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I'Ve Found Cheapish Karaoke!


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Disclaimer: I've met the owner twice. Ok people I think I've found what we've all been looking for! Last night while having a casual glass with some friends in the Loi Kroh boxing stadium I discovered that the owner of the bar has just opened two (brand) new karaoke rooms across the soi at the entrance of Star 6. I think we were the first ever customers and there was some kinks in the system as to be expected. The price was 250 for the first hour and then 200 for each hour after that. The English language songs are limited but we managed to fill out 2 rambuctious hours. And now for the kicker: no hostesses, no hidden fees apart from the normal bar price drink charges. So in summary, a normal non exorbitant karaoke place!

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A Karaoke on Loi Kroh soi 6 at the entrance to Star IV Go-Go? In such an upscale location the place must be pure class!


So let me work this out.

250 baht for the first hour, then 200 baht for each consecutive hour and I guess it`s also 200 baht even for any amount of time that runs into a new hour.

So for example if you make an evening of it and stay for just over 3 hours, that could cost you 850 baht, excluding the drinks. And like all these types of places, I doubt if the management would be too happy if people sit there without topping up their drinks too often.

Plus I wonder what are the prices of an average drink in that place, such as a short or a beer. And to add insult to injury, there are no girls either.

Do they advise that customers should take a clock in there with them, because in that dive, it appears time literally does mean money.

Sorry, but doesn’t sound like any bargain to me.

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It's not inside Star 6, more off to the side in the entrance. The rooms are big and brand new. Normal bar prices. I guess compared to the countless horror stories you here about people dropping 5,000 plus in these places I'd consider it cheap.

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Having had to listen to the excruciating sounds coming from a Thai karaoke and floating over the pond in front of my room, I can't think I of a worse way to spend an evening. But, with a dozen drinks into someone I guess anything is fun.

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It's not inside Star 6, more off to the side in the entrance. The rooms are big and brand new. Normal bar prices. I guess compared to the countless horror stories you here about people dropping 5,000 plus in these places I'd consider it cheap.

Well, I guess it's cheap if there are no girls, but I can't imagine why on earth anyone would pay 250 baht an hour to sing with a bunch of blokes? biggrin.gif

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Don't pay any attention to us curmugeons, scd. We just like to argue and cluck like a bunch of hens.. If karaoke with the "guys" is what you like then go for it. That is what I love about Thailand... people are free to do what they want... even if they make a fool of themselves.. Nobody gives a dam_n.

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It's not inside Star 6, more off to the side in the entrance. The rooms are big and brand new. Normal bar prices. I guess compared to the countless horror stories you here about people dropping 5,000 plus in these places I'd consider it cheap.

Well, I guess it's cheap if there are no girls, but I can't imagine why on earth anyone would pay 250 baht an hour to sing with a bunch of blokes? biggrin.gif

some people do have friends that are girls that they don't have to pay to hang around.

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It's not inside Star 6, more off to the side in the entrance. The rooms are big and brand new. Normal bar prices. I guess compared to the countless horror stories you here about people dropping 5,000 plus in these places I'd consider it cheap.

Well, I guess it's cheap if there are no girls, but I can't imagine why on earth anyone would pay 250 baht an hour to sing with a bunch of blokes? biggrin.gif

some people do have friends that are girls that they don't have to pay to hang around.

Some men have to pay girls to listen to them sing. Fortunately I'm not one of them, you'd have to pay me to listen to me sing!

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10bht a song, the girls share your beer (60bht a large bottle) and 100bht tip for the girl sitting with you at the end of the evening.

That is the normal price at Thai Karaoke.

That's even too expensive. As i said in another thread my wife's restaurant/karaoke doesn't even charge for the girls sitting with you...

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