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US Offers Sympathy To Five Countries Across The Region

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US offers sympathy to five countries across the region

The Nation on Sunday


The United States has expressed condolences over the loss of life caused by severe flooding in Southeast Asia.

As Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam were facing major floods, the US government expressed its "deepest condolences" to the families and friends of those who had died due to the heavy rains and flooding across the region.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those across the region affected by this tragedy," said the statement issued by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday on behalf of President Barack Obama and the people of the United States.

"Our embassies in the region are working with local authorities and international organisations to assess how the United States can be of help to countries where the impact of the flooding has been especially devastating," the statement said.


-- The Nation 2011-10-09

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Why should America provide financial aid to corrupt governments who fail to adequately plan and execute relief for their own citizens? It's not like Thailand lacked the resources or forewarned climate knowledge.

I also agree, the U.K. should be giving them money. It seems like most Brits on here still believe the British Empire is still around so they can get busy aiding their "colony" with some cold hard pounds then.

Edited by wintermute
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Maybe if the higher ups stopped grabbing from the financial aid coffers to enhance their comfortable style of living, there would be enough funds in times of emergency. Stop looking to west for welfare. Especially after bashing them as being inferior to Thai cultural standards. If you are looking for the funds to help the flood victims, first look in your own stuffed pockets. Why should the west give a s**t about helping flood victims when their country's own officials aren't willing to part with any of their wealth to help.

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*edited out*

Expressing sympathy and concern is the appropriate public statement. It shows that the US government is aware of the situation. Secretary Clinton's statements are very clear: The US government is looking at how it can help. Why the knee jerk negative reaction? What has China or Russia said or done? What about any Arab country? Why is it expected that the USA has to provide money? Russia, China, the Arab world and India all have the ability to assist, but they won't, and yet the USA gets slammed because you have an opposing view on other unrelated political issues.

What's your point on the "current ongoing hostilities"? Are you refering to Libya or Afghanistan? Those situations do not compare to the subject at hand. As for past hostilities, I think the Thais were quite happy to be liberated from the Japanese. I know that when the allied forces freed China from the Japanese invaders, my family was quite appreciative. Mind you, they were still somewhat sad that the liberation didn't come fast enough to save those that had been sent to the concentration camps and died of starvation. I suppose one had to be a young kid and see Dutch, English, American, Australian children sent off to die or witness Japanese soldiers rape and mass murder Chinese non combatants to appreciate that point. I think someone else should crawl back under the stone. I am grateful that the US government and its charitable organizations provide assistance, aid and support to Thailand and I am not even an American.

Edited by Scott
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*edited out*

Expressing sympathy and concern is the appropriate public statement. It shows that the US government is aware of the situation. Secretary Clinton's statements are very clear: The US government is looking at how it can help. Why the knee jerk negative reaction? What has China or Russia said or done? What about any Arab country? Why is it expected that the USA has to provide money? Russia, China, the Arab world and India all have the ability to assist, but they won't, and yet the USA gets slammed because you have an opposing view on other unrelated political issues.

What's your point on the "current ongoing hostilities"? Are you refering to Libya or Afghanistan? Those situations do not compare to the subject at hand. As for past hostilities, I think the Thais were quite happy to be liberated from the Japanese. I know that when the allied forces freed China from the Japanese invaders, my family was quite appreciative. Mind you, they were still somewhat sad that the liberation didn't come fast enough to save those that had been sent to the concentration camps and died of starvation. I suppose one had to be a young kid and see Dutch, English, American, Australian children sent off to die or witness Japanese soldiers rape and mass murder Chinese non combatants to appreciate that point. I think someone else should crawl back under the stone. I am grateful that the US government and its charitable organizations provide assistance, aid and support to Thailand and I am not even an American.

Well said.:thumbsup:

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I'm stuck near the Asia Highway in Ayuttaya, in an apartment with my wife and 5 month old baby. Water's been deep since Wednesday, but in the last 2 days its torrent into a torrent, really dangerous. Only just managed to get out this morning, given free food for the day by locals, nothing to buy, nothing can get through. Helicopters flying overhead every hour, but nothing being dropped. Fresh water is needed, Ive got 12 litres left.

You think my government (I'm English) will help me? Can you give them a ring for me?


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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Why should America provide financial aid to corrupt governments who fail to adequately plan and execute relief for their own citizens? It's not like Thailand lacked the resources or forewarned climate knowledge.

I also agree, the U.K. should be giving them money. It seems like most Brits on here still believe the British Empire is still around so they can get busy aiding their "colony" with some cold hard pounds then.

Jingoistic nonsense.

As a Brit I find love the use of 'empire' and 'colony' to describe the attitudes of British people to other countries. As if the mention of the words will make Brits burst into tears and feel undying shame for the actions of our great great grandfathers. . The funny part here is that Britain and British people have move on from this mindset many, many years ago and the only people who keep reminding everyone one of it are foreigners!! Perhaps they still associate it with being important in the world.

