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Opposition Has Plot To Overthrow Yingluck Govt: Pheu Thai Spokesperson


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Btw, the main 'editor' behind the 'thai intelligent news' blog has a twitter acc he hasn't used much lately. But it is interesting from the time he did. http://twitter.com/#!/tavivoot

He also have a Hi5 acc if you really wanna know what kind of guy he is...

So, it seems a Yellow Shirt girl broke his heart. Yeah, let's foment insurrection over that. It's only right.

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The PTP won the election stop bringing up crap from the 1930s and even last year. They are in office and now it is up to them to govern and solve the problems of the country. They should not distract the population with false rumors about future possible take overs by outside forces. Get the job done or get out they will be judged by that account and not by what the dems did or didn't do last year. The rain started after the election good luck putting that one on the dems but I am sure a few here will try.

This bunch has so far consentrated on getting Big T back in the fold getting him legal and above board what have they really done for the rest of the country. A few photo ops of Yingluck walking around in rubber boots really isn't help no matter how you want to spin it.

This constant coup talk has been going on for months by one or more of there flunkies even before the election. There is a story about a boy who cried wolf one time to many, more than likely there is a similar Thai story.

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Btw, the main 'editor' behind the 'thai intelligent news' blog has a twitter acc he hasn't used much lately. But it is interesting from the time he did. http://twitter.com/#!/tavivoot

He also have a Hi5 acc if you really wanna know what kind of guy he is...

So, it seems a Yellow Shirt girl broke his heart. Yeah, let's foment insurrection over that. It's only right.


Another of his Tweets:

Anyway, I am red and may not be objective enough

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Btw, the main 'editor' behind the 'thai intelligent news' blog has a twitter acc he hasn't used much lately. But it is interesting from the time he did. http://twitter.com/#!/tavivoot

He also have a Hi5 acc if you really wanna know what kind of guy he is...

"And oh, if you want to write for Thai Intel, e-mail ****************. Only qualification is big knockers, if u are a girl"

"I sware, next time the red shirt gathers for a protest, I am there. I think that is where liberated chicks hang-out. God save Taksin for me."

Wouldn't be the first to become political for the easy lays :lol:

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Oh dear, talk about paranoia.

On the other hand:

"Moreover, it will spread rumors that the Pheu Thai-led government is trying to help fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra."

Rumors? Hardly.

Pardon me for bringing this down to 'brass tacks', but has the Pheu Thai party not yet realised that this is actually the role than all opposition parties play during their time in opposition? And heaven forbid they should actually try to give a voice to those who have been unfairly dismissed...!!!!??

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Why the desire to "topple" this fraudulent government ? ? ?

From where I'm sitting, they're doing a sterling job of "self-extinguishing" all by themselves . . . . .

All they need is "time" ! ! and then "Goodbye" ! !

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Seems like someone is upset that the dems think they are allowed to do their job and keep the Government honest

The funny thing is all the things they say they are saying is actually what they are doing

Tell the Issan people that when we do these things that it was the dems fault

I was amazed to not read how it was the dems that left all the taps running and caused all the floods

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Why the desire to "topple" this fraudulent government ? ? ?

From where I'm sitting, they're doing a sterling job of "self-extinguishing" all by themselves . . . . .

All they need is "time" ! ! and then "Goodbye" ! !

I reckon it's the same fear from 2006, that the Shinawatra power machine is in the process of becoming so total and consolidated that they are installing a long term one party dynasty. If you have total power, meaningful elections are finished, and there is no need to perform for the people.

Edited by Jingthing
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Seems like they are trying to justify an imminent curtail of free speech. Claim that criticism of the government is the first step of a conspiracy to overthrow the government (through undemocratic means we presume), therefore extreme measures are needed to counteract this extreme threat.

It also plays well to keep their base fired up, a simple "Coup of the Month" scare cry may have been blunted by its continuous use during the past two or three years, they need something new, more sexy to keep the people on edge.

