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20,000 Free Wi-Fi Hotspots To Be Launched Nationwide: Thailand


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20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots to be launched nationwide

Sirivish Toomgum

The Nation

The Information and Communications Technology Ministry will launch up to 20,000 hotspots providing free Wi-Fi access nationwide before the end of this year.

ICT Minister Gp Captain Anudith Nakornthap said recently that this was the first phase of the government's plan to expand the ICT network across the nation and boost the Kingdom's competitiveness. The first phase will cover key state venues and public places, and the costs will be kept to a minimum.

He added that the ministry had completed the project's master plan as well as the implementation plan. Anudith said the second phase would begin next year and that private telecom operators would support it, without elaborating further.

He added that the problem of heavy flooding should not affect the launch of the free Wi-Fi service.


-- The Nation 2011-10-10

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......."and the costs will be kept to a minimum" !!! So is it really Free Wi-Fi or not free ? ?

None of the other populist promises had any real costing research, and many still don't complete plans and costs.

You really expect the 20,000 wi-fi spots project has already been fully costed, comparisons studies, SWOT analysis completed, etc?

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......."and the costs will be kept to a minimum" !!! So is it really Free Wi-Fi or not free ? ?

Expect they are referring to the installation & maintenance costs; but use of it would be free to the public.

I hope they have some access in my part of western Bangkok which I could pickup from my house. as it could be a backup internet. But I'm guessing Wifi coverage will be limited to public buildings, malls, etc., where a person would have to carry their laptop to reach an access point. If the private companies are on-board it must be because the govt has said the access won't be reachable from condo's, houses, etc., which would take business away from the True's, TOTs, 3BBs, and other Thai ISPs. But it definitely sounds like a good thing for some of the public.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation ,disease and death and desolation

rescue workers cant even get clean drinking water to some flood victims ,never mind food or medicine ,

hundreds are contemplating suicide

someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

the people worst affected in the provinces are the poor rice farmers ,free wi-fi would be great

but i wouldnt put it in front of real necessities like drinking water ,medicine ,food or shelter

these are the problems that need fixed now . ask the flooded children how useful is wifi right now <br clear="all"> thailand-flood-victims101103afp420.jpg

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I tried to access Bangkok's free wifi a while ago. I don't recall seeing an English option, so you probably will need to read Thai to get it. There were two choices: Unlimited access at 64KB or one hour per month free at 3 or 4MB.

If this is going to be the model for the nationwide free wifi, it won't be a threat to the commercial services.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

I got to agree with you there. Wi-fi is a useful system for location and tracking, as long as there are enough of them. But would it not just be better to go ahead with 3G? At least the costs are not with the government and its more mobile.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

I got to agree with you there. Wi-fi is a useful system for location and tracking, as long as there are enough of them. But would it not just be better to go ahead with 3G? At least the costs are not with the government and its more mobile.

bangkok already has 3G internet ,so do many of the provinces in esan ........aircards ,usb dongles and EGDE are working in sisaket

is it more useful than food or medicine or vaccinations against disease ?

maybe they should help the people that need uncontaminated drinking water first and then worry about installing better infrastructure for next time

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

the people worst affected in the provinces are the poor rice farmers ,free wi-fi would be great

but i wouldnt put it in front of real necessities like drinking water ,medicine ,food or shelter

these are the problems that need fixed now . ask the flooded children how useful is wifi right now <br clear="all"> thailand-flood-victims101103afp420.jpg

I am not a big fan or a small one for that matter of this puppet show government. How ever the idea that departments who can not help in the relief efforts should stop doing their job or pretending to is ridicules. In my opinion halting them until the flood is over would require an IQ equal to a student who spent ten years in the first grade.

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I was in Hong Kong recently and used their free wireless internet on my phone in public parks and somee MTR (same as "MRT" in Bangkok) stations. I also read that it's available on buses, but I didn't try it.

