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Whats A Good Health Insurance To Get?


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:D First thing to do is get your name registered at a hospital, they'll take your information like blood type and person to contact in case of emergency.

Then they'll give you a card that you should keep in your wallet or pocket at all times while riding.

I'm registered at CNX Ram.

Edited by KRS1
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NOT Bupa - they cut your benes in half if an injury is bike-related. Check with Ayudhya-Allianz. I know an agent who knows her stuff, and speaks perfect English. PM me if anybody wants her contact info.

That is not true. I think cutting the benefit 50 % applies to the death benefit so that's where you are getting that info from. I dislocated and broke my clavicle a few weeks ago while reviewing a Honda CBR 250 rental. Had the accident in Rayong and a friend took me to Bangkok Rayong Hospital for initial treatment. The only thing I had to pay for was the sling and that was just 80 baht or so I had the operation at Bangkok Pattaya a few days later and that required an overnight stay. A titanium plate was screwed into the two broken ends of the bone after they were lined up properly. Once again the bill was paid in full by Bupa with the exception of a little pocket change amounting to a couple of bucks.

Something that is most important to keep in mind is this...if you go out and get health insurance, will the company continue to insure you well up into your old age? Most won't. Bupa will so long as you continue to pay your premiums. I took out my policy when I was 58. 60 was the magic number. to be guaranteed health insurance for life Since being with Bupa I've had 1 a kidney stone removal, 2 a prostate biopsy and 3 now this Three overnight stays at Bangkok Pattaya. My gf has also had an operation that required an overnight stay at BPH. I never had to pay upfront as Bupa dealt with the cashier so I only had to pay "small change" after all four overnight stays were taken care of.

I have the Platinum Plan with Bupa with no outpatient coverage. Basically it pays for everything with no limit on surgical fees, this procedure or that procedure.

Lesser plans with Bupa, with another company, or if one has no plan, would limit one's options to a significantly more inexpensive hospital than Bangkok Pattaya. Opinions vary as to the quality of the hospitals in the Pattaya area. Most seem to swear by Bangkok Pattaya Hospital including myself whereas others disparage it as being too high priced, too mercenary, and not up to what it's cracked up to be I find these hospitals detractors to be those who for one reason or the other cannot afford it. That is-----"I must justify my choice or inability to afford to go there by justifying my having to go to a cheaper hospital. It's like the guy who claims, "That $1500 Colt Python revolver is not what it's cracked up to be. Why, my $200 Saturday night special will shoot just as well." Well....it won't. Or at least not won't in 95 % of the cases such as 1. One got an uncommonly good Saturday night special or 2. One tested a Python that turned out to be a lemon.

Many people have told me Siracha has a fine hospital. Okay-------I lost a very good friend last February. The man had been an alcoholic before I had met him and by the time we had gotten acquainted his liver was shot. He had a lot of health problems. Last February he got appendicitis. Three days before he died something like the day after the operation he told me his wound had started to seep. Several of us were with him when he died including his wife and I had been touching him when he died. Afterwards I wanted to go to the restroom to wash my hands. I had to ask where the toilet was because I didn't see a sign directing me to one in English. When I got to the toilet there was no soap. Straight off, i started to ask myself....."What is it that caused Pete to have the infection that killed him?" Perhaps the hospital had taken too many short cuts.. Certainly a lot of English speaking people go to this hospital so why did I have to ask where the toilet was in the first place and once I got there, why didn't the hospital provide soap? If the hospital was negligent on these details, what other details had it not been taking care of? Of course, perhaps Pete would have died of infection anyway with a liver in the sorry state his was in. But we will never know.

Not always of course but there is a lot of truth in the old saying "You tend to get what you pay for." Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is really geared up to compete for the medical tourism trade so it has to compete with the best hospitals in the world. So I tend to believe that it's at least one notch above those hospitals that are not geared up for medical tourism. I figure my health is not something I want to skimp on and that's why I was checking the benefits of Bupa and prices before I actually moved to Thailand and wound up paying my 1st year's premium just two days after my arrival.

Edited by jackcorbett
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NOT Bupa - they cut your benes in half if an injury is bike-related. Check with Ayudhya-Allianz. I know an agent who knows her stuff, and speaks perfect English. PM me if anybody wants her contact info.

That is not true. I think cutting the benefit 50 % applies to the death benefit so that's where you are getting that info from. I dislocated and broke my clavicle a few weeks ago while reviewing a Honda CBR 250 rental. Had the accident in Rayong and a friend took me to Bangkok Rayong Hospital for initial treatment. The only thing I had to pay for was the sling and that was just 80 baht or so I had the operation at Bangkok Pattaya a few days later and that required an overnight stay. A titanium plate was screwed into the two broken ends of the bone after they were lined up properly. Once again the bill was paid in full by Bupa with the exception of a little pocket change amounting to a couple of bucks.