The anti PT media, does that include TV Read the full story here good reading

thanks for the link...good entertaining reading albeit a bit over the top and angry...lol..quite surprised it weren't deleted...wouldn't mind betting you'll be getting red flag PM...lol

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thanks for the link...good entertaining reading albeit a bit over the top and angry...lol..quite surprised it weren't deleted...wouldn't mind betting you'll be getting red flag PM...lol

Why would it be deleted? Is it a link to the Bangkok Post or one of the other papers that don't allow to be quoted on TV? Is it a link to a banned site or something that is against the law?

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The PTP won the election stop bringing up crap from the 1930s and even last year. They are in office and now it is up to them to govern and solve the problems of the country. They should not distract the population with false rumors about future possible take overs by outside forces. Get the job done or get out they will be judged by that account and not by what the dems did or didn't do last year. The rain started after the election good luck putting that one on the dems but I am sure a few here will try.

This bunch has so far consentrated on getting Big T back in the fold getting him legal and above board what have they really done for the rest of the country. A few photo ops of Yingluck walking around in rubber boots really isn't help no matter how you want to spin it.

This constant coup talk has been going on for months by one or more of there flunkies even before the election. There is a story about a boy who cried wolf one time to many, more than likely there is a similar Thai story.

See post #42 - the news article:

The government will never be toppled if they work with transparency and fairness.

You can read into this as:1) yes, we, the opposition will do our job and topple the government if dissatisfied. or 2) we will topple the government because we are dissatisfied that all the stupid voters made us lose....

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See post #42 - the news article:

The government will never be toppled if they work with transparency and fairness.

You can read into this as:1) yes, we, the opposition will do our job and topple the government if dissatisfied. or 2) we will topple the government because we are dissatisfied that all the stupid voters made us lose....

Just because they are saying it won't happen under those circumstances, doesn't mean that they are saying anything about how/why it will happen.

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Get the job done or get out they will be judged by that account and not by what the dems did or didn't do last year. The rain started after the election good luck putting that one on the dems but I am sure a few here will try.

See post #42 - the news article:

The government will never be toppled if they work with transparency and fairness.

You can read into this as:1) yes, we, the opposition will do our job and topple the government if dissatisfied. or 2) we will topple the government because we are dissatisfied that all the stupid voters made us lose....

The issue i have is that any comment on Yingluck's performance to date (and being objective we can say it's probably too early to say much but so far some progress in a few areas, however in others confusing, lacking in direction, major backtracking on main policies, telling mistruths (e.g. you cannot increase the minimum wage??!), multiple spokespeople with different messages, implication that PM is not really running things, completely terrible response to the flood situation, focus on stacking people in every govt watchdog type organisation rather than actually doing work) appears to immediately incite the usual PT response:

- 1. it's an attack on all women

- 2. it's too early to comment/you are wrong

- 3. it's a plot to launch a coup/overthrow etc etc (cue Jatuporn/nutter rhetoric)

And heaven forbid the PM should speak for herself.... (although every time she does, she seems to get things wrong or have no answer at all).

It is almost like the PT party think that because they won a majority, that the opposition should not actually be part of a working democracy, and instead we should just have lapdog consent to every other absolutely stupid idea that the PT party can come up with. And there are a LOT to come!

The role of a working democracy is not to blindly follow a cult of personality but to consider each policy and decision balanced between what is wanted, what is needed, available resources and long term ambitions. opposition, the media and watchdog organisations are a necessary check and balance; otherwise we would about now have bought fighter planes using CP chicken; own Liverpool football team; and numerous other ill thought out idiotic ideas proposed over the last 10 years. How many times you hear Jatuporn talk about that??? Not many. If any.

This 5 year old 'either you are supporting us or you are antidemocratic' rhetoric that the PR machine of PT must appeal to some people.... amazing Thailand indeed.

Edited by steveromagnino
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Don't really care if hey are the worst in history. They can not be dealt with later. They require prompt action.

