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Hi all, thought I'd share this one and am interested in any comments u may make, in particular whether this is how fellow road users behave in your neck of the woods.

Our local roundabout or traffic circle is a fairly simple one with only 3 exits, has nice big white lines in the correct places etc. but the locals insist on stopping on the circle itself to let approaching traffic join or scream through at speed. Problem is of course (and I've actually seen this happen here) it ends up in total gridlock when 3 or 4 cars stop as no one can then enter or leave the bl**dy thing.

All very amusing, and I've had many laughs over it the last couple of years or so BUT it's really dodgy to do the correct thing by giving way to traffic already on the circle as you're likely to be rear ended at the white line or T boned if you don't stop on the way around! I've never seen this before..is it commonplace? and what would you do in these circumstances?


Well Ray, the correct procedure is to do whatever you dam well want! Otherwise you will look like a silly farang. Don't want that do we? :whistling:


It's all about self preservation, once you are sure you are not going to be rear ended by the person who thinks going fast is best you do what ever you have to do in order to come out the other side in one piece, if you drive up to the roundabout fast then you are indeed in danger of the person behind you(who may not be as considerate as you, rear ending you, it's best to approach slowly and proceed through the roundabout slowly coming out the other side in one piece, sorted :) my opinion only!!


Yeah , it is horror , and my by far worsed experience in Thai traffic . No rules at all , just push yourself in and hope the rest push their brakes to let you in . :annoyed:


Yeah , it is horror , and my by far worsed experience in Thai traffic . No rules at all , just push yourself in and hope the rest push their brakes to let you in . :annoyed:

This slowing down before you reach a roundabout also applies to traffic lights, I was next to a car that was hit from behind the other day, the Thai driver in his pick up assumed the car in front would be like him and run the red light, he was not and the pick up hit the car... Som nam na

If you drive up to a roundabout or traffic lights fast then stop you are in danger of being hit from behind, their are many inconsiderate people Thai and Farang who drive recklessly.. use common sense and stay safe!! must stress my opinion only!!


We have one and only one thank Buddha near us but it has 7 road's joining. There are no rule's it's every one for themselves, lorries first as there the biggest. I spoke to a local copper the other week about the rule's and he said give way to the right. When I pointed out that no one did that he just laughed and said up to them. But if there is an accident we apply the rule's and if you not give way it's your fault. So there you have it UP TO YOU. As a Farang your fault. For Thai's the rule's apply.


I also think that it is the best way, carefully entering the roundabout. Then steadily move-on. It is easier with a bigger car, because you have then more "right". Always check all your mirrors for the scooters which will "zip around".

I always try not to block the other traffic and give way if it helps the clear the situation. But it have to be done carefully (only one care) because it could end that you will be locked... ;-)


Just drive confidently in and around the roundabout. Everybody else is so confused by the thing, they'll hesitate at every possible opportunity and let you through.

I came to the conclusion that the first highway code here was just a direct translation of the American one, where people drive on the right. So it must have said "When approaching a roundabout, give way to the left." Utter confusion ever since.


Imagine the same junction without the circle. The rule (based on common sense) is: If you are standing ON the junction, get out of there as soon as possible.

So, with a circle: actually standing ON the circle close to the circle means, that you have to get out of there as soon as possible and all vehicle must give you the chance to do so.

The French ("inventors" of the roundabouts) are able to tell you all about it.


I noticed since I bought my CRUZE, people stay away and respect me more in the roundabout next to my house. Must be the aggressive look and color.

Oh no get ready for 600 plus replies to this!! lol :D


If you have been here a couple of years and you are a confident and competent driver you just go with the flow and drive the same as Thai do, if you try to use or enforce your western road rules here you will come a cropper sooner or later.:jap:


If you have been here a couple of years and you are a confident and competent driver you just go with the flow and drive the same as Thai do, if you try to use or enforce your western road rules here you will come a cropper sooner or later.:jap:

I agree with the first part, as for enforcing western road rules like stopping at Red lights this will not make you come a cropper sooner rather than later, I would say ignoring a red light will make you come a cropper sooner rather than later!! I suppose I must make it clear this is my opinion and it works for me!! other road users can do what they want it's their lives!!

The majority of people do stop at red lights it is just a minority that choose to ignore them...


1) Smaller vehicle gives way to bigger vehicle, regardless of "the law".

2) Older vehicle gives way to newer vehicle unless older vehicle is more expensive than the newer vehicle (eg 2009 merc trumps 2011 vios).

3) Status of your parents in Thai heirarchy determines who should have to give way but you may be trumped by lower status person with more cash, thus better give way to expensive cars just in case.

4) Cautiously law abiding driver gives way to aggressive speedster for obvious reasons.

Personally, I just ease my way in and hope for the best!


I noticed since I bought my CRUZE, people stay away and respect me more in the roundabout next to my house. Must be the aggressive look and color.

laugh.gif Nice product placement!!


If you have been here a couple of years and you are a confident and competent driver you just go with the flow and drive the same as Thai do, if you try to use or enforce your western road rules here you will come a cropper sooner or later.:jap:

I agree with the first part, as for enforcing western road rules like stopping at Red lights this will not make you come a cropper sooner rather than later, I would say ignoring a red light will make you come a cropper sooner rather than later!! I suppose I must make it clear this is my opinion and it works for me!! other road users can do what they want it's their lives!!

The majority of people do stop at red lights it is just a minority that choose to ignore them...

I see where your coming from so to speak, the minority you speak of, are the ones to watch out for, whether you are on a small road in a town or on a highway approaching road light junctions.

If someone is on my arse, I slow down well before as in speed coming to the light junctions so they either have no choice but to slow down with me or preferably I like them to overtake.

