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Hit & Run


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I'm just curious... Hitting and running is a crime, right? Somewhat similar to stealing, maybe more serious since someone could be hurt. So, if you saw someone steal something from someone, would you fault someone for chasing the thief down? Would it matter if the chaser was the one that had something stolen from them? Would you fault law enforcement for chasing someone down that was involved in a hit and run? Is your answer different for a civilian?

Only on thaivisa is the victim of a crime a scumbag because they 'didn't act in accordance with the local customs and culture' after being the victim of a crime. 'Oh, you have insurance, let that criminal be on his way.' Would you say that to a homeowner who has his property insured? Would you fault someone for chasing someone down that was trying to break into their car.

I'll say thank you to the original poster for trying to reign in a criminal.

**Note, this post isn't directed at those who simply think it's not a smart move on the basis you're putting yourself in harms way...

Edited by LarryBird
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Only on thaivisa is the victim of a crime a scumbag because they 'didn't act in accordance with the local customs and culture' after being the victim of a crime. 'Oh, you have insurance, let that criminal be on his way.' Would you say that to a homeowner who has his property insured? Would you fault someone for chasing someone down that was trying to break into their car.

For foreigners in Thailand it isn't about what's right and wrong in regards to morality or the law - it's about reality and survival.

Edited by licentiapoetica
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How selfish.

There's you in a big expensive vehicle and you expect a some poor Thai who probably needs to use his insurance money to feed his wives and children and can't afford anything but an old rustbucket to take responsibility for you getting in the way.

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So 38% of Americans are not civilised?

CiviliZed is spelled with a Z not an S among the civilized members of the English-speaking world.

You're obviously not British English as the British English spell it civilised.

civilized adjective ( DEVELOPED )

(UK usually civilised) Click to hear the UK pronunciation of this wordClick to hear the US pronunciation of this word/ˈsɪv.ɪ.laɪzd/


describes a society or country that has a well developed system of government, culture and way of life and that treats the people who live there fairly

A fair justice system is a fundamental part of a civilized society.

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So 38% of Americans are not civilised?

CiviliZed is spelled with a Z not an S among the civilized members of the English-speaking world.

I'm glad you said 'English speaking world', which covers many countries.

For sure there are many countries that speak their crude version of English, but in fact there is only one English language.

Back to the topic: Regarding driving here, just remember on the roads the gentle, smile, fun loving Thai's turn into something else. To chase down a truck load of Thais, be prepared to meet your maker, the same goes for giving someone the finger or shouting 'kwai'. It's a dangerous game, without rules and you will not win!

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Chase them, run them off the road and teach them a valuable lesson. Afterall, no one else teaches these idiots responsibility.... I wish I could do that anyway.

Being a civilised person means we don't behave like these uncivilised idiots.... Take their plate number, report it to you insurance and police and let them handle it. Forget and chill out in time for the next incident...

I actually take joy in sitting at the cross walk when the lights red and no one is walking with cars behind me and others in the next lane still running the light, it's one lesson that is easily taught for whatever it's worth. What obviously concerns me most about others running those lights is that often a pedestrian may see it still green to walk at the last minute and rushes to cross and gets hit because others are running it..

I know it works too as I've seen others pull up and make motions to run it but stop and wait in the lane next to me until it goes green..

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A friend of mine was rear ended at a traffic light. The police attended and determined it was my friends fault. In amazement he asked how could it be his fault when he was stopped at the light. The policeman answered in reasonable

English...'if you were not here it would not have happened" As a long time resident here he did the safest thing and went home. don't mess with the locals !


It appears that you are new here on the forum. Your questions are good ones.

If you had read her a long while, you would have gathered the general opinion is often that foreigners are at a disadvantage at every level of the law, from police interpretation of the laws through court decisions through mention in local media. If you have considerable wealth and are willing to commit a bunch of it - or if perhaps your are a celebrity who will get a lot of coverage in the West, you may attain a fair shake; otherwise not.

One's best tactic is to stay below the radar of legal encounters. Avoid them. Period. Take low. Suck it up.

I believe that such advice goes against the grain; it certainly does mine. But the idea of U.S. western (cowboy myth) justice will only work against you. What people have said above is that you are headed (here) for big trouble, and that avoiding conflicts and making a call to the insurance agent is the road to take.

Also, lighten up. If it seems odd, strange, or unusual, it is not going to change because of me; best I get on with everything good and not impose what I imagine to be the right of things on 60,000,000 other folks in their country. It is - you hear often enough - what it is.

Incidentally, your truck loaded with people was unlikely to have been carrying 1000 baht in easy cash.

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Chase them, run them off the road and teach them a valuable lesson. Afterall, no one else teaches these idiots responsibility.... I wish I could do that anyway.

Being a civilised person means we don't behave like these uncivilised idiots.... Take their plate number, report it to you insurance and police and let them handle it. Forget and chill out in time for the next incident...

I actually take joy in sitting at the cross walk when the lights red and no one is walking with cars behind me and others in the next lane still running the light, it's one lesson that is easily taught for whatever it's worth. What obviously concerns me most about others running those lights is that often a pedestrian may see it still green to walk at the last minute and rushes to cross and gets hit because others are running it..

I know it works too as I've seen others pull up and make motions to run it but stop and wait in the lane next to me until it goes green..

The 'what if...' reasoning you give can be used anytime, anywhere for anything ;)

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This happens all the time in the U.S., too, especially if the other driver is uninsured and/or isn't in the country legally. The problem isn't unique to Thailand. As mentioned, just get as much info as you can and pass it along to your insurance company. At least here in Thailand, many people with new cars have A1 insurance which has doesn't have a deductable and the insurance adjusters arrive on the scene quickly. No need to put yourself in a dangerous situation trying to chase down the other party or exchange "words" with them.

Huh??? The Thai's drive without any regard to stop signs, stop lights, pedestrians, or one way streets. Many don't possess a drivers license or vehicle insurance, and appear to lack common sense once behind the wheel. To top that off, I have never observed the Thai Police enforce any traffic violations other than to occasionally pull over people for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. As a foreign pedestrian you are one notch below the soi dogs when crossing the street. The sidewalks aren't even safe, lol.

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Chase them, run them off the road and teach them a valuable lesson. Afterall, no one else teaches these idiots responsibility.... I wish I could do that anyway.

Being a civilised person means we don't behave like these uncivilised idiots.... Take their plate number, report it to you insurance and police and let them handle it. Forget and chill out in time for the next incident...

I actually take joy in sitting at the cross walk when the lights red and no one is walking with cars behind me and others in the next lane still running the light, it's one lesson that is easily taught for whatever it's worth. What obviously concerns me most about others running those lights is that often a pedestrian may see it still green to walk at the last minute and rushes to cross and gets hit because others are running it..

I know it works too as I've seen others pull up and make motions to run it but stop and wait in the lane next to me until it goes green..

The 'what if...' reasoning you give can be used anytime, anywhere for anything ;)

I don't know "what if" you're referring to, but basically someone expecting to have a clear safe crossing when the light is red to traffic is more of a "what if" then most other scenarios I can think of where one can actually make a difference in how they react..

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