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The Last Straw

The Gentleman Scamp

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So you're saying <deleted> Thailand and going back home where you can drink to your hearts content, any time of the day or night, where you can wander into an off-licence at 03.00am and order a case of beer and a couple of bottles of Scotch; I don't think so. Afraid I can see through you Scampy. That post was designed to get comments like 'Good old Scampy, he's one of us' or ' Well Mr Scamp does write some sense sometimes' Afraid not old mate. Apart from most of us getting p1ssed off with the topic ( yours is about the 30th) the sensible ones have long since found ways round this ludicrous law, and are running their lives accordingly. Try another topic old mate. Or better still don't. :o

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They have one of those 24 hour booze delivery services in Oxford and its likely doing quite well - however have you ever tried asking the pizza delivery girl on the 'phone in thailand if you could order beer too? When I did, she was so surprised she started talking english to make sure I knew I definitely COULD NOT get my beer from them..


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What a pile of <deleted>, If you need anything here you can find it. I thought you were a seasoned visitor judging by your posts. Maybe you should find somewhere else if beer at 1am is top priority...... Maybe they did not serve you becasue you was being a pain in the ass and pissed.

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Join the Australian school of forward planning - buy two slabs of beer and keep one in the fridge :o

Or the Scottish one.

2 in the fridge and 2 in the cupboard.......borrowed of course !

Scampi, sometimes you are a whinging tw@t.

Edited by johnh101
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What a pile of <deleted>, If you need anything here you can find it. I thought you were a seasoned visitor judging by your posts. Maybe you should find somewhere else if beer at 1am is top priority...... Maybe they did not serve you becasue you was being a pain in the ass and pissed.

I could quote many of you but I'll quote this Ace Face bloke as he speaks for many.

It's not about finding somewhere to drink, it's about suddenly discovering this law has happened upon all others, and I was focusing on the fact that these laws are creeping up with speed and getting more and more frequent.

Remember when I once said that Cowboy would be closed one day?

I know I also mentioned it in my OP here but it is true, however I got several PM's and an e-mail from several respected TV members saying that I was right but it will always upset people to read about it, rumors or not and I will always be flamed for hinting it - but the fact is the land it lies on is worth a fortune and it will happen.

Paint me as an alcoholic all you want you miserable bastards, I personally DO admit I have a potential drink problem but I am man enough to admit it.

I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants which, yes, I admit, isn't very good but at least it hadn't been stolen due to carelessness and I am neither a loud or abusive drunk and I eat well and go to the gym at least three times a month, how many of you do that? Exactly.

Finally, in future, regarding the fridge, I will use forward planning but that's a little difficult to do when you don't know the law is there isn't it!

It was a nasty surprise and I was pissed off and don't call me a f*cking hypocrite either because you all have slagged Thaksin off at some point and you all know as well as I do that if you ever met him you'd all be fawning over him telling him what a great job he was doing.

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Erm... Fair enough Scamp :o

The biggest pisser for my by far is not (edit) about the lack of booze after 2am - it's still pretty easy to find. It's the fact music that cannot be played.

I know there's still clubs open past 2am in a few places, but the majority of them are pretty <deleted>. If everywhere could close at their own discretion, things would be so much better.

But that encourages prostitution. Somehow.

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I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants which, yes,  I admit, isn't very good

Potential drink problem? All credit for your honesty but next time you could wake up (if you're lucky) in a klong with no wallet, passport, or memory of the previous night. If you're waking up like this you definitely got a problem to deal with. Be as honest with yourself about it as you are when you post and you might have half a chance.

Good luck.


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Paint me as an alcoholic all you want you miserable bastards, I personally DO admit I have a potential drink problem but I am man enough to admit it.

I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants which, yes,  I admit, isn't very good...

Words seldom fail me, but... :o

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Paint me as an alcoholic all you want you miserable bastards, I personally DO admit I have a potential drink problem but I am man enough to admit it.

I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants which, yes,  I admit, isn't very good but at least it hadn't been stolen due to carelessness and I am neither a loud or abusive drunk and I eat well and go to the gym at least three times a month, how many of you do that?  Exactly.

Such a healthy lifestyle you live... :o:D:D

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Be as honest with yourself about it as you are when you post and you might have half a chance.

I am very aware of it, however - I can drink steadily until I pass out without slurring, stumbling or making an exhibition... I have matured into one of these 'sober' drunks who drink themselves sober and fall asleep in the middle of a conversation like Homer Simpsons dad.

Wasn't it the same old law since you were here last time?


Not on May 14/15th 2005 anyway.

Such a healthy lifestyle you live

That's the strange thing Wolfie, I do.

I don't know anybody who is the same as me when it comes to a hangover.

I am almost obsessive about drinking water non stop, and I mean non stop all day, GOOD food, multivitamins and even a sauna if there's one about.

When I'm not drinking I'm a health freak... You'll never find me near a McDonalds - unless I'm standing outside one at 4am with a brick in my hand.

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I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants
thaksin must have had you in mind when he passed that law then.

you should be thanking him.

Could have been worse, i suppose Scamp. At least you hadn't done the "Grand Slam" 

grand slam !!! :o:D:D

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I don't know what the grand slam is, do enlighten.

By the way, I've just been to the bar where I fell asleep and I didn't have to pay for my omlette because they said I had sat on a chair that was wet from the rain from a hole in the roof and it was their fault for not patching it up.

I didn't mind, I'm actually getting bored of hanging out at the high so places and paying bt 700 for an Absolut with cranberry with poncy ice cubes and I can never meet nice girls in the Q-Bar who are single and it's also full of graphic designer <deleted> with ponytails in Armani turtlrnecks..

I was happier when I was poor - people generaly are, which is another reason Thailand should stop trying to become another western country cause it won't do it any good and it'll end up just like the U.K. - full of insecure drunks with nothing better to do.

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I awoke with my head on a table in a bar at 10:15 this morning to discover my wallet was damp because I had pissed my pants
and I can never meet nice girls


no more , scampy , please , or i'll be needing a change of underwear myself

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