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Na Klang Info Required

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I'm going to be staying in Nongbualamphu area in December. The gf's family live in Kut Hae, about 10km west of Na Klang. Never been to that area before and I know the gf's new house doesn't have a/c, nor does her parents house. So, being a wimpy farang, I was wondering if anyone knows of a hotel in/around Na Klang? Is there much of anything for a farang in Na Klang?

Also, anyone know of an English language tutor/school in this area for my gf? English is poor, in fact I'd rate 4/10.


I won't be living in Thailand until early next year so maybe I should keep my opinions to myself but here goes anyway.

I don't know that area and can't give advice on accommodation but I think you may be missing an opportunity here. December is not too bad for temperatures as far as I know. I was there in January this year and it was ok. The biggest problem was the wind. I had to have a sweater on at a house warming (just realised how stupid that sounds) near Kalasin and a restaurant in Mahasarakham. If it does get hot most Thais use a fan unless they have a house with glass windows which my gf doesn't.

If you can cope with this I think you'll be doing yourself a lot of good in terms of pleasing your gf and her family. The things that I've found that get you noticed as a good farang are:

Be polite. If you're English this is sort of expected and as far as Thais are concerned all of Britain is England (sorry Scots and Welsh) I even saw a poster with the Union Jack shown as the English flag.

Try to learn a few words of Thai. Isaan as well if you can manage it.

Try to eat Thai food. If you're lucky they won't eat anything too bad like insects or rats.

Try to live in their house if they want you.

If you accept them they will accept you. You may find they eat something you really can't but if you can manage everything else you should be ok.

If you do this then you could always visit a town a few kilometres away and stay in a hotel to give yourself a break.

Good luck


Thanks for the reply but I'm not a Thailand" virgin" , I go 4 times a year, it's just I've never been to Na Klang area so was just wondering if there were any hotels. It is cooler in December but it can still be too uncomfortable to sleep. Also air con is more effective at keeping the mozzies at bay than a fan is. I love Thai food and even cook it myself a lot when I'm over there. I speak a good level of phasa Thai and I'm from Wales so know about the "everyone from UK is English" thing.

Your last point is actually the question I was asking. I just wanted to know specifically what Na Klang was like as a town for farang and if there is a hotel if I decide to use it.


Thanks for the reply but I'm not a Thailand" virgin" , I go 4 times a year, it's just I've never been to Na Klang area so was just wondering if there were any hotels. It is cooler in December but it can still be too uncomfortable to sleep. Also air con is more effective at keeping the mozzies at bay than a fan is. I love Thai food and even cook it myself a lot when I'm over there. I speak a good level of phasa Thai and I'm from Wales so know about the "everyone from UK is English" thing.

Your last point is actually the question I was asking. I just wanted to know specifically what Na Klang was like as a town for farang and if there is a hotel if I decide to use it.

I live some 10 kilometers from Na Klang. There is a resort area some 5 kilometers West of Na Klang on highway 210. I stayed there some when our house was being built. They have air-con rooms for about 600 per might and some free standing Thai 2 bedroom houses for 1200 or so.

They also have TVs but the schedule is primarily for Thai TV. Not much to do around here so don't plan on any exciting evenings out with the boys. I'll PM you my phone number and you can call if you wish. Perhaps we can get together.


what a wimp,girlfreind has a new house and you cant sleep with a good fan and a black hole mossy exsterminator,she wants a new man :whistling:


@chuckd - Thanks for that. I've got your number now and I'll give you a call when I get there. Don't know my thai number yet because my last one with TrueMove ran out of its 12 months a couple of months ago so I'll have to get a new sim card when I get to Swampy. I've sent you a pm.

@meatboy - What can I say...I like my creature comforts...without the creatures rolleyes.gif


Just returned yesterday from that area. I was staying with the g/f's family about 16Km south of Na Klang near Dan Chang. First, you will not need AirCon in Dec and in fact most times a fan is OK, however, you might need a blanket as it does get cool in that part of the country. Second, as for hotels while I've never stayed in any there (Na Klang) but I have noticed at least 2 in the (so called) town of Na Klang off the main drag. I don't have extensive knowledge of the area but if you find 2/3 falangs that will be a total surprise. Again that's based on going in off 210 for 16Km and there is rumored that a Falang has moved into the area. Lastly not aware of any English tutors but anything is possible.


who's decision was it not to stay at your gf's house?you had better check out the hotel first as you might find they dont have home comforts and dont cater for farangs.staying at your gfs house i am sure it will be more private unless her brother is living there to :whistling:


who's decision was it not to stay at your gf's house?you had better check out the hotel first as you might find they dont have home comforts and dont cater for farangs.staying at your gfs house i am sure it will be more private unless her brother is living there to :whistling:

Good attempt at humour rolleyes.gif

It was my decision. In fact she wants us to stay in the new house because she doesn't want to move in until I get there and she's waiting until then for the monks blessing too.

Why I've told you this, I don't know...why the hell do I take the bait dry.gif


who's decision was it not to stay at your gf's house?you had better check out the hotel first as you might find they dont have home comforts and dont cater for farangs.staying at your gfs house i am sure it will be more private unless her brother is living there to :whistling:

Good attempt at humour rolleyes.gif

It was my decision. In fact she wants us to stay in the new house because she doesn't want to move in until I get there and she's waiting until then for the monks blessing too.

Why I've told you this, I don't know...why the hell do I take the bait dry.gif

come on the poor lass is looking forward to having you there for the house blessing,nows your chance to really make her happy ask her to marry you if your single and elligable :jap:

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