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Signs Of Public Doubting Yingluck's Abilities As Bangkok Braces For Deluge


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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

No one is talking about STOPPING THE FLOODING. They are talking about *managing the crisis*, something she appears *incapable* of doing. Get it now?

O I see what you are talking about now, MANAGEMENT, like when the last PM managed the floods down south which caused derailments, loss of life and loss of all property. I did not see anything being done by that Government after the disaster to stop it from happening again. I also noticed that the dams were full when he was in power and the monsoon season was approaching and no dam water was released in preperation for possible flooding. But you expect a new Gov that has been in for 3 months to solve the outgoing Governments incompentence.

We are talking about this flood that is happening right now and the Govt that is in control right now. and how they are managing the disaster ... right now.

I'm sure the previous Govt also took the heat for all the mistakes that happened under their administration.

This current Govt is responsible RIGHT NOW for the management of THIS disaster.

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And before you say it, no, i'm not asking you how you think the Dems would have faired, or for a list of previous floods under other governments that have been mishandled, i'm asking you what you think of Yingluck and the PTP's handling NOW.

O I see what you are talking about now, MANAGEMENT, like when the last PM managed the floods down south which caused derailments, loss of life and loss of all property. I did not see anything being done by that Government after the disaster to stop it from happening again. I also noticed that the dams were full when he was in power and the monsoon season was approaching and no dam water was released in preperation for possible flooding. But you expect a new Gov that has been in for 3 months to solve the outgoing Governments incompentence.

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What abilities did they think she had? She is a complete political novice, a clone, and a puppet. Seriously there is little any one politician could do in the face of this natural disaster, but the PM's handling of it has been awful. Maybe next time Thais should look for some sort of competence in the people they elect.

Yep I reckon if " Hello Kitty" stood shed get more votes and be more poular and probably as useless, but gee she'd look cute and for many Thais that would be a priority especially if they got a free KIttyBag?

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Yes it is a huge amount of rain to assimilate, but it was possible to mitigate it earlier on. They didn't even look.

Not immediately putting the head of irrigation in charge of FROC was beyond idiotic.... Who ever suggested another 'leader' should be canned NOW for mindless incompetence. .

If she had any leadership 'balls', Sukhumbhand would have respected that and let her take the lead, as it was he had to just take the Bangkok reins and deal with the problems, including public announcements.

The US Corp of Engineers is the main large scale dike and water works building in the USA< they get called if there is ANY large scale issue of flooding, but like the army here, can't move until the politicians say go by calling a state of emergency. Certainly there are 'acts of god' bigger than mans abilities to control it fully, but always Man ca act to mitigate the damage. IF he has the will to make the tough decisions. That has proved lacking here.

This government was bound to have a large disaster it mismanaged, a foregone conclusion, but no one imagined it would be this fast and this big. Still maybe 3 Typhoons is karma's way of telling the Thai People; 'You screwed up folks, electing this mess was a fundamental mistake, and I'm now gonna prove it to you.'

NO amount of giving her a personal circle of advisors, rather than big bros circle of lackeys, is going to suddenly give her the power, information and abilities to get the job done as MOST citizens expect.

I do remember reading, after the enquiry was released, the U.S. Corp of Engineers admitted that they had not built the wall correctly years before and that is what caused the first breach causing the flooding of New Orleans. They also admitted that they knew the wall would not hold in a disaster like the tidal surges that the hurricane caused.

So here is a Powerfull Government that has all the experts and equipment and manpower, but cant stop a Natural Disaster. :blink:Oopsie !

That's correct both failures of the Corps of Engineers and Bush's Homeland Security monstrosity method of managing the disaster. The Bush Administration correctly took the heat for it and the democrats won the next election.

It's off-topic, but the Army CoE had asked the Bush administration for $1Billion to shore up New Orleans' flood defenses, Bush refused. $1Billion invested could have saved $6Billion in losses. To put it on topic, sadly, both the USA then and Thailand now had political leaders of the silver spoon variety, who apparently had no regard for the masses.

A stitch in time saves nine.

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Yes it is a huge amount of rain to assimilate, but it was possible to mitigate it earlier on. They didn't even look.

Not immediately putting the head of irrigation in charge of FROC was beyond idiotic.... Who ever suggested another 'leader' should be canned NOW for mindless incompetence. .

