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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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Africans have the highest rate of AIDS in the world and Commit rape more than any other race in the world. Over 80 percent of african rape victims are children under age 12! Nigerians come here for illegal business and the highest percent of foreigners in thai prisons are ironically Nigerians.... If I were the Thai government I would Blacklist many African countries from being able to obtain Visas here. Most western tourists come here to spend money and create productivity for the thai economy and people but most Africans, middle easterners, filipinos only come here to work or scheme and they send all the money they make here back to there homeland countries not doing anything for the thai people or economy but add to the problems of crime, pollution and over-population!

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Not only sukhumvit 3 - 5 is poisoned with Nigerian scumbags. Pratunamarea is difficult to pass trough without getting stopped by them. Sometimes we stay in the pratunamtower for a night. My wife, who has the habit to go look for some street thaifood in the evening, has told me she is afraid to go in the streets after dark. We have been doing this for years and we are definitely not going to stay in pratunamarea anymore. Who loses in this situation? We do because we like to shop around. Who else? The hotel & staff, the shopkeepers, the streethawkers, the taxidrivers. Thai people loose income because of these scumbags and hopefully they do not have a Thai daughter that falls madly in love with one of those pimp/drugdealer/scam allround gangsters. I once got stopped by one in Pratunam. He presented me his "wife(?)", a Japanese native, totally drugged, she was also weiring a muslimveil. He absolutely wanted tot get in my hotelroom with her. Poor girl.

Felicitations to Thailand, get rid of those selfish bastards that only stay in Thailand for the benefit of their own an to the destruction of who has the bad luck to have contact with them or live near the place they decide to occupie. Their warzone is your concentrationcamp.

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A "Bishop" that fled Thailand. Right. What seminary did he attend? Our Fair Lady of the Scam?

I am willing to wager my left nut this chap is one of the Pentecostal holy rollers with a focus that I don't think is really Christian. Sorry, but I don't believe him.

Well now we know you are a male.

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A "Bishop" that fled Thailand. Right. What seminary did he attend? Our Fair Lady of the Scam?

I am willing to wager my left nut this chap is one of the Pentecostal holy rollers with a focus that I don't think is really Christian. Sorry, but I don't believe him.

Well now we know you are a male.

If he's betting his left nut, is the other one gone?

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As much as I do not like saying this, most Nigerians visiting countries in Asia are ........................................... Crime ranks highly in their list.

Quite right, only the MOST NIGERIANS in EUrope, USA, Asia, South America, Australia...are involved in criminal activitities ranging from petty to big time crime.

Crime is a way of life in Nigeria.....

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You have to like the lack of liberal apologists on this post. It tells you how many people really understand the color of crime. The comment about Obama was kind of off base and I am a Republican. He is just in a tough spot the man can not be compared to the garbage that comes from Africa. I am sure there are plenty of nice Africans that come to Thailand and spend the same amount as Europeans,Americans and Japanese I just have not seen or heard of any.

Where would Issen be without those fat bald old guys coughing up 15-50k a month to keep some hussy and her family in comfort? Compared to same scum that pays some stupid Thai chick 10,000 baht to smuggle drugs in I would pick the OWG before the AN.

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OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

Because if we try to 'dump' on other nations we get the old "Not Thai related. CLOSED" response.:rolleyes:

OK fair reply :bah:

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Exactly! They ONLY good in this!

If I am the authority, I will put them to sleep!

Let me guess the two main offences, 1. Drugs & 2. Scams

Forgot protitution, slavery, smuggling, racketeers, etc; the poor crooks wirtting nigerian letters in the Internet Cafe's are the last suckers in the line of crime.

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The racism on this board is remarkable. It's amazing how hypocritical some of you are. I remember a few months back a European being arrested for drug smuggling and the outpouring of sympathy from this board.

I wonder how many of you would resort to criminal activities if you had been unlucky enough to be born in an undeveloped country and not given the opportunities and education that you have.

I am sure if someone said that most old fat balding western males come to Thailand to exploit the countries prostitutes there would be an outcry...lol

A truly amazing and thoughtful first post. We look forward to being the recipients of more of your valuable wisdom and insight.:(

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You have to like the lack of liberal apologists on this post. It tells you how many people really understand the color of crime. The comment about Obama was kind of off base and I am a Republican. He is just in a tough spot the man can not be compared to the garbage that comes from Africa. I am sure there are plenty of nice Africans that come to Thailand and spend the same amount as Europeans,Americans and Japanese I just have not seen or heard of any.

