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Yingluck urges Bangkokians not to panic as canals fill up


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Robb, I can imagine your frustration/anger but wishing bad luck on others is not really cool IMO.

Jack, good point about buying a house, wonder how insurance companies are quickly working overtime to ensure they have covered their own behinds.

It was a real bunfight in Brisbane after their flood, some companies simply refusing claims, others ducking, diving and delaying. I know that one company (the Qland govt one?) were good as gold - ALL my family have changed ALL their insurances to them even though most live in NSW. My nong sao (in Cleveland area, not flood affected) assures me this is not uncommon.

the real crooks are not your local dope dealer. justice never hits these companies though. their asses far too well covered in jumbo.

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I am even thinking of trying to bet my brand new CBR 250 R on the second floor. But i doubt i can do that.

Ride front wheel up a few steps, get missus to chock back wheel, bung him in gear, twist forks away from wall, inch him up onto chair, then try and oof back wheel onto table.

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Look at the timeline ... and what people were told in Nonthaburi, Ban Buathong ... or in the many other places now submerged.

Because they were not told the truth (if anyone in the Govt even knew it) and given inaccurate info, the marines have had to be sent in to rescue people.

Now imagine this same situation in Bangkok.

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Here are the water level measuring stations on Klong Lad Prao, which runs roughly north-south:


Here is the northernmost station, which has water .47 meters above the normal level:


Here is the station in the middle, with water .08 meters above normal:


And here is the southernmost station, with water .59 meters below the normal level!:


So, it looks as though the water is coming through (hopefully through and not in!). Given that the water is moving fairly slowly, any flooding probably won't hit Sukhumvit or Silom until some time tomorrow or Sunday. I live near Ratchada & will probably see if there is going to be a problem or not by tomorrow morning!

For water to flow along a canal, there has to be a gradient. As the canal itself is horizontal, this shows as the height differential that you describe, and I would expect that the water is flowing quite quickly. If the input at the northern end is equal to the pump out at the southern, these heights should remain stable, if there is a disparity, then the heights along the canal would rise or fall by the same amount.

To explain further (if you don't understand), before you start pumping, the water is still and horizontal. As you start the 1st pump, it sucks in water causing a local low level that water further along starts to run into. At the other end, you open the v/v or gate, water rushes into the canal causing a local high level which spreads down the canal. Eventually a stable gradient is reached, the height differential being factored by the speed of flow and the length and resistance to flow of the canal.

Hope that helps.

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If you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes.. you don't know. Its a mass of water moving towards your guys. Slowly creeping up, this village has never in its history been flooded. Now we are flooded, it is still manageable. (im less then 20 km from BKK). If Bangkok does not open its gates completely water will build up in the end just opening them then wont suffice and it will be a torrent going in.

I am saying take a few days of problems like we did here and get it over with. If the high tide in the end of the month arrives you got a big problem.

Indeed so, I am 25km north of Bangkok, many of out local dykes have broken, roads are now rivers, there is an unstoppable flood bearing down on Bangkok. The only hope for Bangkok is to let it through, even if it gets a bit wet in the process.

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With the advice being given and in some cases solicited, by the multitude of individuals/groups, it must be about time for a poll or even a phone in vote as to the procedures to follow.

Whether he is as competent as he has been appearing (compared to the other clowns) the governor of Bangkok seems to have a plan that is being followed. If it works he will be applauded, if not he probably has backup plans ready. He seems to be honest in his making the public aware of the situation. Its too bad some of the others involved (by appointment) do not have the same straight forward approach and time commitment he has displayed.

Far from appearing competent and being honest the gov withheld information concerning gates which were not operational thus impeding the flow of water already. This should have been passed on to the PM but was not. So, it would seem politics still rules the day and this is not the time for it. Open the darn gates already and do it simultaneously.

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Yes, you seem to be unable to understand me, if Bangkok stubbornly refuses to take even some water then in THAT case i would gladly take a meter extra and let BKK flood away. However if BKK is doing its best and taking some risks then i would not wish them a complete flooding.

Do you think there are no banks or hospitals here ? Do you think there is no suffering here ?.

I'll get straight on the phone to YL then, shall i?

You seem to be unable to understand me... there is nothing we can do about this, i find your 'Stubborn bangkok washed away' mentality offensive, childish and to be frank, pathetic.

Blame those who voted for this government, direct your anger and frustration at them, not us. Direct your hatred to those in power, the ones who should have done something to alleviate the situation a month ago, two months ago. Blame the ones who flip-flop around and cant make a decision, and cry on the tv, the ones who have formed a new political party because they are worried they will be disbanded over the mismanagement of this disaster (talk about save your own hide instead of focus on the problem at hand)

https://<URL Automatically Removed>/2011/10/19/natural-disaster-13-yinglucks-pheu-thai-party-sets-up-emergency-party-in-case-party-disbanded-with-judicialization/

But no, instead you blame Bangkokians as a whole, and wish for them to be washed away. You wish disaster on more innocent people...

