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Signs Of Public Doubting Yingluck's Abilities As Bangkok Braces For Deluge


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Foreign Investors Angry With Thailand's Flood Response

BANGKOK — Foreign investors in Thailand are increasingly angered by the Thai government’s response to the floods that have ravaged many of its key industrial zones, saying when they can resume production will depend on how quickly the authorities can release accurate information. “They kept telling us, it’s going to be fine,” said Hiroshi Minami, President of Rohm Integrated Systems Thailand, one of the largest Japanese makers. Its factory in Nava Nakorn, the nation’s oldest and largest industrial zone, has halted production for nearly a week and the first floor is almost entirely submerged.

“We could have taken critical equipment to the third floor and saved them. Now they are at risk of rusting away,” Minami said. His frustrations are shared by many of the 450 Japanese companies affected by Thailand’s worst flooding in half a century. A factory that makes Sony’s high-end cameras, Honda’s main auto assembly plant, Toshiba’s chip factory are just a few of the companies directly affected. No Japanese auto maker will be able to produce this week in Thailand.

The government, which came to power in August, has failed in attempts to stop the waters from seeping into Bangkok as many canals lacing the capital looked set to overflow. “Japan is Thailand’s biggest investor. They’re the biggest employers here and they have contributed to the economy tremendously,” said Seiya Sukegawa, a senior economist at the Japan External Trade Organization. “There will be a huge impact if they no longer feel it is right to do business here. If the government does not help businesses recover, many SMEs could go under.”

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CNBC - 19 minutes ago


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No, it's not signs of the public's doubt, it's just one more sign of how biased and mean-spirited The Nation newspaper is.

Shame on you, The Nation, for being so blatantly biased against the current administration.

So you don't think the public has doubts about, for example, the OP photo of the banned politician with an non-engineering MBA acting as the Flood Control Adviser or even more dubious, the Criminal Justice major acting as Flood Control Adviser?


No I don't think there's any evidence of what you suggest.There's plenty of evidence however of hatred and bile from those who are more concerned about making political points than sensible comments on the flooding crisis which has brought misery to so many.Generally on this forum I think the tone has been measured and constructive though of course there are always a few exceptions.Fortunately their hateful (and usually ignorant) comments can just be ignored.

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No, it's not signs of the public's doubt, it's just one more sign of how biased and mean-spirited The Nation newspaper is.

Shame on you, The Nation, for being so blatantly biased against the current administration.

So you don't think the public has doubts about, for example, the OP photo of the banned politician with an non-engineering MBA acting as the Flood Control Adviser or even more dubious, the Criminal Justice major acting as Flood Control Adviser?


No I don't think there's any evidence of what you suggest.


Thanks for confirming. Perhaps Jawnie can expound on her assertions that the public doesn't have doubts.


Edited by Buchholz
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I have noticed more than a few posts in this thread that are insulting, baiting and inflammatory. If you cannot post in a polite manner respectful of others and the fact that they are allowed to have opinions different than your own then I would highly recommend that you do not post. Further such posts will result in more than a simple formal warning and you may find your posting rights restricted until you can be polite.

I do hope this is very clear.

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Strutting around in burberry boots and taking pics answering the phone or crying - and waiting for the private sector to solve it with stubborn refusal to bring in the only massive source of manpower with the equipment to solve...can only do so much.

Good post except for the puzzling extract I have highlighted.Personally I doubt whether we would have seen any better coordination under the last administration.The Democrat MR Sukhumbhand for example hasn't distinguished himself for example with his transparently political games.

As for the important subject of footwear what exactly do you think wives of leading Democrat politicians are wearing? They are exactly the same class of rich Sino Thai not very well educated brand conscious type as Yingluck.(Abhisit's wife is a notable exception.)The difference between Yingluck and them is that they lack any real connection with the majority of Thais.If you (admittedly intelligent and well informed) seriously think that Yingluck is losing out politically I suspect you might be quite surprised if a snap election was held.Like it or not Yingluck is seen as a sweet natured person and people feel protective of her.Tough for the haters - among which I do not include you - to understand and separate from the competence issue, but true all the same.

