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Bad English


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Sometimes i snap out of it and start talking thai english to uk,ers and other folks.How come this....i belive i do speak pretty good english, but after 2 or 3 weeks in los i,m all on the wagon again and it,s stuck. I do some calling to us and uk at work and sometimes i,m staring all that #me not know #parts soon come# ........... :o

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Same same for me......

All the hard learned grammatic is gone, because if I use it here, my staff does not understand me.

Now my english is terrible (before it was really good).

Sometimes i snap out of it and start talking thai english to uk,ers and other folks.How come this....i belive i do speak pretty good english, but after 2 or 3 weeks in los i,m all on the wagon again and it,s stuck. I do some calling to us and uk at work and sometimes i,m staring all that #me not know #parts soon come# ...........  :o

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We call this speaking "Tinglish" in my parts. I don't do it to other foreigners but many of my friends do and it annoys the crap out of me. How unfocused can one be not to notice the white face in your line of vision?  :o

You must to thinking. Some man can dink, dink, dink all day and sometime the man can talk to everyone in the proper Englich... nan lat. :D

PS: "you must to thinking" is a phrase I hear from time to time in Phuket. I wonder who first used this phrase?

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I always speak Tinglish when texting on mobiles. And often when speaking. I have no idea why. (We are having a raining here. You wanna coming to my house for eating? etc etc)

Have a look at www.engrish.com

its effin hilarious.

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Sometimes it is a choice of speak good English, or be understood.

The two are mutually exclusive in many Thai situations.

That does not mean we should stoop to that level when posting in the forum,

does it?? :D:o

Edited by astral
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We call this speaking "Tinglish" in my parts. I don't do it to other foreigners but many of my friends do and it annoys the crap out of me. How unfocused can one be not to notice the white face in your line of vision?  :o

that bit harsh yes?

Not harsh... am talking about one native- English speaker talking "Tinglish" to another native-English speaker. I find it weird! No offence meant :D

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We call this speaking "Tinglish" in my parts. I don't do it to other foreigners but many of my friends do and it annoys the crap out of me. How unfocused can one be not to notice the white face in your line of vision?  :o

that bit harsh yes?

Not harsh... am talking about one native- English speaker talking "Tinglish" to another native-English speaker. I find it weird! No offence meant :D

It's probably nothing more than a habit. It shouldn't be too hard for a person to catch it in a short while with a bit of conscious effort.

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I have never spoken Tinglish with anyone. It is possible to speak correct English slowly with simple words and still be understood. How much are you helping this person learn proper English by speaking pidgin with them?

My husband has an excellent vocabulary in English because I never "dumbed down" with him. In fact, he takes great offense at people who speak Tinglish with him as he feels it is reflection on his English speaking abilities.

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A farang talking 'tinglish' to another farang? I don't see how that happens.

For many Thais you have to simplify your English but that doen't mean using 'tinglish' and I cringe when I hear it - eespecially when the person speaks very good English.

Then there's the farangs that insist on talking Thai to every Thai person even when the the Thai's Englihs is better - like going into a nice restaurant and speaking really bad Thai to the waiter who has just spoken to you in English.

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I have never spoken Tinglish with anyone. It is possible to speak correct English slowly with simple words and still be understood. How much are you helping this person learn proper English by speaking pidgin with them?

My husband has an excellent vocabulary in English because I never "dumbed down" with him. In fact, he takes great offense at people who speak Tinglish with him as he feels it is reflection on his English speaking abilities.

The first time I came to Thailand I though that Thai people could speak english in a nice sort of level...After some time I realized that they are just good in one sort of context because they learn from each other...Out of that context they do not understand as much...(of course I do not mean everybody)

One day I was talking to a Thai friend and a girl aproached and start to talk in English using the proper volabulary for that subject...of course after 5 min my Thai friend was pretty boring because he could not understand anything...So... I think is better to comunicate...it does not matter if the grammar is wrong or right...

Also if everybody spoke perfect English...I think something will be missing...I do not want the people to lose what they make them so special...

I have English friends that can talk fairly good spanish but they have still this sort of English "thing" that i do want them to lose...it marks their identity...

Of course every body want to learn a language properly...but i think not just perfect...I think the world it will not be so colourful...

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A farang talking 'tinglish' to another farang? I don't see how that happens.

For many Thais you have to simplify your English but that doen't mean using 'tinglish' and I cringe when I hear it - eespecially when the person speaks very good English.

