line application software was a bit of a faff and slow/cranky! The questions asked are fairly straight forward and seem to be directed at checking you are still living together, have sufficient resources/income and have not committed any criminal acts since arriving in the UK.

Nothing was overly difficult and getting the information was very straight-forward. In fact I am a bit concerned that the process of applying took such a short time and was perhaps too easy!

I just hope nothing was missed! It seems that as long as you provide basic information this is a money generating exercise and little more. I will post later (particularly if I am proved wrong!) with the results. I don't know the waiting time but I will let everyone know when we get the result.

Documents sent:

On-line application form

ESOL certificates and letter from college

Results of medical tests (addressed to wife)

Two council tax bills from 2010 and 2011 (joint names)

GP registration letter

Credit card bill (mine)

Self assessment statement (HMRC) - Mine

Letter from DVLA to my wife

3 months bank statements for each of us (same address)

Copy of last years business accounts

Marriage Certificate

Payslips (wife)

Oddly enough it seems they need my decree absolute again (coffee stains and all!)!

All of our passports (including cancelled Thai one for my wife)

Two passport photos of my wife and daughter

One photo of me.

Hopefully this is all we need!

Nearly £1500 paid on-line

If your wife came here on a spouse visa (as a married partner), then 10B requirements in SET(M) do not apply; so it is not necessary to send marriage certificate and decree nisi etc this time round. However, if you have already sent the same, there's nothing to worry about. I have raised this '10B' issue previously; the wording there can be confusing and potentially misleading.


It seems that as long as you provide basic information this is a money generating exercise and little more.

It is a money making exercise.

As I have posted before, back in 2000 I asked an ECO at the Bangkok embassy why the fee for a settlement visa was so much higher than that for a visit visa. Her reply was that the settlement fee included the cost of processing the later in UK applications, i.e. FLR if required and ILR. Which seemed fair enough.

Then Blair and Brown saw a way of making some easy money and introduced fees for FLR, ILR etc. without removing the cost element of same from the settlement fee. Despite vociferous objections to this at the time from both the Tories and LibDems, the new government is continuing with Labour's policy of increasing these fees; not only above the actual cost of the processing of an application, but above inflation as well.

I have raised this '10B' issue previously; the wording there can be confusing and potentially misleading.

The wording in the introduction to part 10B of the form begins

If you are applying in this category, you must provide the following in addition to the relevant document specified in 10A.
Which could be confusing. However, it goes on to say
If you are applying as a spouse civil partner but your existing leave to enter or remain in the UK was granted as an unmarried or same-sex partner, in addition to the relevant documents in 10A you must provide the following documents.

With respect to you both, the part I have highlighted does make it perfectly clear; to me at least.

I agree that sending them, even though not required, will not harm the application.

Most ILR applications are a formality. As bobrussell says, it is mainly a matter of checking you are still living together (as a genuine couple), have sufficient resources/income and have not committed any criminal acts since arriving in the UK.


I have an idea maybe they should ask us several questions rolleyes.gif

  • Does she make the bed
  • Is the ironing to the standard one would expect
  • How does she handle a lawnmower

Regards Paul


I have an idea maybe they should ask us several questions rolleyes.gif

  • Does she make the bed
  • Is the ironing to the standard one would expect
  • How does she handle a lawnmower

Regards Paul

Yes she does make the bed - she gets up later than me!

Yes the ironing is very good.

Yes she handles a lawnmower well. So well I got her a motorised one for Valentines Day!

(Oh and yes we are still married but it is her garden after all!)whistling.gif

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