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China and Russia to vote in favor of Palestinian UN bid


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Ulysses G mentioned the Russians arming the Arabs.

None have armed wrongly more factions than the US.

All these comments just to make out that the Russians & China are wrongfully voting their own vote & not throwing

a tantrum if others do not agree.

Bottom line....Only one of the permanent 5 countries in the UN security council has acted as a child in this process.

Only one has made threats even before the vote of sanctions & removal of aid if Palestine asks for a democratic vote.

Only one has promised to Veto in tantrum fashion if the democratically achieved vote does not go their way.

Try to keep your eyes on the ball. It is not about Russia & China voting their mind as the usual suspects

would like you to believe. Look at the whole picture it is not hard to discern.

Edited by flying
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Do they have a negative attitude toward Israel (I believe Russia does)? Is it a protest vote against the US position?

During the cold war, The USSR armed and trained the Arabs. After they lost the 1967 war, the US started backing Israel and the friendship continues to this day. :thumbsup:

Some would say more than a friendship, in the past Jewish influence in the US has dictated US policy in the middle east, amongst other things of course!

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Some would say more than a friendship, in the past Jewish influence in the US has dictated US policy in the middle east, amongst other things of course!

You betcha! Those pesky Jews control everything! It's all in the Protocols. Yada, yada, yada ...

Clearly they don't control everything laugh.gif

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Only one of the permanent 5 countries in the UN security council has acted as a child in this process.

Yes, yes. The usual. America and Israel bad. China, Russia, Syria and Iran and everybody who votes against Israel good. We get it. :lol:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Only one of the permanent 5 countries in the UN security council has acted as a child in this process.

Yes, yes. The usual. America and Israel bad. China, Russia, Syria and Iran and everybody who votes against Israel good. We get it. :lol:

As you can see from my post I never said anything about Israel

But yes in this case USA is acting out very badly & yes we do get it.

Most of the world gets it clearly this time.

If nothing else this tantrum the US representative have thrown has clearly shown to any stragglers how it goes.

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I just tuned in to this thread, but see that already many posters mention what I think about it: China in particular is simply doing what it has to do in order to appear like a good guy on the world stage. It counted the straws and figured that most countries are voting for Palestinian statehood, and many of those countries have raw materials that China lusts after. China has not lifted a finger to assist the Palestinians in the past, and probably won't do anything for them in the future except try to use them in some economic manner (labor, factories, raw materials). Of course, the 900 lb gorilla in the kitchen is China's continued occupation of Tibet which China (like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz) wants no one to look at. "Disregard the man behind the curtain, he does not concern you!" If I wrote something like this in China or Tibet, I could be thrown in a dungeon - or worse.

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Thanks for the replies. I was asking as a more general question, not specifically about this resolution.

Russia seems to have an agenda that is easier to see than China. China remains an enigma to me. I know what both do is out of self-interest, but other than what Koheesti posted, I don't know what interest they have, especially the Chinese.

The Chinese interest is probably to keep oil producers well disposed to them.

I met and talked to Russian engineers building a steel plant in Iran in the mid 70's. They have had a presence there for years.

Russia invaded and occupied the northern Half of Iran during WWII and England invaded and occupied the southern Half of Iran at the same time. Iran was used during WWII as a land bridge for materials to Russia to stop the German invasion. Not to mention the use of Iranian oil for the Allied war effort, at the time the world's biggest oil refinery was in Abadan-Iran.

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The Chinese interest is probably to keep oil producers well disposed to them.

I met and talked to Russian engineers building a steel plant in Iran in the mid 70's. They have had a presence there for years.

Russia invaded and occupied the northern Half of Iran during WWII and England invaded and occupied the southern Half of Iran at the same time. Iran was used during WWII as a land bridge for materials to Russia to stop the German invasion. Not to mention the use of Iranian oil for the Allied war effort, at the time the world's biggest oil refinery was in Abadan-Iran.

I found WWII Lucky Strike and Camel cigarettes in Kermanshah in 1976, along with some Russian cigarettes. The packages were marked for Allied troop use but I don't remember the exact wording.

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