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Gecko Taken Up Residence In My Kitchen


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Ive noticed that there seems to be a gecko in my kitchen at night or first thing in the morning, the dam_n thing is always darting all over the place behind the kettle and under the hot plate etc, it seems to be getting bigger too.

How do you go about getting rid of them?

Id rather not kill it though.

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They do crap all over the place. You have to ask 'Why does it go into your kitchen ?'

There's probably a food source for it in there. Recently I noticed the presence of Gecko's by their droppings and traced it to a small (100's) bug infestation living inside a couple of half eaten boxes of breakfast cereal which had been left there opened and half eaten several months previously by someone who was staying in the spare room for a visit.

He left it in a cupboard that I don't use so I had no idea it was there. I wondered where all those tiny little flying beetles were coming from. Then out of nowhere the Gecko's came and started eating them. Now I've removed the cereal containing all the bugs and poisoned the rest of them that lingered around for the following week or so the Gecko's have gone. For now anyway.

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Why get rid?

Let him stay, he'll help keep the bug population down.

agree. 5 or 6 in my house and they are great. very few mosquitos in my home. they crap a little but a quick wipe and its gone.

they are well worth leaving alone. when they get too big, then maybe think about moving him away from your home, but thats quite a while away.

Enjoy. :jap:

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In our Issan village, some of the locals have told us that the geckos are good luck and have offered to take them away to their houses. Maybe some of your neighbors think likewise and will take them away for you.

The only thing that bothers me a little is the middle of the night song that they sometimes sing. And very loudly.

But after a while, you can even get used to that, along with the village dogs and roosters that have their own night time songs to sing.

Just another characteristic of village life...

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You have 2 sure ways of getting the Gecko out of your house without harming the animal.

First you could try putting down one of those rat trap cages with some food inside.

Or buy a large net what is used for pond fish and if the see the Gecko lob him into the net and take it outside.

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I'll rent you out our cat, she is a gecko killing machine for sure. She even stared a gecko off the wall in our house, stared at it till it dropped from the wall.

+1. Cats have no problems catching. As soon as the geckos come down off the ceiling they are just a tasty snack for a cat.

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Better insect control + better house cleaning habits. Not saying your house is dirty... but he's not there because of your personality. He's there because his food source is there. I know more than a few folks with gecko free homes.... these are also homes with no ants, flies, or even mosquitoes as well.


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Better insect control + better house cleaning habits. Not saying your house is dirty... but he's not there because of your personality. He's there because his food source is there. I know more than a few folks with gecko free homes.... these are also homes with no ants, flies, or even mosquitoes as well.


that requires a non thai contractor, a non thai builder and non thai or burmese workers. Also nets in the windows and doors and no smoking neighbors sending their ashes onto your house.

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If this is a gecko problem, it is not a huge one...However if it is the tokay gekko, it is a little more of a problem. These reptiles keep insects at bay in a big way and will keep even large spiders away. Problem is that these chaps grow large. I have one in my kitchen which is more than 30cm long. It is cute, but when it encounters another it bangs like someone is at the door. And, tokays poo in large lumps.

Still, rather vac up the poo than live with the mozzies.

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I'll rent you out our cat, she is a gecko killing machine for sure. She even stared a gecko off the wall in our house, stared at it till it dropped from the wall.

+1. Cats have no problems catching. As soon as the geckos come down off the ceiling they are just a tasty snack for a cat.

+2 Get a cat.

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It can be entertaining to use a laser pointer and have one chase it around on the wall.

I appalled at myself for not having thought of this.

I have several Geckos in my apartment, a laser pointer shall be purchased forthwith. Let the games begin.

This can provide hours of fun for the whole family. Works with cats too.

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You don't have to kill it; get a cat to do it for you.

Other day the wife freaked out; there was one in the bathtub. I released the kitty who speedily dispatched the beast; ran with it in her mouth into the living room, succeeded in relieving the lizard of its tail. At that point the wife made me save the poor gecko and release it into the wild.

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Better insect control + better house cleaning habits. Not saying your house is dirty... but he's not there because of your personality. He's there because his food source is there. I know more than a few folks with gecko free homes.... these are also homes with no ants, flies, or even mosquitoes as well.


that requires a non thai contractor, a non thai builder and non thai or burmese workers. Also nets in the windows and doors and no smoking neighbors sending their ashes onto your house.

Pretty sure my homes were built with locals. And we're gekko free. The housekeepers are local or at least Laotian or Khmer as well. It's not too difficult to keep a house clean... as in wiped, swept, vacuumed, dusted, etc. every single day. Given, it'll be tougher if you live near a wooded area or some other naturally dense insect population.


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It can be entertaining to use a laser pointer and have one chase it around on the wall.

I appalled at myself for not having thought of this.

I have several Geckos in my apartment, a laser pointer shall be purchased forthwith. Let the games begin.

all they will think is , you are providing a disco for them ,and start dancing,:whistling: and then more will turn up,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Don't know why you'd want to get rid of it. When my last apartment gecko disappeared it took a long time getting a new one as I'm too high up. Eventually I spotted one in the hallway and was able to drive him inside

Just found mine after the water heater exploded cooked across the PCB board, not sure I want a replacement..... Geco that is :rolleyes:

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