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Acid Attack On Foreigners At Asoke Bts Station


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I believe that it is a bit early to jump to conclusions... Even though I know after living here for 20 years that not all Thais really love foreigners, I think that there is a good chance that the acid has dripped down from a construction site above the stairs. A liquid acid called "Grot Glua" is used to clean sand wash areas or tiles off concrete residue. Easily one of the workers could have used too much or a container tipped over by accident, etc. and there we have it. For the media of course it is good to blow up this story beyond proportion as it assures a huge amount of clicks and sold newspapers. At the end of the day it all boils down to money...

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expect to be flamed in 3...............2..................1.................

you are correct, on the whole we are looked down upon, maybe hated is too strong a word for the general population

I quite agree with the comments you replied to... hate is a hard word sure but it does fit a lot... we are in fact looked down upon until they need ANYTHING then ask the rich farang... such a pathetic society..

It is a fair point that we are looked down on but I am struggling to think of any countries that don't look down on immigrants. I think part of the issue might be an expectation from us to be looked up to.

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expect to be flamed in 3...............2..................1.................

you are correct, on the whole we are looked down upon, maybe hated is too strong a word for the general population

I quite agree with the comments you replied to... hate is a hard word sure but it does fit a lot... we are in fact looked down upon until they need ANYTHING then ask the rich farang... such a pathetic society..

Indeed, hated is too strong. It is very interesting doing business here trying to work out peoples reaction the first time you say "no" to something is sometimes very surprising. There is an awfully strong feeling that all business logic should go out of the window so that a business deal can go ahead to the extreme benefit of the Thai side.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

Suradit - your exactly the type of Thai that is deserving of a bash here - a Thai that seems to hate foreigners for no reason - defends this sort of act just bcoz it could be a thai and thinks the Thais are always right not matter what they do.

No-one ever said it was a Thai - it would be only speculation to comment that way - but you certainly seem to think it is by way of your comments - Duhh!!!!!

There are literally millions of people in Bangkok and many of them have emotional and physiological issues (Hmmmmm!!!!)

This sort of assault could take the eyesight from a person - blinding them for life. Your response tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man.

I can bet this will be the same likelihood that you make a living off the wealth of foreigners whether tourist or expat - but talk crap about the person after you have just been paid.

You ever heard the phrase "Bite the hand that feeds you" (?) - maybe the phrase "Two-Faced"

BTW - anyone ever see the Thai losers that rub menthol talc power is faces during Song Kran ? - it will disable you and blind you for quite a time - I myself have seen it at many a Song Kran water festival.

And your comment about police bashing - you think its not deserving - where are you from ? - really ?? - maybe you have been living under a rock.

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Strange that the report does not mention that the perpetrator was Thai, but that is the assumption here.

Strange that the report does not mention a racial motivation, but that is the assumption here.

We don't even know if it was intentional yet, or an accident, or something random with no racial overtones.

Just another day on TV.

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Acid attacks (or industrial accident my ass!), another IED attack in Yala, murders of foreigners, weaseling politicians, cops who take bribes, Thacksin coming back, floods, bad drivers, xenophobia -on and on it goes. Gloom, despair and agony on me. I still recall why I came here, and I do not miss the mass shootings, kidnappings, rapes, gang-bangers, lying & gutless politicians, political correctness, high taxes and prices in America. $4/gal. gasoline, the Timothy McVeys, 55,000highway traffic deaths a year, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, greedy businessmen, the work-addicted.

I know Thailand is not Utopia. But for me, the good still outweighs the bad. Like Lily Tomlin said: "You can't be too cynical. It is impossible to keep up."

Edited by Rimmer
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I feel sorry for the injured couple and hope they make a quick recovery. I also hope that whatever happened isn't blamed on the Thai people. If they were attacked, the attacker could be of any nationality including Thai. It is certainly not the attitude of the nation as a whole to harm any visitor to our country. On the contrary, I think most people would welcome visitors, for business or leisure. It's not fair to say that the Police can't help when help wasn't asked for. I've been attacked, mugged at gun point in the US. I've had a good friend murdered senselessly in Washington DC. I've known victims of other kinds of assault there as well, but I most certainly did not place blame on the country. Mishaps can happen in any country in the world and not just here. It's a good thing the injured pair went to Bamrungrad Hospital to get good treatment, or else we might start seeing complaints of sub standard hospitals too.

