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Best Way To Sell A House In Pattaya


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Most of the agenta in Pattaya are useless in a down market. IMO most show very little sign of understanding what's going on in the market, or if they do, they pretend not to. They will tell your place is worth XXX just ti get it on their books, where it will sit for ever.

Try advertising your place on the classifieds in this forum and the others. Although unless your place is significantly discounted from 2007 prices, I don't think it will sell at all, probably for quite a few years.

Send an email to as many brokers in Pattaya as possible describing the property and the urgency to sell ASAP. Offer them a commision 2% higher than their normal rate if they list and SELL the house within 60 days,

Do not send pictures unless broker asks for them.

You WIKK sell if you do this,

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Reckon there is a bit of Trolling going on here with the OP. He has lived in Thailand many years, bought this expensive dud out in the sticks,then bought in XXXXXX, Has a few bob about him.

Posts a thread asking a question which he is well able to answer himself

Watches the arguments going on around the thread, but hasn't contributed again????

Edited by Rooo
Property location edited out.
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Reckon there is a bit of Trolling going on here with the OP. He has lived in Thailand many years, bought this expensive dud out in the sticks,then bought in Royal Siam View, Has a few bob about him.

Posts a thread asking a question which he is well able to answer himself

Watches the arguments going on around the thread, but hasn't contributed again????

Could not agree more with this comment. The OP would be well aware, and even more than well aware of the sheer impossibility of attempting a sale,so seeking a novel way out. Not capable of using means on the TV site that is used on another Pattaya internet site to entice the more than gullible

The intervention of another party contributing to this thread seeking to purchase a property here in Pattaya and using simple terms of " I will be returning to Pattaya to further my interest", not the fact he is already here, blah blah blah,standard terminology used here for deception,to entice some simple Joe,totally unaware of the blunder he will be invited into.

Pattaya needs all the returning numbers it can get ,the place looks posively as quiet as the grave lately,but I hold little hope of that this season,perhaps another reason not to buy ,plus a whole raft more I can think of.

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Also, if you do not need all of the cash right away, allow a down payment of XX%, and a 7 - 9% interest rate on the balance.

Best of luck!

Yes, this point is very important too. I was looking at a very nice home at SP5 awhile back that was being sold directly by the owner and listed at 5.5. However, he told me if I was interested to make him an offer and intimated that something in the 4-4.5M range would be acceptable. (In my estimation, that was fair market value for the house.) He was also offering very flexible terms...a down-payment of whatever and terms over 4-5 years at no/low interest rates [certainly not 7-8 percent...USA 30 YEAR rates are less than 4% for qualified buyers and 2-3 percent for 5-10 year loans] or even balloon payments over a number of years. The point is to be creative and work with them if you have a qualified buyer (always hard to determine in Thailand).

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Only the less well off Russians are buying Condos just like the less well less off westerners who can only afford to buy condos.....the more affluent Russians are buying houses in the suburbs just like the more intelligent westerner ....


I do enjoy a good laugh.

Laugh only if that makes you fell better. The house behind mine was sold to a Russian couple for about 10 mill, they are in the process of building a pool now.

I'm sure that's true, but condos aren't a cheap option here, at least not nice ones such as farangs might buy. Houses are the cheaper option, and for a reason: they are much harder to sell, and much more costly to maintain.

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Only the less well off Russians are buying Condos just like the less well less off westerners who can only afford to buy condos.....the more affluent Russians are buying houses in the suburbs just like the more intelligent westerner ....


I do enjoy a good laugh.

I have been around Thailand for 22 years ,and done buisness here ,ONLY BUY A HOUSE IF YOU NEVER WANT TO SELL IT. if thats the case ,no problem ,otherwise do not buy one.

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>>When you need to sell you have to compete with all the others for sale and most people want to buy brand new.<<

I think its because it is easyier to get finance on a new House .

>>Somebody said earlier that its foolish to buy a house or Condo in Pattaya as you will be stuck forever with it .<<

Not quite true .At the right price any house or Condo will sell within a year at most .I sold two s/h Condos myself this year in Jomtien . :jap:

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Once bought here in Pattaya you are trapped for life, no way out. Enjoy it (if you can) only abandoning it is your only escape route

Yep, OP, you've imprisoned yourself for life in your own concrete coffin. Your only chance to avoid your doom now is to awaken from your foolish dream and folly. Be quick now! You must burn all your furniture and flee the area before it's TOO LATE! For god's sake, man, just let the jungle reclaim the house. Let the rats, snakes, and wild dogs inhabit the ruins. Finally the roots and vines and weather will pull them down to join the countless others abandoned in this dead, deserted, wasted city, old bones floating everywhere in the stinking black swamp water, the bones of the hapless fools who ignored the wise prophecies on TV and stayed behind . . . .

