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So Sad And Lonely


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Yes, that is me.

What the hell do you guys expect I just don't know.

I came to Thailand for a pleasant and peaceful retirement after 30 years of constant and stressful working.

It ain't happening.

Last month I went to England and Wales for a short visit, and met up with 3 old friends who all to a man put me up in their homes without question, it was if we had never been apart for the 10 years that was the case.

Sadly there are too many instances here of a flimsy friendship that amounts to nothing more than a pile of sh1t.

There are fortunately people here who can see over the horizon and you know who you are.

I don't wish any of you bad but please avoid me at all costs.

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Mate we all go through ups and downs here (and elsewhere I imagine). I have a lot of regrets but if I didn't do that and this over the years I wouldn't be here now with my great wife and amazing son.

For me that is enough.

Don't have high expectations and you probably will be less disappointed. Cheer up!

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I have found over time you can adjust you lifestyle and be happy without relying on friends . Why don't you think on the positive side and do something about it !.

Move to a different location or buy a new pet if you drink to much give it a break. No need to be sad you are the one control.

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I find that, regardless of where a person resides, similar patterns will emerge (for that person) in each individual locale.

Here's something I started doing which gets me off to a rather good start each morning: stretching, similar to yoga postures. You can set up your own routine.

I also add an electronic massager (nothing to do with sex) to the session which tonifies the body and probably releases tenseness and toxins from cells.

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I agree that friendship here is very thin, it basically amounts to who you drink booze with on a daily basis. If you are not part of the drinking set , then the options are joining those from the Hash-House Harriers or those who meet for picnics in the park, :D

The folks are mostly married , of retirement age and are good people who I am sure would welcome you to socialise with them , rather than the shallow elements of the foreigners living here passing time in the bars and spinning there discontent with Thaialnd and other B-S.

Many good people do live here in retirement and are content with living with their Thai wives and social activities.

I am sure you can weed out the Wheat from the Chaff, we all do.

Keep your chin up, smile and as you said, avoid those who you have found not worth knowing.

Good luck. :D

Edited by sunholidaysun1
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Have to agree with the Op that some of the strangest people I have met here are the other foreigners. OP might be included in this group, thus lack of friends.

OP, doesn't matter where you are, the glass is either half full or half empty, up to you to do what you have to do to make that glass half full.

As a kid, my Dad always used to keep my brother and I busy (idle hands, devils play yada, yada) I advise the OP to get busy. Time to learn golf, learn Thai language, take a run man or brisk walks anyway, it's amazing how exercise will create positivity. Anyway, get some hobbies, then you will meet people who share interest in the hobby, bingo, friend.

People don't like to hang around mopers OP, change your outlook on life.

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I for one is perfectly happy with my Thai wife. I did not come to Thailand wishing to meet and socialize with western men.

Yep me neither, but I am happy to shoot the breeze with any that I encounter.

Nice at it is for those of us with families coasting along in the slow lane, I can't say that Chiang Rai would be the first place I would choose to live if I were single so I can imagine how lonely it might be here for a single guy.

Send me a pm one-eyed and I will invite you to lunch at my wife's restaurant... will help other days seem less monotonous :)

Edited by Paul888
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Chiang Rai isnt what is was. Years back it had the sleepy feel of a village, now however it is rapidly becoming another Chang Mai , lots of traffic , construction everywhere, quite a few hundred foreigners also living here. Some would say progress, I however feel its slow demise as a little haven that it once was.

Choices, yes we all have them and the options to move on. I still love the place but many are very discontent and maybe better that they move on and look again for the places that we once all dreamed about.

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I for one is perfectly happy with my Thai wife. I did not come to Thailand wishing to meet and socialize with western men.

Yep me neither, but I am happy to shoot the breeze with any that I encounter.

Nice at it is for those of us with families coasting along in the slow lane, I can't say that Chiang Rai would be the first place I would choose to live if I were single so I can imagine how lonely it might be here for a single guy.

Send me a pm one-eyed and I will invite you to lunch at my wife's restaurant... will help other days seem less monotonous :)

One-eyed is not single.

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I for one is perfectly happy with my Thai wife. I did not come to Thailand wishing to meet and socialize with western men.

Yep me neither, but I am happy to shoot the breeze with any that I encounter.

Nice at it is for those of us with families coasting along in the slow lane, I can't say that Chiang Rai would be the first place I would choose to live if I were single so I can imagine how lonely it might be here for a single guy.

Send me a pm one-eyed and I will invite you to lunch at my wife's restaurant... will help other days seem less monotonous :)

One-eyed is not single.

Ah, that might explain the state of mind.

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