Crimes are terrible, no matter where they are committed. It's a bad reflection to look back on and it certainly doesn't help the country's image. But there needs to be fairlness in all this as well. Blaming Thais will not help, Stop stereotyping Thai people as ignorant culprits. It does nothing to promote good relations and don't let an incident like this tear up the relationship of the countries.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

It has scare-value. The media, after all, profit from catching the attention of the public

Very true, but "The media"?? ..absolutely, but much more so for the Twitter woman, who calls herself a "Travel artist", and is milking "the media" for all it's worth, to generate as much attention as possible to promote herself and her mediocre products. People like her will snatch up anything with a shred of something resembling truth, magnify it, and run with it. It's her business.

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Doesn't sound intentional to me either.

Probably some acidic liquid fell from the construction above the station.

That's OK then, it was not deliberate - just the usual inadequate safety precautions on the construction site above the station that failed to protect members of the public from spills of "acidic liquid". Each is as bad as the other.

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Doesn't sound intentional to me either.

Probably some acidic liquid fell from the construction above the station.

There is construction taking place there right now?

I doubt it is a construction accident, the BTS are pretty strict about that sort of thing.

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Who is reporting that the hospital said that it's the third attack lately?

If it's from the same Twitter how can we be sure? I think that this should be verified by a third party such as Thaivisa.com or a journalist otherwise we're getting to the stage when anybody can write anything. Of course I'm not trying to imply that I don't believe the report but I'm merely faulting the way the story is and it appearing on here, and being probably sent out to thousands of foreigners across the land and beyond. I have noticed that Thaivisa.com's news stories are ofted exagerated or unsubtantiated and sometimes feel a bit annoyed spending my time reading them, especially the ones with mis-leading headlines. Pehaps others feel the same?

Surely, Thaivisa.com holds some legal obligation to make sure the story is correct first?

Just out of interest, it would be unlikely that the hospital reported the number of cases to a patient. Firstly, hospital staff usually like to be discreet and cause any unnecessary panic. Secondly, different doctors and nurses are on duty at different times so how would they know?

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If you actually read her tweets - she uses the word "attack" twice and states that "someone" (uses the abbreviation s/o) sprayed them - saying it was "just at us".

For me the credibility of the "victim" has to be questioned - or rather her motives for posting it on Twitter.

For her to know it was "someone" means that she would have to have SEEN that "someone" spray it at her and her partner - and ALSO notice that they were the SOLE intended target at that time (as it was "just at them")

I'm sorry I don't care WHERE I am in the world, if someone runs up to me and "attacks" me with "acid" - then I would hope the police would be checking CCTV - and my first reaction would NOT be to f@cking TWEET about it.

As someone previously mentioned - it's a blatant sensationalist tweet by someone with a motive to generate site traffic. I could very well be wrong but that's my gut feeling.

She also says it could have been bleach - well hell, with the rains lately and the fact that most tiled floor spaces are cleaned with bleach - it seems much more likely to me that something has dripped down onto them - unless she saw the whites of her attackers eyes - that's my call.

Try rubbing acid into your eyes - it wont just be your corneas that get damaged. Also - she says she will be "up in 4 hours to see the doctor" - diluted bleach run off from the station floor above.

Hardly warrants a "BANGKOK SKYTRAIN HORROR" headline............

Of course I have made a lot of assumptions - but they seem more logical to me than some mad man running around chucking acid in people's faces.

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Wow, I have been a member here a very short time and already I see a pattern of people bashing the Thai populace. I arrived in Thailand in May. I had a couple of pretty bad things happen to me and the Thai people that I have met were nothing but gracious and kind. In one instance I had a severe infection in my Tonsils and had lost my check card, The women at the guest house I was staying at not only took me to the hospital (including a tuk-tuk ride) but they paid for the visit and all medications. Then one of the women actually brought me soups to my room and bathed my face with a cool cloth. They asked for NOTHING in return......NOTHING... In the same time period another Thai person, a restauranteur kept me fed as he knew I had lost my card, he only asked that when I got my new card, that I would pay him back the cost of the food. ....in the same time frame another woman Nui (sp?) gave....gave...me free coffee and loaned me money.... This all without even knowing my name! Nobody even asked me my name.

