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My Refusal To Learn Thai


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QUOTE(hopeless @ 2005-11-14 09:00:53)

Not trying to dis Americans...

I love it when I see a preface like this. It's right up there with "Some of my best friends are...". Of course you are trying to "dis" Americans, just admit it, drop the pretense then move on with the pejorative comments like, "...so not all yanks are retards, just the ones that voted for Bush...".

All Americans are wank*ers. :D

There you go straight out, upfront. Might not have meant it but, thats the way your wa*k attitude makes others and my-self feel. :D

If it wasn't for Bush there would have been another waiting in the wings. Its no different in England though and who your President is don't excuse your crap attitude towards someone elses language and, the country in which they accomodate you. :D

Soccer my arse. Football, at least we "use our feet" for most of the game. :D

As for speaking German and goose stepping, I lived in Germany for 4 years and loved nearly every minute of it. Yes i speak the language and, you would not believe or probably care how many doors it opened or, how much it enriched the friendships I already had. :D

You should at least have an attitude rethink and, maybe just try a few more words. You already know a few, what will a few more hurt. See if you can't let Thai people change your mind, in their own language. :D:o:D


Edited by redrus
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Not trying to dis Americans...

I love it when I see a preface like this. It's right up there with "Some of my best friends are...". Of course you are trying to "dis" Americans, just admit it, drop the pretense then move on with the pejorative comments like, "...so not all yanks are retards, just the ones that voted for Bush...". So now we're up to what, 48 million Americans who are "retards"? That certainly shows respect. I honestly believe the OP's comments were a lot more mature, well-thought out and presented than this anti-American drivel posted by hapless, and others here.

Laadidaa..... I do apolagize for my witty sarcasm. I forgot not all people are like us British who can handle a joke. If you would have actually read between the lines you would have noticed I was trying to stress that there are good and bad people everywhere, whilst having a light pop at president bush and his followers, but DONT WORRY, because I am English and I believe our prime minister is just a big a joke as your president. If you seriously believe the original posters comments were a lot more mature then good for you my American friend . Freedom of speech and all that....

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Laadidaa..... I do apolagize for my witty sarcasm.  I forgot not all people are like us British who can handle a joke.  If you would have actually read between the lines you would have noticed I was trying to stress that there are good and bad people everywhere, whilst having a light pop at president bush and his followers, but DONT WORRY, because I am English and I believe our prime minister is just a big a joke as your president.  If you seriously believe the original posters comments were a lot more mature then good for you my American friend . Freedom of speech and all that....

It is interesting to observe that those called out for making bigoted, racist or just downright idiotic statements immediately fish for an excuse or justification.

1.) “I am not a _______________, some of my best friends are_____________.”

2.) “I was just joking”.

The “I was just joking” excuse is perfect, at least on the internet, because it is impossible to verify without observing the associated body-language. And it deflects any criticism by questioning the sense of humor of the person (“What, can’t you take a joke?”) who has caught you in an indefensible position.

I found the comments made by redrus] above incomprehensible (that's putting it as courteously as possible), although he does get good marks for smiley-use, and as such challenging to comment on or rebut.

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Oh please, oversensitive Americans. I am an American living overseas and if I had gotten upset every single time someone had a negative comment about Americans or the US I would be an emotional mess with ulcers at this point. Get over it.

The point of this thread isn't the OP's nationality but rather his unwillingness to speak Thai for whatever odd reasons he may come up with.

Does anyone agree that it is pointless to learn to speak Thai or is this guy really just lost?

Back on topic, please folk

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Does anyone agree that it is pointless to learn to speak Thai or is this guy is really just lost?

That's my take on it.

I personally can't imagine not being able to speak Thai here. Besides just needing to express your needs and desires there is the issue of understanding the culture. Without knowing the language you will never understand the people (culturally speaking). But then I don't think the OP has any interest in that either. I would also have a lot fewer friends if I didn't, because many of them can't speak English and I would never expect them to, it is their country and their language isn't it?

