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You Couldn'T Really Take A Thai Girlfriend To Buckingham Palace ,Could You?


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Speak for yourself and yours old fella.

Mine who comes from Surat Thani and a reasonably well off family has a uni degree in Chinese Mandarin and her own business. She has poise, elegance and intelligence. And at 43 is no babe ! ( and passes for a 29 yr old) You just cannot compare her with an Issan rice farmers daughter !

Seems you like to generalise too, my wife is also 43 looks younger has her own business, from Issan (where we still live) and a rice farmers daughter.

Too many southerners ready to generalise about Issan.

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Speak for yourself and yours old fella.

Mine who comes from Surat Thani and a reasonably well off family has a uni degree in Chinese Mandarin and her own business. She has poise, elegance and intelligence. And at 43 is no babe ! ( and passes for a 29 yr old) You just cannot compare her with an Issan rice farmers daughter !

Seems you like to generalise too, my wife is also 43 looks younger has her own business, from Issan (where we still live) and a rice farmers daughter.

Too many southerners ready to generalise about Issan.

Exactly. Its hard to know why Thais and Westerners alike have this idea about Issan women.

Just because they move to tourist centres and are un-educated does not mean they are unable to own a business or be accepted amongst the hi-so.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Speak for yourself and yours old fella.

Mine who comes from Surat Thani and a reasonably well off family has a uni degree in Chinese Mandarin and her own business. She has poise, elegance and intelligence. And at 43 is no babe ! ( and passes for a 29 yr old) You just cannot compare her with an Issan rice farmers daughter !

Does she have black hair?

Is she Buddhist?

Does she love the King?

Does she celebrate Thai holidays?

Does she speak Thai?

Does she eat rice?

Does she have a new cell phone?

Does she have a nice body?

Does she have soft skin?

Does she have almond shaped eyes?

Does she smell good?

Does she undress under a towel?

Does she take more than one shower a day?

Does she love her family?

Does she watch Thai TV?

Does she buy a lot of skin care products?

Does she dislike infidelity?

You want another 50 areas of comparison? I could go on. :whistling:

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Speak for yourself and yours old fella.

Mine who comes from Surat Thani and a reasonably well off family has a uni degree in Chinese Mandarin and her own business. She has poise, elegance and intelligence. And at 43 is no babe ! ( and passes for a 29 yr old) You just cannot compare her with an Issan rice farmers daughter !

Seems you like to generalise too, my wife is also 43 looks younger has her own business, from Issan (where we still live) and a rice farmers daughter.

Too many southerners ready to generalise about Issan.

Exactly. Its hard to know why Thais and Westerners alike have this idea about Issan women.

Just because they move to tourist centres and are un-educated does not mean they are unable to own a business or be accepted amongst the hi-so.

She like many others in Issan is not uneducated and does not live or work in a tourist centre it just seems those who do not live in Issan generalise about them.

Westerners automatically think that if they are from Issan they must be a bargirl.

I dont normally remark on this type of post as it shows up the ignorance of many posters about Issan, but you just get fed up of this generalisation.

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To tell the truth, I think my Thai G/F would handle the whole going to Buck-P in her stride…….Better than me I think, (as most of it all would go straight over her head) I went to see the Queen, summer 83 at Buckingham Palace, I really didn't want to go, (can't be doing with all the 'pomp and ceremony') I felt like a schoolboy in trouble from the minute I got there. I don't know about Thai G/F's cocking it up…Trust me, despite what you think, you would not be as composed as you think you would be to meet and talk to the Queen of England!

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Speak for yourself and yours old fella.

Mine who comes from Surat Thani and a reasonably well off family has a uni degree in Chinese Mandarin and her own business. She has poise, elegance and intelligence. And at 43 is no babe ! ( and passes for a 29 yr old) You just cannot compare her with an Issan rice farmers daughter !

Seems you like to generalise too, my wife is also 43 looks younger has her own business, from Issan (where we still live) and a rice farmers daughter.

Too many southerners ready to generalise about Issan.