Most of the light junctions in urban areas as you know let you turn left on a red light.

Apart from your experience of watching your front, I think a basic rule to remember is make sure you know what's behind you everyway but each and everywhere, cause theys come from bloody everyway.:D .


I noticed since I bought my CRUZE, people stay away and respect me more in the roundabout next to my house. Must be the aggressive look and color.


even in circles Th Cruze is better :lol: :lol: :lol:


circles/roundabots/hayeks in Th are confusing

there are two sets of rules

1. If a main road is involved, it has right of way. Lets say Highway 2, and 4 more exists, vehicles on Highway 2 have the right of way. Not very common

2. ordinar yield when entering circle, give way for vehicles from the RIGHT, and vehicles exiting circle

In reality I keep it slow in white yaris, and dont slow down in black tuna ;)


If you have been here a couple of years and you are a confident and competent driver you just go with the flow and drive the same as Thai do, if you try to use or enforce your western road rules here you will come a cropper sooner or later.:jap:

I agree with the first part, as for enforcing western road rules like stopping at Red lights this will not make you come a cropper sooner rather than later, I would say ignoring a red light will make you come a cropper sooner rather than later!! I suppose I must make it clear this is my opinion and it works for me!! other road users can do what they want it's their lives!!

The majority of people do stop at red lights it is just a minority that choose to ignore them...

I see where your coming from so to speak, the minority you speak of, are the ones to watch out for, whether you are on a small road in a town or on a highway approaching road light junctions.

If someone is on my arse, I slow down well before as in speed coming to the light junctions so they either have no choice but to slow down with me or preferably I like them to overtake.

Most of the light junctions in urban areas as you know let you turn left on a red light.

Apart from your experience of watching your front, I think a basic rule to remember is make sure you know what's behind you everyway but each and everywhere, cause theys come from bloody everyway.:D .

Yep agree!


1) Smaller vehicle gives way to bigger vehicle, regardless of "the law".

2) Older vehicle gives way to newer vehicle unless older vehicle is more expensive than the newer vehicle (eg 2009 merc trumps 2011 vios).

3) Status of your parents in Thai heirarchy determines who should have to give way but you may be trumped by lower status person with more cash, thus better give way to expensive cars just in case.

4) Cautiously law abiding driver gives way to aggressive speedster for obvious reasons.

Thai road rules in a nutshell!

Also, when coming on an intersection where you see someone waiting for a chance to cut across traffic, and your path will interest theirs, it is customary to give the car that's been waiting longest the right of way. But the rules above also do apply, Benz drivers will rarely ever give anyone the right of way!

and, thaicruze does have a point, I've experienced something strange, when driving my small, cheap car (with a few aggressive cosmetic modifications), I tend to have more people let me have right of way. But recently my car is at the garage and I've been driving my friend's Navara, I get ignored a lot more, even though it's a bigger vehicle (and pretty aggressive looking too), really odd!


A car was in got rear ended by a bike - the driver in my car slowed down upon approach and almost came to a stop as a truck was coming (at some speed) from our right. The bike, which had another lane on our left to avoid us, clipped my friend's rear left bumper. The young rider when spinning off down the road across the left hand lane. Luckily there was nothing else coming up on our left and he was OK, just a scratch on his arm. Shook my friend up a bit though, and now he is a wreck approaching the two roundabouts in our town! Personally, I hate the things - there is no consistency at all... I just take my time and prey to the 'B-man'...!


For those drivers who are used to driving on the left, the rule "should" be that you give way to traffic on the roundabout. Traffic on the roundabout always has priority. The only exception I can think of is if the roundabout has traffic lights, or if you are in an emergency vehicle/black Fortuna/Vigo. Unfortunately in Thailand many people are unaware of such rules and believe that traffic entering the roundabout has right of way. Live the dream :lol:


For those drivers who are used to driving on the left, the rule "should" be that you give way to traffic on the roundabout. Traffic on the roundabout always has priority. The only exception I can think of is if the roundabout has traffic lights, or if you are in an emergency vehicle/black Fortuna/Vigo. Unfortunately in Thailand many people are unaware of such rules and believe that traffic entering the roundabout has right of way. Live the dream :lol:

not always. post #20


If you have been here a couple of years and you are a confident and competent driver you just go with the flow and drive the same as Thai do, if you try to use or enforce your western road rules here you will come a cropper sooner or later.:jap:

Great reading so far and I personally agree with most, go with the flow yes, be accertive yes, take nothing for granted etc. but.drive like the Thai..not always a good idea. As Fredo pointed out earlier, the rules WILL be applied if the doo doo ever hits the fan i.e causing an accident by running a red light or stopping on the circle for no reason except to give way, and I don't mean stopping 'cos they're approaching at the speed of light which could be judged correct.

Yep, as someone said..smile, take it as it comes and drive accordingly but I always bear in mind that us farang are easy pickings if we get it wrong. Btw, been here full time over 10 yrs now, it's the circle thats only been here 2 yrs or so.


circles/roundabots/hayeks in Th are confusing

there are two sets of rules

1. If a main road is involved, it has right of way. Lets say Highway 2, and 4 more exists, vehicles on Highway 2 have the right of way. Not very common

2. ordinar yield when entering circle, give way for vehicles from the RIGHT, and vehicles exiting circle

In reality I keep it slow in white yaris, and dont slow down in black tuna ;)

Yes I've come across No.1 also but the absence of the white stop lines, usually accompanied by big white arrows on the road surface make it pretty clear who has right of way. Interestingly, I can't see any mention of traffic circles at all in the Thai highway code, and traffic circles were def not in any of the theory test questions I had on my driving test here..altho that was many moons ago.

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