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Teenage Sexual Assault Victim Hangs Herself In Lampang


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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

It is called the Stockholm-syndrome.

Don't speculate that this is anything more then another teacher pushing himself onto a 9(!) year old girl and then repeating the act over and over - over several years time.

Pure scum.

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Someone should have noted a change in her behavior when the abuse started. That usually is the parents, but before casting stones on them, it would be good to know the family situation. Was she raised by the parent(s)? Was she with aging grandparents, while the family worked in BKK or elsewhere. Is the father present?

The girl could have been a victim of sexual abuse before the age of 9 by someone else and developed coping mechanisms that led to her behavior not changing.

The final thing is that when the truth comes forward, even a caring parent will have some sense of blaming the victim. This girl (and her mother) needed to be under a much more structured regime of care. Professionals should know this.

Regardless, she was a victim of more than just sexual abuse. Her caretakers, both at school and at home left a lot to be desired. Very, very sad.

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This poor girl was indeed the victim of a society that does not want to be involved and also the adoration of the presumed betters like teachers etc..

However I am still a little concerned that the suicide hanging occurred within a fifteen minute period by a distressed lone young girl.

Something doesn't ring true in this case.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

It's interesting how certain people will, after reading a vague and obviously incomplete story, make a perfect assessment of a situation regarding people they have never met.

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None of us know how or when this "relationship" actually started or how it developed over time. All we know is that this unfortunate young girl did not want to live after Khun Phayonsak killed himself. They both must have suffered terribly. Very sad...

What? Are you being serious or just trolling? It does not matter how it started, she was 9 years old.

The pedophile did not suffer enough. He should have been tortured to death with a blow torch.

"According to police, Phayonsak had allegedly..." If he fled Lampang after being arrested and granted bail, the court appearance was a preliminary hearing. The trial had not yet started, no evidence had been presented, and no testimony was given. So none of us will ever know what actually occurred prior to his arrest other than what the police have alleged.

The actions of human beings are motivated by the desire to attain happiness and avoid suffering. But many people follow incorrect means to achieve this end, and the actions that they believe will create happiness in fact only create additional suffering. I do not condone any form of sexual activity with children. Why Khun Phayonsak choose to initiate such a relationship will never be known, and why -- at some point, apparently -- the relationship became more valuable to the girl than her own life will also never be known. We only know that both must have suffered greatly.

I do not take joy in anyone's suffering. This is not to say that a pedophile rapist, if indeed Khun Phayonsak was such, should not be punished for committing a heinous crime. Punishment for committing a crime is intended ideally to rehabilitate the offender and practically to discourage the offender and society at large from committing that crime. In our imperfect society, we must have laws and punishment for breaking those laws. But I take no joy in that either.

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what a sad case this is apart from the teacher taking the cowards way out,why has a 15year old lost her life.the mother was warned to keep her under close supervision but by leaving her alone for 15minutes[thai time] she couldnt be bothered,she should have tied to her body just another case of dont care.r.i.p.little child.

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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

Disgusting man.

To suggest this middle aged man, in a position of power as a teacher, had sex with her starting at ELEVEN - and didn't coerce her is plain nasty.

Shame on anyone thinking this was anything close to okay... And shame on the people who were supposed to be protecting her (parents/teachers/police)....You failed horribly.


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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

Disgusting man.

To suggest this middle aged man, in a position of power as a teacher, had sex with her starting at ELEVEN - and didn't coerce her is plain nasty.

Shame on anyone thinking this was anything close to okay... And shame on the people who were supposed to be protecting her (parents/teachers/police)....You failed horribly.


<Flame deleted> I wish you would learn how to read properly! My post inferred that there did not seem to be much coercion for him to make the girl run away with him after he was released on bail.

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This is why I never want to have a daughter.. Too many sick freaks in this world.

Yes, true.

They say that when you have son, you worry, but when you have a daughter, you pray.

I often wonder; where are the father’s in these cases?

3 years ago, I began noticing that my daughter was becoming depressed and not her old self.

I asked her, what’s wrong? She informed me that some guy at her University was stalking her, making untrue statements about her on facebook and generally making her life miserable. Cyber bullying and also spreading rumours around. This began after my daughter refused to go on a date with him.

