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UN Blames Thai Govt For Poor Flood Management


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Still, all are welcome at this Temple of Dissatisfaction. And now, let us criticize:

"Our Tyrant, who art in Dubai,

Despicable be thy name...."

etc etc

Now, now, young master Hanuman, don't be hasty. I thought you knew the mantra is as follows:

Now Thaksin, oh Thaksin, show us the sign

Your children have waited to see

The morning will come when the world is mine

Tomorrow belongs

Tomorrow belongs

Tomorrow belongs to me!

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but I kind of get turned off the 'anti' train when people come up with ideas like 'Thaksin-friendly areas had water diverted away from them at the cost of everyone else' and then insult others for questioning them.

Yes, especially since no-one has claimed that. On the opposite, the water has struck areas with a lot of poor people, no doubt.

We have however several nutters here that claim that the nation is flooded because 'evil Bangkokians' wanted this.

As if the water came here first and we sent it back...

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but I kind of get turned off the 'anti' train when people come up with ideas like 'Thaksin-friendly areas had water diverted away from them at the cost of everyone else' and then insult others for questioning them.

Yes, especially since no-one has claimed that. On the opposite, the water has struck areas with a lot of poor people, no doubt.

We have however several nutters here that claim that the nation is flooded because 'evil Bangkokians' wanted this.

As if the water came here first and we sent it back...

Except that somebody has come up with the idea that hanuman1 has mentioned:

But what about Suphanburi?

If Nick Nostitz wants a good story he ought to do some digging on why Suphanburi has been spared to the detriment of other locales.

Less aggression and more observation will give you more credibility outside of 'the gang' on this forum, TAWP.

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Except that somebody has come up with the idea that hanuman1 has mentioned:

But what about Suphanburi?

If Nick Nostitz wants a good story he ought to do some digging on why Suphanburi has been spared to the detriment of other locales.

Less aggression and more observation will give you more credibility outside of 'the gang' on this forum, TAWP.

Nothing in his post claims that the area was spare because it supposedly is a 'Thaksin-friendly' area.

Clutching at straws, are we?

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Except that somebody has come up with the idea that hanuman1 has mentioned:

But what about Suphanburi?

If Nick Nostitz wants a good story he ought to do some digging on why Suphanburi has been spared to the detriment of other locales.

Less aggression and more observation will give you more credibility outside of 'the gang' on this forum, TAWP.

Nothing in his post claims that the area was spare because it supposedly is a 'Thaksin-friendly' area.

Clutching at straws, are we?

Suphanburi. was spared because it belongs to Barharn Silpa Archer. so the flood gates were left closed thus bypassing all of Suphanburi's canals. well that's the rumor anyway ...

Edited by thaicbr
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Except that somebody has come up with the idea that hanuman1 has mentioned:

But what about Suphanburi?

If Nick Nostitz wants a good story he ought to do some digging on why Suphanburi has been spared to the detriment of other locales.

Less aggression and more observation will give you more credibility outside of 'the gang' on this forum, TAWP.

Nothing in his post claims that the area was spare because it supposedly is a 'Thaksin-friendly' area.

Clutching at straws, are we?

That's ok, TAWP. Keep shouting like that bore at the end of the bar that everybody moves away from. He's convinced he's won all his arguments.

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Except that somebody has come up with the idea that hanuman1 has mentioned:

But what about Suphanburi?

If Nick Nostitz wants a good story he ought to do some digging on why Suphanburi has been spared to the detriment of other locales.

Less aggression and more observation will give you more credibility outside of 'the gang' on this forum, TAWP.

Nothing in his post claims that the area was spare because it supposedly is a 'Thaksin-friendly' area.

Clutching at straws, are we?

Suphanburi. was spared because it belongs to Barharn Silpa Archer. so the flood gates were left closed thus bypassing all of Suphanburi's canals. well that's the rumor anyway ...

Didn't somebody post some fairly extensive first-hand info about the flooding in Suphanburi, pointing out that Banharn had spent the tea money wisely wrt the roads?

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That's ok, TAWP. Keep shouting like that bore at the end of the bar that everybody moves away from. He's convinced he's won all his arguments.

You completely misrepresented the posters allusion. It was in regards to a feudal lord of the region, a known 'power maker', and not Thaksin himself. Don't act so hurt just because you didn't understand it.

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Barnhan is a wily politician. He keeps the people happy that vote for him and his family. But that's why his nickname is 'slippery eel '. I have been here 5 years and I think that he and his party have been in every government in that time.

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Barnhan is a wily politician. He keeps the people happy that vote for him and his family. But that's why his nickname is 'slippery eel '. I have been here 5 years and I think that he and his party have been in every government in that time.

Thanks for the insights, thaicbr.