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What ever help may be proposed by the US and other countries will most likely not include condoms, supplying ships to set on the rivers and use prop wash to speed up water discharge and other hare brained suggestions, implemented by the Thai government. The past record of handling of monetary funds sent for relief, may be remembered by some of the donating countries.

When the poorly educated are following the ignorant, you can expect a little reluctance for involvement by those who have watched from the sidelines, a few times.

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*edited out*

Expressing sympathy and concern is the appropriate public statement. It shows that the US government is aware of the situation. Secretary Clinton's statements are very clear: The US government is looking at how it can help. Why the knee jerk negative reaction? What has China or Russia said or done? What about any Arab country? Why is it expected that the USA has to provide money? Russia, China, the Arab world and India all have the ability to assist, but they won't, and yet the USA gets slammed because you have an opposing view on other unrelated political issues.

What's your point on the "current ongoing hostilities"? Are you refering to Libya or Afghanistan? Those situations do not compare to the subject at hand. As for past hostilities, I think the Thais were quite happy to be liberated from the Japanese. I know that when the allied forces freed China from the Japanese invaders, my family was quite appreciative. Mind you, they were still somewhat sad that the liberation didn't come fast enough to save those that had been sent to the concentration camps and died of starvation. I suppose one had to be a young kid and see Dutch, English, American, Australian children sent off to die or witness Japanese soldiers rape and mass murder Chinese non combatants to appreciate that point. I think someone else should crawl back under the stone. I am grateful that the US government and its charitable organizations provide assistance, aid and support to Thailand and I am not even an American.

Regardless of one's feelings about the United States government, the Americans have always been first in line to offer assistance when natural disasters occur.

As gk says where are the Chinese with their offers, or the Indian government, both fairly close Asian neighbors and wealthy too.


However, in Thailand's case, a lot of the money donated during the tsunami some years ago has never been accounted for and Thailand is actually financially sound enough to handle this disaster itself.

At least the United States made a statement of condolences for the deaths and destruction of property so far, something I have yet to see or hear from the Asian giants.

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Why should America provide financial aid to corrupt governments who fail to adequately plan and execute relief for their own citizens? It's not like Thailand lacked the resources or forewarned climate knowledge.

I also agree, the U.K. should be giving them money. It seems like most Brits on here still believe the British Empire is still around so they can get busy aiding their "colony" with some cold hard pounds then.


Duh- I am American and we DO provide financial aid to corrupt governments...look at Egypt, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. I'd rather give our money to Thailand; at least the people would appreciated it. (...or how about the US giving "finanacial aid" to its own people who have lost their homes and jobs.)

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Why should America provide financial aid to corrupt governments who fail to adequately plan and execute relief for their own citizens? It's not like Thailand lacked the resources or forewarned climate knowledge.

I also agree, the U.K. should be giving them money. It seems like most Brits on here still believe the British Empire is still around so they can get busy aiding their "colony" with some cold hard pounds then.

It's funny that the minute the opportunity to bash another country appears, people come out of the woodwork. As for American humanitarian aid, the U.S. is one of the first countries that come in to help, but the bashing never stops.

I agree with this post. What is the Thai Government really doing. Yes, the sacrifices of the Army and military are being used including police and such. I see no real evidence of the Thai elite and wealthy doing much to help the average Thai flooded out of their homes with aid or humanitarian help. The bags of groceries being donated to the flood effort are being dropped in the baskets by other citizens making many times less.

Singapore plans infrastructure 5 years ahead. Thailand floods some every year to some extent. Where is the effort put into place around the country during the dryer years when they know it is just a matter of time before the bad floods come.

As for honesty and corruption, I just read this morning of gangs stealing peoples belongings in some of the flooded areas while the owners are defenseless. (as reported by victims) One of the major news papers reported village heads skimming money from the Government before giving money to the farmers.

I think its time to blame other countries for problems in Thailand.

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To be fair Saudi Arabia really did donate a lot of money to China after that earthquake. It was something I was really surprised to read about because normally that sort of thing doesn't happen.

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Hilary Hilarious Clinton is indeed the epitome of American politics, what's in it for me.

Talk is cheap , perhaps if the monies spent on inane wars was to be put into reflating an economy that is both morally and economically bankrupt America and indeed the world might be a better place for it.

"Inane wars" in which many countries including the U.K., Australia, etc.. jumped feet first in to prove to the big boys that they still matter in the world like small dogs nipping at the heels of the boss man.

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It's funny that the minute the opportunity to bash another country appears, people come out of the woodwork. As for American humanitarian aid, the U.S. is one of the first countries that come in to help, but the bashing never stops.

I agree with this post. What is the Thai Government really doing. Yes, the sacrifices of the Army and military are being used including police and such. I see no real evidence of the Thai elite and wealthy doing much to help the average Thai flooded out of their homes with aid or humanitarian help. The bags of groceries being donated to the flood effort are being dropped in the baskets by other citizens making many times less.