Someone said that the Thai people hate foreigners....To you sir, I say, You are wrong, and you are wrong to malign the Thai people with your hate. Maybe you are involved with the wrong element. Because in my experience the Thai people are friendly and gracious. Maybe it's a different scene if you associate with nothing but bar girls and the clientele surrounding that environment. ....But that is merely an assumption on my part.

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Wow, I have been a member here a very short time and already I see a pattern of people bashing the Thai populace. I arrived in Thailand in May. I had a couple of pretty bad things happen to me and the Thai people that I have met were nothing but gracious and kind. In one instance I had a severe infection in my Tonsils and had lost my check card, The women at the guest house I was staying at not only took me to the hospital (including a tuk-tuk ride) but they paid for the visit and all medications. Then one of the women actually brought me soups to my room and bathed my face with a cool cloth. They asked for NOTHING in return......NOTHING... In the same time period another Thai person, a restauranteur kept me fed as he knew I had lost my card, he only asked that when I got my new card, that I would pay him back the cost of the food. ....in the same time frame another woman Nui (sp?) gave....gave...me free coffee and loaned me money.... This all without even knowing my name! Nobody even asked me my name.

Someone said that the Thai people hate foreigners....To you sir, I say, You are wrong, and you are wrong to malign the Thai people with your hate. Maybe you are involved with the wrong element. Because in my experience the Thai people are friendly and gracious. Maybe it's a different scene if you associate with nothing but bar girls and the clientele surrounding that environment. ....But that is merely an assumption on my part.

I agree with you here - I have had both great and terrible experiences with Thai people over my 2 years here; just as I have had great and bad experiences with westerners here AND back home in England. There was one evening when both great and bad happened within an hour of each other; I was walking along Sukhumvit with my dog when one of the Thai stall owners started hitting my dog across the head with a thick bamboo stick claiming that he had urinated on the ground near his stall.

I knew he had done no such thing and jumped in to protect my dog - at which point the Thai guy turned the bamboo stick on me - split my head open and opened up gashes on my arms and one of my shins. Knowing I could do nothing in return as I was surrounded by his Thai friends I wandered off.

Then another Thai guy saw me and took me to the nearby hospital and sorted everything - even paid for the medication I was given without telling me - and would accept nothing from me in return.

People are people - good and bad everywhere.

This country frustrates the HELL out of me sometimes - but the thought of moving back to the UK makes me realise I live here because for me the good out weighs the bad...........

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Bangkok Skytrain Horror ? No proof at all this was an attacked, no police report by the victims, no confirmation of others attacks from the hospital..

Tomorrow Thaivisa is going to report about marital status change on Facebook and new apps available for iPhone. There is less and less info here and more cheap newspapers stories everyday. I hope TV will wake up and start thinking a bit more.

no need proof , just a great catchy title and inclusion in the newsletter and the traffic on TV goes up the roof .... very clever way to keep the advertising fees high enough to pay for server and staff ...

on our end it makes for some entertaining reading, especially with all the predictable comments as we see them in each and every thread " another nail in the coffin", "here goes the tourism industry" " they shoot themselves in the foot", "The BIB are in on it" , "amazing thailand" blah blah blah

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I literally had a battery blow up in my face once and my scalp didn't get burned, nor did i lose any part of my eye. Although i thoroughly flushed them and vision was nothing more than a haze for 2 weeks. Im calling BS on this tweet, no way it could have been worse than what i went through.

Cant get much worse than battery acid.

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Wow, I have been a member here a very short time and already I see a pattern of people bashing the Thai populace. I arrived in Thailand in May. I had a couple of pretty bad things happen to me and the Thai people that I have met were nothing but gracious and kind. In one instance I had a severe infection in my Tonsils and had lost my check card, The women at the guest house I was staying at not only took me to the hospital (including a tuk-tuk ride) but they paid for the visit and all medications. Then one of the women actually brought me soups to my room and bathed my face with a cool cloth. They asked for NOTHING in return......NOTHING... In the same time period another Thai person, a restauranteur kept me fed as he knew I had lost my card, he only asked that when I got my new card, that I would pay him back the cost of the food. ....in the same time frame another woman Nui (sp?) gave....gave...me free coffee and loaned me money.... This all without even knowing my name! Nobody even asked me my name.