My first action was to visit our local police station with all our facebook and phone text evidence to put this on record. The police were extremely helpful and took this case very seriously.

Next, I went to the University and after a meeting with the heads and the guy`s mother, plus my threats to bring in the police, the guy was expelled. It also transpired that this creep was stalking other girls as well. They were at first too scared of this shitbag to report the matter, but all willing witnesses when I turned up on the scene.

This proves a point that a child benefits from the support of a father and perhaps this poor girl may have still been alive today, if only someone would have taken more interest in her welfare in the first instance, because all parents should know their own children and notice when something’s are not quite right.

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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

Disgusting man.

To suggest this middle aged man, in a position of power as a teacher, had sex with her starting at ELEVEN - and didn't coerce her is plain nasty.

Shame on anyone thinking this was anything close to okay... And shame on the people who were supposed to be protecting her (parents/teachers/police)....You failed horribly.


<Flame deleted> I wish you would learn how to read properly! My post inferred that there did not seem to be much coercion for him to make the girl run away with him after he was released on bail.

LOL... <deleted>... Gave me a good chuckle this morning... You still need to hone your skills of perception.

After having repeatedly raping a minor since she was 11, the coercion is a given. The power is already there. Stop drinking so much whiskey you might have a nit more insight into the way POWER works.

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having seen what goes on in los with children,mothers more or less leaving the kids, to work? because the fathers bugger off and not taking any responsibility and nobody cares a dam there is no diff.between some of these children and a soi dog.i used to visit pattaya orphanage with my old mate jimmy mac[r.i.p.] the look on them kids faces was a joy,but sadly when we would leave you could see the sadness it used to upset me but there is only so much you can do.as me and the wf have no children in los we have talked about leaving our assets to some poor child at the childrens home but i am afraid it would lead to something i dont want to happen.like i have said before who cares [ nobody].

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What I find interesting in this story is that nobody here even considers that this girl might have been compliant in the relationship because of the media and the horrible state of modern society. We have TV programs that sensationalize and glorify sex and we feed these to our children every single day. Then, we are shocked when they do not have the correct understanding of how to deal with these realities in life.

The teacher should have known better, sure. I am not defending him, but I will also not resort to asking him to be tortured with a blow torch. If you think an 11 year old girl can't be the initiator of sex then you are deluded. Nobody knows how this relationship really got going. The only 2 people who do are now dead. I won't place blame or speak badly of either one.

But I will point out that if you don't like the result, then we need to start by cleaning up the media and stop the movement to turn sex into something near to a religion. The authorities do everything they can to stop nudity, but nothing to stop the portrayal of sex as something glamorous. And this is simply because sex sells, and the more we promote sex, the more money there is to be made on commercial products. This is exploitation for commercial gain, and this in all likelihood played a part in the death of these 2 people.

Our culture is diseased. These 2 people were likely victims of our diseased culture. I'm not saying we need to become Taliban, but to expect this kind of thing not to happen in the environment we have created where everyone is a consumer to be exploited is being intentionally irresponsible. Nobody here knows what happened, but everyone here can do something about preventing some of the sexual apotheosis that is destroying the moral fabric of our lives.

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What I find interesting in this story is that nobody here even considers that this girl might have been compliant in the relationship because of the media and the horrible state of modern society. We have TV programs that sensationalize and glorify sex and we feed these to our children every single day. Then, we are shocked when they do not have the correct understanding of how to deal with these realities in life.

The teacher should have known better, sure. I am not defending him, but I will also not resort to asking him to be tortured with a blow torch. If you think an 11 year old girl can't be the initiator of sex then you are deluded. Nobody knows how this relationship really got going. The only 2 people who do are now dead. I won't place blame or speak badly of either one.

But I will point out that if you don't like the result, then we need to start by cleaning up the media and stop the movement to turn sex into something near to a religion. The authorities do everything they can to stop nudity, but nothing to stop the portrayal of sex as something glamorous. And this is simply because sex sells, and the more we promote sex, the more money there is to be made on commercial products. This is exploitation for commercial gain, and this in all likelihood played a part in the death of these 2 people.