Exactly. Its hard to know why Thais and Westerners alike have this idea about Issan women.

Just because they move to tourist centres and are un-educated does not mean they are unable to own a business or be accepted amongst the hi-so.

She like many others in Issan is not uneducated and does not live or work in a tourist centre it just seems those who do not live in Issan generalise about them.

Westerners automatically think that if they are from Issan they must be a bargirl.

I dont normally remark on this type of post as it shows up the ignorance of many posters about Issan, but you just get fed up of this generalisation.

Me too. The lady I live with is an engineer from Issan. But I admit I also generalize about women from Issan. They are prettier. I don't like that white Chinese fragile look.

As far as all the hi so crap as opposed to farm women. Thai women, hi so or low so have more in common with each other than they do with Farang women from another country. First they are Thai women, second they are Asian women and third they are women not the reverse.

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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

I must be going to the wrong temples. My Thai male friends ask me all the time where they can go to see Western women without underpants, thanks for your valuable information, now I can tell them. But it would be helpful if I knew which temples to send them to.

Next time you are at the temple just sit and watch how many thai girls go there with very very short shorts.

Why bother to go to a wat? Watching Thai ladies with very short pants is a regular pastime and is best performed seated at a pavement cafe or bar. When in need of a serious fix I spend hours on escalators or travelling walkways at a convenient mall.

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Why anybody would want to go to Buck House dolled up looking like a fugitive escaping from the Sutton and Cheam Theatre Society's version of My Fair Lady is beyond me. And what for? To drink Lipton's Tea, eat thinly cut cucumber sandwiches and fairy cakes? A more dysfunctional and worthless bunch than Betty's family I find hard to imagine, but the Royals through the ages have never amounted to much. Prince Albert (George VI) was well thought of though. I heard that his wife, the old Queen Mum, was pretty teed off when she got up to the Pearl;y Gates and was told that the cellars needed replenishment and that Princess Margaret had drunk all the gin.

As for getting together with any Thai notables the only one I would care to meet is Thongchai Jaidee. Although formerly a soldier he conducts himself well on the golf course at all times.

However to each their own. I couldn't imagine anybody selling tickets to meet me either.

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Yes, the historical tourist sites in London are complete shit. No idea at all why they are so popular amongst other Westerners.

Thank god the Thais realise that as they are not shiny and glittery they are rubbish.


the most glittery and shiny historical tourist site I've ever seen was in the Tower of London...

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It must be the British who think their historical sites are sh*t. I find their historical sites to be great to go too. I spent a month there just touring historical sites.Stonehenge is a marvel.I travelled all over southern England. Winchester cathedral is unparalleld with it historical presence. Abbeys that were constructed over long periods of time and the seeing the architectual changes that the different times present in one building is amaziing. I spent everyday just in awe of the historical presence. I couldnot live there but as a tourist attraction it has a lot offer.

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I do apoligise to all those with good loving Isaan wives and know too well that there are many lovely ladies happily married to farang, from Isaan.

In fact i have 2 friends from Mukdahan now living in NZ. Both have uni degrees and both have successful businesses. But i am generally referring to the masses of village girls who work the bars of Pattaya, Bangla rd., Nana etc. Most of these girls are in fact "uneducated rice farmers daughters" doing the only thing that they can do. In a way i take my hat off to them. Many of these girls are not really trustworthy but cunningly streetwise.

Its a fact that many farang get 'burned' before they find the good one, and many of these good ones come from places like Buriram and Kon Khan.

But just visit Pattaya and see where the law of averages sit !

Once again, please accept my apoligies.

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Sorry, I'm obviously getting posters confused.