Where would Issen be without those fat bald old guys coughing up 15-50k a month to keep some hussy and her family in comfort? Compared to same scum that pays some stupid Thai chick 10,000 baht to smuggle drugs in I would pick the OWG before the AN.

I think the point has been fairly well made: There are plenty of nice Africans - even nice Nigerians. Its just that nice Africans, and nice Nigerians, have little reason to travel to Thailand - thus, by and large, they don't.

It is not racist to suggest 90%+ of Nigerians in Thailand are criminal, if you simultaneously conceed that the vast majority of Nigerians in Nigeria are in fact decent people.

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

Agreed; EVERY person should be treated with dignity, and EVERY person is entitled to a fair trial.

Nigerians often make me mad...

Thais can be very cruel to foreigners...

Luckily me and my type are perfect;-)

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Only 700?

I used to run a bar in Bkk and they were difficult to keep out.

They were selling cocaine... terrible quality with that :(

They were probably about 30 of them just in that ring about my place...

so 700 in jail seems so little nation-wide.

Yeah well everyone knows this.

While this observation is not statistically significant, it's nevertheless true: Out of 20 or so Nigerians I have seen in Bangkok around Sukhumvit, every one of them was a drug dealer (*). It's not that Nigerians are particularly likely to be criminals, it's just that Nigerian drug gangs love to send their members overseas. They're everywhere - Europe, Thailand, seen 'em in Cambodia too. I imagine they're not endearing themselves to the local mafia.

(*) it's of course possible I am totally wrong, and they were just innocently hanging out there, as you do, and genuinely friendly as they tended to greet me with a smile and a "hey, friend".

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what people are failing to realise , is there is an upper order with these people....

do you think they can all afford flights and accomodtion here? , who is the thai or thais who are the backbone to there operations?

i had the pleasure in speaking to one of the ' high ' up nigeraians, and he liked to admit thailand was one of the only countries where they can get awy with what they are doing!, its not just drugs and pimps, but gold, dimond smuggling, the list can go on !

to take away the promblem, you have to take away the people in charge of them and protecting them

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At least when the Thais approach you with some scam they piss off fairly quickly when you say no or ignore them. The Africans doing this stuff just won't quit. They follow you and keep at it.

That's one of the major beauties of Thailand. I've been to many developing nations - certainly, Thailand suffers from its fair share of corruption and extortion of tourists - but, relative to other countries,

Thailand is fairly harmless.

Don't like being gipped by corrupt Thai police? Try being rolled over by Russian police.

Even the non-criminal element - street stalls, selling T-shirts, for example. Thais might motion for you to buy a shirt, but the sales pitch ends there. Take a stride through Tangiers, and feel the difference.

I don't know why Thai authorities don't stamp out the more obvious, persistent street crimes perpetrated by non-Thais - other than the very likely prospect that the Thai police covering those districts are being paid off. In this case, the more aggressive Nigerians are doing the dirty work of a corrupt, but physically benign, police force.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

By your own criteria.....................

I have lived and worked in Nigeria and I would encourage anyone who has their doubts about Nigeria deserving a poor standing in this world of ours to take their family on a two week vacation to Lagos. Without doubt this will cure any PC tendancies

Religion in Nigeria is a business and relys on placing the fear of God in to a largley ignorent/poorly educated society............It's another SCAM perpetuated on their own people.............But then again thats normal for Nigeria!!

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They are still out and about along Sukhumvit but not half as many as say this time last year...The reason..many have moved out into the suburbs up around On Nut and beyond plying their trade!!Don't know if it's true but reports of some now in Chiang Mai!!

I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

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Only 700?

I used to run a bar in Bkk and they were difficult to keep out.

They were selling cocaine... terrible quality with that :(

They were probably about 30 of them just in that ring about my place...

so 700 in jail seems so little nation-wide.

I wondered the same (only 700?)

I don't mean to make this sound racist or to even suggest anything negative of Nigerian people as a whole but I tried to look up how many Nigerians come to Thailand as tourists and I can't find the number. They simply seem to fall into an "other' category that makes up 1/2 or 1% of all tourists. I'm sure there are many that are here legitimately that I don't see but the ones I have come across appear to be up to no good in the tourist sections of the larger cities.

But given there are not that many here, I have a feeling this 700 number is BS and that this Bishop and his Church are BS too. I am not sure why we are buying this 700 number to begin with given it doesn't seem to have any credible source.

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Just out of curiosity, I wonder what the criminal justice system is like in Nigeria.