Something that is most important to keep in mind is this...if you go out and get health insurance, will the company continue to insure you well up into your old age? Most won't. Bupa will so long as you continue to pay your premiums. I took out my policy when I was 58. 60 was the magic number. to be guaranteed health insurance for life Since being with Bupa I've had 1 a kidney stone removal, 2 a prostate biopsy and 3 now this Three overnight stays at Bangkok Pattaya. My gf has also had an operation that required an overnight stay at BPH. I never had to pay upfront as Bupa dealt with the cashier so I only had to pay "small change" after all four overnight stays were taken care of.

I have the Platinum Plan with Bupa with no outpatient coverage. Basically it pays for everything with no limit on surgical fees, this procedure or that procedure.

Lesser plans with Bupa, with another company, or if one has no plan, would limit one's options to a significantly more inexpensive hospital than Bangkok Pattaya. Opinions vary as to the quality of the hospitals in the Pattaya area. Most seem to swear by Bangkok Pattaya Hospital including myself whereas others disparage it as being too high priced, too mercenary, and not up to what it's cracked up to be I find these hospitals detractors to be those who for one reason or the other cannot afford it. That is-----"I must justify my choice or inability to afford to go there by justifying my having to go to a cheaper hospital. It's like the guy who claims, "That $1500 Colt Python revolver is not what it's cracked up to be. Why, my $200 Saturday night special will shoot just as well." Well....it won't. Or at least not won't in 95 % of the cases such as 1. One got an uncommonly good Saturday night special or 2. One tested a Python that turned out to be a lemon.

Many people have told me Siracha has a fine hospital. Okay-------I lost a very good friend last February. The man had been an alcoholic before I had met him and by the time we had gotten acquainted his liver was shot. He had a lot of health problems. Last February he got appendicitis. Three days before he died something like the day after the operation he told me his wound had started to seep. Several of us were with him when he died including his wife and I had been touching him when he died. Afterwards I wanted to go to the restroom to wash my hands. I had to ask where the toilet was because I didn't see a sign directing me to one in English. When I got to the toilet there was no soap. Straight off, i started to ask myself....."What is it that caused Pete to have the infection that killed him?" Perhaps the hospital had taken too many short cuts.. Certainly a lot of English speaking people go to this hospital so why did I have to ask where the toilet was in the first place and once I got there, why didn't the hospital provide soap? If the hospital was negligent on these details, what other details had it not been taking care of? Of course, perhaps Pete would have died of infection anyway with a liver in the sorry state his was in. But we will never know.

Not always of course but there is a lot of truth in the old saying "You tend to get what you pay for." Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is really geared up to compete for the medical tourism trade so it has to compete with the best hospitals in the world. So I tend to believe that it's at least one notch above those hospitals that are not geared up for medical tourism. I figure my health is not something I want to skimp on and that's why I was checking the benefits of Bupa and prices before I actually moved to Thailand and wound up paying my 1st year's premium just two days after my arrival.

medical insurance is something i have also neglected to organise yet although i know it should probably have been the first thing i bought when i arrived here

i have had a couple of non-life threatening accidents which i got hospital treatment and paid in cash or with credit card (private and government hospitals ) and i know depending on which bike i come off il have a certain amount of medical coverage ,maybe 50 or100k or whatever is on the various policys of the machine but i also know that if u need surgery or a long stay in the ward to get better then thats not going to cover it

i will definately get a policy of some sort in addition to the motorcycle insurance coverage ,its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it ............

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NOT Bupa - they cut your benes in half if an injury is bike-related. Check with Ayudhya-Allianz. I know an agent who knows her stuff, and speaks perfect English. PM me if anybody wants her contact info.

That is not true. I think cutting the benefit 50 % applies to the death benefit so that's where you are getting that info from. .. [sNIP of a post that goes on for quite some paragraphs, demonstrating possibly a vested interest in the subject?]

Thank you for telling me where I am getting my info... Point of Fact, it is directly off my Bupa Policy terms and conditions.

Just the Facts.

Edited by bbradsby
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I think you will find Ayudhya-Allianz are just a Thai company - an offshoot. Better to have the real Allianz as far better cover with low premiums. Suggest asking AA Insurance Brokers as they deal direct and speak English !

I think you will find that if any insurance co is doing business in LOS, they are a 'Thai Company' as required by law. Foreign involvement/your results may vary.

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