If she had any leadership 'balls', Sukhumbhand would have respected that and let her take the lead, as it was he had to just take the Bangkok reins and deal with the problems, including public announcements.

The US Corp of Engineers is the main large scale dike and water works building in the USA< they get called if there is ANY large scale issue of flooding, but like the army here, can't move until the politicians say go by calling a state of emergency. Certainly there are 'acts of god' bigger than mans abilities to control it fully, but always Man ca act to mitigate the damage. IF he has the will to make the tough decisions. That has proved lacking here.

This government was bound to have a large disaster it mismanaged, a foregone conclusion, but no one imagined it would be this fast and this big. Still maybe 3 Typhoons is karma's way of telling the Thai People; 'You screwed up folks, electing this mess was a fundamental mistake, and I'm now gonna prove it to you.'

NO amount of giving her a personal circle of advisors, rather than big bros circle of lackeys, is going to suddenly give her the power, information and abilities to get the job done as MOST citizens expect.

I do remember reading, after the enquiry was released, the U.S. Corp of Engineers admitted that they had not built the wall correctly years before and that is what caused the first breach causing the flooding of New Orleans. They also admitted that they knew the wall would not hold in a disaster like the tidal surges that the hurricane caused.

So here is a Powerfull Government that has all the experts and equipment and manpower, but cant stop a Natural Disaster. :blink:Oopsie !

Katrina came up in the Gulf and hit NO over a matter of 5 days. This flooding situation has built over months. No comparison.

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Katrina came up in the Gulf and hit NO over a matter of 5 days. This flooding situation has built over months. No comparison.

It is a bad comparison but surely if we all put our heads together we can help OZEMADE come up with a better one. Anything to avoid actually addressing this current government's performance... or lack thereof.

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Katrina came up in the Gulf and hit NO over a matter of 5 days. This flooding situation has built over months. No comparison.

It is a bad comparison but surely if we all put our heads together we can help OZEMADE come up with a better one. Anything to avoid actually addressing this current government's performance... or lack thereof.

Someone tell ozemade that these monsoons, big rains , just started in Thailand this year, we have never had them in the past 200 years, never, nope, no rain at all.

Then put him on ignore, he sounds like thaksins brother in law.

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Its ironic that all the big mouth red leaders are completely silent.

I was told that there was a red shirt event outside Imperial World Lat Phrao yesterday. The followers were informed to watch the Bangkok Governor closely. I think they were insinuating the possibility that the governor may let Bangkok be flooded in order to discredit Yingluck and the Pheu Thai government.

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

That's a bloody lame excuse from an obvious Red. She's the one in power so she should take the blame . You can beat nature but you sure as Hell can fight it and protect certain areas if you're competant. She isn't. When the flood hits inner Bangkok and from the looks of it, it probably will, everyone's going to be cursing her name. Useless puppet.

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

No one is talking about STOPPING THE FLOODING. They are talking about *managing the crisis*, something she appears *incapable* of doing. Get it now?

O I see what you are talking about now, MANAGEMENT, like when the last PM managed the floods down south which caused derailments, loss of life and loss of all property. I did not see anything being done by that Government after the disaster to stop it from happening again. I also noticed that the dams were full when he was in power and the monsoon season was approaching and no dam water was released in preperation for possible flooding. But you expect a new Gov that has been in for 3 months to solve the outgoing Governments incompentence.

We are talking about this flood that is happening right now and the Govt that is in control right now. and how they are managing the disaster ... right now.

I'm sure the previous Govt also took the heat for all the mistakes that happened under their administration.

This current Govt is responsible RIGHT NOW for the management of THIS disaster.

Well boys and girls there is light at the end of the tunnel. China has dispatched a team of hydrologists to assist in draining efforts. Last year saw China's worst flooding in a decade, leaving more than 4300 people dead or missing. Good to know these folks are giving advice. I wonder if there is an agreement to pay for this team with bartered chickens?

Seriously though there is just no one in this government cabinet with any knowledge of flood control. Most of them were appointed because of nepotism of political paybacks without regard of their qualification. Thus we all see the results of their management skills or lack thereof.

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What abilities did they think she had? She is a complete political novice, a clone, and a puppet. Seriously there is little any one politician could do in the face of this natural disaster, but the PM's handling of it has been awful. Maybe next time Thais should look for some sort of competence in the people they elect.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra proves that she has a lot to learn as a professional politician...

Looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger would have been a better choice..........laugh.gif

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

You cannot stop the skies from raining.

but you can certainly manage the effects and address.

This year is a massive rainfall year, everyone knew that since late July, when July's massive rainfall made it inevitable we would see flooding.

Shortfalls of the current government include:

- not starting to take action from the moment they became the government, as it was obvious this was going to be an issue

- ignoring providing aid from Aug - late Sep when multiple areas were underwater; no aid was provided

- failing to take any action during Sep when it was clear that a large amount of water was headed south; certain government factions also refused to open their areas to allow the flooding to the spread, slowing down the speed of runoff; BMA began preparing in isolation but not much else was mobilised to clear klongs etc

- once flooding became widespread, steady refusal to allow experts to manage relief, and reliance on government ministers who have zero knowledge experience to run operations

- as of today, still not actual relief program; heavy reliance on the private sector to do it; work is patchy and areas are being missed out/over supplied

- as of today, armed forces not fully mobilised nor heading up relief operations

- as of today, no clear single spokesperson explaining what is going on EXCEPT Bangkok where the BMA have now stepped in given the government's failure to do so; rumour control non existant (yesterday I was told variously Kosarn rd flooded; Sukhumvit flooded, Don muang flooded, offices to be shut tomorrow - none are true)

- as of today, no task force maintaining optimum water flow at every bridge/obstacle along the path of the water

- as of today, no clear strategy for compensating the people financially affected

- as of today, millions of baht wasted daily on a scheme to reward boat owners who wish to run their engines all day churning up water and doing not much else

- as of today, no clear strategy for dealing with infection and disease for areas who have been under the water for up to 90 days now

- as of today, no obvious listening to experts or any grand plan to coordinate various agencies; into that vacuum we are hearing loons and idiocy (refer to the point above on the boats)

- as of today a lack of armed forces and police ensuring civil order (up country it is getting 'a bit rough' in some places where food etc is scarce and there is some minor looting - also issues with flood barriers)

It isn't that one government is bad and one is good. But it is pretty simple.

- appoint the right people to administer relief (army)

- appoint a spokesperson to explain what is going on (one person) for both locals and foreign trade organisations who can then disseminate accurate information

- form a task force to address the flood waters and try to take action where it is possible (Thai met, royal irrigation, regional representatives, flood experts, engineers, BMA)

- change govt policy to provide immediate financial and personal relief

- mobilise healthcare and other experts to support people in need

- form camps in all available areas for those needing it; do not rely on private sector only; e.g. there are millions of acres of land in Chonburi available for camps (army to run)

Strutting around in burberry boots and taking pics answering the phone or crying - and waiting for the private sector to solve it with stubborn refusal to bring in the only massive source of manpower with the equipment to solve...can only do so much.

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

You cannot stop the skies from raining.

but you can certainly manage the effects and address.

This year is a massive rainfall year, everyone knew that since late July, when July's massive rainfall made it inevitable we would see flooding.

Shortfalls of the current government include:

- not starting to take action from the moment they became the government, as it was obvious this was going to be an issue

- ignoring providing aid from Aug - late Sep when multiple areas were underwater; no aid was provided

- failing to take any action during Sep when it was clear that a large amount of water was headed south; certain government factions also refused to open their areas to allow the flooding to the spread, slowing down the speed of runoff; BMA began preparing in isolation but not much else was mobilised to clear klongs etc

- once flooding became widespread, steady refusal to allow experts to manage relief, and reliance on government ministers who have zero knowledge experience to run operations

- as of today, still not actual relief program; heavy reliance on the private sector to do it; work is patchy and areas are being missed out/over supplied

- as of today, armed forces not fully mobilised nor heading up relief operations

- as of today, no clear single spokesperson explaining what is going on EXCEPT Bangkok where the BMA have now stepped in given the government's failure to do so; rumour control non existant (yesterday I was told variously Kosarn rd flooded; Sukhumvit flooded, Don muang flooded, offices to be shut tomorrow - none are true)

- as of today, no task force maintaining optimum water flow at every bridge/obstacle along the path of the water

- as of today, no clear strategy for compensating the people financially affected

- as of today, millions of baht wasted daily on a scheme to reward boat owners who wish to run their engines all day churning up water and doing not much else

- as of today, no clear strategy for dealing with infection and disease for areas who have been under the water for up to 90 days now

- as of today, no obvious listening to experts or any grand plan to coordinate various agencies; into that vacuum we are hearing loons and idiocy (refer to the point above on the boats)

- as of today a lack of armed forces and police ensuring civil order (up country it is getting 'a bit rough' in some places where food etc is scarce and there is some minor looting - also issues with flood barriers)

It isn't that one government is bad and one is good. But it is pretty simple.

