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Newsweek Says Thaksin Playing Risky Game


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Seaman Stains in an earlier incarnation. Awarded VD and scar :D

Hope it was an honourable discharge after receiving the VD for "valour and daring on the high see" (there's a pun in there somewhere if you think long enough doc) and no member was seen weeping with shame at the clearing clinic. :D:o

More than one if me old eyes ain't deceiving me. Dad said I'd go blind if I kept it up and I'm wearing very thick spectacles.

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This thread is about Thaksin, right? The Post ran a small story today about a law the government will introduce, making it harder for airlines to get off the ground.

A new airline will need registered capital of as much as B500 million baht, up from just B50 million now. That's quite a jump, don't you think?

Coincidentally, Thaksin's low-budget airline is getting off the ground.

The government says it has passenger safety at heart. A cynic might say Thaksin is simply making it harder for new entrants.

The way this guy operates is so transparent. He seems to know no shame.

The fact he can get away with this kind of thing shows democracy here is not yet of age.

Airlines to find more cash before taking off

Airlines may need more registered capital before they can take off.

Deputy Transport Minister Vichet Kasemthongsri said yesterday the sum could be raised from 50 million baht to as much as 500 million baht.

He said competition had intensified since the arrival of AirAsia, which offered promotional fares of 99 baht on the Bangkok-Chiang Mai route.

The airline would be run by a joint venture between Shin Corp, owned by the family of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and AirAsia of Malaysia.

That reminds me. Trink, former columnist for the Post, got his first front page lead shortly before his duties ceased, courtesy of a bug on the Post's website which resulted in a book review of his leading the news page (at least according to the website).

Today we have another bug. Top of the main news page is a strange message wishing everyone a happy Dhamma moment. Must be the Post's way of saying ''Have a Nice Day''.

GENERAL NEWS - Thursday 15 January 2004

Enduring dhamma

emerge four different systems of knowledge and patterns of relationship. 

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Youhave definitely changed your tune mate, no mistakes, from the feisty defence of the man 6 months ago. Mind you, surely, you're not suggesting that the richest man in the country getting away with eliminating competition from his new pet project's chances of earning him another mint, is evidence enough that "democracy is not yet of age" here are you? That's just full blooded unfettered capitalism at work, which the new rulers of the "free world" would heartily condone. Can't have inefficient little airlines now can we, cluttering up the skies, just like in the new Thailand, there is no room for small farmers consuming few external resources and being largely self-sufficient. They've been surviving too long for the Assembly for the Rich to claim all their land at rock-bottom prices, so hence the new assets to capital policy. Very smart, by wrapping it up in a "war on poverty" package that no one will disagree with. C'est magnifique, mais ce nais pas le guerre. Or "democracy", whatever that is.

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