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Do You Believe In Thai Ghosts


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you will need to watch a couple of times, but

This video takes place at a party in Thailand. A man decided to leave the party for a little bit, but got into a fatal car crash while on the road. While he was out, the rest of the partiers remained inside unaware of what had happened, singing, dancing, and filming this video. Later the next day, after the news of the mans death spread, his wife (seen in red) played the video back, and was shocked to see to see his face the bottom left hand corner of the screen. The man's face can be seen at at the following video ranges:

(perhaps the best),
. The ghostly face appears red and demonic with a blank stare. Could this possibly be the ghost of the woman in red's deceased husband, dropping back in on the party one last time?
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Yes, all very effective and what makes this really creepy is the audio echo at the beginning of the video. The girlfriend <deleted> her pants watching it for sure.

But what makes this suspect is that same kind of echoing effect is also used in Thai TV ghost stories to give a more frightening effect as if the participants in this video are copying what they have seen on TV to make this more scary and also there appears to be no information or details as to who these people are and about the accident.

Another point is that the alleged ghost does have the appearance of someone that has been in an accident. For example could be a bruised and blood covered face? Plus this could also be a shadowing effect of the guy sitting wearing the black vest because the faces are similar or even a real guy with makeup.

I am saying that this is has been faked, unless someone can produce a few more details.

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Well. There are

/many frauds trying to fool people to get money or fame,

/and there are trick filming on purpose or by accidents. E g recently the daughter of one of two Irish/English girls, who had made believable photos of "fairies" to prove they had reason to come home late, but the truth was they where paper dolls :) Many years later they told the truth, except for one of the later photos, claiming it was real until she died still.

BUT there are also

/investigators checking places known for ghost activities. Then they registrating film, sound, temperature and magnetic changes. Then they try to explain them with OTHER reasons than ghosts. Often they can, but sometimes they have found other things.

/and other TV programs show proofs where mediums assist solving murders, or come to normal people, who want help against ghosts where they live, and then mediums tell messages from relatives, which sometimes not even the wife/husband knew :)

And theese programs are from different "farang countries"...

Summary :

I'm sceptical against separate recordings, because there are so many frauds,

but there are surely some ghosts.

But even if there wheren't any ghosts, it's important farang's thai family/friends believe, so we farangs better act suiting that :)

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Well. There are

/many frauds trying to fool people to get money or fame,

/and there are trick filming on purpose or by accidents. E g recently the daughter of one of two Irish/English girls, who had made believable photos of "fairies" to prove they had reason to come home late, but the truth was they where paper dolls :) Many years later they told the truth, except for one of the later photos, claiming it was real until she died still.

BUT there are also

/investigators checking places known for ghost activities. Then they registrating film, sound, temperature and magnetic changes. Then they try to explain them with OTHER reasons than ghosts. Often they can, but sometimes they have found other things.

/and other TV programs show proofs where mediums assist solving murders, or come to normal people, who want help against ghosts where they live, and then mediums tell messages from relatives, which sometimes not even the wife/husband knew :)

And theese programs are from different "farang countries"...

Summary :

I'm sceptical against separate recordings, because there are so many frauds,

but there are surely some ghosts.

But even if there wheren't any ghosts, it's important farang's thai family/friends believe, so we farangs better act suiting that :)


Video editing

As for the so called mediums, families of people disappear spending time and loads of money to asking this mediums to find their loveones, they never did.

"make many predictions and ones you will be wright"

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While living with my thai wife, in a 4 story house that you could see through the stairs and down to the first floor. I saw what appeared to be my sister in law Noi

in the stairs looking up at me. I said," hey Noi" and walked down the stairs to see that their was no one in the house but me. Several times I would see her at the

top and bottom of the stairs but she would always vanish. I would walk next door to the office asking my wife if Noi was at home and she would always act frustrated

and tell me i was crazy. Anytime I would walk up and down the stairs I would hear tapping on the walls. Three taps when I left my room, two taps as I would get to

the second floor, and a single as I would get to the first. Not once, and not twice, but every time while my wife was working next door. After being persistent about

questioning my wife she finally said, "that’s impossible." "That only some of the women in the family could see her sister. "Excuse me?', I said. She said that I was

describing her sister that had died in an accident when she was 17 and she was the spitting image of Noi.