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The proof of incompetence is yet to come. Watching the handling of the flood situation should not give one warm and fuzzy feelings how they will handle the cleanup. A friend just went to Nakhon Sawan he said lots of damage to roads and other infastructure.

Alot of critisim can be placed on prior governments for handling many things BUT remember the PTP are in control now she is the PM they are the ones who will take the blame. Red shirt supporters remember this they are in control throwing up the Dems and New Orleans make your arguments appear weak as this government is weak

Edited by moe666
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Why wasn't there already a comprehensive flood management plan in place? There should have been such a plan to 'pull off the shelf" for a flood such as this. This isn't the first big flood for Thailand/Bkk. As a matter of fact, these floods have very regularly.

You ask why YL doesn't have a plan - why is there not such a plan in existence from the previous administration?

Well, the answer is, they didn't have one, either. Pretty simple to see, really.

Taksin-YL haters are so transparent.

The proof of incompetence is yet to come. Watching the handling of the flood situation should not give one warm and fuzzy feelings how they will handle the cleanup. A friend just went to Nakhon Sawan he said lots of damage to roads and other infastructure.

Alot of critisim can be placed on prior governments for handling many things BUT remember the PTP are in control now she is the PM they are the ones who will take the blame. Red shirt supporters remember this they are in control throwing up the Dems and New Orleans make your arguments appear weak as this government is weak

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Why wasn't there already a comprehensive flood management plan in place? There should have been such a plan to 'pull off the shelf" for a flood such as this. This isn't the first big flood for Thailand/Bkk. As a matter of fact, these floods have very regularly.

You ask why YL doesn't have a plan - why is there not such a plan in existence from the previous administration?

Well, the answer is, they didn't have one, either. Pretty simple to see, really.

Taksin-YL haters are so transparent.

Why wasn't there a comprehensive flood management plan from any previous administration?

The point is, there has never been one. So the government of the day has to deal with the situation as it arises.

Given that there is no management plan, the government should have taken control as soon as they knew that there were going to be serious floods. They failed to do that, and their communication to the public has been as good as non-existent. (announcements, then back-tracks).

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From Wikipedia, regarding the 2010 floods in the south:

Criticism of Abhisit Vejjajiva

The opposition Puea Thai Party on Friday petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to take legal action against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, claiming he acted too slowly to counter the effects from the recent flooding, resulting in massive damage to property and many deaths. The petition filed by Puea Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit accusses the prime minister of malfeasance in violation of Article 157 of the Criminal Code. Mr Prompong said the prime minister has the administrative power to ensure swift action to prevent and mitigate effects from flooding under Article 4 of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2007, but had not properly exercised his authority.[61]

So, you see, the blame game for flood management goes around and around.

It should be noted that the current PM has invoked the 2007 Act where the past PM did.

This proves two things:

1. The complaints about current PM are politically motivated, or at least, her difficulties are no worse then the previous PM.

2. The previous administration did not have a plan even though devastating floods occurred during it's time in office.

Blaming the PM whose been in office only a few months is not a credible complaint. It's just transparent political game playing.

Why wasn't there already a comprehensive flood management plan in place? There should have been such a plan to 'pull off the shelf" for a flood such as this. This isn't the first big flood for Thailand/Bkk. As a matter of fact, these floods have very regularly.

You ask why YL doesn't have a plan - why is there not such a plan in existence from the previous administration?

Well, the answer is, they didn't have one, either. Pretty simple to see, really.

Taksin-YL haters are so transparent.

Why wasn't there a comprehensive flood management plan from any previous administration?

The point is, there has never been one. So the government of the day has to deal with the situation as it arises.

Given that there is no management plan, the government should have taken control as soon as they knew that there were going to be serious floods. They failed to do that, and their communication to the public has been as good as non-existent. (announcements, then back-tracks).

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From Wikipedia, regarding the 2010 floods in the south:

Criticism of Abhisit Vejjajiva

The opposition Puea Thai Party on Friday petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to take legal action against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, claiming he acted too slowly to counter the effects from the recent flooding, resulting in massive damage to property and many deaths. The petition filed by Puea Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit accusses the prime minister of malfeasance in violation of Article 157 of the Criminal Code. Mr Prompong said the prime minister has the administrative power to ensure swift action to prevent and mitigate effects from flooding under Article 4 of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2007, but had not properly exercised his authority.[61]

So, you see, the blame game for flood management goes around and around.