Yes it works on buses ...also taxis and is quite usable on the phone, In hk airport its even fast enough for a skype video call in both directions.

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All these negative waves here, think positive!

I'm sure this is correct "He added that the problem of heavy flooding should not affect the launch of the free Wi-Fi service." For a successful launch we only need a single (free) point, may I suggest near the Pheu Thai HQ?

Now if people start to doubt if 20,000 free points added from now till end of the year is feasible ... ... ;)

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there are thousands of people facing starvation ,disease and death and desolation

rescue workers cant even get clean drinking water to some flood victims ,never mind food or medicine ,

hundreds are contemplating suicide

someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

No, No, things are not related.

The WIFI project was prior to the flood problem.

Are you aware a government has multiple tasks and not all people can be for the same problem ?

Of course Thailand has got a big emergency, but there are already people working on it. Do you expect the Minister of Communication to deal with the floods ?

Or all projects in all areas should be cancelled because the floods ?

The emergency should be dealt of course, but by the proper resources and minister

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there are thousands of people facing starvation ,disease and death and desolation

rescue workers cant even get clean drinking water to some flood victims ,never mind food or medicine ,

hundreds are contemplating suicide

someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

The Thai government is doing this for the Thai people, to improve communications.

But there will always be people like you who criticise everything they do. If you really are in Thailand, .. why? Well, actually I don't care.

I welcome the news, and so will millions of Thais.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

Woody, as usual, is way ahead of the game. His Sandwich Shoppe and Cafes already have free WiFi. Thanks, Woody, for your WiFi and weekly IT discussions.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation... someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

Beg to disagree. A reliable free WiFi system could be invaluable to relief efforts - as was the case in New York City, after many people turned off WiFi encryption to help in the post-911 effort.

The devil's in the details, of course, but this is a very worthy goal - if they can make it happen. Just putting free WiFi in major travel spots - bus stations, airports, piers - would be a huge benefit for tourists.

Free wifi is quite normal in travel spots these days. Oops, I mean in the international world, which apparently Suvarnabhumi/BKK does not want to be included in. On first thought, PNH, KUL, VIE come to mind.

And I am not aware of anybody starving because of free wifi.

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there are thousands of people facing starvation ,disease and death and desolation

rescue workers cant even get clean drinking water to some flood victims ,never mind food or medicine ,

hundreds are contemplating suicide

someone is planning to make new wifi hotspots so they can use their iphone 4s and laptops when the electric comes back on .......only in thailand :whistling:

How so?

You have no idea how many suicidal people choose the internet every day to get help, or how the internet spreads the word if someone or some area needs help.

Yes, the clean drinking water or the medicine gets there because someone asked for it, or for monetary donations to buy it, by using the internet.

You put the internet into the corner of being useful only for the rich leisurely type and completely ignore its usefulness in emergency situations.

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the idea that departments who can not help in the relief efforts should stop doing their job or pretending to is ridicules. In my opinion halting them until the flood is over would require an IQ equal to a student who spent ten years in the first grade.

I agree with this sentiment. I would have worded the last sentence differently, but that's minor semantics.

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......."and the costs will be kept to a minimum" !!! So is it really Free Wi-Fi or not free ? ?

None of the other populist promises had any real costing research, and many still don't complete plans and costs.

You really expect the 20,000 wi-fi spots project has already been fully costed, comparisons studies, SWOT analysis completed, etc?

Why on earth would you need to do a SWOT analysis on a government led free service? Threats from where exactly?

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. . and every day when school's out, the internet speed slows irrevocably down to snail speed, due to the fact several millions of kids crowd the internet cafes and start playing games. I can set my watch to it. Also, on sunday afternoon, the speed is slower than on workdays, indicating the Thai League of Internet warriors is online !

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I welcome the news, and so will millions of Thais.

I'm sure we all do.... just as soon as it actually happens in reality...


Seeing is believing ;)

because, just like the earlier 1 gigabyte internet connection "scheme"... talking about a fantasy is cheap.


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