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It is interesting to observe that those called out for making bigoted, racist or just downright idiotic statements immediately fish for an excuse or justification.

1.) “I am not a _______________, some of my best friends are_____________.”

2.) “I was just joking”.

The “I was just joking” excuse is perfect, at least on the internet, because it is impossible to verify without observing the associated body-language. And it deflects any criticism by questioning the sense of humor of the person (“What, can’t you take a joke?”) who has caught you in an indefensible position.

Well to be perfectly honest I have worked in a couple of bars, 1 was a military bar for US soldiers in England, and the other was a a 4 star hotel.

Prior to working at the base I had no opinion of Americans, that soon changed as I really didnt know where I stood half the time. 1 minute they were my best friend, the next they didnt even say 'Hi'. I had many compaints against me for the pettyist (sp) things like forgetting a couple of beer glasses on tables or something equally petty which has no business with the customer who has another 20 tables to sit at.

I used to speak to my GF on the phone a lot, but tell her Ill call her back when a customer arrives at the bar. I was called to the office 1 time and my boss gave me a rollocking saying many customers complained they were waiting in excess of 5 minutes for me to serve them cos I was chattin to my bird. The reality was they were waiting about 5 seconds. Tho the customer was always right and obviosly I was in the wrong. There was also the way I was spoken to, Never a 'please' or 'thank you' just "get me a stella" or something equally abrubt whislt looking for something to complain about. On a positive note I made good tip money from Americans, the Brits are tight asses! Needless to say I dint last long in that job.

Then the Moat house hotel bar. There were sdome very decent Americans I got on well with, particually 1 who liked to discuss 'SOCCER!' but for every decent 1 I met, there were more I dreaded seeing. And also there was one occasion a group of Americans ate all the food in the resturant, complained and got the next meal free plus a free drink at the bar, that was an intresteing 1, I ended up walking off as I couldnt handle it. But there were an equal ammount of upper class British idiots so far up their own asses I had to leave that place too.

I dont really go out drinking in england anymore as the young British lout is far worse than the rude American.

Vent over!

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I don-t understand - but my reading is very bad -

To enter the city your Maternal Grandmother or Grandfather will squint or pretend not to see making contact with you... your Maternal Grandmother or Grandfather will fetch someone ???

I think I have this one wrong - please help me

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...a very rough translation... :o

Edited by Boon Mee
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...a very rough translation... :o

It's an idiom.

The literal translation is " Enter a city/country that blinks (you) must blink follow" :D

Which means " When in Rome....."

Beanster1 :D

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QUOTE(hopeless @ 2005-11-14 09:00:53)

Not trying to dis Americans...

I love it when I see a preface like this. It's right up there with "Some of my best friends are...". Of course you are trying to "dis" Americans, just admit it, drop the pretense then move on with the pejorative comments like, "...so not all yanks are retards, just the ones that voted for Bush...".


  All Americans are wank*ers.

  There you go straight out, upfront. Might not have meant it but, thats the way your wa*k attitude makes others and my-self feel.

  If it wasn't for Bush there would have been another waiting in the wings. Its no different in England though and who your President is don't excuse your crap attitude towards someone elses language and, the country in which they accomodate you.

  Soccer my arse. Football, at least we "use our feet" for most of the game.  :D

  As for speaking German and goose stepping, I lived in Germany for 4 years and loved nearly every minute of it. Yes i speak the language and, you would not believe or probably care how many doors it opened or, how much it enriched the friendships I already had.

