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I was just wondering if any other long termers in Thailand feel the same way or find themselves of a similar mindset.

A few years ago a good friend, who’s been here well over twenty five years, mentioned to me that I’d eventually become immune to the influence/seduction of Thai women. I’ve just ticked over eighteen years here and I think he might have a point. I spend quite a bit of time working offshore and, not that long ago, I was constantly thinking about getting amongst it as soon as I stepped foot back in Bangkok. These days I find myself, more and more, dreaming about walking along a beach, getting a sun tan and swimming in the nice clear waters of places such as Phuket. This is not to say that I’ve lost interest in the Thai female gender, it’s just that it doesn’t seem like such a big deal anymore.

I’ve met quite a few ladies from the various dating websites but it always ends up the same way; after a couple of dates I find some reason not to see them anymore. Some of them were quite decent but I’ve always got this little voice chipping away inside my head which is telling me that a relationship/marriage is going to severely restrict my freedom to do as I please. And I’m not just talking about my forays to the fleshpots in Bangkok. If I want to go to the beach I can jump on a plane, at a moment’s notice, and be sitting on a beach in Phuket without giving a thought to who I might need to inform/get permission from for my movements. The thought of being married/having kids/and becoming domesticated has me breaking out into a cold sweat sometimes. Other friends have asked me how I put up with being alone? And I often mention that being alone, and being lonely, are two entirely different things; one is a state of mind and the other is a state of being. The great thing is though that Thailand is one of the few places in the world where, if you want to have a hot, nubile, nymphet in your bed for the night, it’s easily doable. When you take everything into consideration, I really believe that this is one of the best places in the world to live; as long as I’ve got my freedom.


I came here 23 years ago ,and was divorced ,had slept with many British women so getting here i was like a kid in a chocolate factory ,eventually had a buisness here met my present wife and we went to Britain and got married ,now after being back here for the last six years having a great wife and teenage son ,i tend still to still look at the "menu" when out but prefere to eat at home. Its called growing up. :)


i tend still to still look at the "menu" when out but prefere to eat at home. Its called growing up. :)

Hope that it does not happen to me soon. :D

You eat a lot at McDonalds then?:licklips:

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