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Ive read the sticky but is there anywhere else I can find out about what is/isnt allowed in Thailand. So many seem so readily available here it would be nice to know which ones are allowed


The easiest would be to go to the MIMS site as in the pinned topics on the forum and do a specific search. The classification section on each drug will indicate what you need to know.


Thanks for your reply

Ill be honest I dont really know much about them, I was kinda researching as I see signs for them everywhere. Ive heard of anabolic but thats about it.

EDIT I just searched a few names that I found from wiki but although it has good info on them it doesnt say anywhere if they are legal or not


In Thailand, anabolic agents are in class S, "Specially Controlled Drug (ยาควบคุมพิเศษ). A first grade pharmacist shall be on duty at the premises selling modern drugs. Sale to public is on prescription only. Daily purchase and sale record required."

This means that a pharmacy is allowed to sell anabolic agents only on prescription and the pharmacy must keep a written record of every purchase and sale, for inspection by FDA officers at any time without prior notice.

The law governing the sale of medicines is the Medicines Act B.E. 2510, with several amendments (unless a new Medicines Act has been promulgated recently), and there are numerous Ministerial Regulations based on that law giving details on the implementation of the law.

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