What you are suggesting is that everyone else in Thailand should suffer, so that Bangkok can stay dry. All ROB wants is that the people of Bangkok start thinking and understanding they are not above the rest of the population and need to open the gates to let some water flow through, he is not suggesting completely flooding Bangkok, but by doing it gradually reduce the suffering of those in other places, that are shown on TV every minute of the day. I am sure if you had family in Ayuthaya or Ang Thong or Bangbuathong, you would want Bangkokians to help them to.

Stop wasting time try to understand that others are suffering, seems that many people here think they are above others and do not want to suffer. My place is outside of Bangkok, not far from the places that are being washed away now, I don't mind suffering a little to help my family in Ayuthaya.

Normally it is the Thais that go around being selfish, seems it has washed off on some people in here.

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Maybe they GET the message now, beano!

Yes, you seem to be unable to understand me, if Bangkok stubbornly refuses to take even some water then in THAT case i would gladly take a meter extra and let BKK flood away. However if BKK is doing its best and taking some risks then i would not wish them a complete flooding.

Do you think there are no banks or hospitals here ? Do you think there is no suffering here ?.

I'll get straight on the phone to YL then, shall i?

You seem to be unable to understand me... there is nothing we can do about this, i find your 'Stubborn bangkok washed away' mentality offensive, childish and to be frank, pathetic.

Blame those who voted for this government, direct your anger and frustration at them, not us. Direct your hatred to those in power, the ones who should have done something to alleviate the situation a month ago, two months ago. Blame the ones who flip-flop around and cant make a decision, and cry on the tv, the ones who have formed a new political party because they are worried they will be disbanded over the mismanagement of this disaster (talk about save your own hide instead of focus on the problem at hand)

https://<URL Automatically Removed>/2011/10/19/natural-disaster-13-yinglucks-pheu-thai-party-sets-up-emergency-party-in-case-party-disbanded-with-judicialization/

But no, instead you blame Bangkokians as a whole, and wish for them to be washed away. You wish disaster on more innocent people...

What you are suggesting is that everyone else in Thailand should suffer, so that Bangkok can stay dry. All ROB wants is that the people of Bangkok start thinking and understanding they are not above the rest of the population and need to open the gates to let some water flow through, he is not suggesting completely flooding Bangkok, but by doing it gradually reduce the suffering of those in other places, that are shown on TV every minute of the day. I am sure if you had family in Ayuthaya or Ang Thong or Bangbuathong, you would want Bangkokians to help them to.

Stop wasting time try to understand that others are suffering, seems that many people here think they are above others and do not want to suffer. My place is outside of Bangkok, not far from the places that are being washed away now, I don't mind suffering a little to help my family in Ayuthaya.

Normally it is the Thais that go around being selfish, seems it has washed off on some people in here.

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Interesting that the highest real estate values in Thailand are in Bangkok. Then look at the reality of trying to exis in Bangkok:

Riots in two of the past 3 years

gridlock every day

flooding most years

Then there's a good measure of crime, grime, noise pollution, and I bet you can't see a star in the sky on a clear night.

What an odd species we are: paying top dollar for low quality of life.

Interesting that the diagrams show a lovely blue color to represent water in the canals. Whenever I've looked at the canals, the water looks black, with bits of trash floating in it. Yet, after all that cynicism, I wish Bangkokians the best in these soggy times. Maybe some will knock their heads on a lampshade and decide it's time to move to higher ground, where there are less riots, less floods, friendlier people, and house prices/rentals are a small fraction of what's expected in 'Venice of the East'. :jap:

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The masses voted for the Government to work on their behalf, and they are trying to do so. But people have to think about others and not just about themselves.

Tell that to the powers that be, the ones the 'masses' voted for.

Until you have done that, stop attacking the people of Bangkok and blaming them (large parts of Bangkok didn't vote for them, by the way) and Rob needs to stop wishing for Bangkok to be washed away because the man on the street hasn't taken their 'share' of the water yet. I suggest you either call or write to those in power, as these are the people keeping the plug in the hole, these are the people who are making your plight worse.

But whilst you hold to the mentality that the general public of Bangkok are causing your situation to be worse, you have no sympathy from me.

your comments on this thread have shown you are thinking chiefly about yourself and your nest in Bangkok. Others outside have suffered, my family for instance has lost 6 houses in Ayuthaya. I live in Nonthaburi, I have donated money, I have spoken to the people at my condo and given them advice on what to protect (like the outside generator). But the gates have to open to help those already suffering, so that they can start to get some parts of their lives in order. I work in Bangkok, many of my friends (mostly Thai) live here, but we need to share the suffering.

If we don't we might see something like the reds in Bangkok again, and they will be more angry and will want to see people here suffer, so you might see something like the burning of Central World happening again, but bigger.

I really do think this socalled munterhunter has a big problem with himself, since he his not even affected??? Why seems to be very frustrated, should consider going back to xxx country. Hva a nice trip home, bye, bye!

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