Just last week the Government set aside supplies for one area to be delivered when Yingluck visited.

I call that complete indifference to the people.

Using a disaster to make her look good.

When she did visit here to deliver said supplies she was accompianied by a large banner with Thaksins picture on top and hers below with the roughly translated caption 'Thaksin cares from a distance'

ondered just how many of the 'supplies' were paid for by the great carer.

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Don't really care if hey are the worst in history. They can not be dealt with later. They require prompt action.

Just last week the Government set aside supplies for one area to be delivered when Yingluck visited.

I call that complete indifference to the people.

Using a disaster to make her look good.

When she did visit here to deliver said supplies she was accompianied by a large banner with Thaksins picture on top and hers below with the roughly translated caption 'Thaksin cares from a distance'

ondered just how many of the 'supplies' were paid for by the great carer.

:bah: That's just obscene!

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When she did visit here to deliver said supplies she was accompianied by a large banner with Thaksins picture on top and hers below with the roughly translated caption 'Thaksin cares from a distance'

Below is the daily picture from Brother no 1s dressing room which is also a mirror image of puppet sisters dressing room..


Edited by siampolee
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Seems like someone is upset that the dems think they are allowed to do their job and keep the Government honest

The funny thing is all the things they say they are saying is actually what they are doing

Tell the Issan people that when we do these things that it was the dems fault

I was amazed to not read how it was the dems that left all the taps running and caused all the floods

Technically, the Dems did leave the taps running since some of the dams and water diversion projects date back to previous Democrat and military administration periods. The Thaksin period wasn't any better. Thailand is gripped by the we can hold back the tide mentality that created the same mess elsewhere in the world. Asia is still in the "arrogant" stage of believing that it can control nature. The Americans and Europeans have moved beyond that stage (after suffering the effects of such arrogance and seeing enough flooding and ecosystem damage) to the point where river flows are being returned to their natural course and dams relocated. It will probably take a few more decades for Thailand to understand that one has to adapt to the environment. The USA had to suffer poisoned water, destroyed habitat and loss of natural protection for almost 50 years to get the point. Many of the river diversions and dams in Thailand are relatively new. History repeats itself in Thailand.

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Seems like they are trying to justify an imminent curtail of free speech. Claim that criticism of the government is the first step of a conspiracy to overthrow the government (through undemocratic means we presume), therefore extreme measures are needed to counteract this extreme threat.

It also plays well to keep their base fired up, a simple "Coup of the Month" scare cry may have been blunted by its continuous use during the past two or three years, they need something new, more sexy to keep the people on edge.

The anti PT media, does that include TV Read the full story here good reading

Thanks for the link.

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Seems like they are trying to justify an imminent curtail of free speech. Claim that criticism of the government is the first step of a conspiracy to overthrow the government (through undemocratic means we presume), therefore extreme measures are needed to counteract this extreme threat.

It also plays well to keep their base fired up, a simple "Coup of the Month" scare cry may have been blunted by its continuous use during the past two or three years, they need something new, more sexy to keep the people on edge.

The anti PT media, does that include TV Read the full story here good reading

Thanks for the link.

Lest we forget the 100's of thousands of websites blocked during Mark's tenure...

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Lest we forget the 100's of thousands of websites blocked during Mark's tenure...

That's set to continue, with Chalerm setting up a "war room" to monitor LM.

Ms. Yingluck's recently elected populist government is stepping up prosecutions under the country's lese majeste and computer crimes laws. Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung is heading up a new 40-member "war-room" to monitor anti-royal messages conveyed over the Internet. Government officials are also training online vigilantes to call foul on any disrespectful comments they find while surfing the Web—a move that could leave other webmasters or Internet-based companies in hot water and also increase the cost of doing business here, analysts say.

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Lest we forget the 100's of thousands of websites blocked during Mark's tenure...

That's set to continue, with Chalerm setting up a "war room" to monitor LM.