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>>When you need to sell you have to compete with all the others for sale and most people want to buy brand new.<<

I think its because it is easyier to get finance on a new House .

>>Somebody said earlier that its foolish to buy a house or Condo in Pattaya as you will be stuck forever with it .<<

Not quite true .At the right price any house or Condo will sell within a year at most .I sold two s/h Condos myself this year in Jomtien . :jap:

You are quite right ,but what is the right price? on our estate a friend has a beutifull house that he paid 4.5 mil for 6 years ago ,he has spent quite a lot of money on it including puting in a pool ,two years ago he tried to sell for about 5 mill ,he has been offered 3 by the one person who has looked at it in those two years and believe me he has advertized it everywhere ,and its not on an estate miles from anywhere ,second hand houses are just not wanted in that price range ,and most Thai;s only want to spend up to 2 mill.

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Dont forget the Russian market .They are buying mostly Condos i think though ?

Yesssss! Russian realters will make you price 50% lower because "there are almost no any client at the moment" and double price for clients "because there is almost no any property at the moment"

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Some people just dont know how easy it is to buy a house though, just because they have not taken the time to research it, but rather listen to bar speak or faceless keyboard junkies!!! Search the forums, it's been done to death!!

If anybody did research the property market here in Pattaya they would not touch it with a bargepole. Why is it so easy to buy into Pattaya property? because it is impossble to get out of it,1000s ,no tens of thousand for sale or abandoned.

Good luck to you selling,but the thought of selling must be inspiring, but the thought of actually selling must be put firmly out of your imagination,because there is not a hope in hell.

Once bought here in Pattaya you are trapped for life,no way out. Enjoy it (if you can) only abandoning it is your only escape route

???? I wonder where you have your info from... A few of my friends already sold there house this year and for the price they where asking ! bah.gif So it's possible, not easy, but possible, but i guess if you are negative as you are then not a chance ;)

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What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

In this market ,have you tried prayer?

Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

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What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

In this market ,have you tried prayer?

Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

haha, so true :)

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What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

In this market ,have you tried prayer?

Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

Sounds like you are well experienced in trying to shift a house Mr cyber warrior.

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What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

In this market ,have you tried prayer?

Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

Sounds like you bought something overpriced out in the boonies and cant get rid of it......thats not the case with well located houses.....there is a waiting list of buyers for at least three established developments I know of

Edited by PattayaPhom
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I know of several farangs around this town with condos or houses up for sale and most have not even had anyone around to view let alone offer. Their places have been up for sale for anything from 3 months up to 2 years.

These folks on here saying it is still possible to sell are in some parallel universe...I am also starting to believe they are involved in the real estate business. It is just about impossible to re-sell in Pattaya at the moment.

No surprises here. Too many units and a target market with no money......plus the place is clearly on the way out for the traditional western single male visitor/expat, which has always been the bulk of buyers here.

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I know of several farangs around this town with condos or houses up for sale and most have not even had anyone around to view let alone offer. Their places have been up for sale for anything from 3 months up to 2 years.

These folks on here saying it is still possible to sell are in some parallel universe...I am also starting to believe they are involved in the real estate business. It is just about impossible to re-sell in Pattaya at the moment.

No surprises here. Too many units and a target market with no money......plus the place is clearly on the way out for the traditional western single male visitor/expat, which has always been the bulk of buyers here.

I think you will find the bulk of buyers here are Thai !

I have sold four of our houses this year, 2 new and 2 second hand - all to Thais!

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I know of several farangs around this town with condos or houses up for sale and most have not even had anyone around to view let alone offer. Their places have been up for sale for anything from 3 months up to 2 years.

These folks on here saying it is still possible to sell are in some parallel universe...I am also starting to believe they are involved in the real estate business. It is just about impossible to re-sell in Pattaya at the moment.

No surprises here. Too many units and a target market with no money......plus the place is clearly on the way out for the traditional western single male visitor/expat, which has always been the bulk of buyers here.

I think you will find the bulk of buyers here are Thai !

I find that there are no buyers, as I said.