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What % of UK girls could you take to meet the Queen ?, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, 5% if your lucky,

Bigmacs and ladies with pints of lager and vodka aren't allowed eh. :rolleyes:

Large Kebab and welsh girls and 10 pints of beer are not allowed also

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sorry to pi.. on your bonfire but mine already has been to see the Queen at buck house

I have some very similar pics of my mrs, same places, but her face will not be shown here. :D

And Tonto21, my mrs liked the palace thing etc but couldn't wait to get back to LOS. ;)

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sorry to pi.. on your bonfire but mine already has been to see the Queen at buck house

I have some very similar pics of my mrs, same places, but her face will not be shown here. :D

And Tonto21, my mrs liked the palace thing etc but couldn't wait to get back to LOS. ;)

"There's no place like home" well, for most, no matter where you're from, I find a lot of Thai abroad, (no all) suffer from 'Som dam' withdraw, A bit like heroin addicts going cold turkey, Or with Thai's gai yen. I and my better half are planning to go this Crimbo. She wants to see snow……….I don't know how she will cope, I took her to an ice-bar once for a few shots, she near passed out and couldn't talk for 5 minutes after we came out…….She also lost some memory as to how she got there…Ha ha ha.

Edited by Tonto21
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sorry to pi.. on your bonfire but mine already has been to see the Queen at buck house

I have some very similar pics of my mrs, same places, but her face will not be shown here. :D

And Tonto21, my mrs liked the palace thing etc but couldn't wait to get back to LOS. ;)

"There's no place like home" well, for most, no matter where you're from, I find a lot of Thai abroad, (no all) suffer from 'Som dam' withdraw, A bit like heroin addicts going cold turkey, Or with Thai's gai yen. I and my better half are planning to go this Crimbo. She wants to see snow……….I don't know how she will cope, I took her to an ice-bar once for a few shots, she near passed out and couldn't talk for 5 minutes after we came out…….She also lost some memory as to how she got there…Ha ha ha.

Yep, it was the grub thing and she thought every one was miserable (except me). :lol:

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My girlfriend's an odd exception.

One would almost think she's been to finishing school.

At any gathering or meeting she will always introduce (sadly lacking here) and make pleasant conversation and put everyone at their ease.

When there are decisioins to be made she'll cut through the crap with a clarity which is truly statesmanlike.

Sadly she can't cook or clean and I have to do it!


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sorry to pi.. on your bonfire but mine already has been to see the Queen at buck house

With the way the UK is going I wouldn't be surprised if charges were made for posing with members of the Household Cavalry and Metropolitan Police. The money raised will of course be used to ensure that the unpaid model's spirit is not stolen by a camera.

Most heartening to see that the soldier is what Dame Edna might describe as 'a tinted person'. Nice to see that now being ultra Brit has been extended across racial borders.

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sorry to pi.. on your bonfire but mine already has been to see the Queen at buck house

I have some very similar pics of my mrs, same places, but her face will not be shown here. :D

And Tonto21, my mrs liked the palace thing etc but couldn't wait to get back to LOS. ;)

I have no problem showing my wifes face as there is nothing to hide , We did meet some other so called big money Thais around Buck house but they just ignored the wife ,Up to them was the reply, I dont know why they look down there noses at other Thai people abroad

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The actual behaviour of some thai girls as Khee Khoo- is one of the things that makes Thai Girls so much more fun to be with...So what if they like hello kitty and they have funny stuff hanging from their mobile phones...This is why they are narak...When the occasion calls for they can be dressed in silk gowns and behave as fits the occasion but that isn't sanuk...The reason thai girls are fun to be with is that they are sanuk and they dress sabai-sabai...I mean why would someone take a thai girl to buckingham palace in the first place? Try taking her to the Grand Palace in BKK and then you see she will most probably behave in a more solemn manner....

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The actual behaviour of some thai girls as Khee Khoo- is one of the things that makes Thai Girls so much more fun to be with...So what if they like hello kitty and they have funny stuff hanging from their mobile phones...This is why they are narak...When the occasion calls for they can be dressed in silk gowns and behave as fits the occasion but that isn't sanuk...The reason thai girls are fun to be with is that they are sanuk and they dress sabai-sabai...I mean why would someone take a thai girl to buckingham palace in the first place? Try taking her to the Grand Palace in BKK and then you see she will most probably behave in a more solemn manner....

I took a Thai girl [My wife] To Buckingham palace because she wanted to go and look , all part of integrating Life in the UK .

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