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Nakhon Sawan Immigration

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Due to the flood, the Immigration Office in Nakhon Sawan has temporarly relocated to the labor office. The office is located on the right hand sideof the road from the Asian Highway to the Train Station. Lime green song tau. The phone number is 083-485-4833.

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The lime green song tau has 2 routes going out of town, one goes right at the army camp, the other goes left to the railway station, so, presumably either one that is heading back into town will be ok?

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Thanks Wayned

At the moment I have a few days left but I am in Klong Lan 125 km to the northwest and the wrong side of Dechatiwong bridge.

I will get there sometime or worst case up to Mae Sot.

Phitsanulok would be the nearest immigration office, but call immigration first if that would be OK.

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The Lime green song tau goes from Muang NS to the railway station and turns around at the staion and goes back to NS. If you go from NS to the railway station, the office is on the left about halfway between where the song tau turns left from the Asian Highway at the traffic light and the railway Station. There are two government offices next to each other but I don't remember if its the first or second. Obviously if you are going from the railway station to NS it's on the right.

The lime green song tau has 2 routes going out of town, one goes right at the army camp, the other goes left to the railway station, so, presumably either one that is heading back into town will be ok?

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The bridge is now open and the water is receeding .

Thanks Wayned

At the moment I have a few days left but I am in Klong Lan 125 km to the northwest and the wrong side of Dechatiwong bridge.

I will get there sometime or worst case up to Mae Sot.

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The bridge is now open and the water is receding .

Thanks Wayned

At the moment I have a few days left but I am in Klong Lan 125 km to the northwest and the wrong side of Dechatiwong bridge.

I will get there sometime or worst case up to Mae Sot.

I called them late Friday afternoon and the lady said that they would be closed on Monday for a public holiday (even floods won't stop that) and to call Tuesday as they may be back to the Tourist Police place on Tuesday.

I will probably come down Thursday or Friday.



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I called them Thursday afternoon and they reminded me that Monday was a holiday. I said "see you Tuesday" and nothing was said about moving back. I have to go Tuesday because my visa extention expires then and I have to drive past the labor office to get to the old location. I'll try there first and let you know where they are and what their plan is if they have one.

The bridge is now open and the water is receding .

Thanks Wayned

At the moment I have a few days left but I am in Klong Lan 125 km to the northwest and the wrong side of Dechatiwong bridge.

I will get there sometime or worst case up to Mae Sot.

I called them late Friday afternoon and the lady said that they would be closed on Monday for a public holiday (even floods won't stop that) and to call Tuesday as they may be back to the Tourist Police place on Tuesday.

I will probably come down Thursday or Friday.



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I called them Thursday afternoon and they reminded me that Monday was a holiday. I said "see you Tuesday" and nothing was said about moving back. I have to go Tuesday because my visa extention expires then and I have to drive past the labor office to get to the old location. I'll try there first and let you know where they are and what their plan is if they have one.

The bridge is now open and the water is receding .

Thanks Wayned

At the moment I have a few days left but I am in Klong Lan 125 km to the northwest and the wrong side of Dechatiwong bridge.

I will get there sometime or worst case up to Mae Sot.

I called them late Friday afternoon and the lady said that they would be closed on Monday for a public holiday (even floods won't stop that) and to call Tuesday as they may be back to the Tourist Police place on Tuesday.

I will probably come down Thursday or Friday.



OK thanks for that.

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I went today and they are still in the labor office. The old place is dry but must be cleaned. I asked when they were moving back and she said "up to the boss" who wasn't there. She said to call her at 083-485-4833 to verify location befare you come. But, the PM has just declared Thurs, Fri and Mon government hoildays in Bangkok and 20 provinces. The info I have doesn't name the provinces but if NS is one your plans are out the window.

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I read and read but still quite not clear to me where that labour office is? In the road from Asian Highway to railwaystation? Is that same junction from highway where they have sunday market? Other way you can go to armybase. And how far from highway? I don't have any idea what is halfway from highway to railwaystation, never been in railwaystation.

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Yes it's on the road from where the Sunday market/Army base to the railway station. If going from the Sunday market to the railway station, you pass the airport on the left and about .5 kilometer further on there is a new high rise building under construction also on the left. The next building on the left is the labor office enclosed in a wall with a small unmanned guard shack between the entrance and exit[. They have even hung a plastic banner outside stating "Nakhon Sawan Immigration". The office is on the first floor on the left as you enter the building. At least that was where I had my visa extended yesterday, but they are planning on moving back to the tourist complex on Sawanvittee 49 soon, but exact time unknownquote name=hullupullo' timestamp='1319554976' post='4794438]

I read and read but still quite not clear to me where that labour office is? In the road from Asian Highway to railwaystation? Is that same junction from highway where they have sunday market? Other way you can go to armybase. And how far from highway? I don't have any idea what is halfway from highway to railwaystation, never been in railwaystation.

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