Someone said that the Thai people hate foreigners....To you sir, I say, You are wrong, and you are wrong to malign the Thai people with your hate. Maybe you are involved with the wrong element. Because in my experience the Thai people are friendly and gracious. Maybe it's a different scene if you associate with nothing but bar girls and the clientele surrounding that environment. ....But that is merely an assumption on my part.

Your final assumption is way off track... the bar girls are pretty open to foreigners... it is the high class who profit most from xenephobia. And, FYI... it is very difficult to find a hi-so girl who is free to marry a farang. You, sir mentioned class as a criterion for xenophobia... not the original poster. However, you are guilty of getting personal with the poster and therefore discredited.

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Wow, I have been a member here a very short time and already I see a pattern of people bashing the Thai populace. I arrived in Thailand in May. I had a couple of pretty bad things happen to me and the Thai people that I have met were nothing but gracious and kind. In one instance I had a severe infection in my Tonsils and had lost my check card, The women at the guest house I was staying at not only took me to the hospital (including a tuk-tuk ride) but they paid for the visit and all medications. Then one of the women actually brought me soups to my room and bathed my face with a cool cloth. They asked for NOTHING in return......NOTHING... In the same time period another Thai person, a restauranteur kept me fed as he knew I had lost my card, he only asked that when I got my new card, that I would pay him back the cost of the food. ....in the same time frame another woman Nui (sp?) gave....gave...me free coffee and loaned me money.... This all without even knowing my name! Nobody even asked me my name.

Someone said that the Thai people hate foreigners....To you sir, I say, You are wrong, and you are wrong to malign the Thai people with your hate. Maybe you are involved with the wrong element. Because in my experience the Thai people are friendly and gracious. Maybe it's a different scene if you associate with nothing but bar girls and the clientele surrounding that environment. ....But that is merely an assumption on my part.

Your final assumption is way off track... the bar girls are pretty open to foreigners... it is the high class who profit most from xenephobia. And, FYI... it is very difficult to find a hi-so girl who is free to marry a farang. You, sir mentioned class as a criterion for xenophobia... not the original poster. However, you are guilty of getting personal with the poster and therefore discredited.

Agreed - Try not to mistake "class" with "position in society" - when I hear the word "class" I think more of wealth of character - some of the "hiso" are also some of the most classless F'ckwits you could ever hope to meet.

As the old saying goes "money doesn't buy you class"......

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Most of my close friends are Thai. I find them the most generous, gracious and kind people with no bias against foreigners. I guess you don't mix with the same class of Thais that I do. How many close Thai friends do you have?

I have a good friend that was married for 18 years to a woman he obviously thought he knew. One night the sherrif arrived at his house around midnight and kicked him out. His wife had lied and claimed he beat her, and immediately started divorce proceedings. Several years later this poor bloke learned that his wife had told several friends that she was marrying this guy only until her extremely wealthy (as in million$) mother died. This was BEFORE she married him. He had no clue whatsoever, and though that their love was perfect. After waiting almost twenty years, she finally took matters into her own hands and suffocated her ninety-some year old mother. Two months later, she kicked herjhusband out and tried to get him jailed in order to avoid having to share the inheritance. In all that time nobody warned the poor jerk because they were all told a running stream of stories by the wife how bad he was to her, and so they all felt the bastard had it coming. Only years later, after the smoke finally cleared, and the ex-wife started showing her true colors did the reports slowly filter in to the husband.

The moral of the story: Just because you live with someone for decades doesn't mean you know their heart. Just because a person smiles at you and says nice things, it doesn't mean that they don't have some deep resentments against you.

I, too, believe I have wonderful, sincere Thai friends. But every once in a while something will happen that does show a somewhat "confused" attitude towards farang. Well, maybe schitzophrenic is a better word. On the one hand they often attribute almost superhuman powers to the farang, and other times they seem to feel utterly superiour and contemptuous. Most of the time, however, they seem like the nicest people in the world.