Our culture is diseased. These 2 people were likely victims of our diseased culture. I'm not saying we need to become Taliban, but to expect this kind of thing not to happen in the environment we have created where everyone is a consumer to be exploited is being intentionally irresponsible. Nobody here knows what happened, but everyone here can do something about preventing some of the sexual apotheosis that is destroying the moral fabric of our lives.

You raise 2 interesting points.

With regard to culture, another factor -- specific to Thailand -- is the common knowledge in every village that young women go to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. to work in the sex industry. When they return home for visits, they have gold, good clothes, and money to spend. Many will bring their current sponsor, usually much older, for a visit. If they eventually marry and settle in the village, they will have a fine house, an automobile, etc. In addition, Thai society has had the minor wife system, in which an older Thai man has one or more young women as mistresses, for centuries. So the practice of having a relationship with an older man is not viewed as an aberration, as it is in Western culture.

The other point you raise is: "If you think an 11 year old girl can't be the initiator of sex then you are deluded."

In the past, I had a serious relationship with a 30 year old Thai woman that lasted for 5 years. She had a very large extended family, and one relative or another was always coming to Bangkok. So I rented a 2 bedroom condo in Bangna, thinking that the second bedroom would be used as a guest room. (My family was very small and I enjoyed the warmth of being part of a large family.) After 3 years, my girlfriend asked if she could bring her 10 year old niece, whose family was very poor, to live with us and get a good education. I agreed.

Everything was fine for the first year, but then strange things began to happen. I had been taking the girl to swim in the condo's pool every day after work. My girlfriend usually wouldn't come along because she couldn't swim and was making dinner, and at that time of day we were often the only people using the pool. The girl started asking me to play with her in the water, and the games she made up involved a lot of physical contact.

My girlfriend often had to work in the provinces for a day or two, and the girl began coming into my bedroom at night, saying that she was afraid of sleeping alone, had a bad dream, etc. I would talk to her and take her to sleep in her room, but in 15 minutes she would be back. So I would make a bed on the floor for her, go to sleep, and wake up 30 minutes later to find her getting into the bed with me. I would scold her, she would start crying, I would put her back on the floor, and 30 minutes later she would be getting into the bed with me again.

Every time we were alone in the condo, even if my girlfriend went out for 15 minutes to buy something, she would start asking me if I loved her as much as I loved her aunt, saying things like she could take care of me when her aunt had to travel for business. I discussed her behavior with my girlfriend many times, but she insisted that there was nothing to worry about - her niece grew up without a father so it was only natural that she was attached to me. She absolutely refused to believe that there could be anything sexual in what the girl was doing, and implied that I was making a problem because I didn't want the extra expense of taking care of her niece.

Finally, when the girl was almost 12, the situation became very bad. My girlfriend had to travel for 3 days. On the first night, the girl went to take a shower before going to sleep. After a while, she called me to bring her a towel, saying that she had forgotten it. I knocked on the bathroom door, expecting her to open it just enough to take the towel. Instead, she opened the door all the way and was standing there completely naked. She said that she was very sore from playing volley ball at school, and would I dry her off because her arms hurt.

I was totally shocked. I said something about being very tired and had to go to sleep immediately, and shut the door. I went into my bedroom and locked the door from the inside. I was very frightened about what had happened and didn't know what to do. After about 30 minutes, the girl knocked on my door and said that she wanted to talk with me. I told her that I was sleeping and that I would talk to her in the morning. But she had taken the door keys from the drawer where we kept them, unlocked the door, and came in. She was wearing only underpants and a halter. She said that she really was very sore from volleyball and wanted me to massage her. I took the keys, told her I was too tired, and that she had to go to sleep in her room.

I locked the door again and called my girlfriend. I told her exactly what had happened and that she had to come back to Bangkok immediately. She became very angry, insisting that her niece was only a child, that what she had done was completely innocent, and that I was inventing stories because I didn't want to be responsible for her any more. She wouldn't cut her trip short and come back. I spent the next 2 days in total fear of what the girl would do next and invited a friend to sleep over for a couple of days. When my girlfriend came back, I gave her 2 months rent for the condo and moved out.

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