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Morfine Tablets For Holiday Use


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My brother is coming to visit and he is on doctors prescription medication for pain management.

He uses morfine tablets. He has documentation from his GP and Foreign Ministry Departement in English.

I checked the internet and found some advice, but was a bit outdated (2000).

Of course I adviced him to contact the Thai Consulate in Holland for definitive info,

but does anyone here know anything about bring prescription medication in to Thailand?

Thanks for your help.

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Allowed to bring in up to a 30 day supply. Must be in clearly labelled prescription bottle with his name, doctor's name. And as it is a controlled substance, have with him a physician's certificate stating the drug has been prescribed and why (that's a good idea to have in any case should he need medical care while here).

And yes, need to consider any place he might transit through enroute. A direct flight would be best.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe it's different for different types of controlled meds, but I once flew in with a week supply of Percocet (sp?). They were in the prescription bottle with all the proper info (got them for my damaged shoulder - skiing accident), but I did a little research later and I found that I should have had declared the drug when arriving to BKK. I never got checked so can't confirm if I really had to declare, but it is something that better be checked with Thai consulate before your departure.

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