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Atm Ate My Card Today


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Dizzy old coot that I am I forgot to go to the ATM, went and got my groceries at Foodland Pattaya Klang and had no money !! :rolleyes:

Went to the ATM in the car park and the ATM took my UKI debit card before the machine switched to 'sleep mode' and then rebooted.

Refused to give my card back. Oops.

No card. No money and very little on the phone.

I phoned SCB and explained my predicament and they told me the card would not be returned. After I explained that I would have no money and food until I could get it sorted the man on the other end of the phone asked if I had entered my PIN number. I had not and told him so.

He said they would remotely reboot the machine and see if my card came back. It didn't.

He phoned me back and explained I might be able to get the card back as I had not entered the PIN number.

The upshot of it all is that SCB are arranging for me to get my card back tomorrow (Saturday) from one of their branches after a technician has been to the machine :D

Being nice and polite even though I was fuming inside AND the fact I had not entered the PIN number seems to have worked a treat. :)

All in all a good result as long as I do get my card back tomorrow.

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Others have pointed out elsewhere that there is a lot to be said for only using ATMs outside bank branches, and only during bank working hours.

Makes sense to me.

Personally I use a Thai bank ATM card that debits from an account with only a few thousand baht in it. All my other money is in other accounts, and I use the online banking to move a few more thousand to the ATM account as needed. At least this way if disaster strikes I cant lose more than a few thousand.

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I try my best to use the ATM's in a bank branch or inside a store than along the walkway outside such as at a Seven Eleven or next to a bar. Like the other post said, it is harder to take someones pin number or your money in a more secure place.

I have had similar things happen over the years at several ATMs. Once in the USA, the money came out, but while I was re-arranging the money in my wallet, I apparently took too much time and the ATM then gobbled up my ATM! I guess that is a plausible safety feature, but not on a Friday night when I was going to need the ATM Card a few days later. I did learn there is some transaction code the bank can read that explains the reason the card was gobbled up. Fraud type of things and they WON'T give it back. "Timeout" reasons and they will give it back, but you may have to yell a lot. I accused them of theft and a few other things when the agent balked at giving me back my card. Monday when the ATM was serviced the local branch manager gave me back my card. Another time, one of my credit cards was swallowed for no reason. I went into the bank and on the spot, the manager was able to retrieve the card. Seems that it went into a separate place then where all the money is locked up inside the ATM so didn't have to wait for guards or service people.

So, lesson learned.

1: When I travel, I bring a backup card(s).

2: I make every effort to only use ATMs that let you swipe your cads and NOT the ATMs that digest your card. This way your card is never physically in the ATM. Granted these are not always easy to find, but I have never failed to find one somewhere.

3: Do try to use an ATM inside a bank because it is likely they have access to retrieve your card easier.

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I try my best to use the ATM's in a bank branch or inside a store than along the walkway outside such as at a Seven Eleven or next to a bar. Like the other post said, it is harder to take someones pin number or your money in a more secure place.

I have had similar things happen over the years at several ATMs. Once in the USA, the money came out, but while I was re-arranging the money in my wallet, I apparently took too much time and the ATM then gobbled up my ATM! I guess that is a plausible safety feature, but not on a Friday night when I was going to need the ATM Card a few days later. I did learn there is some transaction code the bank can read that explains the reason the card was gobbled up. Fraud type of things and they WON'T give it back. "Timeout" reasons and they will give it back, but you may have to yell a lot. I accused them of theft and a few other things when the agent balked at giving me back my card. Monday when the ATM was serviced the local branch manager gave me back my card. Another time, one of my credit cards was swallowed for no reason. I went into the bank and on the spot, the manager was able to retrieve the card. Seems that it went into a separate place then where all the money is locked up inside the ATM so didn't have to wait for guards or service people.

So, lesson learned.

1: When I travel, I bring a backup card(s).

2: I make every effort to only use ATMs that let you swipe your cads and NOT the ATMs that digest your card. This way your card is never physically in the ATM. Granted these are not always easy to find, but I have never failed to find one somewhere.

3: Do try to use an ATM inside a bank because it is likely they have access to retrieve your card easier.

2: I have never seen a ATM that let you swipe the card, here in Sweden they are for sure non existing, can you give a location for one in Pattaya please.

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So, lesson learned.

1: When I travel, I bring a backup card(s).

2: I make every effort to only use ATMs that let you swipe your cads and NOT the ATMs that digest your card. This way your card is never physically in the ATM. Granted these are not always easy to find, but I have never failed to find one somewhere.

3: Do try to use an ATM inside a bank because it is likely they have access to retrieve your card easier.