- appoint the right people to administer relief (army)

- appoint a spokesperson to explain what is going on (one person) for both locals and foreign trade organisations who can then disseminate accurate information

- form a task force to address the flood waters and try to take action where it is possible (Thai met, royal irrigation, regional representatives, flood experts, engineers, BMA)

- change govt policy to provide immediate financial and personal relief

- mobilise healthcare and other experts to support people in need

- form camps in all available areas for those needing it; do not rely on private sector only; e.g. there are millions of acres of land in Chonburi available for camps (army to run)

Strutting around in burberry boots and taking pics answering the phone or crying - and waiting for the private sector to solve it with stubborn refusal to bring in the only massive source of manpower with the equipment to solve...can only do so much.

Well written! I wonder how the Yingluck/PTP lovers will put a spin on this.

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Stating the obvious really, and quite rightly the people will get to judge Yinglucks performance at the next election and if the memory of the flood mismanagement is as severe as reported she will be voted out of office

The above seems to be your default answer for all that this government does.

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Its ironic that all the big mouth red leaders are completely silent.

I was told that there was a red shirt event outside Imperial World Lat Phrao yesterday. The followers were informed to watch the Bangkok Governor closely. I think they were insinuating the possibility that the governor may let Bangkok be flooded in order to discredit Yingluck and the Pheu Thai government.

This is typical red shirt blah blah blah to blame their political opposition for their own actions, trying to spin their own misdeeds or in this case, the terrible Govt mismanagement of this present disaster situation.

Sukhumbhand is among the very few in a current Govt position who has earned credibility for his handling of the disaster affecting his responsibility.

Bangkok residents won't forget that the Red leaders incited people to burn Bangkok for which Bangkok still has not recovered.

PTP and Red shirts are after Sukhumbhand's job/position, and probably already have another Thaksin relative waiting in the wings for it. They are the ones trying to discredit him.

If a political star rises out of this monumental <snip>, it will be Sukhumbhand.

Edited by metisdead
Expletive removed.
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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

You mean she's not GOD.

Judging by the electioneering performances she put on and the promises she made during her campaign rallies I was under the impression she was!!

I thought all Shinawatras were celestial beings capable of wondrous things??

Edited by jonclark
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Stating the obvious really, and quite rightly the people will get to judge Yinglucks performance at the next election and if the memory of the flood mismanagement is as severe as reported she will be voted out of office

Or, across partisan lines raise enough stink over this to force her to call a snap election. Of course waiting till the 111 are available.

Edited by animatic
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And before you say it, no, i'm not asking you how you think the Dems would have faired, or for a list of previous floods under other governments that have been mishandled, i'm asking you what you think of Yingluck and the PTP's handling NOW.

O I see what you are talking about now, MANAGEMENT, like when the last PM managed the floods down south which caused derailments, loss of life and loss of all property. I did not see anything being done by that Government after the disaster to stop it from happening again. I also noticed that the dams were full when he was in power and the monsoon season was approaching and no dam water was released in preperation for possible flooding. But you expect a new Gov that has been in for 3 months to solve the outgoing Governments incompentence.

Actually, I see a long term plan being implemented to mitigate flooding down south.

Major public works to stop it ruining lives each year,

almost ready for this rainy season in some places.

And unlike with Thaksin at TRT in '95, funds for flood problems showed up

WHILE the floods were happening, not ONLY after the international press

got the story and embarrassed Thaksin on international TV.

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Its ironic that all the big mouth red leaders are completely silent.

I was told that there was a red shirt event outside Imperial World Lat Phrao yesterday. The followers were informed to watch the Bangkok Governor closely. I think they were insinuating the possibility that the governor may let Bangkok be flooded in order to discredit Yingluck and the Pheu Thai government.