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Video editing

As for the so called mediums, families of people disappear spending time and loads of money to asking this mediums to find their loveones, they never did.

"make many predictions and ones you will be wright"

Yes, we agree abiut there are many frauds,

BUT there are some skilled real ones too :)

E g investiagation TV programs from New Zealand how found out much which the mediums can't fake.

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While living with my thai wife, in a 4 story house that you could see through the stairs and down to the first floor. I saw what appeared to be my sister in law Noi

in the stairs looking up at me. I said," hey Noi" and walked down the stairs to see that their was no one in the house but me. Several times I would see her at the

top and bottom of the stairs but she would always vanish. I would walk next door to the office asking my wife if Noi was at home and she would always act frustrated

and tell me i was crazy. Anytime I would walk up and down the stairs I would hear tapping on the walls. Three taps when I left my room, two taps as I would get to

the second floor, and a single as I would get to the first. Not once, and not twice, but every time while my wife was working next door. After being persistent about

questioning my wife she finally said, "that’s impossible." "That only some of the women in the family could see her sister. "Excuse me?', I said. She said that I was

describing her sister that had died in an accident when she was 17 and she was the spitting image of Noi.

None of that makes sense to me, e.g. how did you know Noi if she was already dead?

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While living with my thai wife, in a 4 story house that you could see through the stairs and down to the first floor. I saw what appeared to be my sister in law Noi

in the stairs looking up at me. I said," hey Noi" and walked down the stairs to see that their was no one in the house but me. Several times I would see her at the

top and bottom of the stairs but she would always vanish. I would walk next door to the office asking my wife if Noi was at home and she would always act frustrated

and tell me i was crazy. Anytime I would walk up and down the stairs I would hear tapping on the walls. Three taps when I left my room, two taps as I would get to

the second floor, and a single as I would get to the first. Not once, and not twice, but every time while my wife was working next door. After being persistent about

questioning my wife she finally said, "that’s impossible." "That only some of the women in the family could see her sister. "Excuse me?', I said. She said that I was

describing her sister that had died in an accident when she was 17 and she was the spitting image of Noi.

None of that makes sense to me, e.g. how did you know Noi if she was already dead?

I think he means the sister who died years ago looked like her current living sister Noi.

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B) I may or may not have posted this story before. I am not one to be inclined to believe in Ghosts or anything otherwordly. I have had a few strange experiences in my 7 years that I spent living in Thailand. When I first arrived in early 2000 for the first time I was amazed at all of the stories and widespread belief in Ghosts and other supernatural things. Out of all my strange paranormal experiences one in particular is forever etched into my mind.

It was mid 2001 and I had already moved to Thailand and been living there for a few months. My colleague who came over to join me to help start up our shrimp processing facility South of Hua Hin had come over to join me. We were still waiting for the factory build out, permitting and some equipment to be shipped over and had some free time. The Thai partner in our venture suggested that we go down to Phuket for a holiday. We caught a bus and headed down to Phuket. We were pretty new to Thailand and somehow got on a second class bus that took a very long time. It was monsoon season and it stormed the entire way and the bus was leaking. People were taking the curtains off the windows and using them as blankets. We finally arrived in Phuket town at around midnite nad somehow found a tuk tuk to take us to a hotel in patong.

The hotel was no that bad but was completely empty and was a long row of rooms down a narrow alley with a jungle next to it. For some reason they put us in a room way in the bacl. The whole place was rather crepy altough we didn't really realize it at the time.

There were two old maids that cleaned the room that seemed like Zombies. It continued to rain off and on the whole time. To make matters even worse there was Mosque very close and you would hear the eerie sounds of the prayers over a scratchy loudspeaker several times a day.

The next day we walked around a bit and that night went out to the bars and did what you usually do. That evening late my coworker and I returned to our room pretty drunk and went to bed. we were sharing a room as we were on a pretty tight budget. There were two twin beds in the room and I chose the one near the bathroom. My fried had the one near the door. I was pretty drunk but not too bad as I always seem to kep my wits about me.