2: I have never seen a ATM that let you swipe the card, here in Sweden they are for sure non existing, can you give a location for one in Pattaya please.

Also never seen such ATM's any more... and worse: These ATM's are the EASIEST to be manipulated by fraudsters... and I am speaking of 15y experience working in the credit card area of a bank... same with POS to swipe: OMIT them whenever possible, as they only read the mag stripe of the card and not the chip and therefore security is limited (will take a fraudster approx. 40 seconds to make a good copy of the mag stripe of your card to another card and use it...

Cash transactions from non-EMV (i.e. not card swallowing and chip reading...) ATM's will normally be declined by European Credit Card processors...

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the SCB ATM location you are referring to has a foreign exchange attached

did the girls in there not offer to help you to resolve it?

Two men working there yesterday and they said they could not help. At least the guy on the phone was really helpful at the end of the day.

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the SCB ATM location you are referring to has a foreign exchange attached

did the girls in there not offer to help you to resolve it?

Two men working there yesterday and they said they could not help. At least the guy on the phone was really helpful at the end of the day.

typical wheres a woman when you need one?

i truly hope theres not a next time but theres a SCB branch just up the hill on the right with good english speaking staff

i hope you get sorted today

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I have a Thai bank account but have let it run down of late to 400 Baht. This is a good reason to build that account back up again. Start of the month and funds down.

Normally I would not use an ATM in a car park but I had already been to the shop and got my groceries having forgotten to go to the ATM first which meant I needed a nearby ATM. What started as a good day turned into a bad one. II happens sometimes :lol:

It is a bummer they want me to go to the branch at 1400 when Scotland and England play at 1430. :( I will go a bit earlier and hope the technicians get my card out quick and deliver it quick too :)

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So, lesson learned.

1: When I travel, I bring a backup card(s).

2: I make every effort to only use ATMs that let you swipe your cads and NOT the ATMs that digest your card. This way your card is never physically in the ATM. Granted these are not always easy to find, but I have never failed to find one somewhere.

3: Do try to use an ATM inside a bank because it is likely they have access to retrieve your card easier.

2: I have never seen a ATM that let you swipe the card, here in Sweden they are for sure non existing, can you give a location for one in Pattaya please.

Also never seen such ATM's any more... and worse: These ATM's are the EASIEST to be manipulated by fraudsters... and I am speaking of 15y experience working in the credit card area of a bank... same with POS to swipe: OMIT them whenever possible, as they only read the mag stripe of the card and not the chip and therefore security is limited (will take a fraudster approx. 40 seconds to make a good copy of the mag stripe of your card to another card and use it...

Cash transactions from non-EMV (i.e. not card swallowing and chip reading...) ATM's will normally be declined by European Credit Card processors...

Interesting information about Europe. USA is quite different. Slide in and slide out ATMs are quite common and based on what I see at the two banks I use and some other instituions more and more common. All the gas stations, and grocery store self checkout sites work that way. I am not in Pattaya at the moment. Last trip was in May. I did not use an ATM because I brought enough cash for my two week trip. I was pretty sure I used one the year before.

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SCB phoned. Apparently my card was not in the ATM machine !! There was a card stuck in the machine but it is not mine.

I am now wondering if someone else used the machine and my card popped out because it was definitely in there. Either that or they do not want to give me the card back.

Now cancelled my card. It has not been used. I will wait for a new one to be sent to home address and DHL'd to me. Hopefully within a week it will be here :)

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So to hear you did not get your card back, sounds like you were fobed off.

I have a SCB account, even as a two week vacationer I can transfer money online in less than 48hours, and if I do loose or have my card slolen I can easly get it stopped and replaced.

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A problem with the UK bank cards is that they will not send a replacement card to Thailand.

Reading between the lines Iam guesing the OP is aware of this..........

I will wait for a new one to be sent to home address and DHL'd to me

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Grrr. Snarl.

SCB phoned at 8 p.m tonight to say my card is now with their branch on Pattaya Klang and awaiting collection by me :realangry:

Seems they looked in the wrong ATM machine. Even though I told them it was at Foodland, Pattaya Klang and an SCB worker told them the same. Of course it was all my fault for giving them the wrong ATM machine. I wonder how many Foodland stores there are on Pattaya Klang :rolleyes:

Now all too late as the card is cancelled. Cannot be uncancelled either. I checked.

I cannot use on-line banking either as they use Pin Sentry security and that requires a card number. Erm, yes, the card that is lost :unsure:

Such is life.

Luckily I have a friend who has lent me some cash :) :)

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A problem with the UK bank cards is that they will not send a replacement card to Thailand.

Are you sure ?