Free and fair trials?

Due process?

Clean, respectable prisons, with adequate medical attention for all inmates?

No corruption or extortion of any kind?

Actually I have just signed a contract with the Nigerian Ministry of Justice to construct and operate a privately run prison on land in Nigeria that they have donated. This is a great tax-free investment opportunity! An all-inclusive prospectus is available for a modest B5,000 deposited to the TV account of Oz Ngulamumbawumba Mick.

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Western males are guilty of all these same crimes.. boiler rooms robbing pensioners of their life savings, prostitutes selling their wares in pattaya (eastern europeans), and westerners selling drugs in the clubs... and you don't see the outpouring of hatred when one of these people are locked up on this board. God forbid any of them were denied basic human rights then most of you would be up in arms!!

So why is it that it's okay for Nigerians to be denied theirs??

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OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

Because if we try to 'dump' on other nations we get the old "Not Thai related. CLOSED" response.:rolleyes:

OK fair reply :bah:

Wow we have F Lee Baily on the legal advice. You really think Knox did it and not some homeless Ivory coast criminal who fled to another country? Have another cup of that Anti-American bias Kool-aid the reason why more blacks are in the prison in the US is because they commit more crimes. Go to Oakland Detroit New Orleans Atlanta. Just in case you need some facts here you go.



You will notice Asian people don't warrant much of a % maybe its a KKK conspiracy in Thailand! I have lived in Bkk and Ho Chi Minh City and never once have I felt the same kind of danger as you feel in the inner cities of America.

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what people are failing to realise , is there is an upper order with these people....

do you think they can all afford flights and accomodtion here? , who is the thai or thais who are the backbone to there operations?

i had the pleasure in speaking to one of the ' high ' up nigeraians, and he liked to admit thailand was one of the only countries where they can get awy with what they are doing!, its not just drugs and pimps, but gold, dimond smuggling, the list can go on !

to take away the promblem, you have to take away the people in charge of them and protecting them

Very true...as in most cases with drugs, crime, and illegal activities.

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Not only sukhumvit 3 - 5 is poisoned with Nigerian scumbags. Pratunamarea is difficult to pass trough without getting stopped by them. Sometimes we stay in the pratunamtower for a night. My wife, who has the habit to go look for some street thaifood in the evening, has told me she is afraid to go in the streets after dark. We have been doing this for years and we are definitely not going to stay in pratunamarea anymore. Who loses in this situation? We do because we like to shop around. Who else? The hotel & staff, the shopkeepers, the streethawkers, the taxidrivers. Thai people loose income because of these scumbags and hopefully they do not have a Thai daughter that falls madly in love with one of those pimp/drugdealer/scam allround gangsters. I once got stopped by one in Pratunam. He presented me his "wife(?)", a Japanese native, totally drugged, she was also weiring a muslimveil. He absolutely wanted tot get in my hotelroom with her. Poor girl.

Felicitations to Thailand, get rid of those selfish bastards that only stay in Thailand for the benefit of their own an to the destruction of who has the bad luck to have contact with them or live near the place they decide to occupie. Their warzone is your concentrationcamp.


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Western males are guilty of all these same crimes.. boiler rooms robbing pensioners of their life savings, prostitutes selling their wares in pattaya (eastern europeans), and westerners selling drugs in the clubs... and you don't see the outpouring of hatred when one of these people are locked up on this board. God forbid any of them were denied basic human rights then most of you would be up in arms!!

So why is it that it's okay for Nigerians to be denied theirs??

Do you have any proof that they are, other than an unsubstantiated claim by Bishop Frank Owali of the World Overseer of Hebron-Harvest International Ministry.

I wonder why he didn't add OBE and VC to his title?

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They are still out and about along Sukhumvit but not half as many as say this time last year...The reason..many have moved out into the suburbs up around On Nut and beyond plying their trade!!Don't know if it's true but reports of some now in Chiang Mai!!

I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

Don't seem to have the problem in Chiangmai, but then again I wouldn't know the difference betwween a Nigerian, Somalian or African American.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

What planet are you from? And as for Nigerian culture, you got to be jesting. As for scam emails, it often says in them where you should send your money and who claims to be asking.

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Just out of curiosity, I wonder what the criminal justice system is like in Nigeria.

Free and fair trials?

Due process?

Clean, respectable prisons, with adequate medical attention for all inmates?

No corruption or extortion of any kind?

I work in Nigeria all the time. It makes Cambodia look like Sweden.

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