This is typical red shirt blah blah blah to blame their political opposition for their own actions, trying to spin their own misdeeds or in this case, the terrible Govt mismanagement of this present disaster situation.

Sukhumbhand is among the very few in a current Govt position who has earned credibility for his handling of the disaster affecting his responsibility.

Bangkok residents won't forget that the Red leaders incited people to burn Bangkok for which Bangkok still has not recovered.

PTP and Red shirts are after Sukhumbhand's job/position, and probably already have another Thaksin relative waiting in the wings for it. They are the ones trying to discredit him.

If a political star rises out of this monumental <snip>, it will be Sukhumbhand.

It would be the perfect defense for the useless PTP government. When this is over, instead of taking responsibility for their incompetence, they can simply blame the Army and the Democrats! Reds lovers are so freaking stupid, they'll believe it. It's pretty brilliant really.

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

You, GIVE me a break! :angry:

Hope you know what you're talking about.

No ONE is blaming her for not stopping flood, NO ONE!!!

Give me a God dxxx break! :angry:

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Stating the obvious really, and quite rightly the people will get to judge Yinglucks performance at the next election and if the memory of the flood mismanagement is as severe as reported she will be voted out of office

You forget, she's the number one party list candidate for PTP. She has no constituency to toss her out. It doesnt matter how incompetent she is, we're stuck with her.

And another 500 baht should sweeten the memory.

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And before you say it, no, i'm not asking you how you think the Dems would have faired, or for a list of previous floods under other governments that have been mishandled, i'm asking you what you think of Yingluck and the PTP's handling NOW.

O I see what you are talking about now, MANAGEMENT, like when the last PM managed the floods down south which caused derailments, loss of life and loss of all property. I did not see anything being done by that Government after the disaster to stop it from happening again. I also noticed that the dams were full when he was in power and the monsoon season was approaching and no dam water was released in preperation for possible flooding. But you expect a new Gov that has been in for 3 months to solve the outgoing Governments incompentence.

Actually, I see a long term plan being implemented to mitigate flooding down south.

Major public works to stop it ruining lives each year,

almost ready for this rainy season in some places.

And unlike with Thaksin at TRT in '95, funds for flood problems showed up

WHILE the floods were happening, not ONLY after the international press

got the story and embarrassed Thaksin on international TV.

I would have loved to see that, but how can you embarrass pond scum?

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

If you wish to compare flooding in Australia and Thailand, please understand the subject matter is the RESPONSE to the flooding. Do you think our response was as piss poor as we see here? If not, what is the comparison?

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Stating the obvious really, and quite rightly the people will get to judge Yinglucks performance at the next election and if the memory of the flood mismanagement is as severe as reported she will be voted out of office

You forget, she's the number one party list candidate for PTP. She has no constituency to toss her out. It doesnt matter how incompetent she is, we're stuck with her.

And another 500 baht should sweeten the memory.

But .... if she were to go, resign, get sick, give-up or whatever .... who would PTP replace her with? Chalerm? Banharn? Sudarat? or how about Jatruporn :ph34r:

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I would say most all Thai authorities are not well suited for this sort of disaster.

Leaders here tend to be hard headed and constantly need to provide an facade of superiority and do not like to seek advice.

From the governors, to the mayors, to the university deans, they all have to flex their muscle and act knowledgeable about everything even if they do not understand it.

The problem runs much deeper than just the PM.

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Stating the obvious really, and quite rightly the people will get to judge Yinglucks performance at the next election and if the memory of the flood mismanagement is as severe as reported she will be voted out of office

You forget, she's the number one party list candidate for PTP. She has no constituency to toss her out. It doesnt matter how incompetent she is, we're stuck with her.

And another 500 baht should sweeten the memory.

But .... if she were to go, resign, get sick, give-up or whatever .... who would PTP replace her with? Chalerm? Banharn? Sudarat? or how about Jatruporn :ph34r:

You'd have to ask Thaksin, I'm sure he hasn't run out of relatives yet.

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I think Yingluck might resign soon. This is not what she signed up for. Her donning of US$350 Burberry boots to visit flood victims without a second thought typifies how far removed from reality she is and she may be close to a nervous breakdown by now, along with Kittirat who also looks close to breaking point in front of the cameras. The only senior PT minister who has not discredited himself in the flood crisis is Chalerm....

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