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Going To Vietnam For A Civil Partnership


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Hi Folks

Any help would be appreciated, i am British and my partner is Thai, and we want to have a civil partnership, i have been reading the various topics and Vietnam is the nearest, which is fine...

what documentation do we need, is it just birth lines and passport or anything else ?? or is there anything else that we need to know, someone said we need to stay at least 7 days..

also do we have to book it , or ??

as you can see i am quite in the dark with this, so any help would be appreciated..



Kata Beach


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links to all the information you need have just been given in the UK Civil Partnership thread, but to answer your immediate questions in brief:

The Embassy in Vietnam gives all the details on their website, including all the documentation you need (passports, translated Certificate of Non-Impediment for him legalised at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, and any divorce decrees, etc), and how long you need to stay (7 full days, so effectively 9 days, after which you can apply and notice is then made for 14 days; after that you can register within 3 months).

Timewise, you can either stay 23 days and get it all done in one go, or go for 9 days and return between 14 days and 3 months later.

If you register in Hanoi you have to stay in the North of Vietnam for your initial 7 days, and if you register in HCMC you have to stay in the South.

You need to contact the Embassy in Hanoi or HCMC in advance and make a booking on the appropriate form.

Its quite a simple process and the paperwork he needs (legalised Certificate of Non-Impediment) is the same as any Thai marrying a foreigner abroad needs, so routine for his local District Office and the Min of FA. The best thing to do is to read the information given at the website and the details given at length in the links in the other thread and then to ask again if there's anything you still don't understand.

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Thanks for that , but to me its clear as mud.. ??? hence the reason i asked the question, plus i have an Apple Laptop, when i tried to download the document, it would not ??

but even with your reply, i am still confused.. it does not seem straight forward ?? or is it me..??

but thanks again for the info




links to all the information you need have just been given in the UK Civil Partnership thread, but to answer your immediate questions in brief:

The Embassy in Vietnam gives all the details on their website, including all the documentation you need (passports, translated Certificate of Non-Impediment for him legalised at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, and any divorce decrees, etc), and how long you need to stay (7 full days, so effectively 9 days, after which you can apply and notice is then made for 14 days; after that you can register within 3 months).

Timewise, you can either stay 23 days and get it all done in one go, or go for 9 days and return between 14 days and 3 months later.

If you register in Hanoi you have to stay in the North of Vietnam for your initial 7 days, and if you register in HCMC you have to stay in the South.

You need to contact the Embassy in Hanoi or HCMC in advance and make a booking on the appropriate form.

Its quite a simple process and the paperwork he needs (legalised Certificate of Non-Impediment) is the same as any Thai marrying a foreigner abroad needs, so routine for his local District Office and the Min of FA. The best thing to do is to read the information given at the website and the details given at length in the links in the other thread and then to ask again if there's anything you still don't understand.

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Sorry, James, but I think its you!

As far as I know all these docs can be downloaded on any laptop - if you can't, then I suggest you borrow someone else's as without the right forms, for example, you can't even apply.

I am quite happy to help, as I offered in the other threads, but you really have to read the Vietnam Embasy website first. Without knowing what part of it you don't understand (once you've read it) there's not really much else I or anyone else can do.

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Sorry, James, but I think its you!

As far as I know all these docs can be downloaded on any laptop - if you can't, then I suggest you borrow someone else's as without the right forms, for example, you can't even apply.

I am quite happy to help, as I offered in the other threads, but you really have to read the Vietnam Embasy website first. Without knowing what part of it you don't understand (once you've read it) there's not really much else I or anyone else can do.


Thanks for the message, Apple Mac's are not always compatible with some download stuff, but i do plan to try it with someone else's computer., thanks again, for the detailed message, i will have a look at the website..


all the best

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