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Tougher Alcohol, Cigarette Laws Planned


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Can guarantee the drink laws for "resident's bars" within major hotels will be more lenient - as they're mostly controlled by the Chinese Cartel that's infiltrated Thailand over the last two centuries.

Maybe Chulalongkorn & Co had it right when they ordered the draconian restrictions on Chinese immigrants just over a century ago?

A few months ago I commented that the government appeared to be offering preferred immigration to chinese and other asian groups in deccending order to encourage "residential" tourist development I was accused of racism and warned to watch my comments by a site moderator. So watch your use of the C word!! :o

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I can't pay a bar fine in a legitimate, licensed, tax-paying bar after 1 am. I have to score on the street. I can't buy alcohol in any form in Foodland et al after midnight. I have to drink on the street. Oh sorry, I know, I should just go home to bed like a good boy and behave.

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Instead of passing laws that restrict sales at certain hours, Thailand should increase the liquor TAX by ten baht per drink, of which two baht would have to go to law enforcement.  If that doesn't curb drunken driving, absenteeism due to drunkeness, public welfare doles due to drunkeness, drunk Cabinet members, etc.,  make it forty baht per drink.

Cigarettes in the UK cost twice as much as on the continent... I don't see less people smocking here than there...

Tax and prohibition only hurt the poor for whom smoking and drinking are often the only pleasure they can afford (they wont all read Thai classics when back for the rice field...) and as a matter of fact they have NEVER worked...


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the policy thought to reduce smoking and dringking alcohole are thought as and when responsibal authority can dream. they do not have any systematic approach to solve the problem. make one decree and spend time to implement it. some are realy targeting the rivals only and enforced till underlaying objective is acheved. the real public interest is no where.

i bet CP will not be fined for "display" where as others may have got verdict.

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Instead of passing laws that restrict sales at certain hours, Thailand should increase the liquor TAX by ten baht per drink, of which two baht would have to go to law enforcement.  If that doesn't curb drunken driving, absenteeism due to drunkeness, public welfare doles due to drunkeness, drunk Cabinet members, etc.,  make it forty baht per drink.

Won't work. The Thai police force is useless and traffic police are the worst. The money would go towards more air-conditioners and TV sets for their "control" booths.

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As far as I've heard, it doesn't simply appear that the Chinese get preferential treatment from the government- I believe they have advantages *by law* in terms of immigration, etc. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, this whole thing is such hypocritical, unpopular flim-flam. Thais like to have fun. This anti-sanook government should've worn out its welcome a long time ago. One would think they needed to do some things that made them a little more popular, but that's because one is thinking. The government is not, apparently.


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When the rest of the world has extended licencing hours, some to 24 hrs a day, the incidence of drunken behaviour is a lot less. I wonder why Thailand is going in the other direction to slove the problem? :o  :D

Too right...why doesn't the Thai govt take a look at the way other countries deal with the sale of alcohol and talke a leaf out of their books?

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What about the Premiership games that are on after 12pm?

What about them?? Television is gettin banned after 12pm also :o

What kind stupid latest laws for the sale of alcohol only between 11 and 2 then from 5 to 12 to protect underaged people Is that so difficult to ask the ID card to check the age from the one that will buy alcohol HOW can a low same that see the day? and the shop they sell alcohol on underaged people very simple CLOSE the shop for one year 1.000.000 bath to pay and 2 years in the prison THAT will help.

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Great, does this mean bars and clubs have to stop serving alcohol at 12.  Fantastic!  So  after i've finished my dinner I won't be able to have a few drinks by the bar.

Another step forward for the tourist industy!

Dude, bars and clubs have been closing at 12 for ages.

Bars closing at 12 . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? Man; you need to buy some glasses and start smelling the roses ! ! ! ! Gosh ! :o

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I think Gaz Chiangmai has pretty much hit the nail on the head there.....

It is a refined method of US Prohibition

Where America got it wrong was to do a blanket ban that allowed the rise of organised crime

Here, crime is already organised and the Dons are in government, hence they're controlling who, when, and where the products they control can be sold

Charoen Pokhand is on the outside of the ruling "families", thus this is the first major shot at CP (7-eleven) from the Chinese Triad within the cabinet, as they've previously been regarded as too big to take on directly.

Can guarantee the drink laws for "resident's bars" within major hotels will be more lenient - as they're mostly controlled by the Chinese Cartel that's infiltrated Thailand over the last two centuries.

