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Ex-Massage Parlor Tycoon Chuvit Rubs Away Thailand's Police Chief


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Hypocrisy at its highest level.

US government is the most hypocrite government In the world,they talk but when come to action they only do what it benefits themselves. Exampleare Visa for this great man and also what they are doing with

]Oh yeah I am and American if you are curious

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"You need an expert, the expert to fight about corruption," Mr. Chuvit said at the news conference

"I can become the specialist about corruption because I know the corruption


"u really want a justice" easy SUPPORT CHUVIT

u borring corruption,u want the real gangster go in jail


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I think the fickle hand of fate will pay this gentleman a visit.

There might be some very embarrassed high ranked persons who will be caught in the net if he has (and I would imagine he has) done his homework well. In any developed (read non-banana republic) in the world this guy could bring the government, police and all other supposed 'hi-so's' down like a pack of cards.

As for Thai culture, there is more culture in an out of date yoghurt.

Here we go again with the "no corruption in my country" nonsense ...

Maybe in Space City ... but on THIS planet corruption is a matter of extent and format regardless of country.

This guy is AMAZING!

And his no fear of death is REMARKABLE!


Maybe ole Chooweet has a SOLUTION!?

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Hypocrisy at its highest level.

US government is the most hypocrite government In the world,they talk but when come to action they only do what it benefits themselves. Exampleare Visa for this great man and also what they are doing with

]Oh yeah I am and American if you are curious

Very sorry to see the US embassy come down on the side of the corrupt police system.

But not very surprised.

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Remember the Commerce minister from the last government. PORNtiva. Her only previous job was helping her mother run "Poseidon," her father's massive "massage parlour."

She should have been elected PM. Certainly more relevant experience than Yingluck.

OK. so what do you know of Ms. Yingluck's background to validate your statement?

I hope someone else can fill in the relevant details, but my understanding is that Yingluck's experience pretty much consists of a high position at her brother's company. She was "president" or had some other such wonderful title. When big brother sold the company to Temasek, Yingluck left. When her position was not then immediately filled by a new candidate it raised questions. Eventually Temasek stated that there was no need to replace Yingluck since she never actually did anything. I don't know what her large and beautiful office was eventually converted to.

Can someone else fill in the blanks here, or make corrections where I might have it wrong? Thanks.

The position of president at Advanced Info Service was specially created for Yingluck and when the business was sold to Temasek, the position was eliminated. There are no reports that AIS is now struggling without a president. It is run by a CEO who is highly experienced in the mobile telephony business which Yingluck was not when she became president. I think it would be more realistic to say she did an internship at AIS.

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Wow. would you all quit it with the PM flames? Accept it -- the PM is nobody -- in ANY country. PM, President... they're all just the face of the government. It's the people around them that press the buttons.

Now back to the topic. I sure hope Chuvit has someone watching his back, and watching well. This is almost the same thing that got Seh Deang rubbed out. Only exception is that Chuvit is a really cool guy, while the other was a dispensable tool.

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This guy is THE GUY.... dam_n i love him and hope the next election he will be elected....

I don't love the guy but I appreciate what he is doing.... surprisingly though, quite a few Thai's I have talked to do not like him. Not quite sure why though, I do not usually talk politics with Thai's:)

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Remember the Commerce minister from the last government. PORNtiva. Her only previous job was helping her mother run "Poseidon," her father's massive "massage parlour."

She should have been elected PM. Certainly more relevant experience than Yingluck.

OK. so what do you know of Ms. Yingluck's background to validate your statement?

That is the point , she has no background, no political experience, she has done nothing but perform puppet duties at big brothers businesses, she is qualified to sell som tam, maybe. Her business degree was the finest thaksin could buy.

come on shes brilliant with help of her brilliant brother they will save Thailand from masses and deserve every baht for their noble efforts. Its almost better than bankers scam in west. It is better at least in west a few people are beginning to open their eyes. I am very happy that she and rest keep my maid gardener happy and content since if they did not heaven forbid they might actually start demanding for themselves some rights and more than pittance they deserve. Best thing the elite could have is a docile isan poor and like George orwell's animal farm we lucky few at top of heap will raise our glasses to comrade Taksin for his enlightenment of the people. thank you dear saviour of my folks way of life free from fear of some peasant revolt for a long time yet. And also a toast to opponents for keeping other lot at bay and doing a wonderful job of appearing to offer some hope and finally may we raise our glasses to Army for most cleverly diverting all masses attention from their pre destined fate and acting as bad guys. Totally brilliant. Im sure lots of other well meaning lovers of poor worldwide are trying to see how best they can secure their noses in trough.

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Maybe I'm doing a reality check or just thinking to myself, but does Thailand currently have any normal and honest politicians?! Christ sake. What a defining place for terms like banana republic and crooked politicians. In 10 years, I've seen some corrupt officials here, but right now is a time with even more of them in office all at one time, to push the banana republic of monkeys to it's most incomprehensible limits.

I don't feel sorry for what the movies portray anymore.

Since the departure of Abhisit, things have returned to even more ludicrous form.

5-6 years ago, I remember picking up the newspaper and reading about Thaksin, and it all seemed fictional and out of some crazed mafia gangster movie...that feeling has once again returned.

What a joke to have a wanke_r like this in office. This is becoming the Land of Jokes.

Edited by gemini81
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I love this guy. What most law enforcement agencies don't like to admit, is it takes a thief to catch a thief. The FBI has proven that this works in their on going fight with the mafia in the US. Now most intelligent agencies use the same tactic in hunting down terrorists. Infiltrate. Use what works. Keep it up Chuvit.