Keep shouting at the end of that bar, TAWP.

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but I kind of get turned off the 'anti' train when people come up with ideas like 'Thaksin-friendly areas had water diverted away from them at the cost of everyone else' and then insult others for questioning them.

Yes, especially since no-one has claimed that. On the opposite, the water has struck areas with a lot of poor people, no doubt.

We have however several nutters here that claim that the nation is flooded because 'evil Bangkokians' wanted this.

As if the water came here first and we sent it back...

Yes, especially since no-one has claimed that.

Word on the street is that the powers that be diverted the waters away from Thaksin's lands, and onto everyone else's. Ah, but of course. Not that it matters, the red slaves will not hear of it.

From: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=18&t=506762&qpid=4783108

Do you apply the same level of analytical thoroughness to all your posts? Making stuff up as you go along will not persuade anyone of anything. Keep trying though, I'm sure some unwitting newbies unfamiliar with the nature of this forum will fall for it, as I suspect you well know.

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Do you apply the same level of analytical thoroughness to all your posts? Making stuff up as you go along will not persuade anyone of anything. Keep trying though, I'm sure some unwitting newbies unfamiliar with the nature of this forum will fall for it, as I suspect you well know.

It's called the 'make a lot of internet noise' principle ;) .

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Typical Thailand. The arse doesn't know what the elbow is doing!! :lol:

There is far far far to much Tea being drunk lately in Chang Mai, it's not the rain it's the spill off from the north flowing down to Bangkok.

More Tea Sir.

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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

Edited by scotbeve
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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)

Let's look at both the Military and this Govt. There should be transparency across the board for all Govt budgets/expenditures.

Does anyone disagree with this?

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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

"Highest ever military budget" ... really?

The last figures I saw were that Thailand's military budget was a touch below average for the region.

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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

"Highest ever military budget" ... really?

The last figures I saw were that Thailand's military budget was a touch below average for the region.

Clarification..... HIGHEST ever (Thai) military budget.... And whilst we're at it..... For that matter, didn't the Dems created the highest ever (Thai) budget ever - greater than ALL the past PM's combined - SHOW US THE MONEY!!! Make love not war, people!!! ☮

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Clarification..... HIGHEST ever (Thai) military budget.... And whilst we're at it..... For that matter, didn't the Dems created the highest ever (Thai) budget ever - greater than ALL the past PM's combined - SHOW US THE MONEY!!! Make love not war, people!!! ☮

OK, I'll rephrase ... "Highest ever (Thai) military budget" ... really?

Since you have that information, was it also highest as a percentage of GDP?

Yes, the Democrats had a large budget to deal with the global financial crisis. Thailand seemed to weather that quite well, don't you think?

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I suspect part of the problem has been and still is some in authority treating the whole thing as a photo OP and for poitical gain.

Take for instance the PM,s personal flag on all the boats that were assigned to pump water from the river, saw the same flags on her convoy as it passed here yesterday.

Then there are the continuing visits to flooded areas on the back of trucks waving smiling and waiing to the masses standing in water.

Not to mention the 'Thaksin is thinking of you' banner we see from time to time.

She is not the only one of course others in authority seem to have the same attitude with those who have no expertise or experience appearing on Tele telling others what to do.

The no 'state of emergency' bit in case someone panics is another example of missmanagement.

Just what would the lady consider to be an emergency?

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The money shows...

ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

?.? (unreported) Myanmar

4.1 Singapore

3.9 Brunei

2.4 Vietnam

2.0 Malaysia

1.5 Thailand

1.1 Cambodia

1.0 Indonesia

0.8 Philippines

0.4 Laos

ASEAN average (not counting unreported Myanmar) = 1.9

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 89.

Actually when putting in the updated figures for 2011, Thailand has dropped several places in comparison to their neighbors and is now even further below the average expenditures than they were before:

2011 ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

4.9 Singapore

4.5 Brunei

3.0 Cambodia

3.0 Indonesia

2.5 Vietnam

2.1 Burma

2.0 Malaysia

1.8 Thailand

0.9 Philippines

0.5 Laos

ASEAN average = 2.5

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 85.

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The money shows...

ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

?.? (unreported) Myanmar

4.1 Singapore

3.9 Brunei

2.4 Vietnam

2.0 Malaysia

1.5 Thailand

1.1 Cambodia

1.0 Indonesia

0.8 Philippines

0.4 Laos

ASEAN average (not counting unreported Myanmar) = 1.9

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 89.

Actually when putting in the updated figures for 2011, Thailand has dropped several places in comparison to their neighbors and is now even further below the average expenditures than they were before:

2011 ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

4.9 Singapore

4.5 Brunei

3.0 Cambodia

3.0 Indonesia

2.5 Vietnam

2.1 Burma

2.0 Malaysia

1.8 Thailand

0.9 Philippines

0.5 Laos

ASEAN average = 2.5

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 85.