Me, I'd be afraid to make an announcement about what is going on in someone else's heart, especially someone from such a different culture and socioeconomic background.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

Suradit - your exactly the type of Thai that is deserving of a bash here - a Thai that seems to hate foreigners for no reason - defends this sort of act just bcoz it could be a thai and thinks the Thais are always right not matter what they do.

No-one ever said it was a Thai - it would be only speculation to comment that way - but you certainly seem to think it is by way of your comments - Duhh!!!!!

There are literally millions of people in Bangkok and many of them have emotional and physiological issues (Hmmmmm!!!!)

This sort of assault could take the eyesight from a person - blinding them for life. Your response tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man.

I can bet this will be the same likelihood that you make a living off the wealth of foreigners whether tourist or expat - but talk crap about the person after you have just been paid.

You ever heard the phrase "Bite the hand that feeds you" (?) - maybe the phrase "Two-Faced"

BTW - anyone ever see the Thai losers that rub menthol talc power is faces during Song Kran ? - it will disable you and blind you for quite a time - I myself have seen it at many a Song Kran water festival.

And your comment about police bashing - you think its not deserving - where are you from ? - really ?? - maybe you have been living under a rock.

I dont think what he said deserves your reply, and you wonder why some Thais don't find farangs so lovely.

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It is well past the time that the Police got serious and cleaned up the street gangs of kids hanging around and making trouble at the Asoke intersection. They know who they are and are allowed to continue to try to extort money from taxi passengers and other motorists.

It is quite easy to see them day or night. They sit under the sky train in the center of the road sniffing glue from plastic bags, and they hide behind the Subway station on the north east corner. They have been there for more than 15 years. At night they sell flowers and shoe shines in Soi Cowboy. They are an organized gang of human traffickers and it is well past time to eliminate them, as they are an eyesore to the whole area known as the Central Business District, and now Acid Attacks on passers by to top it off. Is this the type of P.R that will double tourist arrivals next year? I think not.

Let's put some pressure on Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung and his new police chief to roll some heads in the area between Soi 4 and Asoke. Frankly it is disgraceful. Illegal drugs being sold openly on tables on the sidewalk. Last week I saw three tourist police sitting next to a table full of Viagra and sex toys 100 meters east of Robinson's department store. It may have been their table as there was no one else around.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung should put on a hat and glasses and walk alone from Soi 4 to Asoke at about 8:00 pm any day of the week and even he would be shocked at what he would see.

This whole area needs a major cleanup. How about

Eliminate them? Eliminate .. who? .. the 'kids' .. the 'human trafficers'. A far as the children are concerned, as long as there is not a functioning child welfare policy, with commitment, funding and all support systems, including education and shelter, what you describe, as disturbing as it is, it will not go away. Sweeping them out of site is not a solution.

We are deviating way off topic now, but I have been visualising the squillions of Baht to be spent on the Miracle Thailand campaign, being in stead focused on child welfare as I have suggested. So not just sweep the child beggars off the street, but give them a productive and caring alternative. Get the principles of the project on the International media, eg interview the PM on BBC's Hard Talk, have CNN take up the case, the ABC in Australia.

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This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

Suradit - your exactly the type of Thai that is deserving of a bash here - a Thai that seems to hate foreigners for no reason - defends this sort of act just bcoz it could be a thai and thinks the Thais are always right not matter what they do.

No-one ever said it was a Thai - it would be only speculation to comment that way - but you certainly seem to think it is by way of your comments - Duhh!!!!!

There are literally millions of people in Bangkok and many of them have emotional and physiological issues (Hmmmmm!!!!)

This sort of assault could take the eyesight from a person - blinding them for life. Your response tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man.

I can bet this will be the same likelihood that you make a living off the wealth of foreigners whether tourist or expat - but talk crap about the person after you have just been paid.

You ever heard the phrase "Bite the hand that feeds you" (?) - maybe the phrase "Two-Faced"

BTW - anyone ever see the Thai losers that rub menthol talc power is faces during Song Kran ? - it will disable you and blind you for quite a time - I myself have seen it at many a Song Kran water festival.

And your comment about police bashing - you think its not deserving - where are you from ? - really ?? - maybe you have been living under a rock.

I dont think what he said deserves your reply, and you wonder why some Thais don't find farangs so lovely.

Absolutely true KRS1. Suradit makes a valid point, with which I agree. (There is little hope for siamjimi.)

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