It should be noted that the current PM has invoked the 2007 Act where the past PM did.

This proves two things:

1. The complaints about current PM are politically motivated, or at least, her difficulties are no worse then the previous PM.

2. The previous administration did not have a plan even though devastating floods occurred during it's time in office.

Blaming the PM whose been in office only a few months is not a credible complaint. It's just transparent political game playing.

So there will be no complaints from PTP supporters when legal action is taken against Yingluck?

One difference between the 2010 floods and the 2011 floods is that the 2010 floods were flash floods. There was very little anyone could do to protect property before the floods hit. The 2011 floods have been a slow moving wall of water, with plenty of time to organise a certain level of protection, and plenty of time to put evacuation, communication and relief plans in place.

The government have had no chance to stop the flooding, but they took too long to put evacuation plans in place, and they still haven't worked out their communication.

It doesn't take years of planning to put a team of experts in place to deal with the situation at hand.

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One might reasonably ask: why weren't any of these things you mention already in place? Thailand experiences flooding nearly every year and had very bad floods a few years back?

Other than the fact you a typical trash-talking, Taksin hater, there is no excuse that everything you say was not already prepared.

Taksin-Yingluck haters soooo transparent....

It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

You cannot stop the skies from raining.

but you can certainly manage the effects and address.

This year is a massive rainfall year, everyone knew that since late July, when July's massive rainfall made it inevitable we would see flooding.

Shortfalls of the current government include:

- not starting to take action from the moment they became the government, as it was obvious this was going to be an issue

- ignoring providing aid from Aug - late Sep when multiple areas were underwater; no aid was provided

- failing to take any action during Sep when it was clear that a large amount of water was headed south; certain government factions also refused to open their areas to allow the flooding to the spread, slowing down the speed of runoff; BMA began preparing in isolation but not much else was mobilised to clear klongs etc

- once flooding became widespread, steady refusal to allow experts to manage relief, and reliance on government ministers who have zero knowledge experience to run operations

- as of today, still not actual relief program; heavy reliance on the private sector to do it; work is patchy and areas are being missed out/over supplied

- as of today, armed forces not fully mobilised nor heading up relief operations

- as of today, no clear single spokesperson explaining what is going on EXCEPT Bangkok where the BMA have now stepped in given the government's failure to do so; rumour control non existant (yesterday I was told variously Kosarn rd flooded; Sukhumvit flooded, Don muang flooded, offices to be shut tomorrow - none are true)

- as of today, no task force maintaining optimum water flow at every bridge/obstacle along the path of the water

- as of today, no clear strategy for compensating the people financially affected

- as of today, millions of baht wasted daily on a scheme to reward boat owners who wish to run their engines all day churning up water and doing not much else

- as of today, no clear strategy for dealing with infection and disease for areas who have been under the water for up to 90 days now

- as of today, no obvious listening to experts or any grand plan to coordinate various agencies; into that vacuum we are hearing loons and idiocy (refer to the point above on the boats)

- as of today a lack of armed forces and police ensuring civil order (up country it is getting 'a bit rough' in some places where food etc is scarce and there is some minor looting - also issues with flood barriers)

It isn't that one government is bad and one is good. But it is pretty simple.

- appoint the right people to administer relief (army)

- appoint a spokesperson to explain what is going on (one person) for both locals and foreign trade organisations who can then disseminate accurate information

- form a task force to address the flood waters and try to take action where it is possible (Thai met, royal irrigation, regional representatives, flood experts, engineers, BMA)

- change govt policy to provide immediate financial and personal relief

- mobilise healthcare and other experts to support people in need

- form camps in all available areas for those needing it; do not rely on private sector only; e.g. there are millions of acres of land in Chonburi available for camps (army to run)

Strutting around in burberry boots and taking pics answering the phone or crying - and waiting for the private sector to solve it with stubborn refusal to bring in the only massive source of manpower with the equipment to solve...can only do so much.

Ecellen post!