I remeber as I was going to bed I made sure that the bolt on the door was locked. I had just got into bed and was just at that point were you arte falling asleep. When I was startled by the sound of the bolt on the door opening. It wa svery clear the click of it being pushed up and then the slide. Then the door very forcefully opened all of the way. I imediately jumped up and ran to the door ans seen nothing. My friend was still passed out and snoring. Well needless to say this totally freaked me out , and has made a permanentvery vivid memory of this experience. I knwo for certain that I checked that bolt to make sure it was locked .

I have told this story many times and still get goose bumps when I think of it.


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Two alternatives. One of the old maids sneaked in to your room while you were out, and decided to hide under the bed when you arrived unexpectedly. She waited for a while until you had fallen asleep and then sneaked out of the room.

Or.....your friend picked up a ladyboy who entered the room while you were in the bathroom. After giving your friend a bj he wanted to have a go at you as well, but since you were asleep he sneaked out of the room with 480 baht he found in your trousers.

Sorry, no ghost.

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While living with my thai wife, in a 4 story house that you could see through the stairs and down to the first floor. I saw what appeared to be my sister in law Noi

in the stairs looking up at me. I said," hey Noi" and walked down the stairs to see that their was no one in the house but me. Several times I would see her at the

top and bottom of the stairs but she would always vanish. I would walk next door to the office asking my wife if Noi was at home and she would always act frustrated

and tell me i was crazy. Anytime I would walk up and down the stairs I would hear tapping on the walls. Three taps when I left my room, two taps as I would get to

the second floor, and a single as I would get to the first. Not once, and not twice, but every time while my wife was working next door. After being persistent about

questioning my wife she finally said, "that’s impossible." "That only some of the women in the family could see her sister. "Excuse me?', I said. She said that I was

describing her sister that had died in an accident when she was 17 and she was the spitting image of Noi.

None of that makes sense to me, e.g. how did you know Noi if she was already dead?

I think he means the sister who died years ago looked like her current living sister Noi.

Ah! Got it! Thanks, mca. So the current living sister looked the same as the dead one.

So maybe it was her current living sister Noi having a laugh, constantly visiting the house and then hiding when anyone called her name.

Or maybe she was nicking some food from the kitchen and hid whenever someone saw her just to keep the ghost myth going.

So many possibilities.

Nah, let's believe in ghosts instead. :D

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A poor farang hanged himself by my house AND the guy that rented my house previously, died here.

I've never seen any ghosts or been worried about them - but I was upset at the guy hanging himself as I knew him.

Funnily enough I suspect that there are some things that appear even though there is no logical explanation (poltergeist etc.), but can only laugh at those who believe ghosts are everywhere.

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Most of my Thai Friends believe in ghosts. It is quite a controversial subject in the kingdom. Many TV programs on the subject. Myself, I just believe in Casper.

Does anyone know why boy ghosts can't have babies? Because they have Hallo-weenies !

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Two alternatives. One of the old maids sneaked in to your room while you were out, and decided to hide under the bed when you arrived unexpectedly. She waited for a while until you had fallen asleep and then sneaked out of the room.

Or.....your friend picked up a ladyboy who entered the room while you were in the bathroom. After giving your friend a bj he wanted to have a go at you as well, but since you were asleep he sneaked out of the room with 480 baht he found in your trousers.

Sorry, no ghost.

B) Thanks for that comentary! I really got a chuckle out of it.

As I said before I am not one generally inclined to believe in supernatural phenomena. I can assure my friend was not into ladyboys, and noone was in the room. I had just barely entered the twilight phase between being awake and falling asleep when this happened. It made quite an impact on me even 11 years later. I probably had a bit more than 480baht, not much more. once again thanks for the comentary as it really does bring a smile to my face. My friend BTW was absolutely clueless to what had hapened, but I am certain I had double checked the lock on the door. I am not 100% it was a Ghost of sorts , but was a very freaky experience.


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