I have sold four of our houses this year, 2 new and 2 second hand - all to Thais!

So you are in the business then?

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I know of several farangs around this town with condos or houses up for sale and most have not even had anyone around to view let alone offer. Their places have been up for sale for anything from 3 months up to 2 years.

These folks on here saying it is still possible to sell are in some parallel universe...I am also starting to believe they are involved in the real estate business. It is just about impossible to re-sell in Pattaya at the moment.

No surprises here. Too many units and a target market with no money......plus the place is clearly on the way out for the traditional western single male visitor/expat, which has always been the bulk of buyers here.

I think you will find the bulk of buyers here are Thai !

I find that there are no buyers, as I said.

I have sold four of our houses this year, 2 new and 2 second hand - all to Thais!

So you are in the business then?

I buy when i see a bargain, and sell when i get the chance, but mainly new builds to order.

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I know of several farangs around this town with condos or houses up for sale and most have not even had anyone around to view let alone offer. Their places have been up for sale for anything from 3 months up to 2 years.

These folks on here saying it is still possible to sell are in some parallel universe...I am also starting to believe they are involved in the real estate business. It is just about impossible to re-sell in Pattaya at the moment.

No surprises here. Too many units and a target market with no money......plus the place is clearly on the way out for the traditional western single male visitor/expat, which has always been the bulk of buyers here.

Correct, the traditional western single male sexpat that wants to rent a 4,000 Baht a month room is on the way out and its in with the Russians, Indians, and other Asians that have plenty of money and are comfortable buying here.......the Farangs you know that cant sell is probably due to location and price....look at any developers office, everyday busy, go to the land office anyday of the week and it is heaving....just because the Europeans and Yanks arnt buying dosnt mean nothing is selling..Pattaya has gone leaps and bounds in the past few years and some people just cant accept the fact that other parts of the world now are no longer third world nations and have money to spend unlike the recession hit West...we are in the 21st century..try dragging yourself out of the last millenium

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Correct, the traditional western single male sexpat that wants to rent a 4,000 Baht a month room is on the way out and its in with the Russians, Indians, and other Asians that have plenty of money and are comfortable buying here.......the Farangs you know that cant sell is probably due to location and price....look at any developers office, everyday busy, go to the land office anyday of the week and it is heaving....just because the Europeans and Yanks arnt buying dosnt mean nothing is selling..Pattaya has gone leaps and bounds in the past few years and some people just cant accept the fact that other parts of the world now are no longer third world nations and have money to spend unlike the recession hit West...we are in the 21st century..try dragging yourself out of the last millenium

I would agree with this, especially this last couple of years, forget about the myths of Thais not buying second hand and only spending 1-2 million on a property, those days are long gone, i personally know a few of them that have spent in excess of 10M for houses and condos recently without blinking, perhaps that strikes a discord with some foreigners that think themselves somehow superior to their hosts - think again, the times they are a changin for sure!!!!

So to the OP, i would get some help in translatiing your Ad's etc. if you need it and target your sales towards the Thai buyer as well!

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I see the same houses advertised month in ,month out ,not just in months, but for years. Same houses up on the boards of then Carrefour ,Foodland etc etc,not just there but in the likes of Pattaya Trader and other publications, been trying for for years,not a hope of ever selling,the more time passes the less chance of ever getting shut

Probably something the likes of 1 mil might have an outside chance of being shifted,but for the rest I do not believe a word of it . There is no way I would chance my arm with anything in the way of building here,was so different years ago,but how times change


The Indians except perhaps a wealthy few might chance their arm ,but their government would confiscate and jail them without specific approval from their government and they would not dare to purchase,the Arabs,I think not.

Obviously you can say anything you like here on selling,but I see the proof in various publications and I believe them ,rather than "I have sold" blah blah blah. If you have sold,good luck to you,but I personally do not believe a word of it., all I see in a majority Thai neighbourhood are long abandoned houses,and more joining them

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Two posts removed from view, one defamation and the other is just plain inflammatory. You will both be hearing from me.

I can keep this topic open if we can discuss rationally if not not it will be closed, the choice is yours.

Anyone with a personal axe to grind about a specific property or estate agent better watch out, I do know what is going down on this thread so be warned!!

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My friend thought he had sold his house recently but then the buying dropped the buying price at the last minute by 400,000 baht so the sale fell through.

The pattaya property market is a dark and lonely place, i would hate to be caught up in it.

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