And you're not transparent Jawnie ???????

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Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

The whole rotten family think they are Gods, at least they act that way. Making and amending laws to suit themselves, using public money to bolster the Fascist regime next door and to make substantial profits, avoiding taxes etc etc I'd like to give them a break, preferably in the neck area.

This situation underlines the contention of some that Thailand is a country of 14 year olds governed by 16 year olds. The electorate are so uneducated, and in many cases so stupid, that they elect incompetents into office. BS (plus a couple of hundred baht) baffles brains, particularly underdeveloped ones.

Yesterday my wife had a revelation. After watching this tragedy unfold for the past days, witnessing the devastation and the misery of already indigent people, she tearfully told me that what I had been suggesting to her for the past ten years had more than an element of truth in it. Tomorrow will not take care of itself, Buddha will not take care of anything, to survive comfortably in the world you must take care of yourself while avoiding avarice.

What a pity that Thailand has never taken note of an English adage. THINK OR THWIM.

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From Wikipedia, regarding the 2010 floods in the south:

Criticism of Abhisit Vejjajiva

The opposition Puea Thai Party on Friday petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to take legal action against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, claiming he acted too slowly to counter the effects from the recent flooding, resulting in massive damage to property and many deaths. The petition filed by Puea Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit accusses the prime minister of malfeasance in violation of Article 157 of the Criminal Code. Mr Prompong said the prime minister has the administrative power to ensure swift action to prevent and mitigate effects from flooding under Article 4 of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2007, but had not properly exercised his authority.[61]

So, you see, the blame game for flood management goes around and around.

It should be noted that the current PM has invoked the 2007 Act where the past PM did.

This proves two things:

1. The complaints about current PM are politically motivated, or at least, her difficulties are no worse then the previous PM.

2. The previous administration did not have a plan even though devastating floods occurred during it's time in office.

Blaming the PM whose been in office only a few months is not a credible complaint. It's just transparent political game playing.

So there will be no complaints from PTP supporters when legal action is taken against Yingluck?

One difference between the 2010 floods and the 2011 floods is that the 2010 floods were flash floods. There was very little anyone could do to protect property before the floods hit. The 2011 floods have been a slow moving wall of water, with plenty of time to organise a certain level of protection, and plenty of time to put evacuation, communication and relief plans in place.

The government have had no chance to stop the flooding, but they took too long to put evacuation plans in place, and they still haven't worked out their communication.

It doesn't take years of planning to put a team of experts in place to deal with the situation at hand.

Thanks for pointing this this out whybother & Jawnie

But I think they don't listen ....

Edited by rogerdee123
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I haven't heard much noise from her supporters about how they feel about her performance. What are the red shirts up north saying?

"it's still dry out here and our pockets are empty yet again!"


Edited by Samuian
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What abilities did they think she had? She is a complete political novice, a clone, and a puppet. Seriously there is little any one politician could do in the face of this natural disaster, but the PM's handling of it has been awful. Maybe next time Thais should look for some sort of competence in the people they elect.


Be careful what you wish for..!!

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Very easy to play both sides of this: Criticizing the current government is okay.

But, criticize the past administration for same mistakes, you play the "current flood victim" card. Seriously, how transparent of you.

Had any of the previous administrations developed a plan for such flooding as we have, they'd all be heroes now.

Since none of them had a plan, they are all now villans, not just the unfortunate party in power at present.

All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


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Very easy to play both sides of this: Criticizing the current government is okay.

But, criticize the past administration for same mistakes, you play the "current flood victim" card. Seriously, how transparent of you.

Had any of the previous administrations developed a plan for such flooding as we have, they'd all be heroes now.

Since none of them had a plan, they are all now villans, not just the unfortunate party in power at present.

All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


I couldnt care less what the last government did. This is the one thats letting everyone down right now.

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Very easy to play both sides of this: Criticizing the current government is okay.

But, criticize the past administration for same mistakes, you play the "current flood victim" card. Seriously, how transparent of you.

Had any of the previous administrations developed a plan for such flooding as we have, they'd all be heroes now.

Since none of them had a plan, they are all now villans, not just the unfortunate party in power at present.