Then there's the farangs that insist on talking Thai to every Thai person even when the the Thai's Englihs is better - like going into a nice restaurant and speaking really bad Thai to the waiter who has just spoken to you in English.

Oh my god!!! What do you mean by that? I speak good english but any time I have a chance of practising my Thai or learning so more I take it. Otherwise How I suppose to learn this language or even improve...

I do not know how many language do you speak but how did you learn them,I wonder...

Of course the people who speaks good english is the most helpful people when you want to learn their language. They will tell you what is the right word for certain things...

And you know what I find it very annoying when I am in Spain and foreing people to talk me in English straigh away...without even asking if I can speak english. Come make an effort... you are in Spain...do not be so lazy...Maybe is because they do not care about our culture or anything they just want our beaches and our food...

very respectful indeed very respecful...

You know what I also find very annoying when people talk proper english with thai people and they do not care if they understand them or not...

Edited by Glauka
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You know Glauka, this would be a good answer in the thread about refusing to speak Thai in Thailand.

Beautifully said, even if your english isn't perfect. :o

My point was that if you speak Tinglish with people they will believe, wrongly, that is the right way to say it.

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Then there's the farangs that insist on talking Thai to every Thai person even when the the Thai's Englihs is better - like going into a nice restaurant and speaking really bad Thai to the waiter who has just spoken to you in English.

I really don't mind when farangs try to speak Thai to me even though they know I speak English. I'm always glad to help them practice their Thai and I'm impressed by those who make an effort to learn. Learning a new language can be daunting, especially for those who are rather shy (and/or have a fragile ego :D).

You know what I also find very annoying when people talk proper english with thai people and they do not care if they understand them or not...

Agree, speaking simplified English with someone who isn't fluent in English is actually a rather good idea, as long as they don't act like the person is retarded. What bugs me are the exaggerated hand gestures and the loud, accentuated shouting of each word. They can understand just as well if you speak to them slowly and clearly in a normal tone of voice. :o

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Then there's the farangs that insist on talking Thai to every Thai person even when the the Thai's Englihs is better - like going into a nice restaurant and speaking really bad Thai to the waiter who has just spoken to you in English.

I really don't mind when farangs try to speak Thai to me even though they know I speak English. I'm always glad to help them practice their Thai and I'm impressed by those who make an effort to learn. Learning a new language can be daunting, especially for those who are rather shy (and/or have a fragile ego :D).

You know what I also find very annoying when people talk proper english with thai people and they do not care if they understand them or not...

Agree, speaking simplified English with someone who isn't fluent in English is actually a rather good idea, as long as they don't act like the person is retarded. What bugs me are the exaggerated hand gestures and the loud, accentuated shouting of each word. They can understand just as well if you speak to them slowly and clearly in a normal tone of voice. :o

Agree but I sometimes do that...

When I went to England to learn english and I met some english people who could speak some spanish ( just intermediate level) I used to do all this exagerat gestures and speak very loud all the time until I realized that they were not deaf...they were just learning the language...

As I mentioned before sometimes I still do that...I think it also has to be with the fact that I am spanish and as a proper spanish I talk loud and a make exagerate gestures...

If one day I meet you I will try to restrain myself though...But i think you will be missing the real me... :D

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:D  By all means if that's what you need to be yourself while talking feel free to! In fact, if it would help knock some Spanish into my head then please do, por favor..  :o


Glauka , will you please teach me Spanish? I saw a great job in Costa Rica that I can do blindfolded but.... I need to speak Spanish signorina :D

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:D  By all means if that's what you need to be yourself while talking feel free to! In fact, if it would help knock some Spanish into my head then please do, por favor..  :o


Glauka , will you please teach me Spanish? I saw a great job in Costa Rica that I can do blindfolded but.... I need to speak Spanish signorina :D

When do you want to start? How do you want to do it?

First lesson...


Signorina is Italian... :D

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We call this speaking "Tinglish" in my parts. I don't do it to other foreigners but many of my friends do and it annoys the crap out of me. How unfocused can one be not to notice the white face in your line of vision?  :D

that bit harsh yes?

Not harsh... am talking about one native- English speaker talking "Tinglish" to another native-English speaker. I find it weird! No offence meant :D

only my to joking right ... 'cos not good englit

Well, I tried. I am as dismal at humour as I am at interesting posts. I'm such a loser :o

While sbk is right to speak properly to hubby, I find that to many Thais I opt for rapid accurate understanding, rather than worry about teaching them properly. The rare times when I have repeated contact with someone, then I do make the effort to use good grammar, and to help correct theirs in a face safe manner.

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