Ms. Yingluck's recently elected populist government is stepping up prosecutions under the country's lese majeste and computer crimes laws. Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung is heading up a new 40-member "war-room" to monitor anti-royal messages conveyed over the Internet. Government officials are also training online vigilantes to call foul on any disrespectful comments they find while surfing the Web—a move that could leave other webmasters or Internet-based companies in hot water and also increase the cost of doing business here, analysts say.

Like I've always said, Chalerm is a great guy.........

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Seems like they are trying to justify an imminent curtail of free speech. Claim that criticism of the government is the first step of a conspiracy to overthrow the government (through undemocratic means we presume), therefore extreme measures are needed to counteract this extreme threat.

It also plays well to keep their base fired up, a simple "Coup of the Month" scare cry may have been blunted by its continuous use during the past two or three years, they need something new, more sexy to keep the people on edge.

The anti PT media, does that include TV Read the full story here good reading

Thanks for the link.

Lest we forget the 100's of thousands of websites blocked during Mark's tenure...

The problem with websites is it is hard to establish who is responsible for the content. If everything posted on a website had a true identity associated with it, then I doubt most websites would be blocked. Then you could could prosecute libelers and those who foment insurrection. As things stood at that time red Shirts told the vilest of lies and their ignorant mass group of followers swallowed it hook line and sinker. It's hard to do the right thing in this age of 21st century technology and 19th century mentality.

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Get the job done or get out they will be judged by that account and not by what the dems did or didn't do last year. The rain started after the election good luck putting that one on the dems but I am sure a few here will try.

See post #42 - the news article:

The government will never be toppled if they work with transparency and fairness.

You can read into this as:1) yes, we, the opposition will do our job and topple the government if dissatisfied. or 2) we will topple the government because we are dissatisfied that all the stupid voters made us lose....

This 5 year old 'either you are supporting us or you are antidemocratic' rhetoric that the PR machine of PT must appeal to some people.... amazing Thailand indeed.

I fully agree with your complete post. We can only hope that those that voted PTP, in time, come to realize that there are, actually, other choices.

On a coup, I can only see it if there is a perceived threat to what we can't talk about and there has been no public sign of this.

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The anti PT media, does that include TV Read the full story here good reading

Thanks for the link.

Lest we forget the 100's of thousands of websites blocked during Mark's tenure...

That's quite a reduction from Thaksin's regime...

Internet crackdown a la Thaksin:

More than five million websites to be Blocked

"Inappropriate material"

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Democrat: No one tries to topple Pheu Thai if they work with honesty

BANGKOK, 3 October 2011 (NNT)-The Democrat Party has confirmed nobody is trying to topple the government as long as it runs the country with honesty and justice.

Pheu Thai has recently revealed 9 excuses anybody would use to discredit the government. They consist of the lack of leadership of the Prime Minister, the swift replacements of civil servants, the failed promises on Pheu Thai’s policies, the negligence in law enforcement allowing Red Shirt demonstrators to use mob’s rules, the lack of commitment on cracking down lese majeste websites, an intervention in the justice system to help Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra and his family, the inability to fix economic issues, the inefficiency to solve flood problems, the indifference to the corruption of the flood money and the attempt to amend the 2007 constitution to give Mr. Thaksin a clean slate.

Deputy Democrat Spokesperson Mr. Sakoltee Phattiyakul said that any attempt to overthrow the government with the aforementioned reasons is unfounded. The government will never be toppled if they work with transparency and fairness.


-- NNT 2011-10-03 footer_n.gif

9 Excuses? 9 incompentancies self revealed by Pheu Thai. Khun Sakoltee is correct in that there is no need to overthrow this lot. They will achieve that themselves.

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george, on 2005-10-19 01:17:55, said:

Internet crackdown a la Thaksin:

More than five million websites to be Blocked

"Inappropriate material"

So how many HUNDREDS of sites WERE blocked. Seems there was a lot more blocked during Mark's junta regime.....

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