Maybe Chulalongkorn & Co had it right when they ordered the draconian restrictions on Chinese immigrants just over a century ago?

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smoking and drinking is WRONG and I am glad about this law. It will encourage you all to be as good as me.


First of all, the proper english to used here would be "It will encourage you all to be as good as I."

Secondly: maybe nobody has informed you yet, but to me it sounds like you're already dead; only thing missing ? Your funeral ! ! ! Grow-up

Oh, and while you're at it: you had better change your handle: "Pandit" infers that you are wise and learned . . . . . . . :D

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I'm unfortunatly stuck in th UK at the moment,but from next week,I think it is,my local has a licence to stay open 24 hours.

Even the Weatherspoon chain is going to be open till 1am at the weekend,could kill the nightclubs in the UK.

But after saying that, I'd still sooner be in Pattaya,even if it closed at 9 o'clock!!!!

I believe that any effort to reduce smoking especially among young people is a good idea.

I also believe I'll have another drink!

The smoking of tobacco is going the way of the horse drawn buggy, and the young must be educated any way possible that it is wrong.

Drinking on the other hand doesn't cause cancer, so therefore by attrition, is better than smoking.

So, ban smoking and encourage drinking!

What about the Premiership games that are on after 12pm?

‘Drinking on the other hand doesn't cause cancer, so therefore by attrition, is better than smoking.

So, ban smoking and encourage drinking!’

Are you serious, and are you a smoker on the wacky baccy or what? How many lives are wrecked by alcoholism, how many other people does alcoholism affect? Family? Friends? Joe Public in the street having to put up with booze fuelled fights and crime? Sidestepping the vomit on the pavement? How many innocent people are killed and injured every year by drunk drivers? What is the cost of all this? And you say drinking is better than smoking!

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About the government being anti-Chinese...isn't Toxic himself a "half-half Chinese/Thai?"

I know in his mind money and corrupt ways of gathering/hording it would take priority over racial heritage, but nonetheless....

Oh well...they squawk about Thailand being the new international hub of something new every week or about some new law in the works and then it goes away, only 50% of the time or even less it ever reaches the surface of reality.

Ya' get used to it after a while.

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When the rest of the world has extended licencing hours, some to 24 hrs a day, the incidence of drunken behaviour is a lot less. I wonder why Thailand is going in the other direction to slove the problem? :o  :D

Too right...why doesn't the Thai govt take a look at the way other countries deal with the sale of alcohol and talke a leaf out of their books?

Because that would be common sense, something that this government in particular seems to be lacking. The level of stupdity is mind blowing. This could be the end of the night life (not that it is up to much these days anyway)!

And as to Pandit's comments, which I had thought were a joke! Why would anyone want to be like you? Most people prefer to have the freedom to decide what they want to be and want to do, rather than have someone else tell them.

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I'm unfortunatly stuck in th UK at the moment,but from next week,I think it is,my local has a licence to stay open 24 hours.

Even the Weatherspoon chain is going to be open till 1am at the weekend,could kill the nightclubs in the UK.

But after saying that, I'd still sooner be in Pattaya,even if it closed at 9 o'clock!!!!

I believe that any effort to reduce smoking especially among young people is a good idea.

I also believe I'll have another drink!

The smoking of tobacco is going the way of the horse drawn buggy, and the young must be educated any way possible that it is wrong.

Drinking on the other hand doesn't cause cancer, so therefore by attrition, is better than smoking.

So, ban smoking and encourage drinking!

What about the Premiership games that are on after 12pm?

‘Drinking on the other hand doesn't cause cancer, so therefore by attrition, is better than smoking.

So, ban smoking and encourage drinking!’

Are you serious, and are you a smoker on the wacky baccy or what? How many lives are wrecked by alcoholism, how many other people does alcoholism affect? Family? Friends? Joe Public in the street having to put up with booze fuelled fights and crime? Sidestepping the vomit on the pavement? How many innocent people are killed and injured every year by drunk drivers? What is the cost of all this? And you say drinking is better than smoking!

Alcohol is very much linked to certain cancers.

However legislating agianst recreational drug use has been proved time and time again not to work. anything illegal or with high duties immediately becomes of interest to smugglers and organised crime. It also leads to a complete lack of quality control so people die thgrough drinking moonshine etc etc.

Thailand is a pretty relaxed place and the population likes its booze. Regulations repression and restrictions will only push some aspects of it underground and into the arms of the undesireable element in siciety.