I've recently updated my details with NatWest and they have sent me new ATM card to Pattaya. Plus a couple of years ago I had a replacement NW Visa card sent to a bank branch in Buriram city.


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A problem with the UK bank cards is that they will not send a replacement card to Thailand.

Are you sure ?

I've recently updated my details with NatWest and they have sent me new ATM card to Pattaya. Plus a couple of years ago I had a replacement NW Visa card sent to a bank branch in Buriram city.


Lloyds TSB will not send cards to Thailand, have to be collected !!!!

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A problem with the UK bank cards is that they will not send a replacement card to Thailand.

Are you sure ?

I've recently updated my details with NatWest and they have sent me new ATM card to Pattaya. Plus a couple of years ago I had a replacement NW Visa card sent to a bank branch in Buriram city.


Lloyds TSB will not send cards to Thailand, have to be collected !!!!

I'd change banks then :rolleyes:

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A problem with the UK bank cards is that they will not send a replacement card to Thailand.

Are you sure ?

I've recently updated my details with NatWest and they have sent me new ATM card to Pattaya. Plus a couple of years ago I had a replacement NW Visa card sent to a bank branch in Buriram city.


Lloyds TSB will not send cards to Thailand, have to be collected !!!!

I'd change banks then :rolleyes:

Very very not easy to do in my experience. If you live here full time.

I have a Nationwide account I opened in the UK before coming to Thailand. If you tell them you are moving to Thailand they will make you close the account and suggest Nationwide international offshore, so I just gave them my Mothers address in the UK.

Nationwide used to be completely fee free for foreign transactions, when they started charging I tried to open a number of alternative accounts.

First nearly all UK accounts require you to be UK resident.

OK so I use my Mothers address as I do for Nationwide, Credit Cards and many other Deposit accounts but despite this I was turned down numerous times because I am not on the electoral role or council tax at that address.

In the end I gave up and just continue with the Nationwide, who incidentally also will only send a replacement card to your registered address, not a major problem at the moment as good old Mum will post it on.

Edited by kevkev1888
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Very very not easy to do in my experience. If you live here full time.

I have a Nationwide account I opened in the UK before coming to Thailand. If you tell them you are moving to Thailand they will make you close the account and suggest Nationwide international offshore, so I just gave them my Mothers address in the UK.

Nationwide used to be completely fee free for foreign transactions, when they started charging I tried to open a number of alternative accounts.

First nearly all UK accounts require you to be UK resident.

OK so I use my Mothers address as I do for Nationwide, Credit Cards and many other Deposit accounts but despite this I was turned down numerous times because I am not on the electoral role or council tax at that address.

In the end I gave up and just continue with the Nationwide, who incidentally also will only send a replacement card to your registered address, not a major problem at the moment as good old Mum will post it on.

I don't wish to disagree with any of the above, and I am sure the UK banks differ in their policies, however my experience with NW has been very positive.

I first changed to a non-UK address when working in KSA a few years ago and all my banking post and cards were sent there for a year. I recently updated my account details as I now live FT in Pattaya and although it took a long time to get the address across over on the phone, they were fine about it and they pay the additional costs for air mail delivery. The letters take about a week to get here which isn't bad.

I have banked with NW since my student days (approx 30 yrs), plus I'm a Personal Banking customer with them these days so this might make a difference.

I will probably change to a local Thai bank when I stop work, but for a while I intend to stay with NW, wherever I am working.


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Sorry to hear about the whole thing. And I can imagine similar and worse things if one were married or if one had a joint account(s). Then two or more people would have a mess on their hands. I have also heard of where people did not have joint accounts, but the institution canceled both people's account cards anyway when one was compromised or temporarily misplaec. The institution did this either just to be sure, or because the last names were the same, etc.

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Just to say I now have my UK debit card in my wallet. No use of course as it is now cancelled. I do wish they had lookd in the correct machine in the first place. Such is life :annoyed:

Had a surprise a couple of months ago, I thought the banks automatically canceled all cards when you reported them missing yet a few weeks back I reported a card missing after searching high and low for it, reluctantly I called my bank (Nationwide) and reported it missing, to my surprise they offered to suspend it rather than cancel it, and true to form I found it a short time afterwords, so another call and a few security questions and the suspension was lifted.

I suppose this service is available when there is little likelihood of the card been stolen.

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Congratulations to my UK bank. Informed the Fraud Dept on Saturday morning and the new ATM card arrived at my UK address this morning (Tuesday).

Now all I need is to get my son to get off his 22 stone ass and get it DHL'd / FedEx'd to me.

Hell, I could be in the pub at the weekend :D:ph34r::lol:

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