Following the money shows,

that the whining and screaming are based on

mis-perceptions and/or blinded bias.

Same as it ever was.

Edited by animatic
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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

Let's start with the 350 - 410 billion THB reserved for the dubious rice price pledging scheme which lasts from Oct 7, 2011 till February 28, 2012.

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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

Let's start with the 350 - 410 billion THB reserved for the dubious rice price pledging scheme which lasts from Oct 7, 2011 till February 28, 2012.

And buy trucks and other logistics and repair support equipment for disaster management with the money.

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scotbeve wrote:


Bucholz wrote:

2011 ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

4.9 Singapore

4.5 Brunei

3.0 Cambodia

3.0 Indonesia

2.5 Vietnam

2.1 Burma

2.0 Malaysia

1.8 Thailand

0.9 Philippines

0.5 Laos

ASEAN average = 2.5

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 85.


I've come up with some slightly different figures..... And let's just concentrate only on Thailand's military expenditure(s), shall we??

See>>> http://www.indexmund...aspx?c=th&v=132

And this one showing the (Dems) military spending levels - early 90's til' their recent admin tour>>> http://asiapacific.a...DP-Thailand.jpg

And a wiki page>>>> http://en.wikipedia....ry_expenditures

A few preview ditties here Re: military expenditures but must pay for full report >>> http://www.researcha..._thai_defense_i

This could be close to your numbers >>>> http://www.globalsec...ld/spending.htm

The question is not how much..... the question is WHY???? C'mon!!! Submarines???? The aircraft carrier has done ONE mission. Rescue people during 2010 storms from Samui. Blimp? APC's w/no engines? Fake Bomb detectors? The list goes on.... M-16 1A rifles costing USD $7,000.00??? <deleted>??? Dark funds for sure sir!!!!

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The money shows...

ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

?.? (unreported) Myanmar

4.1 Singapore

3.9 Brunei

2.4 Vietnam

2.0 Malaysia

1.5 Thailand

1.1 Cambodia

1.0 Indonesia

0.8 Philippines

0.4 Laos

ASEAN average (not counting unreported Myanmar) = 1.9

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 89.

Actually when putting in the updated figures for 2011, Thailand has dropped several places in comparison to their neighbors and is now even further below the average expenditures than they were before:

2011 ASEAN countries military expenditure as a percent of GDP

4.9 Singapore

4.5 Brunei

3.0 Cambodia

3.0 Indonesia

2.5 Vietnam

2.1 Burma

2.0 Malaysia

1.8 Thailand

0.9 Philippines

0.5 Laos

ASEAN average = 2.5

On a world scale of military expenditure as a percent of GDP, Thailand ranks # 85.

The original point had to do with the change of the military budget within Thailand, not with Thailand's military spending as % of GDP relative to its neighbors.

Thailand's military budget increased from $3.6 B in 2006 to $5.1 B in 2010.

That is a 70% increase in the military budget.

As The Nation's editorial noted in another thread, the gov't will need to make choices in order to find the funds for flood relief and recovery.

Does the military really need this extra US$1.5 billion they have allocated themselves per year. This is what, a nearly 50 billion Bhat increase in the military budget (in 2010 - I did not see the numbers for 2011)...

My feeling is that this is a great place to look for flood relief funding.

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As The Nation's editorial noted in another thread, the gov't will need to make choices in order to find the funds for flood relief and recovery.

Does the military really need this extra US$1.5 billion they have allocated themselves per year. This is what, a nearly 50 billion Bhat increase in the military budget (in 2010 - I did not see the numbers for 2011)...

My feeling is that this is a great place to look for flood relief funding.

The dubious rice price pledging scheme which costs 350 - 410 billion THB and lasts from October 7th , 2011 till February 28th, 2012 seems a great place to look for flood relief funding, assuming it's not all spent yet <_<

Edited by rubl
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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)

Let's look at both the Military and this Govt. There should be transparency across the board for all Govt budgets/expenditures.

Does anyone disagree with this?

No. Agree that, yes, there should be transparency.

Edited by tlansford
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Government management of available funds: It's all about priorities . . . .whistling.gif

Yesssss..... the government can / should quash some of those asinine military purchases that the last govt / junta had happily (expeditiously) signed for..... Dark Funds should be shown some light! :ph34r::annoyed: (highest ever military budget...)This should now be a priority as funding will be scarce.

Let's start with the 350 - 410 billion THB reserved for the dubious rice price pledging scheme which lasts from Oct 7, 2011 till February 28, 2012.

Okay rubl, I'll actually agree with you on that measure as well... It actually needs to be "revised" by at least half....

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