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Israeli, Palestinian women rally in support of UN statehood bid


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Israeli, Palestinian women rally in support of UN statehood bid

2011-09-18 17:10:15 GMT+7 (ICT)

RAMALLAH (BNO NEWS) -- Hundreds of Palestinian and Israeli women on Saturday demonstrated at Israel's Qalandia checkpoint between the West Bank city of Ramallah and East Jerusalem in support of the Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations (UN), local media reported.

According to witnesses, a group of demonstrators which included Israeli and international supporters were prevented from crossing the checkpoint to join the protest on the Palestinian side. Both protests called for an end to the 'Israeli occupation' and supported the Palestinian UN bid, according to Palestine News and Information Agency.

Israeli soldiers had placed cement blocks earlier, restricting free movement across the checkpoint for people trying to cross into Jerusalem or Ramallah. Afaf Gattash, member of the General Union of Palestinian Women, which organized the demonstration, stressed Israeli soldiers attempted to provoke the participants.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces Spokesman's Office tweeted that firebombs, bottles and rocks were thrown at journalists at the end of the rally. Spokesman Captain Barak Raz said commanders were instructed to allow the protest to take place but also to prevent violent instigators from taking advantage of the situation, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Palestinians are scheduled to submit their request to the UN Security Council on September 23. However, the United States has said it will veto any Palestinian bid to seek a full United Nations membership.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said he is ready to restart the peace talks after he gets the UN recognition of the Palestinian state. The peace negotiations have been stalled since last year when Israel refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Palestine has demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks, aimed at reaching a two-state solution based on the 1967 Green Line. However, Israeli authorities have rejected the Palestinian solution based on the 1967 borders as that measure would leave a large population of Israelis in Judea and Samaria outside Israel's borders.

About 120 out of 193 countries have currently recognized the State of Palestine and those are seen as possible supporters if the UN votes on the issue. If the UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine is approved, Palestine would become the 194th member of the United Nations.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-09-18

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Read in the context that according to AL JAZEERA only about 30 percent of West Bank Arabs are actually in favor of the U.N. statehood bid, and the Hamas government of Gaza is officially opposed. Of course a lot of the other 70 percent have no interest in TWO STATES in the first place and don't intend to ever accept the Jewish state of Israel's existence.

Edited by Jingthing
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Read in the context that according to AL JAZEERA only about 30 percent of West Bank Arabs are actually in favor of the U.N. statehood bid, and the Hamas government of Gaza is officially opposed. Of course a lot of the other 70 percent have no interest in TWO STATES in the first place and don't intend to ever accept the Jewish state of Israel's existence.

Well there is a bizarre situation, the majority of Palestinians don't want a state but 120 Countries want them to have one. :blink: Coming to think of it the Palestinian entity was twice invented by powers external to the area, once by the Romans to put the Jews in their place and once by the Arabs and western left wingers as a tool to regain land lost in three attempts to wipe Israel off the map.

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Be careful as this is complicated. The vast majority of Palestinians do not want this UN bid for UN recognition to be put forward now by Abbas (who isn't a legitimate leader of global Palestinians, 9 million people, anyway). The timing is very bad and will likely lead to great violence. Abbas isn't legitimate, Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization and NOT unified with the west bank, so what is going to recognized is something that doesn't really exist to recognize. I do think the majority of Palestinians do want a state. They want ALL of Israel. Peace soon? Not a chance.

Speaking of absurdity ... the cheerleading of the Euro-lefty, anti-American, anti-Israel crowd for this specific UN bid, when I bet you most of them don't have the slightest idea the move is very unpopular among the people they presume to support, the Palestinians.

The key here is that striving for a REAL peace and a VIABLE two state solution does not resemble in any way this upcoming UN Israel/America bashing circus.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hamas listed a terrorist org? So, was Mandela's ANC. And Berlusconi was kissing Gaddafi's hand not too long ago.

Terrorism is in the eyes of the beholder, sweetheart. And the lists get published by the ones with the biggest guns. Heck, in 20 years time the Chinese will probably declare the Marines terrorists.

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Hamas listed a terrorist org? So, was Mandela's ANC. And Berlusconi was kissing Gaddafi's hand not too long ago.

Terrorism is in the eyes of the beholder, sweetheart. And the lists get published by the ones with the biggest guns. Heck, in 20 years time the Chinese will probably declare the Marines terrorists.

Well, snookums, whatever you label Hamas, they are on record as having a policy favoring the total destruction of Israel as a Jewish state and also are on clear record as being AGAINST the Abbas led UN statehood recognition vote. So what do you think? Another state for Gaza? Don't you get it? This statehood show in the UN is not ready for prime time.

Most likely, the UN status "upgrade" will pass and the Palestinians who take hope from this will wake up the next day and NOTHING will have changed. So what do you think will happen then? I predict violence and mass deaths, not peace, and not a viable TWO STATE solution, which is what I am for. So from my view, people encouraging this UN show which does not involve the most important other player in the region, Israel, are indirectly getting excited about lots of people dying. I'll pass on that and I'm proud my government is doing the same.

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Some people posting here are just kidding themselves. Not wanting to accept what the rest of us already do. :rolleyes:

Are you referring to the Trojan horse Abbas is trying to force through the gates of the UN that holds within a fictitious national identity which has the sole agenda of trying to eliminate an existing sovereign state voted for by the UN in 1947.

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