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I love this guy. What most law enforcement agencies don't like to admit, is it takes a thief to catch a thief. The FBI has proven that this works in their on going fight with the mafia in the US. Now most intelligent agencies use the same tactic in hunting down terrorists. Infiltrate. Use what works. Keep it up Chuvit.

Takes one to know one, huh? I rememeber that saying back home, it came from somewhere......

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Can you back up those statements with evidence, or are you intending to leave the country very soon?

Stating openly known, published, facts cannot be called slander or libel.

I'll bet rreddin is just the guy to report everyone to the 'proper authorities'

I'll bet he isn't.

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Mr. Chuvit showed his first video in parliament on August 23, which reportedly revealed the lush interior of a huge, expensively equipped illegal casino packed with gamblers.

... police waited three days before staging a raid, and then announced that Mr. Chuvit was wrong because the building was empty.

So, Mr. Chuvit whipped out his second video, purportedly shot from a nearby rooftop, showing men and trucks emptying the casino's gambling tables and equipment during the three days while the police hesitated.

LOL! Great plan, well executed. Kudos!

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Mr. Chuvit showed his first video in parliament on August 23, which reportedly revealed the lush interior of a huge, expensively equipped illegal casino packed with gamblers.

... police waited three days before staging a raid, and then announced that Mr. Chuvit was wrong because the building was empty.

So, Mr. Chuvit whipped out his second video, purportedly shot from a nearby rooftop, showing men and trucks emptying the casino's gambling tables and equipment during the three days while the police hesitated.

LOL! Great plan, well executed. Kudos!

Chuwit said he wanted to be in the Opposition but all he did with this was give Chalerm a reason to remove the police chief and replace him with the de facto PM's brother-in-law.

Quite an own goal for the 'Opposition', or perhaps he's not really in the 'Opposition' at all!

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Mr. Chuvit showed his first video in parliament on August 23, which reportedly revealed the lush interior of a huge, expensively equipped illegal casino packed with gamblers.

... police waited three days before staging a raid, and then announced that Mr. Chuvit was wrong because the building was empty.

So, Mr. Chuvit whipped out his second video, purportedly shot from a nearby rooftop, showing men and trucks emptying the casino's gambling tables and equipment during the three days while the police hesitated.

LOL! Great plan, well executed. Kudos!

Chuwit said he wanted to be in the Opposition but all he did with this was give Chalerm a reason to remove the police chief and replace him with the de facto PM's brother-in-law.

Quite an own goal for the 'Opposition', or perhaps he's not really in the 'Opposition' at all!

Chuwit is a maverick who is uncontrollable. He is in it for himself and his own reasons, and he gives variation to the opposition. Chuwit is also bright enough to know just going on about Thaksin all the time will leave him seen as just another one of theose boring politicos obsessed with only one man. Chuwit appeals to a very similar group that the Dems (and Purachai) aim at and he needs to have his own carefully marketed brand. He may also be the most popular opposition politician in the country as well as one of the best known. I doubt Chuwit cares about PTP or the Dems or their leaders or what they actually do to each other. A corruption crusade party is going to have monsterous amounts of ammo no matter what party is in government

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Can you back up those statements with evidence, or are you intending to leave the country very soon?

Stating openly known, published, facts cannot be called slander or libel.

I'll bet rreddin is just the guy to report everyone to the 'proper authorities'

I'll bet he isn't.

And you know this as fact because......

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Mr. Chuvit showed his first video in parliament on August 23, which reportedly revealed the lush interior of a huge, expensively equipped illegal casino packed with gamblers.

... police waited three days before staging a raid, and then announced that Mr. Chuvit was wrong because the building was empty.

So, Mr. Chuvit whipped out his second video, purportedly shot from a nearby rooftop, showing men and trucks emptying the casino's gambling tables and equipment during the three days while the police hesitated.

LOL! Great plan, well executed. Kudos!

Chuwit said he wanted to be in the Opposition but all he did with this was give Chalerm a reason to remove the police chief and replace him with the de facto PM's brother-in-law.

Quite an own goal for the 'Opposition', or perhaps he's not really in the 'Opposition' at all!

Chuwit is a maverick who is uncontrollable. He is in it for himself and his own reasons, and he gives variation to the opposition. Chuwit is also bright enough to know just going on about Thaksin all the time will leave him seen as just another one of theose boring politicos obsessed with only one man. Chuwit appeals to a very similar group that the Dems (and Purachai) aim at and he needs to have his own carefully marketed brand. He may also be the most popular opposition politician in the country as well as one of the best known. I doubt Chuwit cares about PTP or the Dems or their leaders or what they actually do to each other. A corruption crusade party is going to have monsterous amounts of ammo no matter what party is in government

You can't be serious about Chuwit mounting an anti corruption crusade.

He doesn't appeal to the same people as Purachai, the latter appeals to some, but not many, middle-class Thais; by the way, where is Purachai now?

Working class Thais who support Pheua Thai like Chuwit as much as any Democrat supporters, but few Democrat supporters see him as anything but an attention seeker desperate for self promotion, devoid of any ideals.

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Despite his claims of being a "maverick", Chalerm's first order of business was to serve Chalerm a softball to hit out of the park. I can accept that as the police ARE corrupt and he was merely pointing that out. They continue to be corrupt and his silence since then has been deafening.

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Can you back up those statements with evidence, or are you intending to leave the country very soon?

Stating openly known, published, facts cannot be called slander or libel.

My understanding is that charges of defamation, both criminal and civil, can be brought whether what was stated/written is/was true or not. Send for Rumpole of the Bailey?

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