  You should at least have an attitude rethink and, maybe just try a few more words. You already know a few, what will a few more hurt. See if you can't let Thai people change your mind, in their own language. :D  :o  :D


Whats not to understand about the above, it may have been a bit of a rant but, the general point being take your finger out of your arse and try. Try reading the post, it wasn't directed to just one person but, generally one and, any others who think its ok to enter someone elses country and not even try to do the one thing that will truly integrate you into their society.


ps; Lomotopo, don't bother with the courtesy next time. Try teaching it to OP. :D:D:D

Edited by redrus
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I read this forum all the time and hear so many people speak proudly of their Thai speaking prowess. I've been here 6 years and I flat out refuse to learn or speak this language. It is kind of funny too because I am an American very fluent in Spanish. But Thai, no way pal, I won't make any effort whatsoever and let me tell you why:

1. I live in a BKK tourist area and never ever travel to rural areas or have any desire to ever do so. I travel to Pattaya and Phuket and that is it. I never ever need any Thai in these places. I read about a guy bragging about speaking Thai to a currency exchange person in the airport to help a friend get out of a problem. How ridiculous is that? Like an airport worker in that job can't speak English? Of course they can.

2. Also, I feel strongly that Thais need to speak English one heck of a lot more than I need to speak Thai. How on earth is knowing Thai going to help someone in this world? Thailand is spoken in an area the size of Oklahoma and Texas. Why bother with it? My speaking English to Thais can only help them to better understand this world language that is essential to them.

3. Farangs speaking Thai sound stupid. I'm talking they sound really really Kwailike. There is nothing funnier than watching a dumb farang speaking or attempting to speak Thai to Thai persons who speak perfect English. This is very amusing. I recall watching a guy try to tell a girl to meet him at 9am in Thai and she had no clue what he was saying. LOL. That was funny; finally I stepped in and told the girl that he wanted to meet her at 9 in morning and she said, 'oh, ok sure". Just another example of a farang looking like a fool moron trying to speak the language as if he needed to in the situation.

4. I speak my English to Thais in a way that they can understand. Being around for years and hearing Thais speak English for years, I know how they speak words and I do same so they understand me often.

In conclusion, I can understand very few basic Thai words like numbers and food items but have no desire to expand on that. Maybe I'm a perfectionist. Farangs were not meant to speak the language and sound like Kwais doing so

Uncle Sam, you are in the same situation as the following-กบอยู่ในกะลาครอบ

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I think the more thai you learn, the more embarassed by how bad you are at speaking it you get. When I started learning I was full of confidence and would try my hand at saying everything even if it meant coming out with some incredibly stupid sentences that still conveyed meaning. Nowadays I almost try to avoid speaking it until I can get some proper education on it.. :o Shame really.

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I think the more thai you learn, the more embarassed by how bad you are at speaking it you get. When I started learning I was full of confidence and would try my hand at saying everything even if it meant coming out with some incredibly stupid sentences that still conveyed meaning. Nowadays I almost try to avoid speaking it until I can get some proper education on it.. :D Shame really.

well ,OxfordWill .. your Thai is good and cute .. just try to speak it more ..no need to be shamed ..

and it will make u get more advantage when you come here .. when u guys farang speak TH , people here love it .. and we will please u more :o


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I think the more thai you learn, the more embarassed by how bad you are at speaking it you get. When I started learning I was full of confidence and would try my hand at saying everything even if it meant coming out with some incredibly stupid sentences that still conveyed meaning. Nowadays I almost try to avoid speaking it until I can get some proper education on it.. :D Shame really.

well ,OxfordWill .. your Thai is good and cute .. just try to speak it more ..no need to be shamed ..

and it will make u get more advantage when you come here .. when u guys farang speak TH , people here love it .. and we will please u more :o


chi mai? :D

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Lay off with the "sterotypical American" crap, buddy.  No sandals here. 6'2", 240lbs and the wieght room is playroom....

Careful everyone! This guy is big and has muscles. We must respect everything he says! (But he can't spell 'weight') :D

....but there is no need to fear big muscles that are between his ears. :o

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If it wasn't for us fat Americans you would be speaking german and goose stepping up and down Trafalgar Square. We kicked your butt twice and had to save it twice...that was worth a couple hundred thousand lives...

do not start with those kind of post...I am Spanish...Think about what I could replay to you...I give you a clue...1492 :D

I am not proud of that date but just think about it...