Singapore plans infrastructure 5 years ahead. Thailand floods some every year to some extent. Where is the effort put into place around the country during the dryer years when they know it is just a matter of time before the bad floods come.

As for honesty and corruption, I just read this morning of gangs stealing peoples belongings in some of the flooded areas while the owners are defenseless. (as reported by victims) One of the major news papers reported village heads skimming money from the Government before giving money to the farmers.

I think its time to blame other countries for problems in Thailand.

Sorry...To stop blaming other countries for problems in Thailand.

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Well, since so many in Thailand seem to cater to UK preferences instead of American ones, such as UK visitors, UK standards, and UK sporting events on TV, maybe Thais should be asking the UK for money instead of Americans.

Man, you are spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself.:rolleyes:

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The US is most likely more broke than the UK....

Which was exactly what I was impying.....the OP seemed very strange, usually when the big mouths of various goverments get up on stage show boating, there is usually some promise of financial aid, in this case her Hillaryness said nothing about offering financial aid.;)

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Well, since so many in Thailand seem to cater to UK preferences instead of American ones, such as UK visitors, UK standards, and UK sporting events on TV, maybe Thais should be asking the UK for money instead of Americans.

Man, you are spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself.:rolleyes:

@zydeco & @ ralphlsasser.......like what exactly ? and please be specific ?.......UK sporting events, one assumes you are talking about football (the real football).....this is due to Thai demand not farangs from the UK....Which UK standards are we talking about, and how does Thailand specifically cater for UK farangs...

After racking my brain to figure out how citizens of Land "O" free are less catered for in Thailand over UK citizens and the only one I can come up with is that in Thailand they use 220VAC instead of 110VAC......:o ....and guess what they use in the UK...OMG thats 220VAC as well that conclusive then there is a conspiracy between Thailand and the UK against America....:rolleyes:

Quick call in the aircraft carriers...:rolleyes:

In conclusion beleive you are talking out your bottoms...both of you..:D

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Numerous off-topic, trolling, inflammatory posts have been deleted as well as those quoting them.

First, if you read the OP, it says:

"Our embassies in the region are working with local authorities and international organisations to assess how the United States can be of help to countries where the impact of the flooding has been especially devastating," the statement said.

Please stay on the topic of the OP and please post in a civil manner.

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United States of America to Provide 3 Million Baht for Flood Relief in Thailand

In response to widespread flooding and landslides in Thailand, the United States will be providing 3 million baht through the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok to the Thai Red Cross Society for emergency relief.

"We offer our condolences to those who have lost loved ones and our thoughts are with all the victims," said Ambassador Kristie Kenney. "In the spirit of strong Thai-U.S. friendship, we will continue to work closely with Thai authorities to see how we can help those affected."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has also offered her condolences on behalf of President Obama and the American people for everyone suffering from the floods throughout Southeast Asia.

Source: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/embassy-activities/2011/oct/02.html

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*edited out*

Expressing sympathy and concern is the appropriate public statement. It shows that the US government is aware of the situation. Secretary Clinton's statements are very clear: The US government is looking at how it can help. Why the knee jerk negative reaction? What has China or Russia said or done? What about any Arab country? Why is it expected that the USA has to provide money? Russia, China, the Arab world and India all have the ability to assist, but they won't, and yet the USA gets slammed because you have an opposing view on other unrelated political issues.

What's your point on the "current ongoing hostilities"? Are you refering to Libya or Afghanistan? Those situations do not compare to the subject at hand. As for past hostilities, I think the Thais were quite happy to be liberated from the Japanese. I know that when the allied forces freed China from the Japanese invaders, my family was quite appreciative. Mind you, they were still somewhat sad that the liberation didn't come fast enough to save those that had been sent to the concentration camps and died of starvation. I suppose one had to be a young kid and see Dutch, English, American, Australian children sent off to die or witness Japanese soldiers rape and mass murder Chinese non combatants to appreciate that point. I think someone else should crawl back under the stone. I am grateful that the US government and its charitable organizations provide assistance, aid and support to Thailand and I am not even an American.

according to this: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/0,1518,790778,00.html

China gave 1 Million USD

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United States of America to Provide 3 Million Baht for Flood Relief in Thailand

In response to widespread flooding and landslides in Thailand, the United States will be providing 3 million baht through the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok to the Thai Red Cross Society for emergency relief.

"We offer our condolences to those who have lost loved ones and our thoughts are with all the victims," said Ambassador Kristie Kenney. "In the spirit of strong Thai-U.S. friendship, we will continue to work closely with Thai authorities to see how we can help those affected."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has also offered her condolences on behalf of President Obama and the American people for everyone suffering from the floods throughout Southeast Asia.

Source: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/embassy-activities/2011/oct/02.html

so 1/10 of what China gave

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Many people hate the Americans for the war and their perceived arrogance but let's be fair here, the Americans are usually the first to send aid and support to allies of theirs who have suffered some sort of disaster and catastrophe.

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