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U.S. immigrant population reaches 40 million


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So just how do you propose putting them to work....chain them together and drop them off in a field?

Perhaps we could station troops near employment offices, welfare offices, free health clinics and round them up and haul them off to the fields of the central US.

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So just how do you propose putting them to work....chain them together and drop them off in a field?

Perhaps we could station troops near employment offices, welfare offices, free health clinics and round them up and haul them off to the fields of the central US.

Or you could just convert the UE, food stamps, welfare etc into a pay check

Then like any other job they receive pay for work done? No worky no pay ?

It is not like there are not millions of things that need doing in America.

But of course in the overly regulated,legislated,bamboozled land of what was once the USA

the trogs would claim a back injury on their first day at real work & collect a disability check ;)

Edited by flying
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So just how do you propose putting them to work....chain them together and drop them off in a field?

Perhaps we could station troops near employment offices, welfare offices, free health clinics and round them up and haul them off to the fields of the central US.

Or you could just convert the UE, food stamps, welfare etc into a pay check

Then like any other job they receive pay for work done? No worky no pay ?

It is not like there are not millions of things that need doing in America.

But of course in the overly regulated,legislated,bamboozled land of what was once the USA

the trogs would claim a back injury on their first day at real work & collect a disability check ;)

At the end of the day you are swimming with a dead weight tied round your ankles having social provision without a social contract and waiting for China and the developing world to democratize and assume the same social welfare costs is not going to happen in the short term. Difficult choices lay ahead but if you allow underutilized labour to be a liability that is precisely what they will be. Take the unions out of the equation and put the unemployed on production lines and your labour costs probably shrink by 20%, who knows one day the U.S may again have a trade surplus!

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So just how do you propose putting them to work....chain them together and drop them off in a field?

Perhaps we could station troops near employment offices, welfare offices, free health clinics and round them up and haul them off to the fields of the central US.

Easy. Give them work assignments that must be verified by their assigned manager by providing the welfare recipients with written proof they have performed their duties.

When they show up the following week to sign up for continuing benefit(s), present the signed work sheet to the welfare office, take a drug test and the welfare will continue. Otherwise, it all stops.

Chain gangs might be another good approach, though.

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So just how do you propose putting them to work....chain them together and drop them off in a field?

In the Soviet Union they used to truck in students and soldiers to help with the harvest. We could just send trucks to the welfare and unemployment offices. :)

Edited by koheesti
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I'm no expert on US employment but has anyone an idea on how many US manufacturing jobs have been lost in the past few decades due to cheap imports from China?

A strong manufacturing base is important to any country, us Brits do quite well considering our size/population, although saying that it was much higher many years ago! Now the UK relies to much on the financial sector.

The Manufacturing industry in the UK has been totally ignored for far too long , the country can not live on the financial and public sectors alone ( even if Gordon Brown thought it could ) but it will take many , many years to put it all wright , and i am not sure if any one in government at this present time has the balls to do it , i think the UK has many bleak years ahead , probably the USA too , you can not keep on taking out with out giving something back , simple basic business . greed greed greed .

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I'm no expert on US employment but has anyone an idea on how many US manufacturing jobs have been lost in the past few decades due to cheap imports from China?

A strong manufacturing base is important to any country, us Brits do quite well considering our size/population, although saying that it was much higher many years ago! Now the UK relies to much on the financial sector.

The Manufacturing industry in the UK has been totally ignored for far too long , the country can not live on the financial and public sectors alone ( even if Gordon Brown thought it could ) but it will take many , many years to put it all wright , and i am not sure if any one in government at this present time has the balls to do it , i think the UK has many bleak years ahead , probably the USA too , you can not keep on taking out with out giving something back , simple basic business . greed greed greed .

Yes I agree, outside the SE of England we still have a strong manufacturing base, yes it was much more years gone by but still good compared with our size.

The public sector has lost lots of jobs thanks to Gov cutbacks recently, yes we do have many bleak years ahead.

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