All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


I couldnt care less what the last government did. This is the one thats letting everyone down right now.

This government is either incompetent or it lied all the time. Many people could have prepared themselves better if they gave accurate information. I have never ever seen a government make as many mistakes as this one.

It is not responsible for the flooding but how it is handling it.

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All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


One doesn't need to be on any side to observe the shocking incompetence unfolding at the very top level over the last few weeks. There is the "more harm than good" "science minister" who makes a mockery of his office. There are all those YS announcements that later have to be reverted (we save bangkok - oh wait, we'll let it flood).

I mean OK there were no sufficient plans for a once-in-50-years flood. Even though weather experts must have known that there would be floods, simply going by the unusual amount of rain coming down all year, they were not heard. Or maybe they have no proper means of communicating through the byzantine system of government bureaucracy. Those fall under the highlight is always 20/20 category.

But as the floods already hit various parts of central Thailand, that's when the administration had a chance to simply do the right thing, and make good predictions, and put plans in place. Epic fail in that respect. The government came across as a bunch of headless chickens running around and making noise.

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New Floods Force Displaced Thais to Move Again

Supanee Pansuwan says she has already moved four times since fast-rising flood waters began swallowing her home in central Thailand a month ago.

Now, as the murky waters threaten the shelter on the outskirts of Bangkok where she has lived for the past two weeks, she's being told to flee again.

Supanee's fears and confusion are shared by many, with the Thai capital of 9 million on edge for the past two weeks since floods began inundating areas north of the city.



Associated Press - October 24, 2011


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Floods Dissolve Thailand's Superficial Can-Do Image

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's new prime minister is suffering criticism for her failures while tackling massive floods which killed 356 people, knocked out U.S. and other foreign factories, and rendered thousands of people homeless, but three months of thunderstorms and decades of poor preparations are mostly to blame.

The public may be convinced that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra inherited Thailand's traditionally weak funding to prevent floods, and allow her government to survive. But foreign investors may consider moving their wrecked factories to locations that are higher in elevation, or to other countries.

The floods, which swamped one-third of the country, dissolved Mrs. Yingluck's seemingly superficial, heavily scripted, can-do image.

Her officials repeatedly offered contradictory statements, assuring people they were safe, and then advising them to flee for their lives.



Scoop - October 24, 2011


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Very easy to play both sides of this: Criticizing the current government is okay.

But, criticize the past administration for same mistakes, you play the "current flood victim" card. Seriously, how transparent of you.

Had any of the previous administrations developed a plan for such flooding as we have, they'd all be heroes now.

Since none of them had a plan, they are all now villans, not just the unfortunate party in power at present.

All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


I couldnt care less what the last government did. This is the one thats letting everyone down right now.

This government is either incompetent or it lied all the time. Many people could have prepared themselves better if they gave accurate information. I have never ever seen a government make as many mistakes as this one.

It is not responsible for the flooding but how it is handling it.

You are overly kind. It was not responsible for the rainfall, but is IS responsible for the flooding that with responsible management could have been largely averted had their government set different priorities from the first. They are responsible for killing many hundreds of people through their incompetence and likely many hundreds more to come. Best of luck to you in riding this out.

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Very easy to play both sides of this: Criticizing the current government is okay.

But, criticize the past administration for same mistakes, you play the "current flood victim" card. Seriously, how transparent of you.

Had any of the previous administrations developed a plan for such flooding as we have, they'd all be heroes now.

Since none of them had a plan, they are all now villans, not just the unfortunate party in power at present.

'Crushdepth' timestamp='1319430688' post='4789694'

All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


I couldnt care less what the last government did. This is the one thats letting everyone down right now.

This government is either incompetent or it lied all the time. Many people could have prepared themselves better if they gave accurate information. I have never ever seen a government make as many mistakes as this one.

It is not responsible for the flooding but how it is handling it.

You are overly kind. It was not responsible for the rainfall, but is IS responsible for the flooding that with responsible management could have been largely averted had their government set different priorities from the first. They are responsible for killing many hundreds of people through their incompetence and likely many hundreds more to come. Best of luck to you in riding this out.

What is astounding, is the number of major league mistakes in such a short period of time.