The only way to approach the problems caused by alcohol is education. If people realise how they are afffected by it and how it affects everyone else then they can do something about it, but sadly most people in Thailnd wouldn't know an alcoholic if he ran over them with his car.

Nice to see the UK relaxing its alcohol laws a bit more.

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smoking and drinking is WRONG and I am glad about this law. It will encourage you all to be as good as me.


First of all, the proper english to used here would be "It will encourage you all to be as good as I."

Secondly: maybe nobody has informed you yet, but to me it sounds like you're already dead; only thing missing ? Your funeral ! ! ! Grow-up

Oh, and while you're at it: you had better change your handle: "Pandit" infers that you are wise and learned . . . . . . . :D


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Glad to see Pandit has hit a vein of irony that seems unintelligible to some people

I suggest 7 does the same as those sellers of pirate CD/DVDs and watches and has mock up covers of cigarette packs in a little wallet near the till

What I don't get is what's in it for Toxin?..he is heavily into bread and circuses ie. money for rural folk...he has lost the BKK middle class already.......who can make their own arrangements for beer and fags.

Interesting about CP, though..I see they are getting out of chickens and into beef!! Doesn't sound right does it?

And Pandit is also right its me not I...do you say as good as we?...so there has gone another 200K of educational expenditure!

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One problem with this - it reminds me of leaving New Years parties.

The drunks may leave the bars earlier.  :o

My home country used to have early closing at 6 P.M.. The pubs were so full before 6 that you could hardly move. They called it the six o-clock swill. Trouble was everyone stocked up with take aways before they left and went some place else to get loaded. Now 24 hours. A whole different world.

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This just in from the Nation. Two 7-11 shops raided and they ended up with 41 packs of cigarettes! That's impressive as heck. All the waste of manpower and money for 41 packs of smokes. To bad they can't get their priorities straight here. There are a lot more pressing issues in Thailand than 41 packs of smokes.

Two 7-Eleven shops raided for showing cigarettes at point of sale

Published on Nov 09 , 2005

Public health officials Wednesday led police to seize cigarettes from two 7-Eleven branches and charge their managers with violating the laws against tobacco advertisements.

Doctor Narong Sahamethaphat, deputy director-general of the Disease Control Department, led the raids against the two branches located in the area of Nonthaburi's main pier.

The Public Health Ministry has issued a directive banning the display of cigarettes at points of sales, deeming the display as advertisements.

7-Eleven has refused to comply on ground that it was put the cigarettes on the shelve for the sake of sales convenience.

Narong said police seized 41 packets of cigarettes from each of the two shops and would later take legal measures against the shop managers.

He said each branch could face a fine of Bt200,000.

Link: 7-11 Raided

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Confiscating 41 packets of cigarettes and harrasing "Apu" (Simpsons Mini Mart owner) in the local 7-11 is much easier and safer than say making the Southern Provinces safer by catching real criminals, murderers and terrorists.

Small minded people think that seeing a packet of cigarettes is going to entice a non smoker to purchase them.

Smokers buy cigarettes, that is why they go into 7-11.

At least one cop won't have to buy cigarettes for the next few weeks.

What about liquor shops; will it be considered advertising or enticing by having whiskey and beer, etc. on the shelves?

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One problem with this - it reminds me of leaving New Years parties.

The drunks may leave the bars earlier.  :o

My home country used to have early closing at 6 P.M.. The pubs were so full before 6 that you could hardly move. They called it the six o-clock swill. Trouble was everyone stocked up with take aways before they left and went some place else to get loaded. Now 24 hours. A whole different world.

Yeah, I got to NZ not too long after they extended the hours; trouble was the public bar drinkers would all still run to the pub and swill like there was no tomorroow (or no extra hours). Also all the good old boys in the club bars would drink from around 4-6 and go home for dinner. Old habits heh....

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Two 7-Eleven shops raided for showing cigarettes at point of sale

I'm glad to see 7-Eleven busted, given their attitude toward the "hide the cigarettes" law of last month. The corporation, as I understand it, chose to defy the decree.

Regardless of other concerns, the idea that 7-Eleven juggernaut thinks it can defy the government when small timers are harassed is not acceptable. If they don't like it, they should carry the banner in a fight against the law instead of acting as if they are above it.

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You typed all that without looking at the screen until you entered your name? Next time, check the CAPS LOCK first :o .

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