Wow, from the pros and cons of learning Thai, to fat Americans, to WW2 and now to the Spanish expulsion of Jews from Spain, this thread is completely out of control, I love it, :D:D

Geez, this thread is out of control. I could only read up to this last post, and wanted to add that 1492 was the year of CC's fantastic voyage, in which he "introduced" Spanish conquest to the new world, wiping out entire tribes of Native Americans in the West Indies.

I'd also like to say, that I never responded to this thread in the first place because it was so obviously a troll. I don't think there is still an American alive who uses the term 'pal'. Archie Bunker is dead.

successful, troll :o

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If it wasn't for us fat Americans you would be speaking german and goose stepping up and down Trafalgar Square. We kicked your butt twice and had to save it twice...that was worth a couple hundred thousand lives...

do not start with those kind of post...I am Spanish...Think about what I could replay to you...I give you a clue...1492 :D

I am not proud of that date but just think about it...

Wow, from the pros and cons of learning Thai, to fat Americans, to WW2 and now to the Spanish expulsion of Jews from Spain, this thread is completely out of control, I love it, :D:D

Geez, this thread is out of control. I could only read up to this last post, and wanted to add that 1492 was the year of CC's fantastic voyage, in which he "introduced" Spanish conquest to the new world, wiping out entire tribes of Native Americans in the West Indies.

I'd also like to say, that I never responded to this thread in the first place because it was so obviously a troll. I don't think there is still an American alive who uses the term 'pal'. Archie Bunker is dead.

successful, troll :o

Thanks for that, it was starting to bug me, I think I fell for what ever a "troll" is, Any chance of letting me know so I maybe don't get so wound next time?



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ohhh! I can see that my post or part of it has been quoted...well I refer to the american colonization because I do not understand why there are some topics were people get very angry and start to talk about history and the good things they did and the bad things other did...human history has been very long and as far as I know us european and american has quite a bloody history with lots of colonizations and imperialism...

Well my point is that all through history european and americans ( I am not much aquaitance with some one else`s history) have participated in many bloody wars were a lot of people die...sometimes we may think we were right but most defenitly we were wrong many times...

Bring history up to go against someone in tv or some culture because you have nothing better to say it gets on my nerves... :o

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If it wasn't for us fat Americans you would be speaking german and goose stepping up and down Trafalgar Square. We kicked your butt twice and had to save it twice...that was worth a couple hundred thousand lives...

do not start with those kind of post...I am Spanish...Think about what I could replay to you...I give you a clue...1492 :D

I am not proud of that date but just think about it...

Wow, from the pros and cons of learning Thai, to fat Americans, to WW2 and now to the Spanish expulsion of Jews from Spain, this thread is completely out of control, I love it, :D:D

Geez, this thread is out of control. I could only read up to this last post, and wanted to add that 1492 was the year of CC's fantastic voyage, in which he "introduced" Spanish conquest to the new world, wiping out entire tribes of Native Americans in the West Indies.

I'd also like to say, that I never responded to this thread in the first place because it was so obviously a troll. I don't think there is still an American alive who uses the term 'pal'. Archie Bunker is dead.

successful, troll :o

Archie Bunker has many a clone. Learn it, Know it, Live It. ARCHIE BUNKER RULES!

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when  u  guys farang speak TH ,  people  here love it .. and  we will please u more :D


Oki doki,

Gor Gai, Kor Ky, Kor Khuat, Kor Kwai, Kor Khun............... :burp:

chi mai?  :D

what do u want from me ,Master .. u guys speak TH , im ready to please u right now :D:D


Shouldn't that be ฟักยู?

ฟักยู is correct :o

= you are a winter melon :D:D

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