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I couldnt care less what the last government did. This is the one thats letting everyone down right now.

This government is either incompetent or it lied all the time. Many people could have prepared themselves better if they gave accurate information. I have never ever seen a government make as many mistakes as this one.

It is not responsible for the flooding but how it is handling it.

You are overly kind. It was not responsible for the rainfall, but is IS responsible for the flooding that with responsible management could have been largely averted had their government set different priorities from the first. They are responsible for killing many hundreds of people through their incompetence and likely many hundreds more to come. Best of luck to you in riding this out.

What is astounding, is the number of major league mistakes in such a short period of time.

Criminal cabals are interested in extracting money only. It sticks in the craw to even refer to it as a government. It never was and never intended to be.

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It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

To mention a few recent ones.

Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

give it a rest and leave it to your friends reds to spout nonsense crying lets get 10,000 boats drop stones, dont worry no problem the Un and rest say they have cooked it up 100% They cant stop floods but for 2 months they have done nothing to lessen the effects or help people prepare for it. Misinformation and crazy plans and ideas. They are totally plainly incompetent and most know it except blinkered totally brainwashed people like you To say what your comments are worth would for sure get me banned. Grow up and smell coffee


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All it proves that you are a compulsive government apologist. Only a bonehead would think the criticism is politically motivated. Just ask someone who has been flooded out of their house.


One doesn't need to be on any side to observe the shocking incompetence unfolding at the very top level over the last few weeks. There is the "more harm than good" "science minister" who makes a mockery of his office. There are all those YS announcements that later have to be reverted (we save bangkok - oh wait, we'll let it flood).

I mean OK there were no sufficient plans for a once-in-50-years flood. Even though weather experts must have known that there would be floods, simply going by the unusual amount of rain coming down all year, they were not heard. Or maybe they have no proper means of communicating through the byzantine system of government bureaucracy. Those fall under the highlight is always 20/20 category.

But as the floods already hit various parts of central Thailand, that's when the administration had a chance to simply do the right thing, and make good predictions, and put plans in place. Epic fail in that respect. The government came across as a bunch of headless chickens running around and making noise.

may I ask where the noises were coming from.cool.gif

Edited by metisdead
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Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

The whole rotten family think they are Gods, at least they act that way. Making and amending laws to suit themselves, using public money to bolster the Fascist regime next door and to make substantial profits, avoiding taxes etc etc I'd like to give them a break, preferably in the neck area.

This situation underlines the contention of some that Thailand is a country of 14 year olds governed by 16 year olds. The electorate are so uneducated, and in many cases so stupid, that they elect incompetents into office. BS (plus a couple of hundred baht) baffles brains, particularly underdeveloped ones.

Yesterday my wife had a revelation. After watching this tragedy unfold for the past days, witnessing the devastation and the misery of already indigent people, she tearfully told me that what I had been suggesting to her for the past ten years had more than an element of truth in it. Tomorrow will not take care of itself, Buddha will not take care of anything, to survive comfortably in the world you must take care of yourself while avoiding avarice.

What a pity that Thailand has never taken note of an English adage. THINK OR THWIM.

my choice for the best post in this whole miserable thread.

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How many cabinet posts had names to them the weeks following the election victory? How many policies were overturned, or grossly modified, by the people who finally got those posts? This government has been unprepared and incapable of running the country properly from day one. It's run by an incompetent, politically immature, PM who is quickly realising there is a major difference between your brother buying you a third rate education, followed by appointing you to a series of grandly titled inactive posts in the family business, surrounded by sycophants while being carefully shielded from the actual running of the company; and buying you the leadership of a country. It's quite obvious that a number of her most ardent supporters are very rapidly becoming disillusioned with their poster girl. Apart, that is, from her apologist fan club here. No doubt the "RomanVisa" forum in 64 AD saw a bunch of loonies praising Nero for his string dexterity and ability to carry a tune when fiddling while Rome burned. (Although, it's been postulated that he actually played the lyre, which is ironic - Nero lyred while Rome burned, Yingluck lied while Bangkok flooded). Still, I can see a number of her followers turning against her. A clear case of the fans about to hit the Bpoo.

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