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Frenchie Runs After Katoey Pick Pocket


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French guy ran after lady man ,pick pocket and excape on motorbike.


Mr. Haten Herine, French nationality was heading back to his room, after few drinks at the bar on soi Pattaya Land , second road. On his way back in drunken condition, two travesties approach to him and stole his wallet which contain credit card and some documents. Mr Haten Herine manage to get up on his feet and chase them. Once was caught and sent to Pattaya Police station.

-Pattaya City News

Saturday 12nd November 2005

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Katoey gang strikes again


Quickly acting lady boys rob French national of his wallet and though Volunteer Police grab one of the culprits his money is gone

It is unfortunate that we have to once again report on a crime that is becoming synonymous with a katoey or lady boy gang.

This is not doing anything for the reputation for lady boys, as it seems that they are getting together in well organised gangs.

On November 11th at 4.00 am a French National, Mr. Hateim Helriem (26), made a report to Pattaya Police via his mobile phone that he had been the victim of a wallet theft by a person he recognised as a katoey.

He'd been walking down 2nd Road when he noticed there were 2 ladies of the 2nd category behind him and before he could take evasive action, one of the 2 walked quickly up behind him snatching his wallet from the back pocket and running off.

He shouted for help and chased the 2 who were headed for a motor bike, and as he managed to grab one, the other sped off at high speed with the victim's wallet.

Volunteer Police were close by and helped the farang detain the lady boy named Chatchai Pantei, aged 32 (a lady man already), until Pattaya Police arrived.

At Pattaya Police Station he offered the katoey that he wouldn't press charges if his wallet (plus what was in it) was returned, but despite efforts of the lady boy to contact his friend, there was no answer, resulting in the katoey being charged with theft.

-Pattaya People

11 Nov 2005

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