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Getting Picked Up.


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I am not talking about ur average freebie off the beach or wandering around the department store.  I am talking about the rich women who whisk u away to Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Tokyo etc... as sort of lets say escort.  These are the ones I hook up with.  You just need to play the part.  Give them some release from their daily grind cause their husbands are not doing about it.  I just fulfill a role.  No harm done as I do not intend to fall in love.  Its just sex anyways.  No biggie.


This is certainly not the first time I've seen or heard of this in LOS. My first introduction to the Bangkok night scene was about 9 years ago when I was working as a cocktail pianist for a very exclusive club. I had a couple of offers like these (which I declined coz I had a GF back in the UK), but was also very close friends with the lead singer of a band that played in Spassos at the time. Now this guy was on big bucks, by any standard, but he had developed this way of life into an art-form. Sure, he had a great platform (everyone wants to get with the singer), but these rich, and I MEAN rich, women used to fly in and out of BKK, of all nationalities. Just to show how well he was doing, he used to open the safe in his room and show me the large wedges of different currencies that he had managed to accrue...

Not my cup of tea, but he loved it, the ladies loved it - no harm done hey? :o

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